Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Before You Buy

Mass Effect Legendary Edition - Before You Buy


3 года назад

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gameranx - 14.05.2021 02:25

thanks as always for watching. let's fight: who's your favorite Mass Effect character and WHY

Skittle_666 - 17.09.2023 17:30

Anyone here in 2023 after steam dropped it for 15$ instead of 80?😂

SIDΞKICK - 16.09.2023 02:17

and its 100GB what the hell !

TheGrimReaper - 15.09.2023 03:15

Photo mode in other games: beautiful scenery
Photo mode in mass effect: ass ass ass ass ass ass ass alien ass

Bob Nolin
Bob Nolin - 12.09.2023 03:25

Obviously, I am Krogan.

Kiran Kumar
Kiran Kumar - 11.09.2023 17:52

I wish I could erase my memory and play the again

Pododododo Ehoh
Pododododo Ehoh - 11.09.2023 01:10

they nerfed the ass

adrian miranda
adrian miranda - 08.09.2023 00:12

1st time player lokking forward to it

kozodoev - 06.09.2023 01:05

The only mass effect game i've ever played was andromeda and there's no way in hell they will convince me to buy more mass effect games after that one, fool me once.

Blindsyde - 02.09.2023 04:48

I just jumped into ME3 for the first time and DAAAAAAYUMN. I'm loving it. Such rich lore to it, great story, awesome art direction.
I'm super happy I started this.

Tubetech - 23.08.2023 22:43

Your character looks like Charlie Kirk

boomslangCA - 22.08.2023 08:24

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. EA's new app is crap and will bring you nothing but frustration and heartache. It's absolute shit programmed by chimps at best. Buy it at your own peril. Any EA game is now unplayable. Waste your money if you want; EA will laugh at you all the way to the bank.

Lady P
Lady P - 04.08.2023 02:17

Started today on Xbox. It’s lime playing for the first time, I don’t remember anything from the first game.

Ray Camacho
Ray Camacho - 30.07.2023 23:08

First time playing worth it ??

DVS Anudeep
DVS Anudeep - 28.07.2023 16:52

Why everyone saying i envy you or i feel jelous for the others who are yet to play this series in this edition?

Rossbrian1 - 26.07.2023 19:02

Ill be playing this for the first time and especially for $12 its a no brainer... right?

Kyle - 24.07.2023 17:34

Jumping into the trilogy again in 2023 gonna try my first Vanguard playthrough

[XIM] - 22.07.2023 03:17

During the Xbox 360/PS3 era, I missed out on a ton of game franchises that are considered masterpieces, I still played a lot of good franchise, like the first Xbox 360 game I ever played was Halo 3, that’s literally one of my favorite games of all time, and favorite video game franchise.. well not so much now.. Halo will never be the same, but anyways I played Fallout New Vegas, the first Assassin’s creed, Halo 3 ODST, Halo Reach, Call of Duty 4 Modern warfare, but that’s about.. all the highly praised games that I’ve played, never got into the Borderlands franchise, Gears of war, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Portal 1&2 and of course the Mass Effect franchise, I guess it’s mainly since I grew up in a strict household, so even getting a handful of violent games.. I don’t know how my 4-9 year old self managed to pull that off, but anyways due to backwards compatibility on modern Xbox consoles, I’ve been able to experience a whole bunch of games from beloved franchises, that I’ve missed out on during the 360 days, and I’ve been playing a bunch of older games.. and enjoying them waaaaay more than a lot of these modern games, but I’m not gonna lie sometimes I feel like people are speaking out of nostalgia when they praise certain franchises, like that’s what I thought with Mass Effect, because I kept hearing how good the mass effect games were and what not, but they just never really got my attention, they looked like completely generic games.. from the gameplay.. the basic weapon designs, and it just looked boring to me, but like 2 months ago or so, I bought the legendary edition since it was on sale for $15 dollars, I wanted to see if all those people were right about this trilogy, and if they were truly great games, I’ve started with Mass effect 1 obviously… and I can’t lie.. it was the most fun I ever had playing a game, I was hooked, now another game that I hear that is really good that a lot of people recommend.. is Skyrim, but uhh… now that game just looks boring to me 😂 I don’t think I will ever try that, no matter how much praise the game gets, there’s like so many different versions of the game that released.. that it’s just like.. which one do you even play?? but anyways I don’t know who’s gonna take the time to read this long essay I pretty much typed, but to whoever took the time to read it, I hope you have a great day and enjoyed my gaming experience.

BigJay52 - 20.07.2023 18:33

Aye, Thanks Bro, I'm trying to get ready for Starfield and leaning on this to get me set... Thanks 👍

Justice and elena
Justice and elena - 13.07.2023 02:52

Just starting the series now

Eden Romanov
Eden Romanov - 11.07.2023 12:43

None of this really sold me on getting the remaster, the original games while outdated graphically are still solid compared to this remake. A remake would have been better I think but considering the censorship they had a hand in doing to some aspects of these games I think leaving them as is, is for the best. Hopefully future Bioware games will improve the tarnished reputation they currently have.

Damien Enos
Damien Enos - 09.07.2023 06:28

I went and picked this up today! I own the first 2 on xbox360 but only played the first one for about 2 hrs so looking forward to completing this series!

Walz - 05.07.2023 18:27

Name a better trilogy

Mutantspicy - 06.06.2023 21:58

I just finished for the first time. I was a big fan of the Dragon Age games, and the OG Neverwinter Nights. But this game never drew me in, I decided to try since the LE went on sale on Steam. Oh My. This was fantastic, I played through all three games with the same character and it was awesome. It kept me in there through completion. Great story. Great exploration and pretty fun. Kind of easy and I feel like the movement in the 3rd game suffered from clunky stealth mechanics.

Justin Nixon
Justin Nixon - 03.06.2023 03:21

I never played the game even when came out, everyone was saying, “you have play this”. So, I bought it this morning for $14.99 for all three games on the PlayStation Store.

2Ton - 17.05.2023 21:08

My favorite thing about Mass Effect is the character development. Favorite character is best girl Tali

I replay Mass Effect annually on my old Xbox 360. Wasn't even aware of Legendary Edition until I saw it was on sale. Currently installing LE and I'm looking forward to the improved visuals, hoping my GPU doesn't choke on them. Also RIP Bioware

Dowayne Breedt
Dowayne Breedt - 12.05.2023 13:37

choosing between ashley and kaiden was like choosing between broccoli and cauliflower.

Audioremedy0785 - 11.05.2023 21:30

I played the first mass effect about 10 years ago and never got round to 2 or 3. I have just got legendry edition and was going to go into 2. But last second I decided to complete them again in order and I’m really glad.

Ryno Marais
Ryno Marais - 11.05.2023 17:24

As a first time player, would I miss out skipping the first game?

Вася Ковачевич
Вася Ковачевич - 03.05.2023 11:35

I have played it back in the day and I just finished ME 1st one , but this LEgendary improved stuff loook like boxes running around in circles not so much graphic wise. From looking through your videos.
I already own old versions but looking forward to get new one as well.
hey what happened To new Mass Effect they made back in 2021 or something like that. its not a Triligy.
Its new from Scratch.
Mass Effect Andromeda is First Version.
There is other one that they made. I paid it 100 bucks in advance and its all lost. even the ea browser cant find it no more,
by the way the new one you start as a kid, lol.

Rious Hima
Rious Hima - 02.05.2023 21:15

Now we just need official FPS mode ! ! !

financeranger - 30.04.2023 04:30

On sale for $17 in PSN now 😳

Moncree Brown
Moncree Brown - 29.04.2023 21:11

So many great memories playing and beating all 3 of these games. I have the legendary edition as it were free on Playstation Plus. Definitely going to get back into it, one of my all time favorite series.

God-Emperor Elizabeth II
God-Emperor Elizabeth II - 29.04.2023 11:43

Man I remember playing mass effect for the first time back in ‘07. What a genuinely life-changing experience

MeteDuzur_ Mom
MeteDuzur_ Mom - 29.04.2023 08:04

I find myself getting lost all the time in the map of Mass Effect 1. Does this happen to anyone else?

Gamer for life
Gamer for life - 29.04.2023 07:01

I absolutely love the mass effect trilogy here! I never played mass effect when the games (trilogy) originally came out and I’m actually happy I waited for this version. It’s a beautiful series and everyone should play it. I also really didn’t mind andromeda, I think it deserves a little more love

quba xD
quba xD - 24.04.2023 15:48

Anyone else having issues with the mouse acting weird? i.e. mouse control is totally broken in this game, e.g. frame rate mainly. less fps the camera flies faster, more-slower

Nice Diggz
Nice Diggz - 19.04.2023 06:00

Looks like a Upgraded TellTale game Graphics

Ultimateb13 - 11.04.2023 07:53

Just bought it for Xbox series s. Never played, excited to jump in for the first time 🎉

Chris Wyatt
Chris Wyatt - 06.04.2023 13:45

Gonna start my first ever mass effect game today. In a gaming rut and tired of games I’m currently playing. Been playing H forbidden west and my god is it dull, gonna put it on hold for a while as I need that spark to enjoy games again not waste my time on games I’m not enjoying and feel like a chore to play

Action Hank
Action Hank - 03.04.2023 15:49

can anyone elaborate on those PC-problems? I am considering buying this for pc, but I have all the games already, so if it is no good then never mind

Henry Dilson
Henry Dilson - 24.03.2023 01:51

This game is one of the best!

Koxden - 11.03.2023 21:50

I would have bought this if mass effect 3 had multiplayer. Or if mass effect 1 and 2 had the gameplay of mass effect 3 but almost no remakes do that.

Pedro Bahia
Pedro Bahia - 06.03.2023 23:38

the best games I ever played, this was a must buy

Lulu - 05.03.2023 23:00

ME1 spoiler alert

Well, i'm new to the mass effect serie and while i began ME1 thinking Ashley was kinda cool, annoying at time, but still cool, I came to hate her so badly after she killed Wrex when I think I could have handle the situation and then when it came to choose between her or Kaiden, although I hated her, I was playing the game on hardest difficulty and her stat complemented mine better than Kaiden so despite hating her, I chose to save her, which made me hate her even more bc I lost a third of my squadmates in a single mission due to her.

Howard Laney
Howard Laney - 05.03.2023 04:25

Playing this now for the first time because of this vid and the comments. If it's half as good as claimed I'll be happy.

ItsChef - 26.02.2023 11:52

Already bought. Let’s see how bad I ducked up

DontGoLive - 25.02.2023 08:52

I really remember loving the second game and the multiplayer in the third game.

Anonymous - 24.02.2023 13:55

You clearly had not even finished the first game by the time you pumped out this review. All or this footage is from your playthrough of the first game and it would have been nice if you waited another week or two to play them all and have footage for each game instead of just showing us the roughest game of the three in all of your footage. Automatic Dislike from me, that was very disappointing.

Gulyás Dávid
Gulyás Dávid - 18.02.2023 22:10

there are games that are simply mandatory, without any reason, Mass Effect is one of them
