ULTIMATE Self-Improvement HABITS Ranking (BEST to WORST)

ULTIMATE Self-Improvement HABITS Ranking (BEST to WORST)

How to Beast

1 год назад

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@howtobeast - 22.05.2023 20:12

Thanks for watching bros! Let me know your #1 habit below ⬇

@dankewolfie2794 - 03.12.2024 14:16

I know this is a really stupid question, but is a cold shower just like a normal shower but cold or do you just stand there for 5 or 10 mins?

@amanbhatia4032 - 10.10.2024 12:02

📝 Summary by TubeOnAI

🧠 Nofap
- Reprograms Mind: Excessive porn use can lead to dependence and issues like erectile dysfunction.
- Tier 3 Habit: Critical for those with low experience with women; less necessary for the sexually active.

💤 Sleep Hacking
- Testosterone Impact: Lack of quality sleep can lower testosterone by 10-15%.
- Top Hacks:
- Fan for airflow.
- Wear socks for circulation.
- Use blackout curtains or sleep masks.
- Melatonin for short-term sleep issues.
- Tier 1 Habit: Essential for productivity and overall well-being.

💪 Affirmations
- Mirror Work: Positive self-talk can enhance self-esteem, especially during tough times.
- Tier 2 Habit: Effective for boosting self-love and confidence.

🚶‍♂️ Cold Approach
- Building Confidence: Approaching women can help overcome fear of rejection.
- Tier 3 Habit: Useful for those needing to enhance social skills.

⏰ Waking Up Early
- Productivity Myth: Waking up at 4:30 a.m. isn't necessary for everyone; productivity varies by individual.
- Tier 4 Habit: Wake up when it suits your personal rhythm.

🧘‍♂️ Meditation
- Anxiety Management: Helps master breath work and manage negative thoughts.
- Tier 3 Habit: Beneficial for those dealing with anxiety or self-doubt.

🌟 Positive Visualization
- Preparedness Tool: Visualizing success can enhance confidence but lacks strong evidence of efficacy.
- Tier 4 Habit: Experiment as it may work differently for individuals.

❄️ Cold Showers
- Mental Toughness: Trains the brain to handle discomfort and builds resilience.
- Tier 2 Habit: Highly effective for developing a stronger mindset.

📅 Daily Review
- Self-Reflection: Asking what went well and what could improve fosters a growth mindset.
- Tier 2 Habit: Promotes positive reinforcement and forward-thinking.

🙏 Gratitude Practice
- Mindset Shift: Focusing on gratitude can combat scarcity thinking.
- Tier 4 Habit: Valuable for those in a dark place but not universally impactful.

📋 Productivity System
- Simplicity is Key: A straightforward system for tracking tasks can enhance productivity.
- Tier 1 Habit: Essential for maintaining focus on high-leverage activities.

📚 Reading
- Deep Learning: Engaging with books allows for contemplation and deeper understanding.
- Tier 3 Habit: Effective when targeting specific life improvements.

@Afrozali-o7r - 14.09.2024 16:09

Couldn't agree more! I've observed that people often struggle with consistent self-improvement. Studies show that 75% of people fail to maintain new habits beyond a few months. This usually happens because we underestimate how much effort consistent progress requires, which can lead to discouragement and giving up. This creates a cycle where we keep starting over but never making lasting changes. I faced this issue myself, but after exploring various options, a friend recommended Habit10x. I joined their habit-building program, and it made a significant difference for me. Found them through Google.

@AasthaJain-q1w - 12.09.2024 19:29

Growth is something I always aim for, but the path to get there often feels uncertain. I’ve tried different methods, like setting weekly goals and creating vision boards, but I found that without accountability, it was easy to let things slip. I read about the power of having a partner to keep you on track and gave it a try with someone close. It helped a bit, but we weren’t as consistent as I needed. Now, I’ve decided to go all-in with Habit10x, and I’m already feeling more focused on my personal develop

@slerf5596 - 20.08.2024 06:00

Positive visualization is really strong for me, your list is super helpful

@JustBeingDrew - 07.06.2024 06:59

Watched this so late, I agree with all of this for the most part. We need to do the proper affirmations tho , acknowledge God along the way. When it comes to meditation we need to meditate on the word and stay in prayer through it all. Great Content tho bro

@MaximussThe1st - 23.05.2024 19:49

Food is #1

@Tax17-17 - 20.04.2024 23:24

Been a month since I broke up with my gf of 4 years and I’m jus in limbo, I want sex but I’ve never been a fxck boy. Idk if it’s the right thing but I’ve been done with porn for 4 months now and I refuse to go back

@Suineg_Raps - 10.04.2024 06:38

Been here since 2020

@pweey1551 - 25.03.2024 01:43

David, I've accepted what I can control in my life and do the best that I can. And yet from time to time, I have douche bags trying to size me up bc they look like shit, or use one of their upsides to downplay me in other areas that I can't change? Have you ever have that happened? And what are your thoughts? It bothers me internally, but I try not to make a big deal out of the mess they try to turn it into. Externally I brush it off like it doesn't phase me because in the end time will keep moving, that shit won't matter, and makes them look like a douche.

@josephbaumgardner7393 - 10.03.2024 03:12

I have just found today

@raflenaugh7802 - 07.03.2024 14:43

placing gratitude so low is bullshit. it can literally be done during meditation or just before you do anything so that you continuously have a postitive outlook.

@S07L - 01.03.2024 07:38

bro those shoes were wack! lmao why bruh

@Jeannie-Coffey - 25.02.2024 15:45

Bro, thank you for these videos, I have been in a period of self improvement for 1 year, but then I was absorbed by comfort and started degrading. Now I really want to return to that track of self improvement and your videos help me to get the overall plan

@bestvideos3573 - 17.02.2024 21:31

Bro, thank you for these videos, I have been in a period of self improvement for 1 year, but then I was absorbed by comfort and started degrading. Now I really want to return to that track of self improvement and your videos help me to get the overall plan👍

@John-3692 - 14.02.2024 22:46

I'm thoroughly enjoying this. I had the privilege of reading something similar, and I was thoroughly enjoying it. "The Art of Saying No: Mastering Boundaries for a Fulfilling Life" by Samuel Dawn

@franciscojhimmycaceres3812 - 09.02.2024 08:05


@RigbyWilde - 09.02.2024 01:37

The whole thing about nofap is forgetting that porn even exists

@mashedpotato3 - 07.02.2024 20:02

What about financial tracking: income & expenses, budget. for me it works perfectly.
I like this video and approve it - this is really work.

@reborn3427 - 01.02.2024 01:50

It don’t help that I know the exact vid and girl in the thumbnail 😂

@joemama8525 - 18.01.2024 05:57

Fake leather shoes ain't levelling up my guy.

@romanvladimirovichpetrikov4947 - 14.12.2023 18:04

Thanks a lot for your useful work and important information! 👍 Respect from Russia 🇷🇺 🇺🇸
PS Reading is very important...

@Jockify01 - 14.12.2023 07:15

fire shirt what shirt is it ?

@joelkininmonth - 14.12.2023 01:39

A better way to think of gratitude, is rather than saying daily 3 things that you're grateful for, simply change the question to be "What are the 3 best things that happened today?"

This reframes it so you're always looking for the positive in each day.

@HejlDavid - 09.12.2023 19:34

in 4 i wake up to work...

@ShinSationalOne - 07.12.2023 23:43

Disagree with the meditation stance and placing. If you do it right, it can be a God Tier level. Creates more focus & ambition, plus you can control the chaos in your mind... 🙏🏾

@estherpearl3034 - 05.12.2023 13:36

Girls watching🌚

@project.crimson7 - 04.12.2023 14:39

No fap is actually non negotiable

@AskConner - 30.11.2023 10:45

Eh, if you flipped the chart upside down it might actually look good👍

@TheTruthTableTV - 28.11.2023 19:02

Vizualization is a life changer. When I was trying to get ripped, I (unknowingly) always imagined myself being the shredded dude, proud of myself for my achievements. Guess what?

It happened. And the vizualization never stopped. You need to see where you're going before you get there, and of course match the vision with action. Conor Mcgregor & Jon Jones, 2 extremely well accomplished MMA fighters at the pinnacle of their game, talk about this.

@OUTSIDER40 - 27.11.2023 16:32

Thank you for making this video 👍

@kosdigital7447 - 27.11.2023 12:35

Nothing matters nearly as much as avoiding sugar, carbs in general including complex ones aren't good for much except hard training, but for productivity simply avoiding sugar will do 10 times more than all the meditation, gratefulness, cold showers and other stuff combined, since you won't have constant energy spikes, you will sleep better, not sleep during the day, wake up earlier, have stable energy, a clearer mind, clear nose, far better short term memory,etc.

@Headhuntr51 - 25.11.2023 01:43

GUYS… I might not be the best looking and all that shit… but you know you got some joker level shit going on when you say I love myself and start laughing…

@yeshuaschazzar - 24.11.2023 13:23

Every day I wake up I thank God I was not born a woman or a slave.

@bensonseow9192 - 19.11.2023 18:08


@rabolers - 18.11.2023 15:46

he watch skylar vox niceeee

@Servant_Of_God_richie_rich08 - 17.11.2023 22:23

I subscribed going through a lot of this thank you

@level_up_life777 - 11.11.2023 09:36

Have you ever practiced mindfulness and gratitude meditations?

@KarlBoards - 01.11.2023 02:03


@beinspired142 - 30.10.2023 14:16


@3rdDarkwood - 23.10.2023 09:33

While I do not necessarily agree w/ the topics you chose to include or exclude (where is exercise, which should be 1st or 2nd Tier ?!!), or the reasons for how you ranked them the way that you did, the fact that you made a video on this topic makes it my favorite vid I've seen of yours to date!! It seems like this will ultimately vary for each individual, as we all have our own goals, strengths and weaknesses, etc. But the concept of identifying key tools, identifying their relative value to each individual, and ranking them is key to efficient gains !!

@mulattopapi9741 - 23.10.2023 07:39

I smack the meat once every other day and that’s fine for me 👏🏾💪🏾

@zeljkothegreekserb - 21.10.2023 23:53

I can't believe you didn't even mention diet or specifically limiting sugar. Nothing will destroy your energy, duration, mental clarity and calmness as quick and as strong as doing 3, 4, 5 times the daily recommended intake of sugar, which can be done with just a small soda bottle and a single bad food meal, all the gratitude and affirmation stuff is nothing in comparison to fixing your diet.

@AnimeNewsRadio101 - 21.10.2023 18:29

Give up hot water, use a cold shower to fear, get my inner demon mode, lose my mind for someone and show her my true self against her.

It is 2023, she wants me. Needs to win me. 😎

@Justlibing010 - 14.10.2023 04:05

One thing is that no fap is WAY harder especially for someone is literally addicted to. Quitting po*n and all that stuff was hard for me and I still struggle some with it to this day, tho I’ve gone a couple months without watching it.

@ekekdkdk4624 - 10.10.2023 16:46

As a Melatonin adict it works
