Building the Lightest Windows 10 ... in the world...

Building the Lightest Windows 10 ... in the world...

Chris Titus Tech

3 года назад

58,145 Просмотров

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Dev Poi
Dev Poi - 15.10.2023 03:22

If I'd follow all the instructions on the video, do I need to purchase the software Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC or no need to?

Kracker Games
Kracker Games - 11.03.2023 19:54

google is not your friend, unless you install the data tracking removal (firefox has a good one)

Carlos Molina
Carlos Molina - 14.12.2022 19:07

Hi, I am interested in this script, what do I have to do?

richou - 01.06.2022 20:20

still heavier than linux

Anand Suralkar
Anand Suralkar - 30.04.2022 22:08

I always dream of ryzen 6800U laptop with ultra lite windows which will give me 20hour backup on gaming.
Ik unrealistic

Scott Ace-Macgyver
Scott Ace-Macgyver - 28.04.2022 22:40

hiya where is the best place to download windows 10 pro 1909 version iso from please?

Herry_Y - 26.01.2022 01:49

Fun fact: windows server only has 70 or less natively

Antonino Principato
Antonino Principato - 19.10.2021 14:51

the best part of it all was when u installed your shenanigans

Michael wright
Michael wright - 16.09.2021 17:55

do you have an updated one for 21H1 or can we still use this?

Hyperion - 13.07.2021 07:20

Microsoft hates him!

Find out why with one simple trick.

Good Luck
Good Luck - 04.06.2021 00:43

LOL Digital sparky... don't you get it... WE ARE THE QA!

I just wish they would tell us if were testing the alpha or beta... It's almost like they keep thinking we haven't figured this out yet... or maybe they have if you follow the activation and EA philosophy of QA and the 8 layers of separation to negate it's purpose... Can't patch a bug tha- NANANANA CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Ash - 25.05.2021 16:14

Bro give direct iso file .We want it

Kindanyume .Kindanyume
Kindanyume .Kindanyume - 30.04.2021 19:19

3rs party ISOs can be perfectly legal as well STOP perpetuating the myth that such is not as default

Robert Henkel
Robert Henkel - 10.04.2021 06:01

How do I make a ISO from this?

Hakime Hamdouchi
Hakime Hamdouchi - 15.03.2021 19:22

does it support direct x 12?

robbin mcoley
robbin mcoley - 14.03.2021 19:34

How do you weigh data ? the gigglebyte....Love the channel....

Muhamed Mustafic
Muhamed Mustafic - 11.03.2021 21:23

Put your image so we can download it

Chaze Cramer
Chaze Cramer - 08.03.2021 04:02

Can this be done on 20h2

Partyfreaker - 02.03.2021 03:13

Just install Windows 10 LTSC (:

Frederic-xavier DUBOIS
Frederic-xavier DUBOIS - 14.02.2021 20:23

Great stuff
I'm seeing this right now after all 20H2 updated .. .
Should I revert to a fresh install to match your 2004 scripts ? Or should I try as is ?

B. Maguire
B. Maguire - 14.02.2021 14:47

Thanks for This! Cheers!!

Divergent Droid
Divergent Droid - 03.02.2021 23:58

You say a Lot of things that make no sense. You chide the AME ISO because it May have a virus but you Haven't tested this idea. You Say "No one uses a virtualized version of Linux in windows, thats not a thing" talking about WSL - Are you Kidding me? I use it to run a Multi Object Oriented server through telnet that connects live to my discord server. There are Tons of legit uses for Ubuntu/WSL.

Divergent Droid
Divergent Droid - 03.02.2021 23:41

Sub 50 processes? You mean at startup? I had win 7 down to 24 using Black Vipers config.

VenoX - 03.02.2021 00:20

You should link a bat file or installer so we can use it easily :)
EDIT:He has a compile of alot of scripts on his Github page!

Banyus - 26.01.2021 22:53

Woth nothing if you don't create an install version for us

Jane Doe
Jane Doe - 22.01.2021 03:23

Great video, new to the channel and will stick around. There's a special place in hell for everyone involved in every version of Windows past XP. I'm reading 1903 support ended last year; is there an alternative script put together for 20H2 or is it better just to manually go through and painstakingly make it do what an OS should do and only manage resources!

John - 16.01.2021 15:18

this is where it'd be great just to have an iso done that other can download...

Sankako - 14.01.2021 00:19

Google is not your friend...Never was, never will be

crack pAd
crack pAd - 04.01.2021 16:43

is this script work with 20H2 ? how to build light version of 20H2 ?

J Rivers
J Rivers - 28.12.2020 10:27

Only the AME project can minimize the spyware fiasco in microsoft windows?? please, Titus, tell us what you think.. thanks

JD - 16.12.2020 01:16

@ChrisTitusTech Is there an update video for this in a shorter version? I know I can't be the only one looking for an absolute bare minimum windows 10 build either for web surfing or gaming. I know you had a video where you actually built an iso but is there any way that you could do an updated video?

Edit: I have found your other videos "The Fastest Windows 10 Setup", "How To Make A Custom Windows 10 ISO" and "Setting up the perfect Windows 10 Installation | Faster, Lighter, and Functional" is this the best version of those videos yet?

Mad Mugen
Mad Mugen - 06.12.2020 17:34

please it will be very cool if you share this iso

Ahmed Ben Nsib
Ahmed Ben Nsib - 28.11.2020 00:56

please share this version with as because i can't meke it by my self

Anatoshi - 24.11.2020 06:26

thoughts on ReviOS?

Nathana Centauri
Nathana Centauri - 22.11.2020 17:14

Lovit!!! You really did a great job with this one, kinda reminds me of a young Peter Norton. But the cloud drive should be a variable eg percent 1 - 9 which depending on your email would be your best cloud provider? I mean I love it!!
Hey Chris or anyone else I remember a debloat script or thought I did for a modern windows install geared for the gaming pc, also Chris I noticed you use synology? Which I'm going to start using now I hope and was wondering if you used Apache or had a debloat windows script for windows servers eg IIs server 2000 to 2016.. or had any preference for web hosting?

Tamas Fekete
Tamas Fekete - 11.11.2020 12:43

Does this script work on 20H2 version also??

janardannn - 08.11.2020 20:57

have to say, titus really loves windows

TILR - 26.10.2020 05:05

Would be nice to have a option to select things like OneDrive, Xbox, Windows Store, Subsystem, Edge, Timeline, Cortona to keep and basic apps like calculator, alarm, etc.

Juan Escalante
Juan Escalante - 20.10.2020 06:30

Thank you Chris. I combined this method with WinToolkit (from another of your videos) and I’m running 52 processes at a fresh install of Windows 10.
Greetings from Mexico

1697djh - 19.10.2020 18:04

I use AME for my Roon server, please can you release an ISO

Teacup - 11.10.2020 22:00

Sometimes when you apply tweaks and reboot It looks like Windows is updating however that's just a side-effect of turning on/off things as Windows Update is responsible for a lot of these things - so when you reboot It looks like an update is happening when It's just Windows Update applying the tweaks/turning features off.

Smitch1971 - 09.10.2020 00:18

Great video as always Chris, I was wondering is there a way to apply this to an offline image (ie a wim file) or can it only be done to a running system? if that is the case would a sysprep and capture of the wim work? Thanks

Village Idiot
Village Idiot - 06.10.2020 17:31

I mined bitcoin with a pair of HD5770 cards (1GB) nearly ten years ago until ASICs came on the scene and the difficulty reached a level where the 5770s weren't profitable. Now I'm wondering if they can mine something like Litecoin. Thanks for this video. Trying to understand the scripts so I could customize for my liking. Hey, Newegg has a gaming system with an RTX 2060 for $1000 today. I should buy that and mine with it! 8D

Snab Kassa
Snab Kassa - 05.10.2020 02:41

Not sure this is "building" unless you are recompiling the source code yourself.

Evander F.
Evander F. - 03.10.2020 15:48

Where can I download your ISOS? do you have a patreon where you share the links? OwO

Joseph Holloway
Joseph Holloway - 29.09.2020 19:09

When are you going to finish the how to quick guide for LTSC Windows 10 with activation

Niko. exe
Niko. exe - 29.09.2020 04:05

My Windows has 34 processes and 18 services and everything i use is functional.

Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez - 25.09.2020 21:43

Could your share the ISO of this build? Thanks
