Never seen this game b4, but this just reinforces all the reasons i love bees
ОтветитьMarkiplier’s last words was that the bite of 87 little bro afterwards dies
Ответитьmissed opportunity for the devs to have named "fast bee jordan" "michael bee jordan"
Ответитьmark: is that sting? don't want to do that. pretty sure i'll die
also mark 3 seconds later: TAKE THAT SNAIL!!!
bee: just fly through the crack!
mark: dOnT hAvE TO teLL mE TwiCE
I would have named my bee bee-elzebub or beeatrice buzstrange or beengo star
ОтветитьCome back and play this please!
ОтветитьMark went from a baby bee welcomed to life to attempting to assassinate the queen in a matter of seconds
ОтветитьFun fact: when nectar sits in the sun for too long on a hot day it ferments and has a lil alcahol in it. Bees who are drunk and don’t make enough honey are torn to shreds to sober up upon entering the hive or are kicked out.
ОтветитьI'm not sure the sick bee was helped all that much when they got home. The guards at a bee hive normally tear the limbs of a bee if it comes back drunk.
ОтветитьMark went from nature-lover to murderer awfully fast LOLOL
ОтветитьAfter Mark's Pogostuck adventure, he is once again, among the flowers.
Ответить“Look at my flower power, look at it, then look at yours and weep.” -Markiplier 2021
ОтветитьI’m tired of people posing the bee as the most important pollinator. There’s so many others that do a lot of the heavy lifting. European honey bees get special treatment/attention because we like their honey and their color.
ОтветитьThat’s a really cool game
ОтветитьY'all rightly talking about the danger to honey bees and wild bees, but why is no one concerned that there is only one Bumblebee who can't even speak?!
Ответитьthis is so sweet!
ОтветитьGraphics surprised me
Was a short n sweet game
I bought it for $0.64 on Steam
Ответить“Look at my flower power. Look at it. Then look at yours and weep.”
I will fly out, whare ever you are, and idk whatever you want to do.
I will join you for drunk games if you like. 😂 lol
Crossfaded fucks my brain in a way i like.
We can get some shrooms too, really make it a crazy few days. 😂
Game: The bees are dying.. so become one
ОтветитьThat poor drunk bee... bees kill drunk bees when they return to the hive. The guards bite their legs off to ensure they don't survive. Family was no safety net for that bee.
ОтветитьIt's just not true. There are millions of other pollinators. Bees are just like Cows. They are animals for industrial production and are NOT the only thing that keeps us alive.
ОтветитьI got an ad for bumble before this video
ОтветитьMark should play this drunk
ОтветитьMark: "Man, the insect world is probably terrifying form the perspective of an insect."
Grounded: "Go on.."
ОтветитьUnpopular Opinion: we only protect honeybees because they make honey for us humans. There are plenty of other pollinators out there - hummingbirds, wasps, butterflies, other bees, etc. The Africanized Honeybee is actually an invasive species. If they did not produce honey, we would not care about their existence
ОтветитьLove the futurama reference 💀
ОтветитьI like honey bees, but they’re an invasive pollinator in North America and they have successfully caused some native bees and other native pollinators populations to go extinct… which is bad
ОтветитьI remember seeing hundreds of lightning bugs at night when I was a kid, now I don't see any...
ОтветитьThis speaks to me on a personal level
ОтветитьI came here to enjoy my food and instead im crying over the intro and the poor bees
Ответитьomfg mark is REALLY high in this one huh
ОтветитьBees Love Balls
ОтветитьBeescuit can join with Tiny Box Tim and Bubble Butt.
Ответитьfun fact when a bee is drunk and return to the hive 1 of 2 things will happen. They either get thrown out of the hive, or they have there limps ripped of :D
Ответитьhoney b lovely
ОтветитьI don’t think you know but bees are a invasive species everywhere except one place and they kill the natural pollinators so they are evil
ОтветитьThis looks like such a good game to play to unwind and relax