Brian Cox - What Caused The Big Bang?

Brian Cox - What Caused The Big Bang?

Science Time

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@user-hx5lz4qr1c - 28.04.2024 14:18

black walls Brian ......they are literally our world.....our universe even 😋

@grasshopperatlaw - 27.04.2024 01:54

Unless...of course...there was some kind of time before the big bang...and the multiverse theory still does not answer where everything came from and how it got there how or who made it. If there is a multiverse how did it get there in the first place is still not answered. Furthermore, the universe expansion could be expanding because there is a ring of gravity or some other pulling force that pulls the planets and stars etc. in the universe to move toward the expanding outer edges of the current edge of the universe thereby always making the universe bigger and expanding. .

@grasshopperatlaw - 26.04.2024 18:15

The baffling question is not only why the Big Bang happened but more importantly is how did the the infinitesimal point first appear and what or who made the infinitesimal point appear there and how did it get there...and what and how was that first infinitesimal point created. The Big Bang created the universe...but what created the Big Bang and how did the Big Bang first appear and who made it and how did they put there. If the Big Bang was creates from nothing...then how was the Big Bang created from nothings. And...whia is nothing and did nothing come to exist.

@user-hx5lz4qr1c - 26.04.2024 11:11

i'm a simple man......i see Brian Cox and i start yawning.....then i fall asleep 🥱🥱

@user-hx5lz4qr1c - 26.04.2024 11:02

is that all ? .....i been waitin 48 trillion years 🥱😜

@bondjames652 - 23.04.2024 19:47

Some things just are.

@skizecraft - 22.04.2024 10:51

Its just so insane our brains can not comprehend the absolute beginning of literal anything and everything. Its weird to try to think about on the "why?" And "but what about what caused that to cause that to cause that?" The smaller and further back you go

@toma3447 - 19.04.2024 09:57

God did it. It’s impossible for nothing to exist. God is eternal and has always existed as spirit outside of time, space, and matter.

@mtshasta4195 - 19.04.2024 08:26

If ANYONE believes that the entire universe and all its contents (which seems to be endless) started inside an atomic speck smaller than a single atom and suddenly exploded into the ENTIRE Universe--well I have a bridge to sell you!

@charlesdelpapa3398 - 17.04.2024 01:09

Nature begins embryos, cell division of pollinated plants, and male ,female fluctuations of magnetic fields w? quantum forces. It's just Sex.

@dolaopposite - 16.04.2024 22:08

The big bang is the moment of creation from the Bible.

@thomasuga5708 - 15.04.2024 22:10

It doesn’t satisfy me that the smartest scientist in the world believe we were made by solely nothing. There has to be some sort of creator whether it’s god, advanced aliens or something we just can’t understand or comprehend yet. There is still too much we don’t for y’all to really know something. Instead of faith y’all have confidence. When we only know like .9% of everything there is to know. We don’t have a bypass for future discoveries that’s not how science works. It’s almost foolish to make any assumptions. Bc we simply cannot know. We have opinions and assumptions but they all vary dramatically. We can debate and argue but we will honestly never truly know, not in our lifetime anyway. The base of most of these scientists beliefs are around a theory that we don’t know for sure about. Many scientists nowadays are foolish. Einstein would’ve made this generation look completely incompetent.

@maumusa123 - 15.04.2024 11:00

The idea of Big Bang itself is ridiculous. We may never know how the universe started, if it ever started.

@sleepyfribble - 12.04.2024 19:42

Cracks me up these scientists dont/cant understand what happened or what was before the big bang and they dont believe there is a God. Yeah maybe how we identify with what we think God is and actually is the mystery. There has to be a creator.

@andrewholmes5450 - 26.03.2024 20:41

Who gives a sh*t mate, we all know what's causing our climate disaster, and nobody is doing anything about it

@paulbrady5561 - 25.03.2024 20:41

Brian Cox makes Stephen Fry sound like a neanderthal 😂😂

@petergwatkin5308 - 22.03.2024 19:42

I have my own theory on how Galaxies and Black Holes came into existence. Feel free to correct me if you think I’m wrong. After the Big Bang explosion thousands of dark Super Vortexes were created. Acting like space Tornadoes attacking Space Matter. With no friction in space to impede their rotation they sped up at a tremendous rate. The huge Super Vortexes we call Black Holes in turn pulled the surrounding space matter to form the spiraling Galaxies. Many scientists today believe there is a black hole at the center of each Galaxy. My theory would also explain why all the galaxies are spiral.

@Membriss - 21.03.2024 17:46


@konstantinpavlovich5253 - 20.03.2024 10:17

The real picture of the world is this: Dark matter, dark energy, the big bang and other inventions are the grossest mistakes of cosmologists. Such elementary mistakes made by these so-called "cosmologists" are not permissible even for middle school students of the most mediocre school. These errors are analyzed in detail on a solid foundation of physical laws (without any scientific delusional fantasies of cosmologists) in the book "Big Bang of Scientific Idiocy", author Pavlovich Konstantin. The book can be downloaded from аmаzon

@SpirintX - 19.03.2024 05:15

Margaret Thatcher

@BigKarwat - 18.03.2024 14:40

But he says we know that universe was extremely small, dense and so on but - how you can know this if this is impossible from any low physics and so on. Maybe we just do not see full picture ? Also new observations suggest that this theory is wrong. New hubble observations show that there are old fully formed galaxies that are 400mln old which is from BB theory imsposible to exist so early. So this just proves again that those are some theories that can be thrown to bin.

@johnguneyli2628 - 18.03.2024 04:29

Not too many scientist believe in the bing bang theory. You can not create everything from nothing. What’s nothing?

@dan8910100 - 18.03.2024 02:07


@nigelbooton1296 - 17.03.2024 21:18

The Big Bang is a black hole exploding and spiling everything it has gobbled up back out, that explains the rapid inflation.

@justmadeit2 - 17.03.2024 13:15

I don’t even buy in to the 13.75 billion years since the Big Bang, it could be much more than that or could be less. No one has a clue and so t believe them if they say they do. I guarantee in 200 years they will believe something else

@justmadeit2 - 17.03.2024 13:12

Let me guess, he doesn’t know either. No one does

@zeitfieldunite4488 - 15.03.2024 18:41

One interesting theory from the past, galaxies are a collection of island universes, each with a central gravitational force in an expanding object motion. Andromeda now has an estimated 1 trillion stars. The often asked puzzle Mass from nothing from a Big bang makes no sense.

@derrickjamesfoxtrot1770 - 15.03.2024 01:08

What caused the big bang. GOD DID!!!

@123UpNorth321 - 14.03.2024 23:47

Prof Brian Cox is the most clever and most beautiful man.,.

@staticon1976 - 14.03.2024 22:03

Can science prove God doesn't exist? I'm genuinely curious. I can't help but think there is a God that created all this.

@midasmusicco.5192 - 14.03.2024 20:31

There wasn’t one

@mrporsche4236 - 14.03.2024 15:51

Imagine you knew what you were talking about

@PatMiano - 14.03.2024 14:42

The beauty about Science is, it's not afraid to say - we don't know (yet).

@Pumpkincosmo - 13.03.2024 22:32

Allah and Jesus fighting each other caused big bang.

@RonXX - 12.03.2024 16:53

lets cut the video short.. answer is God

@allenb4821 - 12.03.2024 03:55

I believe the best theory is that in the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. God said, "Let there be light." (The Big Bang) Then he saw the light and it was good.

@theofficialbigmac - 11.03.2024 02:58

I am trying to understand this thing called the “big bang”! One, the narrator says the “big bang wasn’t an explosion. So the title of “big bang” is very misleading. Two, the narrator says that the “big bang” was a rapid expansion. A rapid expansion of what? Three, is the theory that the “what” that rapidly expansion consumed all the matter it needed to form are universe, and once it was full, it rapidly expanded giving us what we now observe in our knowledge universe? Or did the “what” that rapidly expanded create the observable universe from absolutely nothing? Four, is the “what” that rapidly expanded a black hole, or like a black hole? The video shows and seems to reference the “big bang” in conjunction to the images of black holes. Five, if the Big Bang or the “what” was like a black hole, then isn’t it reasonable to believe it was consuming something from somewhere? Six, are these ignorant questions to be asking? I mean they seem like reasonable questions to me, and they are genuine. Can anyone help?

@nigellee9824 - 09.03.2024 20:01

The mention of time is only an abstract concept, with measurements, and the thought process time didn’t, and wouldn’t exist

@nigellee9824 - 09.03.2024 19:59

The truth is, even the very best don’t know what happened…..and don’t forget that you can’t get something from nothing

@janinapalmer8368 - 09.03.2024 12:40

Only when mankind understands exactly what time is we won't get anywhere with science

@246trixie - 09.03.2024 09:40

No..,cuz it was God

@john.carlson23 - 09.03.2024 08:12

My understanding is if I travelled to an area of super-high gravity (like a black hole), and came back to earth, thousands of years would have passed - effectively moving me forward in time. So, if an area of repulsive gravity existed, would that move me backward in time? Are time and gravity linked?

@timhalstead9790 - 09.03.2024 07:55

In the beginning, God created……

@user-bw7se2zg7b - 09.03.2024 05:09

Here they only discuss how it happened, not why. God's mind is unknowable. Scientists can only speculate. The multiverse and brane theories still do not explain how it all came to be, only how - the mechanics of it. They say nothing of the Designer.

@chazboner7041 - 09.03.2024 01:43

This chick is hot! Was she a Spice Girl?

@garyleone2699 - 08.03.2024 18:55

Thank you! Love this video! We all have to come to our own conclusions. I've been trying for years to figure out what mine is. I just can't figure out my own conclusion (and probably never will) what started everything, everywhere. In my mind, there has to be a beginning. Even if I believe the multi-verse theory, and our universe is a new bubble from other multi-verse bubbles, how did they start?
It's mind boggling to even think about. I also am starting to think this has something to do with interaction and crossover between dimensions but that's pretty edgy stuff, even for me. Then there's the simulation theory which really makes me crazy so I can't even go there; thanks to whoever put that in my head, ugh! It all just makes me wish I went into this field, it is so very fascinating! I'm a huge fan of Brian......oh well, back to work.

@jedward5155 - 08.03.2024 09:01

"What caused the Big Bang?" Literally no one knows, and you should be skeptical of and careful around anyone who claims to know.

@wallaceSCFC - 08.03.2024 04:51

Big bang = God

@playstationboer-xp6lp - 08.03.2024 01:50

What caused, what caused the big bang?
