Yemen Arab Republic Post WWII - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

Yemen Arab Republic Post WWII - Cold War DOCUMENTARY

The Cold War

1 год назад

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@viliussmproductions - 22.03.2024 15:58

Fascinating video. Thanks

@southarabia0 - 17.01.2024 23:05

South Yemen was a social country, so we need a video about this country

@mofadel - 04.01.2024 07:32

This Yemen country is full of wars since ancient times to this day which is wildin n crazy, hope one day it will be a good and safe and develop country 🙏❤

@Bilal-12. - 24.12.2023 21:27

Yemen has become two states since the Houthis entered Yemen, so Yemen separated except for two states, which are (the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen) (the Yemen Arab Republic)

- 11.12.2023 16:22

Thx for this Video.

@user-is9wc3pr2s - 21.10.2023 17:04

Please, we want an episode about South Yemen and how it became a socialist state subordinate to the Soviets

@nicmarin12 - 01.10.2023 16:55

Part II???

@wiktorberski9272 - 29.08.2023 21:22

news of his death was greatly exaggerated -really good text

@Joshdyisdifh - 27.08.2023 16:58

Houthis of today are descendants of soldiers of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom.

@sourabhmayekar3354 - 22.08.2023 22:10


@MALAYDES - 15.08.2023 19:49

India 🇮🇳 and Rusia 🇷🇺 vs Amerika 🇺🇸 win brics uraaaaa

@eeduuxxx - 09.08.2023 18:18

Great video!

@mohammedsaysrashid3587 - 09.08.2023 00:02

It was informative and clearly explained that all events occurred in Yemen 🇾🇪 during the Cold War years. Thank you for the Cold War channel for sharing.....coldest year 1962

@MomoMo-ym3bt - 08.08.2023 10:03

Most Yemenis do not follow shia islam. incorrect

@annmcquaid139 - 08.08.2023 06:40

Do Yemeni hate Egyptians?

@annmcquaid139 - 08.08.2023 06:40

My ancestors from England, were long gone before England colonized the country.

@caseclosed9342 - 07.08.2023 23:22

Why need HBO when you can just look to family dramas in real life history for this kind of entertainment?

@dagruneson8308 - 07.08.2023 14:59

Will you make an episode about the founding of South Yemen (Arabia's only fullblown Communist state during the Cold War era) soon?

@brokenbridge6316 - 07.08.2023 03:14

interesting video

@tedslaughter169 - 06.08.2023 20:30

Brilliant presentation! Great job👍

@myballsgetlikd2330 - 06.08.2023 11:24

Bro, that Ahmad dude pulled some Rambo shit with a sword and a machine gun.

@matthewzacher8879 - 06.08.2023 07:52

That had to be one of the most lost the plot outros yet. I love it.

@tomo9224 - 06.08.2023 07:24

Every episode brings new knowledge that I had no idea about. You and all the other people that work on the channel do such a great job in making the information accessible with additional great production. I really do appreciate all the effort that goes into putting something like this together.

@KuroshMotamedi - 06.08.2023 06:42

A Khat addict nation with bad teeth, carring daggers all day 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣good typical muslims 🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣

@jmpht854 - 06.08.2023 04:23

Poor Yemen...

@samwill7259 - 06.08.2023 03:26

And then somehow everything in Yemen got worse, faster, over time. It's like it's reaching terminal velocity toward hell's basement.

@stephenchappell7512 - 06.08.2023 02:17

Although split by the Aden Protectorate it appears that Yemen was never a whole country processing an existing sunni/shia sectarian fault-line prior to the arrival of the British

@PP266 - 06.08.2023 01:13

Game of Thrones, Arab version.

@billballbuster7186 - 06.08.2023 00:41

It is interesting to note the incompetence of the Eisenhower Administration in the US. The Americans began to covertly fund and organize the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), also known as the Bagdad Pact in 1955. Then in 1956 Eisenhower forced US allies, the British and French out of Egypt during the Suez crisis. In doing so Eisenhower made Nasser, the main opponent of CENTO, a great leader of the Arabs. The US officially joined CENTO in 1958, but by that time the damage had been done, Arab nationalism was spreading fast all over the Middle East, helped along by Soviet money and weapons. Yemen was one of the countries caught in the the middle, the British left in 1967 closing Aden, the biggest port in the area and the main source of income, Yemen has never recovered.

@jakegarvin7634 - 05.08.2023 23:26

you've been hanging out with those Egyptians again! You're grounded! BUT DADDDDD!!!!

@theawesomeman9821 - 05.08.2023 22:29

I have known Yemenis to be very religious and conservative, learning about their Communist history is surprising to me.

@LJW1912 - 05.08.2023 21:14

This should almost have a spoiler warning for Dune haha

@Ansarallah_2014 - 05.08.2023 19:59

Yemen will be Zaydi again Zaydi revivalism is in full swing in northern Yemen. Long Live Ansarallah the Houthis. And we call Yemen the graveyard for invaders

@abdullahshah9397 - 05.08.2023 19:50

The saudi arabian provinces of Asir and jazan are majority sunni. Najran is ismeali majority which was in conflict with zaidis religiously and historically.

@mattgeorge90 - 05.08.2023 19:38

Excellent episode!

@thelakeman2538 - 05.08.2023 19:28

"Yemen, who's he ?" sounds like the most stereotypical American thing ever.

@bigsarge2085 - 05.08.2023 19:14


@jliller - 05.08.2023 18:38

Thank you for covering Yemen! Understanding Yemen's past helps us understand its present, which is especially important with it being in the news so much in recent years.

@RikkiSpanish - 05.08.2023 18:24

This was so fascinating. Thank you for making all of these videos. American public schools never go this far into 20th century history. I had to take special classes just to learn anything about the Cold War. One of the few things I do love about the internet is that I can keep on continuing my education any time of the day or night.
My husband and I homeschool our daughter, and we use your channel as a teaching resource. She's only 10 years old, but she is also becoming quite the fan of this channel as well. It started with her sudden fascination with both of the world wars, and I told her that what happened as a result of those two wars is just as wild. The Cold War can be a tricky subject because so many different nations were influenced or pulled into the conflicts at different times. You do a magnificent job of breaking it all down into bite-sized, manageable pieces. Our family can't thank you enough. 🙂❤

@briangasser973 - 05.08.2023 17:58

Unique part of the world where the US had no interest or involvement. Seems the Soviets, Saudis, and Egyptians didn't make the place better.

@alexiel4406 - 05.08.2023 17:52

The Yemen king was a straight up badass for his actions during the siege. Man pulled out a sword 😂

@creatoruser736 - 05.08.2023 17:25

I'm wondering when Yemen started to be called "Nasser's Vietnam" when it started in the early 1960s, before the US war in Vietnam actually began.

@theepicone1 - 05.08.2023 17:12

So bloody interesting. This adds a lot of nuance to my understanding of Yemen, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Thank you kindly for sharing your research and efforts

@SiPakRubah - 05.08.2023 16:45

For me, Yemen history is a very underatted ones, even the current war are also had to do with the Cold War era borders before they reunited

@igor-yp1xv - 05.08.2023 16:41

That was one of the most weird modern coups I've ever heard about
