Too Many Unfinished Scrapbook Layouts? Let's get them DONE!

Too Many Unfinished Scrapbook Layouts? Let's get them DONE!

Chelsey Vorosmarty

1 год назад

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scrumps101 - 07.07.2023 14:12

And here I thought I was the only one with unfinished layouts!

Debbie F
Debbie F - 30.04.2023 06:35

Thanks Chelsey! You were speaking to me when you made this video!!

Heidi Rees
Heidi Rees - 13.04.2023 22:03

You bring up so many good points as to way projects don’t get finished! I especially like how you mentioned bigger projects. I thought about breaking them down into smaller projects like doing all the journaling or printing photos, even making a list of what need’s accomplished will help me!

Cindy Slater
Cindy Slater - 06.04.2023 23:44

Great ideas to keep going!! Such a cute layout.

Get Crafty with Lori - Lori Scott
Get Crafty with Lori - Lori Scott - 05.04.2023 20:38

Love your layout!

Denise James
Denise James - 30.03.2023 13:14

These pages are lovely and your tips taken on board. I did have a pile of pages to finish as I tend to put down the photos and main parts and leave embellishing and journaling to later. My pile or rather the box I had them in was a bit much so I tackled it layout by layout. It worked to reduce the pile. So now I try to finish everything much sooner. Instead of starting a new layout, I try to finish some unfinished pages first. I've not had a great relationship with stamping but gradually gaining confidence in using them on pages. I don't make cards.

Stacey Bravick
Stacey Bravick - 29.03.2023 06:11

I have sooo many unfinished layouts. I get bored or too tired to finish, then I'm on to the next thing inspiration that pops in my head. I'm going to try the tips you suggested.

Michele McCants
Michele McCants - 28.03.2023 21:10

Thanks for the tips and the encouragement! I almost feel like the journaling part is so separate for me from the creative part, that I rarely do them at the same time. Sometimes I even start with the journaling

Jennifer Oja
Jennifer Oja - 28.03.2023 15:26

Love all your tips you have shared to completing layouts!

Gloria Colston
Gloria Colston - 28.03.2023 09:05

Such pretty layouts. My road block is always journaling or titles. i have a stack of about 50 layouts I need to complete. I have just started writing out my journaling once I have chosen my pictures and before I start my layout. For titles I look at my photos to get some ideas and write down the first ideas that come to mind. I just started this process and I find my journaling is a lot easier.

Louise Brislane
Louise Brislane - 28.03.2023 08:08

Chelsey, Curiosity got to me & so I pulled open the bag & went through the album as it houses photos from my 40th, 50th, 60th & now 70th birthday parties each one having more photos taken at it. I am about two thirds of the way through the party & looking at the pages today, other than 3 pages the rest actually doesn't look too bad but they do need embellishments to cover the white spaces, so I think that I should go through my stamp sets & start there preparing some to embellish the pages, colour & cut them out - hopefully some have thin-cuts to save my poor arthritic hands, also some sentiments & possibly stamp some of them directly on the pages. I also need to write my guests names on the pages next to their table photo & get those pages finished. Then I can set about finishing the rest of the book by adding all the group photos taken after the cake cutting ceremony. So they don't look as bad as I remembered!!! 😂
It will take me some time to do but I will make it this winter's project doing one page at a time, so that it is finished before September when my daughter is taking me & my g/daughter to the beach for 5 days where I hope to get a lot of photos to scrapbook as the last time I was there was nearly 70 years ago as a small child & I still have fond memories of that holiday & thanks to my cousin a couple of photos she passed onto me two years ago. So a big thank you for this video as it was just what I needed to get curious enough to look in the bag!!

Greta Carrick
Greta Carrick - 28.03.2023 07:17

I have started putting in my planner what I would like to get done for the week. But…if time doesn’t permit or I decide something else I would rather do that’s fine. If I put it in, I find I will think about what I would like to do on the page. So when I get some time I actually do work instead of just sitting there looking at it.

Louise Brislane
Louise Brislane - 28.03.2023 07:16

That should have been... it sits in its bag, next to my chair. It gets picked up every time I vacuum the floor & put back again with a sigh!!

Louise Brislane
Louise Brislane - 28.03.2023 07:14

The only difference I would have done is paint the glacier snowflake with clear shimmer or maybe cut one out of glitter paper to bring a bit of sparkle to the corner but yes, adding the stamped images certainly finished off the pages as did the journaling in that corner. My project sits in its back next to my chair where it has sat for nearly five years waiting for me to get interested in finishing it off. It was my 70th birthday photos & it took me nearly a year to get my daughter to give me some space in the back family room to commence it, but I had to pack it up before it was finished because I was slow & she needed the space for one of the kids birthday parties. Three years ago I was taken to a scrapbook day with friends & did a bit more to it but not much to be honest as it was hard picking it up & working out where I actually was upto in the album, since then it has just sat there & I can't get the enthusiasm to tackle it again as I am not crazy about what I was doing at the time & to be honest I would happily scrap it & start all over again!! Also I don't have the space in my tiny flat to lay it out & do it properly but I have to do something about it as I will be 76 this year & so it has to be finished before I turn 80 & that is coming fast... It nags at me like a rotten tooth!!! ☹ It needs all the edges of the papers to be distressed with possibly black to make it stand out or something or maybe some stamped images done & added to the pages. It is lifeless & lacking imagination!!! Plus I have learnt a lot since watching you ladies since 2020 & so that doesn't help... 😀

Jayma Malme
Jayma Malme - 28.03.2023 05:18

I love your layout so much! What fun pictures. And although it was gorgeous before, your enhancements really did take it to the next level. Great tips! I am definitely deadline-driven.

ohMamarazzi Scrapbooking (Vicky)
ohMamarazzi Scrapbooking (Vicky) - 28.03.2023 04:09

I love ALL your layouts - they are literally works of art! I am currently working on 112 albums - yes, 112! But of those, I only have 9 fully finished on my shelves! GAK! That is what my YT channel is all about LOL. Can't wait to see your next layout share:) xoxo Vicky

consolw - 28.03.2023 02:38

When I first looked at this layout I thought… No it’s beautiful, it doesn’t need anything else, but now that it’s finished it does seem more rounded out if that makes sense. My road block is always the journalling, so I’ll take your tips on board and try to get past it. A gorgeous layout as usual!

Patti Myers
Patti Myers - 28.03.2023 02:35

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I have so many things to complete and your suggestions are most helpful. My word of the year is “complete” and my goal is to complete some projects. Good luck with your journaling and completing your projects, too.
