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@charliebrockett - 17.11.2010 16:49

Nick Clegg has to be most despised politician in the UK. He has destroyed the LibDems

@JamesMcGoof - 17.11.2010 18:46

"It's all Nick Clegg's fault" is a bit much. It's actually nice to see a politician change his mind for once, it's just a shame because he had it right to begin with. I'm not defending the guy, I don't understand how it is legal to get elected based on specific pledges and not to follow through on them. However, to solely blame Clegg is a dangerous over-simplification of the issue. At least Clegg had good intentions to begin with, Cameron never seemed to be bothered in the first place.

@ecotubeview - 17.11.2010 23:19

@JamesMcGoof well Clegg enabled the Tories and all the people who voted for him feel fairly betrayed methinks

@jimmystooge - 25.11.2010 01:05

What a wretched little tosser.

@whitenightf3 - 25.11.2010 07:58

When will people realise that these politicians are mere puppets and those with the real power direct them by pulling their strings. We need a world wide uprising of the people to force those with the obscene wealth to share more of it so all children can afford to get a good education.

@whitenightf3 - 26.11.2010 03:06

@kitelooperrr Those behind the move towards the NWO nothing just happens its all orchestrated. ``And remember, where you have a concentration of power in a few hands, all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control. History has proven that. All power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.'' -Lord Acton

@fowlerisgod - 13.12.2010 17:15

Nick clegg is a slimey little twat, roll on the next election , lib dems wont get anywhere

@theSPUDereHD - 04.01.2011 19:29

Well at least he's never going to get in again. The most amount of people who voted liberal democrats - were students!

@dan11009 - 05.01.2011 09:10

here we see a man that has sold his dignity for power, he will live the rest of his life knowing that his actions caused many people to lose out on an education and keep the liberal democrats out of office for the next 50 years

@fireiciclespark - 22.04.2011 22:08

@JamesMcGoof Good question. It's legal because the pledges can't be enforced in a law court to any degree. You break all of your election promises if you get into office, and bring in an entirely new agenda that you haven't mentioned to the public (like privatising the NHS), and no legal move can be made against you.

@JONNOG88 - 13.05.2011 15:09

Christ the libs are going to get slaughtered at the next GE. I mean they have betrayed their long term supporters. By teaming up with the Tories. I mean Liberal-Conservative is an oxymoron in itself. And have angered students. Who voted for them en masse by raising tuition fees. Despite the fact they said they where going to abolish them!! They have tore up their manifesto just to a have wee taste of power. Because lets face it their the junior partners, in this coalition.

@149montblancc - 20.09.2012 01:33

Lying twat!
