Playing God: The Right to Live Forever | Gauranga Das | Henrique Jorge | Dr Sajeev Nair

Playing God: The Right to Live Forever | Gauranga Das | Henrique Jorge | Dr Sajeev Nair

India Today Conclave

55 лет назад

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Gauranga Das, Henrique Jorge and Dr Sajeev Nair's discussion explores digital immortality through AI clones and biohacking techniques to extend lifespans. Experts debate the ethics, potential benefits, and risks of these emerging technologies. The conversation touches on spiritual perspectives, the importance of human values, and the need for balance in pursuing longevity. #IndiaTodayConclave25 #indiatodayconclave2025 #gaurangadas #henriquejorge #drsanjeevnair #digitalimmortality #aiclones #biohacking #longevity #epigenetics #iskcon #spirituality #mentalhealth #techethics #lifeextension #bhagavadgita #wellness #geneticscience #ayurveda #humanvalues

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