After Japan Surrendered In World War II, America Wanted The Emperor Hanged

After Japan Surrendered In World War II, America Wanted The Emperor Hanged

The Movie Recap

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@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:43

The New York Times by F.Tillman Durdin 1937 Nov.22

Chinese Admit Retreat

by F.Tillman Durdin
Wireless to The New York Times.
Nanking, Monday. Nov.22

Chinese leaders admit their armies are retreating gradually following the loss of Soochow and Changsu. They predict a stubborn stand in strongly prepared new positions.
The new Japanese advance brings the invaders within easy striking distance of the Kiangyin boom obstructing the Yangtze River, so it is expected another boom will be sunk this week in the vicintiy of Tsingkiang, across the river from Kiangyin, in an effort to bar the Japanese fleet from Nanking.
The right flank of the Chinese troops south of Tai Lake is retreating to Wushing and Kwangteh following the loss of Nanzin.
The simultaneous Japanese advance north and south of Tai Laike is increasing apprehensions of the trapping of the huge Chinese force in the Nanking area if the Japanese strike toward Wuhu on the Yangtze River above Nanking, cutting off a Chinese withdrawal upriver.
Breaking of the booms and the arrival of the Japanese fleet off Nanking would complete the encirclement of the Chinese armies and result in a struggle around and in the city, foreign military experts here believe. Many Chinese leaders still demand a stand within the city despite the terrific costs.
The reports of additional Chinese reverses increased the panic of fleeing residents. Thousands packed the Hsiakwan docks. Many destitute men and women wandered about in the bitterly cold driving rain, seeking an opportunity to board steamers, sampans, junks and barges. For half a mile along the Bund are enormous piles of abandoned furniture and baggage which fleeing families left behind.

Warship Guns Removed

The few remaining vessels of the Chinese Navy, including the cruiser Chungshan, are racking their guns. Apparently the intent is to abandon the ships and remove the weapons to land.
The inadequacy of evacuation facilities is shown in semi-official estimates that despite the frantic efforts only 50,000 persons succeeded in escaping from Nanking last week. The capital, which had a population of more than 1,000,000 last July is now estimated to have only 200,000. It is feared that if the Japanese advance continues at its present pace there will be 150,000 civilians here when the battle for possession of the city begins.
The few officals who remain here under orders are extremly(extremely) fearful of theire fate. The United States embassy has already received indirect requests to protect some but all these requests have been politely but firmly rejected.
In an effort to maintain the public utilities a joint headquarters for telephone, water, power and sanitarium services is being established. Four goverment banks are similarly merging their Nanking offices.
The continued concentration of troops here is shown by the increasing number of soldiers within the city. The troops are forcibly occupying many just-vacated civilian residences.
German and other military advisers were among yesterday's fugitives. The Germans will open headquarters at Hankow and plan to carry on their work by training tens of thousands of recruits and conscripts in many interior cities.
Chinese admit a new landing by the Japanese Army in the vicinity of Halchow, the seaboard terminus of the Lunghai railway, and expect rear and flank attacks on their Shantung positions and a possible southward thrust toward Nanking if the Japanese Army can capture the Suchow railway juncition north of Pukow.
United States Ambassador Nelson T.Johnson and most of the embassy staff will leave Nanking tomorrow morning on the gunboat Luzon. This was decided yesterday following a conference of the heads of diplomatic missions which decided that all would depart at approximately the same hour.
The evacuation of the envoys was timed to coincide with the approximate hour of the arrival of Foreign Minister Wang Chung-hui at Hankow, where he will establish a new Foreign Office. He left Nanking yesterday.
The United States Embassy will not be transferred from Nanking. Part of the staff will continue work here just as those remaining at Peiping. The Ambassador explained that his Hankow offices would be opened to maintain contact with the Chinese Government.
Those remaining at the embassy are Georege Atcheson Jr., senior second secretary in charge; J.Hall Paxton, second secretary; and Emile Gassie, clerk. Captain J.M.McHugh, assistant naval attache, will remain a few days.
Accompanying Mr.Johnson will be Willys R. Peck, counsellor; Clayson W. Aldridge, second secretary; Sydney K. Lafoon, vice consul, and Captain Frank M. Roberts, assistant military attache.
A number of Nanking Americans also will depart on the Luzon, which will call at ports en route to Hankow to pick up Americans desiring to flee upriver.
The gunboat Panay will remain at Nanking to serve as a message center for the embassy and perhaps as a refuge for the staff and other Americans remaining here if a battle for the possession of Nanking results in grave danger. About twenty Americans, including the embassy staff but excluding the Panay's crew; an equal number of Britons, a dozen Germans and small groups of other nationalities will remain.
More than 100 Germans, including thirty-two, women, will leave with the German Embassy staff on a leased steamer tomorrow. Dr.G.Rosen, the secretary, will remain.
The Soviet Embassy staff will leave on a French gunboat. All will go, including the Tass news agency representatives, cutting off all Soviet offical representation in Nanking.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:41

Three Japanese of former Japan's Imperial Army officers in the WW2 are listed in the Golden Book. Only people that saved and helped the Jew at the risk of their lives could be listed by the Jew in Israel.
Those brave and honorable 3 Japanese in the WWII are as below.

Mr. Chiune Sugihara(1900-1986), diplomat of the Imperial Japan.

Mr. Kiichirou Higuchi(1880-1970), Army Lieutenant General of the Japan's Imperial Army.

Mr. Norihiro Yasue(1888-1950),Army Colonel of the Japan's Imperial Army.

Descendants of Mr.Sugihara and Higuchi are still invited to Israel to be praised by Jews in Israel as below.
At that time in the world in the WW2 only Imperial Japan's Army saved systematically 40-90 thousand Jewish refugees from Europe to Manchuria via Siberia in March 1938.Even Soviet Union didn't save them.
Hideki Toujyo was their big boss in Manchuria and he supported Kiichirou Higuchi collaborating with Yousuke Matsuoka( chairman of Manchurian Railway Co. Ltd.)to save those Jew refugees from Europe in spite German NAZI claimed and opposed severely to Japan's Imperial Army.
But after the end of the WW2 Allied Forces hang Hideki Toujyo and other 6 Japanese with death for so called war criminals at at the Tokyo Revenge Tribunal in 1946 for 3 years in Japan with Ex-Post Facto Law.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:41

The so world-widely well-known and famous USA Government's final and official report about IJA( Imperial Japan's Army) in the WW2 named " THE IWG REPORT " that was publicly issued in USA in 2007 wasting so huge amount of USA Tax money(30 million US Dollars) and 8 years and 7 million historic documents due to insistent, persistent and strong requests from Communist Hans, Hans from Communist China and the Korean(South & North) living mainly in California ,New York and New Jersey of USA concluded finally and officially in the world USA Government could not find so called war crimes of IJA in the WW2 as Han descendant members of " The Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia "(GAPH, that is mainly organized by Han descendants from Communist China ,Ignatius Ding, Ivy Lee in Cupertino, California) propagandized many Anti-Japan groundless, fake and fabricated historic propagandas and fictions not only in North America but also in the world since 2012.
USA government could not agree with their fake and fabricated propagandas and fictions of "GAPH" in spite of their groundless many historic propagandas and fictions by Communist Hans, Hans from Communist China and and the Korean(South & North) descendants not only in USA/Canada but also in Australia/Germany/France/Communist China ,2 Koreas ( South & North),Japan and other nations in the world with no real ,concrete and justifiable historic evidences and proofs.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:41


[ 1938 : By the New York Times.]

SHANGHAI, Jan. 3.— American professors remaining at foreign members of the refugee welfare committee were seriously embarrassed to discover that they had been harboring a deserting Chinese army colonel and six of his subordinate officers.
The Chinese officers, who had doffed their uniforms during the Chinese retreat from Nanking, were discovered living in one of the college buildings. They confessed their identity after Japanese army searchers found they had hidden six rifles, five revolvers and a dismounted machine gun and ammunition in the building.
The deserters confessed looting in Nanking and also that one night they dragged girls from the refugee camp into the darkness and the next day blamed Japanese soldiers for the attacks. The ex-officers were arrested under martial law and probably will be executed.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:38

A best seller book published in USA ,Korea and Japan titled " So Far from the Bamboo Grove" written by Ms. Yoko Kawashima Watkins in 1986 proved so many refugees of Japanese women from the northern part of the Korean península and Manchuria to Japan were raped by northern Korean men after the end of WW2 . The Soviet Union's soldiers raped more than 200,000 Japanese women too, but the worst cases were by Korean men in the northern part of the Korean peninsula being supported by the Communist Soviet Union.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:38

Allied Forces including Soviet Army raped almost 1million Germans: academic by Emma Anderson on 5th March 2015

A German historian estimates in a new book that French, British ,American and Soviet soldiers raped 860,000 Germans at and after the end of the Second World War, including 190,000 sexual assaults by American and Soviet soldiers.
Allied soldiers 'raped hundreds of thousands of German women' after WW2
As we remember VE Day, remember too the German women who were raped

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:37

All more intelligent people in the world than you historic ignoramus and except for only 3 nations of Totalitarian, Dictatorial, Cruel, Inhuman and Genocide executing Anti-Japan/Japanese Communist Han Dynasty and Han's eternal subsidiary nations of Anti-Japan/Japanese 2 Koreas ( North & South) and the so called Anti-Japan/Japanese Libtard ignoramuses and Dupes in the world try to discount and defame Japan/Japanese with groundless, fake , fabricated ,historic and malicious propagandas , fictions and rumors in the world for so long period.
Which one of them are you ?

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:37

The notorious first propaganda book of the fiction/fabrication of the so called Nanking massacre "What War Means " being published by Communist handling publishing company in London, UK was written by infamous Australian liar/propagandist of the newspaper correspondent(The Manchester Guardian) Harold John Timperley(1898-1954)in 1938 just several months after the Nanking Battle between Japan's Imperial Army and Chiang-Kai-shek from Dec. 1937 with so many mere rumors, and fabrications. Harold John Timperley was employed by Chiang Kai-shek to propagandize the fiction/fabrication of the so called Nanking massacre in USA and Europe with monthly salary 1,000 US Dollars( Now 19 thousands US Dollars per month) with other some American priests, university professors in Nanking founded by the American ,American newspaper correspondents and NAZI's death merchant John H. D. Rabe(1882-1950).

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:37

The horrible Gegenm Massacre and rapes of many Japanese women and civilians by Soviet Union's soldiers and Chinese in Manchuria in the WW2.

The Gegenmiao massacre, also known as the Gegenmiao incident,was a massacre and rapes conducted by the Soviet Army(one of Allied Forces members in the WW2) and a part of the local Chinese population against over half of a group of 1,800 Japanese women and children who had taken refuge in the lamasery Gegenmiao/Koken-miao (葛根廟) on August 14, 1945, during the Soviet invasion of Manchuria.
The massacre occurred in Gegenmiao/Koken-miao (present day: Gegenmiao zhen; 葛根廟鎭), a town in the Horqin Right Front Banner of the Hinggan League of Inner Mongolia. Refugees were shot, run over by tanks or trucks, and bayoneted by the red army after they raised a white flag. After two hours, well over one thousand Japanese refugees, mostly women and children, had been killed. Angry Chinese chased a group of Japanese refugees into a river, where many drowned. Some women were stripped and raped by soldiers. A woman was stripped and killed by Chinese after her child was killed by Soviet Red Army soldiers. One family tried to hide in the trenches, but were pursued and gunned down by Soviets. They also beat mothers into submission in order to steal children. In the market a Japanese boy could sell for 300 yen, a girl for 500 yen.

By the end of the killings over 1000 people had died.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:36

" Horrible Tongzhou Massacre and terrbile rapes of Japanese women in China incident (Tungchow mutiny) - July 29, 1937 - (通州事件)
It was a genocide almost 250 Japanese citizens in Tongzhou near Beijing of China were brutally slaughtered by Chinese soldiers who were deceived and instigated by Communist Chinee spies in KMT( Chiang Kai-shek's Army) Those Chinese solders were originally due to protect Japanese citizens in Tongzhou. Many photos of this Tongzhou Massacre are used at the Nanking Museum and the notorious fake and propaganda book " The Rape of Nanking" written by a Han liar and propagandist Iris Chiang of USA.

Photos of above victims of Japanese women, children etc. in the Tongzhou Massacre incident are used at the so called fake and fabricated shameless Nanking Massacre Museum in Nanking now !!!!!

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:36

50,000 Vietnamese Women raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam war and 20,000 mixed children with South Korean soldiers are still awaiting apology from South Korean's government and South Korean people.

Campaign group urges recognition for women affected by sexual violence of South Korean troops and the children born as a result

Totally 320,000 South Korean soldiers were deployed to Vietnam to fight alongside the US between 1964 and 1973, but the story of the country’s involvement in the conflict is largely untold. South Korea has never acknowledged claims of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by its troops against thousands of women and girls, some as young as 12 – or the children born as a result.
Are there mixed children between Japanese soldiers and locan women during the WW2 ????????Why are there 20,000 mixed children between Korean soldiers and Vietnamese women during the Vietnam War ??????

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:35

500,000 Japanese women, children, students and elderly Japanese including 90,000 Koreans living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were instantly melted or very seriously injured by experimental 2 kinds of ( uranium & Plutonium on purpose) within a week when Japan was negotiating with many ways to end the war in Switzerland and Sweden etc. and could not get any medical treatment by USA Army after the end of the WW2 . USA Army only took so many photos and videos of victims without any medical treatment.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:35

USA and Australian soldiers took off many Gold Teeth and thieved Japanese swords, note books, private photos and personal effects, Japanese flag etc. from the dead bodies of Japanese soldiers in battle fields and cut off Japanese sculps to send their families as souvenirs in the WW2 after boiling them to remove hairs and skins. Some USA soldiers sold them to get money in USA after the end of the WW2. You can see many photos not only in USA but also in the world. But no Japanese soldiers in the WW2 did such immoral things to any soldiers of USA and other Allied Forces. Which one had the morality as a human being ?

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:34

Allied Forces including Soviet Army raped almost 1m Germans: academic by Emma Anderson on 5th Marach 2015
A German historian estimates in a new book that French, British ,American and Soviet soldiers raped 860,000 Germans at and after the end of the Second World War, including 190,000 sexual assaults by American and Soviet soldiers.

Allied soldiers 'raped hundreds of thousands of German women' after WW2

As we remember VE Day, remember too the German women who were raped

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:34

American woman in USA during the WW2 was gifted a Japanese soldier's sculp from her American boyfriend soldier who were fighting against Japan's Imperial Army in the Pacific Ocean. American soldiers killed many Japanese soldiers and boiled their sculps in hot water to remove their hairs from sculps and sent them to their girlfriends in USA.
And also many American and Australian soldiers took off Japanese soldiers' gold teeth , notebooks, flags, Japanese swards etc. from dead bodies of Japanese soldiers and sold them after returning back to USA and Australia.
But no any Japanese soldiers did such shameful and brutal actions in any battle fields.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:33

2 million Japanese soldiers , Japanese civilians, Japanese women in Machuria were forcibly taken to Siverian Starlin's concentration camps after the end of the WW2 in August 1945 and 200 thousands were killed or died for no foods and forced labors by Soviet.The Байкало-Амурская магистраль was constructed those Japanese captives.But in Soviet Union and Russia a shameful ,feke, fabricated,baseless historic propaganda was/is still educayed that only Комсомол(Young Russian Communist group)constructed it by themslves.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:33

More than 10,000 Japanese women were raped only in 1945 by mainly soldiers of Australia, USA etc. in Japan after the end of WW2 . And the GHQ of Allied Forces requested the Occupied Japan's Government to set up many brothels recruiting many Japanese women in many places of Japan for 7 years till Allied Forces left from Japan. Japanese women most feared Australian soldiers with strange hats for the reason of their brutality and inhumanity. Old Japanese women still remember it well in Japan.

@YK64GS-uk6rm - 27.12.2023 04:33

Douglas MacArthur (GHQ Commander-in-Chief)

" Their purpose, therefore in going to
war was laragely dictated by security. In the past 100 years, the biggest political
mistake U.S. had committed was that by the defeat of Japan, we made the communist
most powerful in China. "
MacArthur noticed it at last just during the Korean War in 1950, but it was already too late !

@Whatisright - 26.12.2023 03:43

Could the militarists be described as the Shogunate of the time?

@Alexandros.Mograine - 25.10.2023 20:16

Matthew Fox was so good in this movie. Its one of my alltime favourite movies.

@stephcrank4500 - 01.10.2023 00:30


@fswatyahoocom - 12.09.2023 19:39

all the other axis leaders were dead by hanging or suicide except him.

@rowdyelitehater8595 - 11.09.2023 21:31

Us British wanted his blood, more than any fucking American.

@1BIGRichard_Bulge - 04.09.2023 20:05

The USA does what it wants to who it wants whenever it wants. If you don't like it stop them. 😂

@sergedeleon9592 - 31.08.2023 16:04

I wonder in that time of war American journalist never allowed to Tokyo because of difference of views of war no article of this published

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:59

soldier respect his good fight to the death..not lies osama on sea body dumbing shit

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:58

us navy top information high command relay this story as actual fact fucker finger ur ass lying super penis warrior cock army honor kill a real belly honor enemy

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:55

can u believe they really pretended that story?

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:55

no he is as equal to you sir Nimizt head of our navy equalvalent..dont let him go by accident mistaken id ..we got our admiral equal shoot him down now

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:53

sir is yamato important we know his date n fly number destination is he important what should we do sir marshall 5 stars sir?

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:46

2 nuke is

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:46

is it a fact?

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:45

while winner sam fucking lie drop nuke by lies y u had best wseapon best ship best ground winning squeeze choke hold no need any more slaughter to ramson delay conditional term winning before war more damages period await white flag but wat did winner usa do?

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:39

they rather die than lose runaway loser

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:36

in desperation pilot kamakazi..u dont do that wit option

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:35

45 total marine merchant nothing back in maybe few sub

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:34

surrounded japan sea 43-44

@klubmusix3848 - 29.08.2023 10:34

they drop incendary burn paper houses

@pnayeri - 21.08.2023 10:10

One of the saddest chapters of history is the fact that the truth about Japan and Japanese and their conduct during WWII was whitewashed and pretty much hidden! The Japanese committed such horrific atrocities and war crimes that made the Nazis look like child’s play! Yet, very a few if any of the Japanese general and government officials were held accountable! What most people learned in school and seen in movies and documentaries about WWII pails in comparison to the actual truth about how sadistic, sick, and evil the Japanese war machine really was! The war crimes and crimes against humanity that they committed against the Chinese, filipinos, and especially the American prisoners of war was absolutely horrific and unparallel in the history of mankind! Yet they try to portray themselves as peaceful, loving people now because they know they don’t have the power anymore! There is a very good reason that world leaders who knew the truth made sure that Japan will never again be allowed to have an official and powerful military! I don’t have anything against or have any prejudice against the Japanese people, however as military and WWII historian and scholar, it is extremely difficult to over look the atrocities the Japanese committed and even today the majority of the Japanese people feel a deep pride about that period, though they will never show it publicly! One must really study and research the truth beyond the water downed version of the history and events to truly understand and grasp the depth of the atrocities that was committed by the Japanese!

@jamesdcosta4813 - 20.08.2023 20:31

I wonder in all American movies, how they covet the local women! Lusty piece of sh!t, them Americans! 🐖

@dellcruz2818 - 19.08.2023 17:20

its a good decision by America because.. HIROHITO IS JESUS CHRIST FOR JAPAnese people.. MAN. GOD.

WHatever HIROHITO. OR MAN GOD says japanese majority obeys.. COOPERATE with Americans says hirohito.. japanese people obey.. so no problem..
a powerful puppet government orders coming from.Christ himself.. man.god hirohito

@lychan2366 - 18.08.2023 07:40

Among others, this movie shows up the clash of US and Japanese cultures. After a lifelong indoctrination of blind obedience to a "demi-god", the conspiracy of silence among the Emperor's subordinates is to be expected. They were complicit in hiding the extent of Emperor Hirohito's knowledge and involvement in planning and directing Japan's Pacific war.

To the more serious students of history: If you have not read Eri Hotta's book entitled "Japan 1941: Countdown to Infamy", be encouraged to read it.

You will get a more culturally nuanced but still critical analysis of the top civilian and military decision makers in Tokyo, including the Emperor, that collectively led Japan to war with the USA in 1941.

@philipbuckley759 - 17.08.2023 07:22

Japan got a pass, on the war, eh...

@Peppabot - 11.08.2023 09:44

As a Japanese person, regardless of the surrender if the emperor was hung there would be a second war and 20 nuclear bombs wouldn’t stop that rage 😅

It was a beautiful and smart idea to not execute the emperor.
It would’ve irreversibly damaged everything beyond repair

@towada1066 - 08.08.2023 21:54

Then again, Robert E. Lee wasn't hung ... why not?

@mdsultanmahmud6805 - 07.08.2023 23:55


@jamesl.9776 - 07.08.2023 12:47

steals copyrighted content and don't even credit the movie title. Fantastic. Trash channel

@aislinnkeilah7361 - 07.08.2023 06:50

Ideally the Emperor should have been tried found guilty and executed but practically that would have been disastrous and seriously impeded the occupation. General MacArthur administered Japan brilliantly and humanely.

@marksamuelsen2750 - 05.08.2023 19:52


@MeinSophie - 05.08.2023 07:30

So Jack was back on flight
