Irrigation efficiency - The Irrometer Video

Irrigation efficiency - The Irrometer Video

Ronald Kleinman

1 десятилетие назад

13,961 Просмотров

Most gardeners under or over water their plants causing stress that can invite diseases, insect infestation, cause reduced yields or even death. Keep it simple, inexpensive moisture detection equipment lets you know when your plants need water. The experiment conducted with a tensiometer (tension meter) proved to me that I have been over-watering my garden for years! Check it out - you will be surprised!
See construction of the Eco Grower system here:


#Irrigation_(Taxonomy_Subject) #plant_moisture #when_to_water #Water_(Chemical_Compound) #Gardening #basic_gardening #proper_watering #moisture_measuring #soil_moisture #irrigation_water #water_waste #sustainable_gardening #Sustainability_(Literary_Genre)
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