5 Military Paranormal Encounters As Told By Soldiers & Their Families

5 Military Paranormal Encounters As Told By Soldiers & Their Families

The Paranormal Scholar

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Dragon Associates
Dragon Associates - 11.09.2023 07:35

Hypnosis. Almost worked but you forget that they are my nightmares...

amk union
amk union - 21.08.2023 04:08

I never believed in ghost or jinn until I visited one saint in the Afghan border area. He wrote a serial number of 100 dollar bill that was in my wallet on a piece of paper. I set in my car shocked and speechless and really really scared. After that day I start readying about spiritual powers and yes, they do exist.

Poker - 19.07.2023 21:50

Jinn thing is different they're a different creation like human but cannot be seen by us they're created from smokeless fire. And satan is one of them they used to inhibit earth before humans and is the one to wisper to adam and eve and made them get out of heaven their being exist till to this they they are good and bad and they're christian athiests muslims hindus and all in them the ly aren't superior than us in mental strength but far more superior than us in ohysical strength and are rageful that's what muslims believe once at a point of time they got corrupted and spread blood shed on earth before creation of adam.. they had messengers like humans have like moses jesus Abraham muhammad may peace be upon them all l. But they used to kill them.. and ghosts are basically jinns who can take forms of different creatures some can form like humans some take forms of animals and some can fly and fairies are all these jinns.. that's what muslims believe in . They're tall and big and we can say they're in form of energy like electricity or heat energy or anything else that cannot be seen but powerful..

Wilbur Amboni
Wilbur Amboni - 09.07.2023 18:19

What's the tittle of the movie

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton - 13.06.2023 07:24

why do you have a female narrate these stories females were never there have a man narrate a mans experience thumbs down on this

zombievac - 12.05.2023 22:16

“Afghans do not believe in supernatural things, or ghosts. They believe in Djinns and Angels”

Oh, definitely nothing unnatural then😂

Will - 30.04.2023 20:32

The Beast of Baghdaddy?

TheGreatest - 19.04.2023 21:42

Great stories. The paranormal world is never far away from us.

Waheed Faizi
Waheed Faizi - 07.04.2023 23:00

Its clear that the were Muslims jins whom don't like the disbelievers which could be the people that don't belive in Islam cuz they were not doing anything to talbans or show them self to them perhaps they were helping the talaban alhumdullah

Dan Johnson
Dan Johnson - 22.03.2023 08:53

Any supposedly "military" channel narrated by a female with a fake british accent isnt worth the bandwidth. Thumbs down- total garbage.

hola aloh
hola aloh - 18.03.2023 21:34


Ron Foster
Ron Foster - 12.03.2023 01:34

"The Afghan people generally do not believe in spirits or other supernatural things." proceeds to list supernatural things lol

Chris Quintrell
Chris Quintrell - 20.02.2023 05:42

The fella who had the strange creatures at the end of the bed alot of accounts called Grey's.. specially in the national parks of America..

alexander greene
alexander greene - 18.02.2023 20:11

Jessie the body Ventura tells of his father. When he was growing up, he asked his mother why his father never drove a car or any vehicle. Years went by, as his father had served in WW2, and his mother was a nurse at a MASH unit in Korea. He often said that he knew exactly where his mother was at a certain time, watching MASH. One day after his father had died, his mother told him that during the war, his father had been a tank driver, and had driven over the bodies of so many soldiers, civilians, and children for so long, he swore he would never drive again in his lifetime, and he never did. Check out the story on U tube

alexander greene
alexander greene - 18.02.2023 19:59

Talking about ghosts and goblins in the military is like going through basic training talking to your invisible friend, and then asking everyone in the platoon if they all wanted to take a long hot shower together. Yeah, somehow that wouldn't quite have you up for soldier of the week

Susan christine sprague-Groh
Susan christine sprague-Groh - 05.02.2023 08:20

Thank you Men and Women who have served in the armed forces. Lisa thank you for sharing these incredible tales. I believe they saw, what they have seen.

Red - 01.02.2023 07:50

The standard issue Ontario M9 bayonets are not silver coated, nor do they have a silver finish. These stories are spread for amusement.

RC123TheyCallMe - 23.12.2022 22:24

I was among the first US Troops at Baghdad International Airport. Uday Hussein’s compound was clearly home to some type of dark evil. This compound had Uday’s personal zoo where he fed humans to cats. Human bones scattered throughout the animal’s empty cages - animals who were let loose by Iraqi troops onto the battlefield at the airport.

I would walk to the showers at night carrying soap, a towel and an M4. Uday’s hyenas stalked me on the path past his vacant home as I physically walked through freezing cold spots in the warm desert night. The middle of these spots made me feel an eerie helplessness. As if I wandered into a place I shouldn’t be and my weapon was of no use.

Biblical lands. Wild times.

secondarytrollaccount - 06.11.2022 18:56

You should have tried to capture them in bottles. Djinn are very powerful spirits that can do all kinds of magic stuff for you if you become their master

Jeff Steele
Jeff Steele - 06.11.2022 07:30

I can’t believe people will try and explain it and not just saying it’s a spirit - spirits have been written about for 6000 years now and we seem to be the only people who want to try and hide and discredit that whole realm

Joshua Luther
Joshua Luther - 24.09.2022 08:02

Poor David and his wife… war is hard and I 100% understand what he went through and why he unalived himself because… I know too many soldiers who have attempted or done the same:… just know he still loves you. And that wasn’t why he did it… but seeing death is hard. I’ve had my friend die in my arms and go through an abortion that my Gf wanted that I didn’t want. It’s really really hard watching death and it affects some of us in some ways. He will always be with the wife that had him to pass away. He really always will be watching. His loss of life has no bearing on how much he cared.

Below the horizon
Below the horizon - 13.08.2022 10:00

And the job hez doing is a Green Berets Job. He'd have to be RRC and their missions are classified for opsec, other wise he'd be CAG not Regiment. I call BS

Below the horizon
Below the horizon - 13.08.2022 09:58

The 1st story is crap if it's verbatim. No ranger was ever a cadet. Unless they went to westpoint. And nobody who is a ranger is gonna compare that to West Point. It's like comparing Key West to Compton. The point is it would never come out of a ranger's mouth when he could refer back to being airborne or to being ranger Being regimental so on and so forth.

EQOAnostalgia - 07.08.2022 03:05

You have to figure, 40 years of war? Not to mention the warfare before that... it's not like there wasn't war in the area before. OP rock is an example of just how much death one place can accrue... really creepy.

craig jw
craig jw - 31.07.2022 08:03

I always remember a story my uncle told me of a strange event his company experienced during his tour of Afghan

Billy w Brest2
Billy w Brest2 - 29.07.2022 00:38

Ma'am iam also a veteran'perment duty
Station was Ft Bragg
NC i cant say much
More than that' its not
So much what you have
Seen its what those
Remembering what they

mark baker
mark baker - 02.06.2022 16:16

You change tack, not tact.

J D - 22.05.2022 03:53

Here’s a military horror story—

The stripper girlfriend you boned right after basic training, called you and left a voicemail telling you she’s pregnant.

Raymond Don
Raymond Don - 28.04.2022 23:06

in war time there is so much death, of course there will be a few ghost here & there.

Jared Ackerman
Jared Ackerman - 28.03.2022 02:33

Lol the Marine who got Oija boards banned had an AMA on Reddit this past summer so that story is legit. Camp Johnson which is right down the road from Lejuene has a Camp Guard brief for new guys in Infantry school that tells you that you will encounter a couple of ghost kids near the back gate so don't blow up the radio reporting that you're being pelted with rocks just man up and deal with the ghostly apparitions like a man. Only in the Marine Corps.

Thomas Schwab
Thomas Schwab - 06.03.2022 15:42

Talking about stuff like this and putting it in an action report are career enders.

Amer Essor
Amer Essor - 03.03.2022 02:10

I ve never been to Irak, much less as a soldier, but worked as a safari guide in different areas of Africa and what is described as the beast of Baghdadi corresponds exactly on a stripped hyena - except they re never as big as those in this story obviously (smallest of the hyenas actually). Yet there are also reports in some parts of the world of individuals from various species reaching otherwise undocumented sizes., like wolves, lions, snakes, crocodiles, wild boars or even hyenas...

Frank - 17.02.2022 06:51

My mom is from La melada , san luis poto si mexico. Ghost sightings happen almost nightly

steven clark
steven clark - 15.02.2022 18:11

I've heard you can see a lot of spiritual (aka "transdimensional") stuff using the latest thermal infra-red night vision equipment. That's how the recent F18 UAP video's were found and that's why AATIPS was started. Guys were seeing a LOT of UFO's and phantom stuff that they couldn't see with the naked eye.

Ahmed - 29.01.2022 07:02

jinn aren't entirely evil. they are like us humans, and can be evil or good. but their evil ones are dangerous extremely dangerous not like haunted house dangerous but way worse, those are the ones cults and satanists worship and demands human sacrifice etc.

Darkness - 20.01.2022 10:08

Some bullshit stories either the dude was high, mentally fucked up or these stories is bullshit cmon man

Steven Thornton
Steven Thornton - 06.01.2022 15:15

Yea train them up to have them run away with their tails between their legs

an old ranger
an old ranger - 23.12.2021 17:50

1st one is cap

The Terrestrial
The Terrestrial - 19.12.2021 05:39

I am intrigued by the Beasts of Bagdhadi. A new unknown cryptid!..I am sure they're probably something long thought extinct

Jantow - 26.11.2021 15:10

"I am not the best storyteller i tell the events the way they happened" ...

proceeds to write a shakespearian amount of buzzwords to describe a military base xD

none - 23.11.2021 13:01

Sometimes strange things happen we can't explain. I like it.

Burt Knighten
Burt Knighten - 22.11.2021 06:44

Look up stories about the second generation night vision (WW2 had shit first generation starlight scopes). They were originally red instead of green. Apparently the red n.v. caused wild hallucinations.

Komakov - 22.11.2021 02:41

I love the stories, but you’re voice for some reason annoys the crap out of me

Beth Ewalt
Beth Ewalt - 12.11.2021 06:53

How dumb you use video game footage instead of actual, live, humans, soldiers and the like, so dumb and typical Gen Z bull crap

Ranger Chief
Ranger Chief - 25.10.2021 04:02

My time in and many deployments sometimes you see or hear something you can never explain. Stay safe brothers and sisters from a old ODA member. 👍

Derek Poe
Derek Poe - 02.10.2021 16:48

So I suppose that djinn's are bound to the deserts and hills of the middle east because you never hear about them anywhere else. I'm guessing they dont like to travel......

Chicken Little
Chicken Little - 13.09.2021 07:17

Get him!

Kat 4truth
Kat 4truth - 27.08.2021 17:53

Your not a soldier!!
