Will Movie Theater Companies Like AMC Survive?

Will Movie Theater Companies Like AMC Survive?


1 год назад

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@donpace6405 - 12.10.2023 19:49

Why fight with all the crowds and rude people when you can enjoy everything in your own Home I enjoy movies too much to share my experience with total strangers Thanks but I will keep my money and stay at home .

@SnoopyDoofie - 26.09.2023 17:06

And yet here we are in 2023 and the stocks in all these theater companies are virtually junk. No investor wants to touch it. Online streaming with large HD TVs is having an impact on theaters.

@lubczyk - 09.03.2023 10:36

Not with their ever increasing ticket prices.

@user-rw7mf4oo1h - 15.01.2023 01:58

Cinema are always the best way to watch films. I’d rather go to a cinema and watch mission impossible, eating pop corn and drinking my Guaraná antártica than staying at home and watching on paramount with low quality audio

@shyamsundarshyamsundar4728 - 12.01.2023 20:58

Barugur cinema threatre when open

@LXKeemProductions - 29.12.2022 04:19

China will keep AMC theatres of US alive, they own 50% of it stocks.

@meyou9176 - 14.11.2022 05:33

Get thier stock while its low. AMC stock will be at $30-$40 this time next year.

@crylikewolf - 08.11.2022 19:40

2 words: Marvel Studios

@generalisofficial - 03.11.2022 02:24

DAMN RIGHT they will. $AMC to the moon. CRUSH short sellers.

@wallacesouza2678 - 28.10.2022 01:29

Thanks CNBC for sharing this insightful tips! I've gain
so much knowledge about bitcoin trading! l'm so
excited |I've been making $5,000 and above

@sennasennina4891 - 20.10.2022 20:39

This makes sense to get into streaming. Covid-19 and working-from-home habits, made the public lazy to go out and they prefer a cheaper alternative. You are saving a lot of $ by working from home and spending less on your frivolous unnecessary purchases that you get tempted by when you are outside. We are going towards the worst economic times that we could have ever imagined in the coming months and years. With the double-digit real inflation rates that the government is fudging, we need to save and lower our spending to a minimum. Movie theatres will turn into condos and they will have a higher ROI by tapping into the streaming home market. This new form of streaming is very different than the Netflix model. You will be able to watch the latest releases on screen from the comfort of your home without spending the big bucks on pop and popcorn. For large families, this will be a no-brainer to opt for this new model. I never understood why they did not jump into this before instead of showing older B-rated movies on Netflix. Amazon Prime is the worst service where you have the oldest movies and the worst TV shows. I guess the Amazon model is: you are getting it for free in the package. Amazon is wrong because customers will shy away from Amazon Prime when they will see the poor quality of their content.

@cynthiagipson8039 - 13.10.2022 15:47

Ghetto movie theater

@CinaedFlecher - 13.10.2022 01:25

Spiderman was a great film? lol it was ok but wouldn't say it was great lol

@superplushiebrothers2493 - 12.10.2022 17:33

Why is releasing a movie on streaming a good economic strategy?

@churblefurbles - 02.10.2022 10:09

bugman entertainment declines, oh no how will we ever live without it!

@fordayoutube8712 - 01.10.2022 03:52

If you don't want to watch the video the answer is Yes..AMC will survive

@nick-dogg - 30.09.2022 02:29

Hell no, unless they get rid of non profitable locations and have less competition. On the other hand, they can take advantage of the APEs and keep raising cash as needed

@andrewgonzales1359 - 28.09.2022 16:54

I hope not.

@OrganicDruid - 26.09.2022 22:51


@chadnoneo9769 - 18.09.2022 21:19

I find it funny he compares cooking to movies. The reason people go out to eat is that it is an easy and convenient way to get food fast, at a better quality or something you have never had before. Me watching a movie on my computer vs in a theater makes little difference in the theaters favor, if anything it better at home as you watch it however you want.

@facts_matter_3000 - 13.09.2022 07:10

"While movie ticket sales in 2021 certainly improved over 2020 — when cinemas were shut for much of the year — global box office revenue was still down a hefty 50 percent from pre-pandemic times as the movie business struggled to emerge from the COVID-19 era and grapple with a new landscape dominated by streaming."

@ninjanerdstudent6937 - 10.09.2022 04:28

I go to movie theaters once per year. I think the last one I saw was James Bond.

@ninjanerdstudent6937 - 10.09.2022 04:24

The theaters should have La-Z-Boy loungers, fewer seats per theater, seats situated higher to prevent blockage, and IMAX sized screens. And then I will consider going to one.

@MrJohnnyLondon - 09.09.2022 15:16

AMC isn't going anywhere. People love going to the movies and as soon as Ken Griffin and Gary Gensler are in handcuffs the company won't have such a hard time. These criminals and the US Government are allowing these crimes to naked short the company in plain sight now. It is diabolical and the numbers don't lie. Retail will hold this stock until they're arrested. They are financial terrorists and the Department of Justice isn't doing a damn thing about it and allowing them to divert all the buying pressure to illegal dark pools. We're coming for all of you. Hold. Apes strong together.

@princeofdarknessxyz1 - 08.09.2022 21:10

I will always enjoy going to movie theaters then watching it at home

@victoriareyna - 08.09.2022 19:42

great video. AMC will always get my money with A list, I make so many reservations that I never go to

@stephenblowers8457 - 08.09.2022 06:15

I live alone. I can't really afford to see movies alone. Plus uhm I don't want to wear anmask for two hours just too watch a movie. Plus they don't allow backpacks in theaters anymore. Therefor I wait tell the movies come out on dvd now. I feel it's basically a luxury anymore. About 23 years ago the tickets were affordable but they no longer are so no thanks. It has to be a really good movie anymore. I haven't been to a theater in almost 3 years now.

@CrunchyDark - 08.09.2022 05:16

If the hedge funds would stop attacking; it would really move forward. Gary Gensler ~~ get off your ass

@technicolortabby4239 - 07.09.2022 22:53

If theaters were multi purpose (showing movies but also live theater productions, music, comedy, etc.), they would be more of an asset to the community and would be able to survive certain market changes due to the diversification of their offerings.

Additionally, a MovieTavern model where you can eat dinner while watching a movie, and making the movie watching experience more comfortable, would go a long way.

But right now, I just don't want to sit in a room with a bunch of people who have Covid. So I've only see like 1 movie in the theaters since the pandemic.

@ksapp8213 - 07.09.2022 21:45

If the theater dies so will Hollywood

@Eastsid3 - 07.09.2022 21:06

There are a lot of dedicated movie goers. They may take a hit, but going away completely I don't see.

@USAads2023 - 07.09.2022 02:41

Movies are teenagers motels. So, they will be in business as long people have hormones

@The1800mexico - 06.09.2022 05:56

You can blame Hollywood for it, they stop producing any good quality movies all they do is clone the same crap all the time,

@frediie23 - 06.09.2022 02:49

All you guys need to buy amc stocks….. like yesterday….. buy buy buy and hold……🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰🚀🚀🚀🚀

@frediie23 - 06.09.2022 02:47

AMC is not going no where nor us the APES!!!!! 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍💰💰💰💰💰🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

@coniferousbug2395 - 05.09.2022 23:07

I still like to go to movies. Because sometimes the overall sound effects gives life to the movie. I am not rich to buy like 5.1 or 7.1 surround speakers....but I can still enjoy that by watching in a cinema theater.

@danielgonzalez5787 - 05.09.2022 21:10

it would be fun to see them go ultra luxurious like having cabin like seats that can fully recline and step away from making snacks their main source of revenue

@henrylima6974 - 05.09.2022 17:38

Amc needs to get into streaming.
What the heck are they thinking

@ShadowJP3012 - 05.09.2022 10:24

We at least go 5 times a month to AMC! We love the big screen ❤️

@thomasalvarez4117 - 05.09.2022 09:26

They use my amc for the cover video lol

@quinnh1398 - 05.09.2022 01:57

Can tell most of the people in the comments haven't paid attention to AMC in the slightest

@jeremygibbs7342 - 04.09.2022 22:05

Seeing maverick on the big screen was pretty sweet

@petermuniz9296 - 04.09.2022 21:36

If they never put the stupid seat number I can sit any where I want people wanted to fight me for a seat no thank you is not the same back in the 90’s it was cool now I sit down your on my seat wtf dr strange 2 was my last movie am not going any more

@eatonspielberg3066 - 04.09.2022 17:03

Would've been survived if Adam wasn't trying to turn a business positive before investors recouped. People would have re invested in the company x10.

But this bone head is selling pipe dreams

@Embargoman - 03.09.2022 17:22

The day that AMC becomes part of Colombian American business man Santo Domingo, AMC becomes a monopoly in Brazil!

@jonathoncardwell6786 - 03.09.2022 13:20

Otherwise they drive around looking to make more babies what better place than a movie theatre for that.

@jonathoncardwell6786 - 03.09.2022 13:19

There is something called managing baby walking around. Apparently people are trying to move me around all the time I guess so other people can focus and rest.

@lonwolf8245 - 01.09.2022 23:45

Seat B-11 at AMC Dolby Theater in Center City Philly is my weekly spot. Love it. But Nicole Kidman has to go.

@JoYiSgUiTaR - 01.09.2022 19:31

People have been saying the move theatre is dying since the invention of television. The need for the group experience of art will always be there, I don’t see theatres going anywhere
