Don’t Make This Mistake When You Spend the Night

Don’t Make This Mistake When You Spend the Night

Matthew Hussey

9 лет назад

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@lectornox - 07.03.2022 01:30

I read the title and saw dude eating cookies! And it clicked instantly oh s*** don't eat all their food lol

@vforsejrv7801 - 11.03.2022 11:28

Is it self-tan? 😊

@Antiparticipant - 14.03.2022 18:30

I now have a lost and found box of the stuff guys left in my house. Sorry boys, it's my sweater now!

@sarinastokes2814 - 22.03.2022 14:52

Umm I actually managed to leave trainers, water bottle, then I left my cardigan.. totally by accident..when you ar staying of the weekend and you take half your life a bags something is bound to get left behind..

@passthetunaporfavor - 07.04.2022 23:35

Like the time I left my glass eye at her place. Or forgot my dentures because her dog took them and chewed them up. Then there was the time I woke up with a paper bag over my head.

@bretburt7317 - 08.04.2022 22:34

Weird that I've been finding myself watching this guys videos (for the last hour), because I'm a guy and they are directed towards women. But I guess I'm trying to get a sense of women's point of view. This is from a life long, no-game, non-player. My only real dating success was when I was totally honest in my online dating profile. Working my way up to trying that again after a couple of years.

@Peter24601 - 12.04.2022 07:30

Great advice and it's also true the thin mints are the best cookies ever!

@ornellarose4818 - 16.04.2022 12:19

Tell me you have commitment issues without telling me 💀💀

@Tspoonoffun - 30.04.2022 14:45

LOL the thin mint joke made me chuckle thank you.

@CrayolaCoffeeBean - 30.04.2022 21:23

I left something behind once… purely by accident and it was terrible lolol I literally forgot my PURSE. HOW?!?! OMG 🤦🏼‍♀️ I was in college (before you think the worst, I left his place still a virgin lol) but omg it was so embarrassing 😆😆😆

@ronnieherrera8830 - 03.05.2022 14:52

When a matured male comes to a decision he will find a mate....he will find a ovulating matured female...this is fun...matured is the keyword for search...have fun.

@markprice5651 - 11.05.2022 20:22

"nobody wants to feel obligated...."
Indeed. This is why many men are much happier throwing in the towel on dating.

@carmensandiego211 - 17.05.2022 01:59

I swear I dopant do that on purpose

@jadedjane6241 - 22.05.2022 05:05

Haha! I'm a woman and I do forget things, but I never ask for them back. If it's something like dry shampoo or a toothbrush, I tell them to throw them out. If it's a piece of clothing, like a scarf or something I tell them to donate it to Goodwill. If they don't mention I left something, then I probably haven't or I forgot I have.

@nopaparazzi938 - 23.05.2022 01:48

After my 2nd night at his apartment HE bought me a toothbrush and placed it next to his. The 3rd night he made a special place for my skincares.
I think there's exceptions! 😉

@christinacaravello6461 - 26.05.2022 09:02

Hahahha sorry not sorry

@christinacaravello6461 - 26.05.2022 09:04

I leave it there like a dog marks it’s territory 😂

@ejsvegas5724 - 06.06.2022 23:59

Oh that was your ring? sorry I took it to the pawn shop, but if you want to meet up I can give you $25 I got for it. LOL

@simontmn - 18.06.2022 11:24

Hoping my gf will be leaving the toothbrush soon...

@alemoeckel - 20.06.2022 16:01


@consciouscutie - 14.07.2022 23:50

I absolutely adore the idea of a cute little love note 💕

@smurfettezombie2132 - 16.07.2022 11:20

It’s not a
Big deal I think you’re over thinking it. Ppl forget things get over it. Let’s move on. This is silly.

@thebettybassettproduction2458 - 20.07.2022 15:38

You are so insane Matt Hussey!

@FlowerChyld43 - 23.07.2022 09:01

If the desire to see you again is there, they'll get in touch. If not, an act of desperation by leaving a part of "you" behind will be seen as just that. Get more hobbies. Go on more dates. Stop being so needy. Bleh! : P

@kirkegaming9542 - 24.07.2022 22:25

My X put her credit card in my pocket once so i could come back sooner. even just for 10 minutes

@LauDor08 - 07.08.2022 23:47

Lol George Costanza did a "leave behind" to get a second date with a woman.

@traviscue2099 - 10.08.2022 14:29

It's even worse when they leave shit, and don't want a second date.. You just end up with a small collection of shit that you would feel bad throwing out lol

@ToraAnimates - 18.08.2022 20:01

I don’t understand why so much thinking and so much tricks…things to do and not to do I’m exhausted just hearing all these what not to do and what to do. Lol
Can a person just find someone they like and not play games and not overthink anything. If one feels she or he can be themselves with that person then that is the person to put more work into but if not why puts so much energy into getting someone that might be upset because you forgot your toothbrush at his house or a ring or piece of garment at his place. And also why do one need to forget something at the guys place so that he can bring it to her so she can see him again. Shouldn’t he wants to see you just as much without any of these gimmicks. Shouldn’t we feel it in our heart every fiber in our body know that this person is sincere and he’s OK with you leaving something or forgetting something at his place. Should he make such a big deal out of that?

@LightLiving444 - 25.08.2022 02:26

Wise and 😂🤣😂

@jagcf - 27.08.2022 15:47

Omg, I left my video game at his house second time around and now we have broken up our dating. I'm so angry he hasn't tried to contact me after I sent a message that I wanted it back, and that he should call when he finds the time. It was a great game and he could easily send it by mail 😢😢😢😢If I only saw this video before I left it behind on purpose .

@sundancer7381 - 07.09.2022 19:34

Cute! When mentioned the word "thin".....munched on a thin mint. What a talker!!

@heyitsme322 - 24.09.2022 17:21

I did spray my perfume on his pillow. 🤣🤣🤣

@qqq6309 - 03.10.2022 10:02

I don’t leave something at my boyfriend’s place for the purpose of letting him remember me, but more so when i go back i can still use it, and i have more at home. For example: toothbrush, charger.

@SpanishwithAdriana - 18.10.2022 16:19

Noooo I love how much English people love tea 🫖 😢

@damiarassam7956 - 01.11.2022 22:34

I just give them a gift, cologne, scented candle, skincare, rosary.

@KathRob1994 - 19.11.2022 23:26

Great, now I need thin mints 😂

@2ript4u - 11.12.2022 00:50

Iv had girls leave their phone. Like really

@Lisagriggsofficial - 20.12.2022 03:32

My girlfriend stayed at her boyfriends house. She found another woman pajamas in the drawer. She took those put and replaced them with hers! Classic!)

@irrisistablemuch - 27.01.2023 14:20

When I first started dating my guy, I'd stay over (we hadn't had sex) and I would always take everything that belonged to me. This started to, not bother him exactly, but he said he'd like it if I could feel comfortable enough to leave things and then emptied a drawer and said that is my drawer. I thought that was nice 🤷‍♀️

@robynedward125 - 16.03.2023 17:10

Fairy tales are different completely I don't recommend if u just met. If it's been going on for a long I would love a note lol I've never left a written note lol I don't usually leave stuff lol if I just meet u I don't usually just hook up tho selective I guess? Good advice tho only leave stuff if it's been going on awhile between the two of u don't scare them. Know what u want baby steps tho test your waters my advice and mint cookies hhm love those cookies craving them now I am.

@houdaennabo - 04.04.2023 13:32

He DIDN’T HAVE Cinderella’s number hits hard

@Betterboundariesnowteensupport - 18.05.2023 19:20

In Australia we have mint slice biscuits they are delicious.

@seanautilis15 - 20.05.2023 01:32

they are leaving things because they want a relationship. and you, whom I used to respect, play right into this incredibly destructive hook up "culture". Culture, wow, culture of the barnyard

@eyeamme1917 - 31.05.2023 16:28

I didn't know this was even a thing. I genuinely didn't mean to leave anything behind. I live out of town and we were drinking heavily the night before. I was hungover and just wanted to leave before he woke up. This means he thinks it was intentional 😧🤦‍♀️. No worries. I'll just avoid him forever and buy a new hoodie. Is it rood to ask him to mail my hoodie?

@paulcoy9060 - 03.07.2023 01:48

"I left my ring there."
"That was yours? Damn, I pawned it and bought an Xbox."

@ThtGirlElle - 12.07.2023 06:08

I left my vibrator under his bed … let’s just say it was returned hahaha 😂 guys are too easy -

@NRenee111 - 13.08.2023 02:27

I left my eye lashes at his house before 😭 I called and told him to throw it out. He then told me it's okay to leave things as his house is not a big deal. I guess that meant he likes me or no other women were going to be coming over?

@cherie5629 - 19.10.2023 22:47

Is this sponsored by girl scouts? 😅 I love it

@Dandelion_881 - 28.01.2024 21:17

It’s weird to leave things like that. My boyfriend suggested that I leave sleepwear/lingerie and kit (toothbrush, contact lens, etc) once we started sleeping over.

@AyaKira15 - 10.03.2025 11:34

He left his vape at my house and I'm still trying to figure out if it was on purpose or not 😂
