How do I know wether a game has this enabled
ОтветитьThis is the reason that no one cares that Steam basically has a monopoly of the ‘pc gaming store’ space. Because they don’t take advantage of it, they continue to introduce amazing new features and support and treat both developers and customers extremely well.
ОтветитьPeople like to call out Valve for the smallest mistake, but they're the most consumer friendly multibillion company I know, we should enjoy it while we can, because once Gabe is gone, it's gonna go downhill real quick...
ОтветитьSteam also has 6 day game downloads
ОтветитьYeah, but the guest has massive input delay if the host lives far away.
ОтветитьHail Gabe!
ОтветитьEver heard of what roblox gives already done? Multiplayer, full multiplayer.
ОтветитьI love this ❤
Ответитьok i get this, at the end of the day, the videogame only needs some kind of input from the player to work, you can stream the inputs via internet and have a emulation layer that forward them to the game, so yeah its pretty cool and smart use of streaming tech by valve (Steam Link)
Ответитьpusi ga majmune zajebo si me
ОтветитьThor, if you ever see this, first of all ignore my username. Second of all, please watch Smitty play "Amazing Frog?" With remote play 😂 the funniest thing on the Internet
ОтветитьIs there a way to search / filter for games that have this enabled?
ОтветитьHe forgot to show the "fix bugs" checkbox
ОтветитьGonna have to say I've tried this and it worked terribly. Might as well have been playing over email with the response time we got. Could be our ISP but I physically lack the option to test that.
ОтветитьThe gamer Jesus Gaben Newell
Ответитьunfortunatly most games dont care. they want more sells
ОтветитьThis is one of many reasons that steam is the goat
ОтветитьValve's fucking awesome, if I knew a single fucking thing about computers I'd apply there every day for the rest of my life
ОтветитьThat's cool as hell man
ОтветитьW Gabe
Ответить[another engagement]
ОтветитьWhy does this ost sound like the moon on Onigiri
ОтветитьDoes this prevent mages from roaching out on you?
ОтветитьBest case scenario, when the developer gives the remote links to millions of his friends that would mean millions of copies have been sold?
Ответитьthis changed a lot for me. i could play with my friends again.
ive been alone for a long time.
this made it less bad.
This is just beefier Download Play
ОтветитьPs5 also uses has sharescreen/shareplay which is incredible
ОтветитьSteam’s back must hurt from carrying the pc gaming industry
ОтветитьDo any of you know of games that have this feature?
ОтветитьI don’t have anything to say. I’m just commenting to increase engagement because this is amazing and people should see it
ОтветитьDo lego games work?
ОтветитьRemote play together is the only reason I could play online coop with my friend in Gal Guardians. We had a blast and it was a pretty good experience for him.
That game only supports local coop, so we had to use play together since he lives in another country.
bragging still about game dev XD the security dropout from blizz... lawl
ОтветитьI love steam, if it weren't for steam I never would've even been able to play multiplayer ark, for some reason the multiplayer in that game is just so painful to work with that even after years I still have no clue how to join a server of my choice, whether someone I know is hosting it or if it's like a big server that has loads of people joining, I've watched countless tutorials and none of them work, but steam saved the day by having the join friend feature, no clue how it works, but I just click it, or have someone else click it, make sure I or they are hosting, and it just does everything for me. I honestly have no clue why ark's multiplayer is so not user friendly.
Ответитьstardew valley take notes
ОтветитьIts cool but If you are Not in the Same room with your Mate ITS Not the Same
ОтветитьThat is incredible!
Ответитьwhen gaben dies, he should take over steam
Ответитьand it's absolutely unplayable. way too laggy if the other party is far away. could never play any steam remote play together stuff with my friend in the UK (i'm in asia). but his internet was also worse than mine and that made things worse.
ОтветитьTechnically you don’t own the game though 😔
ОтветитьHoly!!!! Dude!! 😮
ОтветитьCasual steam W
Ответитьthanks again steam
Ответитьthis guy sponsored by MS paint??
ОтветитьBtw this also works on PlayStation. (More platforms for your local coop game)
ОтветитьWhy isn't this advertised by steam !?
ОтветитьIt would be awesome if they implemented play together with steam link so even when you don’t have another computer the other player can have his own screen, or even play on coop from your pc whit your buddy. While on a train so the two play coop from their smartphone, you don’t need to carry a computer and both have their own screen.
Ответитьbro i love you all your fucking vids change my life a bit