Gabriel was delayed by the Prince of Persia?

Gabriel was delayed by the Prince of Persia?

Lion and Lamb Ministries

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@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:12

The archangel Gabriel took side counsel from Azzezel Jibrel and Satan and apart of the 1/3 that fell from Heavenly Places mentioned in the Old Testament Revelation Chapters with subliminal Santa Revelation Chapters 1 14 Old Testament and including the ones stripped ugly from Glory and alienated in space of rebellious angels and influence technology of forbidden knowledge and return to Earth hybrid and appear genuis to masses of people of 5g with deadly consequences

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:13

Our Heavenly Father called them false gods of fallen angels who wanted to be worship as gods

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:14

Even in Heavenly Places there are no trespassing and private property from rebellious angels who reflect on Earth of multiple religions of rebellious angels

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:15

Our Heavenly Father said thou shall not kill vs The Roman's said CHRIST died for sinners and rubbed off on Christians and Our Heavenly Father created a Covenant outside of the Roman's

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:21

Do you see love in a Thorn Crown? Who recieves A THORN CROWN of appreciation?

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:22

Our Heavenly Father resurrected his son and others were being crucifix next to Christ and Mary stayed and watched after visiting the archangel Gabriel

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:23

Christ taught his Disciples how to pray in secret because of the Fallen angels who try to incept prayers and Christ told them in the closet with the doors closed and ask of Our Heavenly Father in secret remember?

@tamikajackson3419 - 26.08.2019 16:25

Christ Disciples wanted to serve Our Heavenly Father under his Covenant, do you see love there?

@pwmiles56 - 21.09.2019 00:28

Woo..  this Prince of Persia sounds like a BAD angel ... how can this be ... it's a fun search which is how I got here ... WTF, I'm a Catholic born, but disbelieving, thank the non-existent one ... anyone who takes any of it seriously is a religious maniac or worse

@jl2284123 - 29.09.2019 18:08

The demons where kicked out of heaven down to the earth so there is a great woe so gabriel had struggle with the demon king of prince of persia it couldnt been a humans because angels are more powerful and intelligent then humans so this demon he had a struggle so michael the archangel came to his aide. He tried to deliver a message to daniel but was blocked. I forgot to mention that Gabriel was on his way to deliver a message to faithful daniel but the demon ling appeared before gabriel could reach daniel to deliver a message to daniel and they were battling it out

@olooalfredo - 20.03.2020 07:56

I've got lots of questions:

1. How sure are we it was Gabriel.

2. Is the Arch Angel not Jesus Christ? Gabriel was the chief of angels, if a prince withstood him then there's seemingly no other (inferior) angel who could overcome that prince, so I think Michael (the Arch Angel) could be Jesus. These are my thoughts. Discussions allowed.

Thank you...

@adogent.6871 - 19.04.2020 00:01

I am Gabriel archangel son of Jesus Christ of Nazareth

@oliversim7777 - 19.04.2020 13:38

And why didn't the prince of Babylon bar Gabriel's entry?
"Does every kingdom have an angel"

@yannismaccabees2231 - 26.04.2020 00:15

He was talking about time travel

@justiceadams6623 - 14.05.2020 19:17

Imagine how the hands be thrown as Angels

@G_Hero - 15.06.2020 00:18

I am Gabriel named by God i am to rule over 🇺🇸

@JesusistheOnlyWay222 - 28.08.2020 04:32

There was/is a time, when I was being awakened following 100% surrender, where the Lord heard and answered my ponderings, not direct prayer requests, just things I thought and meditated on:)

@thangboihaokip6950 - 13.09.2020 08:44

Thank You I was looking for this answer

@bvad7884 - 14.11.2020 07:10

This is just incredible.. Hollywood could make box office breaking movies out of biblical stories (especially Revelations)- but they won't; the few ones the did make are biblically inaccurate and poorly produced. That's another way I know Jesus is the truth, they can't risk more people being saved. Hiding the truth is more important than money to them.

@boakyericky7859 - 31.12.2020 02:42

The Prince of Persia was a spirit who lives under water protecting his town so he needed reason from the angel

@cousinjuno - 05.02.2021 03:55

I always knew that an angel had been delayed by the prince of Persia but until recently I didn’t realize that it was Gabriel. I knew Gabriel had explained some visions to Daniel but that he was the one that struggled with the prince of Persia and needed Michael’s help had escaped me. Must’ve been an awesome fallen angel to be able to stand up to Gabriel!

@pantheraleo7058 - 09.03.2021 02:39

Wtf Prince of persia sound track brought me here😂

@marynotmartha3139 - 07.05.2021 04:41

It was Michael not Gabriel. God bless

@violetgutierrez5315 - 11.06.2021 23:20

I declare, I will know these realms and insight and so will many in this generation who seek after God

@BorgesProduction - 28.10.2021 08:06

The Lord’s angels are always prevailing! Praise God!

@nikitajoseph252 - 02.11.2021 16:06

And it said, after Daniel was touched again he regained strength. Then the angel said now I will return to fight with the Prince of Persia and when I am gone forth, the prince of Grecia shall come. This angel that speaks is NOT Gabriel. It was just an angel. Angel Gabriel and Angel Michael are well known because their names are mentioned numerous times but there are much more different angels nameless but mentioned in the Bible such as this one.

@observenotify8604 - 16.11.2021 19:37

The lightening can be seen first or faster than the thunder. There can be sometimes a slight delay in answering the prayers, but it's sure as a new everyday sunrise.

@edril888 - 14.04.2022 03:35

its clear now when Jesus told us to Pray unceasingly, things like these will happen.

@madisoncarolina9848 - 23.07.2022 22:00

You have the 666 star on your t shirt

@herbosmoker848 - 30.07.2022 23:11

The devil has no angels but Satan does.

@ac9938 - 09.08.2022 09:18

I am confused, the bible shows many examples of how powerful God is & even scriptures like matthew 19:26 & mark 10:27 shows how there is nothing impossible for God & Jesus but if God is powerful, how come he couldnt just defeated the king of persia right there & there? The bible says there are demons that can only come out through praying & fasting but how come matthew 19:26 & mark 10:27 say something opposite? If God & Jesus have so much power than why dont have they the power to defeat demons without fasting ?

@Watchandcommenti9g - 11.10.2022 13:53

What i don't understand is.. why god let angel to travel from heaven to earth to answer daneil prayer? Do angel really need to travel like that? Can't angel suddenly appear infrond of daniel instead of traveling down to earth...

@kongsied4279 - 01.12.2022 23:34

Wait... This guy is a jew, right? Why is mentioning the Devil and him having a team? I thought Jews believed that there were many Satan's, Adversaries but the main one is Samael. I'm not confirming, just thought this was true

@marukomu2478 - 03.12.2022 03:49

Had to lose the weight the false man woman and child are body blocking the prayers by having a physical presence here on earth this is why there is genocides in the Bible our DNA and genetics were infiltrated a very long time ago by the false man . The angels were real they had to cut down a lot of false men so that the frequency wouldn't be blocked up by their physical presence. The angels were in the flesh they fought real battles cleared the frequency by destroying the serpents and other chimera humanoids including clones in our genetics blocking are prayers that are planetary and galactical communication. They blocked it by infiltrating our genetics like how the CIA listens to your phone calls we call it prayer now but back then it was pure genetic uninterrupted telepathy because our genetics were nice and clean not just on this earth but other Earth's in the galaxy as well. We have a fat serpent trying to block all our prayers on earth because of genetic infiltration and soul,and energy stealing.
The cosmic serpent they use these methods and techniques to deplete and destroy all life on planets throughout the Galaxy And also block interstellar genetic communication.

@YouTube_Censors_Me - 16.12.2022 05:44


@tylertyler6328 - 14.01.2023 23:37

Amazing commentary

@exaucemayunga22 - 01.08.2023 23:46

I hope we'll get to see all those fights on a big screen in heaven while eating heavenly popcorn

@mr.grifoso - 08.09.2023 18:00

i dont believe it was gabriel but the lord himself for no other spiritual being in heaven has eyes like fire but the lord and arms and legs like polished bronze but the lord.

@rashidalyles1428 - 25.10.2023 19:09

How long to get prayers answered in New York?

@ryanmozert - 16.11.2023 11:28

What makes you think it was Gabriel

@Vanity_vanity - 22.11.2023 20:22

Each nation is assigned with angels but aiso demons

@themonkster333 - 02.01.2024 03:35

The Devil is an Angel and the Demons are dead Giants for they are not from Heaven or Earth and are stuck till judgement as per 'The Book of Enoch'. Giants are offspring from Angels and Humans making them from both and not just from one place.

@earthage3020 - 15.01.2024 21:49

Regarding this (Strange) Passage, I was reading about a year ago myself, I asked God to tell me why this is (even) included? Why would it take an Angel so Long to pass a message on to Daniel? And why was it Necessary for Michael to come and Help him? And why are we Told that Michael is the Only other Angel capable of Doing So??? What is going on here??? Your guest did Not Address (all of) this, so I will below: Only because I think He Gave me the Answer.
I suspect that Both Gabriel and Michael are "Arc-Angels" --- and that they are the only such Angels whom Yahovah made other than Lucifer. So here we have Gabriel (who was Holding Lucifer back from Committing Chaos), yet (for some reason was) Given a Message to Give to Daniel--- in Response to his Sincere Prayer.
So, I suspect what was going on here is that After being kicked out of Heaven, Lucifer (still) had (and has) to be Restrained from Destroying the whole world, so at any given time, one of these two are "holding him back." This is also alluded to in 2 Thes. 2 and Daniel 12:1.
Note that when Daniel "stands up" (or let's go of the Devil), then there will be a Very Hard Time of Terror, Death, persecution, etc come upon the earth. Daniel 12:11-12 suggests that it lasts for 45 days. Rev. 9 suggests 5 months. God calls it "a little while" in Isaiah 26 and "one hour" in Rev. 17.

@bethphilip3419 - 10.02.2024 23:22

Could you pray for some fantastic healings and we will see the answers in 2 weeks ? (Serious question.)

@fredilly - 02.03.2024 07:00

The bible referred to arch angels and angels as Princes. I'm guessing the Prince of Persia was a fallen angel too, hence the title Prince. Also the fallen angel refers to himself as a principality which is considered one rank higher than arch angels. Principalities control nation states in their dominion. This is probably why Gabriel needed help from fellow Prince arch angel Michael.

@Raeodor - 22.03.2024 12:31

So the powers and principalities are able to prevent God from answering prayers?
Also this incident wasn't with Gabriel. He came at a different time

@Fjyd-b7h - 13.07.2024 02:48

gabriel is he or she?

@iw06-k2l - 15.07.2024 18:52

You learn from this that demons and fallen angels can delay deliverance and many more things from coming to pass.. this just amazes me... I see why God is angry with the wicked everyday.. it's really a war we can't see
