Tired of earth. These people.

Tired of earth. These people.


3 года назад

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@drater6615 - 18.12.2023 03:11

"Living just don't make no sense no more" -- Hank Hill

@AndiroliA - 17.12.2023 07:57

No es la gente, ese el sistema en el que vivimos.
Hermosa canción.

@tomnelsonast - 05.12.2023 20:17

I'm tired of the cruelty of humanity, and yet, I understand not everyone is like that, but the louder those types of people are, the more it feels like humans are doomed to the entropic cycle of hatred and coercion we constantly put ourselves and each other through, and we can't just walk away from it like we used to. It's as pervasive as we ourselves are. Some people scream of a fiery abyss of hell, but the real hell is the one we made here on this planet for ourselves.

@davidgatsby3775 - 17.09.2023 05:51

Welp, time to coat the pain with the paint of music again.

@AqibA.C. - 22.08.2023 08:13

God, Piano Aquieu just hurts my heart listening to. It just feels like the sound of inaction and it pains me to feel it so incapsulated.

Everything just passes me by. While I just do nothing. Nothing to stop it, nothing to even try to cope with it.

@sabrinamoreira5138 - 13.07.2023 07:09

Sometimes I wish I could just fade away along with the stars when dawn breaks.

Days are overwhelming. But that time late in the night when everyone else is asleep helps to soothe the pain a little.
The only problem is that it never feels like enough.

@rejectiomundi - 10.07.2023 17:02

Why did I have to exist in this carnal form?

@The.memes.of.the_son - 28.06.2023 17:17

Like a watch WITOUTH watcher....

@odetomykitten - 24.05.2023 20:22

Still visit it from time to time

@davidnavratil5349 - 03.05.2023 01:15

I'm 34 and I feel burnt out. I know we all came into the world with a job to do, but God how I wish someone else would take over from me.

@apotheosis3329 - 07.04.2023 20:00

I... i´ve reached a point that, words/comunication, meens nothing to me, even writing this is confusing me, every sound , word and movment, its all so, LOUD... pls, get me out of here.

@Axeejez - 25.03.2023 20:24

Как бы ни было сейчас тяжело, жизнь — чертовы качели. Рано или поздно, качель двинется в другую сторону и всё снова наладится (конечно же это означает, что потом может снова всё стать хуже, но там уже в наших силах уменьшить эту амплитуду, на которую будет откат в состояние похуже).
Даже если сейчас нет ни единой души вокруг, достойной того, чтобы ради неё жить, значит ещё не пришёл такой человек в твою жизнь. Но обязательно придёт.

Занимайся тем, что приносит удовольствие.
Тем, что тебе нравится.

Когда человек занимается любимым делом, он прекрасен. В такие моменты в него легче всего влюбиться.

Всё наладится. Обязательно

@agostinaunderwood9101 - 13.03.2023 18:41


@semtitulo2909 - 20.02.2023 17:25

Zuma Blue Vibes here

@tuvelout - 16.01.2023 02:13

❤the second one, reminds me of three songs. Naruto, system of a down science (the rift), and a 3rd song. I'm still to remember its name(probably from the 70s or 80s)

@mrcoleman9851 - 14.01.2023 23:58

Lol cry

@corvex1213 - 08.01.2023 14:56

I dont know how many people will see this comment but fuck it. Last year (2022) I was going through the darkest time in my life so far. I had a lot of hardships and challenges it felt like my mind body and soul were being tortured. I would come to this video to help ease my pain. I'm still here I haven't killed myself. I do not give a shit if this sounds corny but to everyone who reads this comment you were put here for a reason this life is a gift whatever pain you have is part of the human experience here on earth and when you make it through the darkness through the suicidal nights, through the alcohol drug binges, through the heartbreaks, through all the burned bridges and fights the happiness and growth that comes after will all be worth it I promise.

Much love.

Stay the course.

@funsea4167 - 06.01.2023 05:22

I feel like Dr. Manhattan is a pretty good representation of what the burden of God looks like when placed upon the soul of a man.

@tarasantistevan6725 - 20.12.2022 09:19

I have felt this way for years but never quite knew how to describe what plagued me.
Existential exhaustion, perhaps.
I'm no pessimist, but there are moments it seems as though we're all stuck on repeat, waiting in line to die. Waiting. Just waiting.

@EduzReeveM - 05.12.2022 01:14

I still visit this playlist of yours and your choices still impresses me. Still gives the chills and somehow dont gets old :)

@aaronmcentee9310 - 04.12.2022 22:07

It brings such tears to my eyes. I feel post living is a more correct term. I wish that we lived were things were so atrophyic. I want Subnautica, i want flying whales, i want an Earth without Humans fucking up every step of it's evolution. 65 days of static did not make those people go crazy....it gave their minds the beauty and wonder it needed. Can the soul live without the body?.......

@fintherebel5000 - 23.11.2022 15:59

When i was really young i always wanted to explore the stars but as i grew older i saw that the dream i wanted most could never be a reality.

@AlpacaLips39 - 16.11.2022 04:49

Time is weird. In the time we’re both listening to this, we’re together, regardless of what time it is for me or for you.

“Thought time was like a line, like our moments were laid out like dominoes. Just days tipping one into the next, but I was wrong. Our moments fall around us. There’s no without, we’re scattered, sprinkled into lives like snow.”

@Lunamine - 11.11.2022 03:13

The first track feels like living through a few thousand years on a wasted, barren Earth, unable to die, unable to evolve, with nothing to do but to gaze at the infinite sky and see the stars and the faces of those who have been granted with mortality and have since then left.

@Tengaii - 02.11.2022 01:24

First song hits too hard...

@gamesvideo9818 - 22.10.2022 23:27

life is disappointing

@guyman2674 - 20.10.2022 09:41

I'm tired of humans killing each other and the planet we live on.

@kashifsyed1846 - 14.10.2022 15:06

I actually crying reading the comments. It gives me confort to know am not alone baring this pain of life.

@SuperHperTube - 12.10.2022 05:06

We are doomed to live out our lives
Everybody we love suffers and dies
The past gone, the future a looming fate to come.

Yet I can't help but feel an underlying beauty despite it all.
I cry and cry and cry
Until there is no other option
but to surrender and smile

I hope you find your peace 🌌

@Clarisse1979 - 09.10.2022 18:21

And so do I...💝🌹✨ but I like this Channel.

@dinamirm.9290 - 06.10.2022 18:14

Im healing. Im finally healing. Sometimes it comes back to me full force and i cant breath. I have to lay on the ground and figure out what went wrong. What triggered me. But there are better days. There are days where i can breath, not just with my body, i breath with my soul. I finally enjoy life. Hang on, friend. I know the pain seems endless, i know future looks as bad as now but i promise you, it'll be ok ❤️

@teddyflowers2798 - 26.09.2022 21:18

Friends find it hard talking to people I know I'm not smart but I'm not dumb either all I want is a family even that was taken away from me so here I stand completely ignored

@namelessnessmedia3834 - 24.08.2022 04:00

My world, my people, my history, all dying. And the universe won’t even notice…

@kskyiwky6691 - 12.08.2022 03:47

Do they know that I feel it all too?

@FaultyTwo - 11.08.2022 17:12

".. Sometimes. I wish I could detach myself from these people."
"Why saying so?"
"Because look at them. They're nothing but a selfish two-face backstabbing numbskull ignorant masses who causes more problems than solving them. They aren't.. just like you, man."
"You have to understand that. As long as you're living on the Earth, you are a part of these people."
"That's the problem. I don't want to get lumped with them anymore. I'm tired of these people. I'm sick of them."

@torcoolguy - 08.08.2022 10:49

I wish I knew how to say how this playlist makes me feel. What it makes me think about. There is love in this world.

@LookHeadcrabs - 05.08.2022 20:15

I remember sitting alone in my room high on acid and thought about the missed opportunity that I had with a girl who we shared feelings with eachother. I never cried so hard in my life. I was thinking about the world and about the fact that I won't have my parents forever. This was a very hard trip for me but I am thankful because I haven't cried in a lot of years. It felt like freedom.

@mmstudio4664 - 01.08.2022 01:02

Sur L'Océan Couleur De Fer by Alcest is by far the most beautiful song I've ever heard. I can't imagine how many years it took to compose the perfect melody!

@irsaali9272 - 31.07.2022 13:38

Earth never had the intention to cause this much pain to its inhabitants, it is our own fault. Humans are the problem not earth. We damaged her. Earth never deserved us humans.

@feesb9413 - 29.07.2022 21:24

Space must be so peaceful.

@breej3055 - 28.07.2022 03:16

Wow the beginning is awesome. Took me to another world. Amazing song.

@johncassles7481 - 25.07.2022 07:47

I'm tired of running into people who seem to have more of an affect on me as I do of them. I'm sick if fighting the world to have my concerns and my voice heard. What is the tool that makes that dynamic change. So my only solution is tell my concerns to God. Then at least I will know that I am heard. I feel so many people are ignored for some false idea of status. Screw status. It is a worldly concept. So I will live my life in complete rejection of that mode, by myself recognizing the underdogs. The deplorables. I believe this is what we should all work to do.

@7dfive105 - 22.07.2022 05:48

Gentlemen and gentlewomen, I have come here to propose to you a very important and pivotol part of your life. If you're young, like early teens, listen closely. You may have heard it plenty of times before, but I shall reinforce it.

Do stuff with your life. Do things. Go outside, explore. Go to school games. Join a sport, or club. Be friendly, and treat everyone with respect. Live every day to the fullest. Live like there is no tomorrow. Get in trouble, but not too much. Talk to people, meet someone new everyday. Make friends, and actively try and hang out with them.
A young kid does not know how precious their early days are, and how it influences their adulthood. Childhood does not end at being a teen or a young adult, but it is close. So, now that you are open-minded teens, heed my words. Heed your elders' words. Live EVERY day to the absolute fullest you can. Work yourself endlessly in trying to further your character, and who you are as a person. Experience new things, and push yourself past your limits. So that one day, when your time is almost up, you can look back and see your massive legacy that YOU built, and truly say, "I did good".

Sure, when we die, we may not remember who we are. That all you did in your life was pointless. That may be true, but why take the easy path? Why leave behind nothing, too scared to throw yourself out into the beautiful world? Why experience nothing? If life will end, why should you not try and leave your mark on the world?

I wrote this because I hate that fear grips at people's throats and holds them under the waters of life, so that they may never see the light that is life. Too many fall victim to fear, and never express themselves truly as they are.

@Human1136 - 18.07.2022 09:44

first song made my eyes water up a bit,

second song makes me think of adventures or the life that Jesus Christ lived idk.

@pumpkingamebox - 29.06.2022 23:39

The world is a tepid bog in which we sink thrashing while mud clings to our eyes and fills out lungs until we blissfully choke. - Zenos FF14

@gentlementaltherapy - 21.06.2022 05:55

Just be you in this world that does its best to drain you. Focus all your energy on that.

Be you. Such a simple yet powerful statement and not many people grasp the beauty of its simplistic complexity. Best to everyone reading this.

@sleepyforest9043 - 17.06.2022 15:00

I wish you all the greatest things in life...

since I was a kid I've not been able to hear loud noises.. it makes my mind go around uncontrollably..and now everytime I hear loud sounds , i get anxious and it makes me angry...i.grew up with this and it gotten worse... esp now some people are starting to make fun of my condition... they purposedly freaked me out by making loud noises in front my house...i need them to stop... but they just won't even when I tried to ask for help , no body help...it takes alot for me to not murder those people, because I can't take it anymore...i even bought a gun eventho it's illegal here in my country...i need peace...i need the voices and the sounds to stop..

if at this point anyone wants to troll me it's okay too...i just need to say this ..for me... got nowhere to tell since what I am feeling doesn't make sense to most people ...

I might end up in jail, anytime if I lose control,I wish I never lose control...but if i end up killing people or killing me... please know that all of you deserve peace... have a great life...

@danbovill6063 - 03.06.2022 00:00

Can you go for 4 weeks without letting anything sweet past your lips? That is sugar, natural & artificial, fruit, BBQ sauce, etc. 95% sugar-free only. May not work for everyone. Worked for me. Improved mood, job, relationships. Not paradise, but no longer hell. After 2 years sugar free, I can now take small amounts without the bad effect. Its a 4 week experiment that cost nothing and could be worth trying.

@Jo-jn3dc - 24.05.2022 11:53

I gave my all but I’m not sure how much more I can take. Spent my life picking up the pieces of those who were lost but ended up forgetting myself in the process. I’m really trying to figure out how to care for myself but that has come with an immense amount of guilt. Maybe it’s an excuse but I am worried about how they will handle it without me? How much more can I give til there’s nothing left? I have my doubts but maybe there is hope somewhere out there for me. I’m the end at least we can say we tried.
