Why Are People Falling for Fake Intellectualism?

Why Are People Falling for Fake Intellectualism?

David Pakman Show

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Julian Marsh
Julian Marsh - 07.09.2023 04:06

One can start with Thucydides who profiles like Cleon and Alcibiades...and the criticism of that time against the sophists for being clever enough 'to make the worst case, seem the best'...so this is nothing new.

Slav Union
Slav Union - 04.09.2023 19:04

I can already tell you're naïve or forgetful also i can tell you're either middle or lefting winging.
fake and real intellectual isn't a thing bluntly the different between right and left are beliefs and morality the issue come is when you try putting emotions/beliefs morality into facts. Most humans can not stop themselves from putting emotions into facts thus what we have issue emotional base intellectual.

you're acting like everything you say is common sense but you forget nothing is common sense unless its body function everything must be learnt and experienced.

The best example of emotional based intellectual would be LGBT.
Factually they all would be counted under mental defect or abnormality but people don't want that thus we change it.

Another example would be pronounces stuff. people saying their different gender or none of the 2 genders but factually you're either female or male and you cant change it.

Nooters Noot
Nooters Noot - 03.09.2023 05:55

I don’t say anything about JP himself. But for me it looks like many of his fans think and act irrationally. They are more like cronies. How can you explain that?

John Pickup - CDHS
John Pickup - CDHS - 17.08.2023 00:30

Yet this guy has the typical pseudo intellectual look on his face 🙄

I also find it funny how you mention people like Jordan Peterson advising people to reject "academia", when he himself is a college professor.

I just hope I'm not the only one here who can see right through you. How about you take one thing any one those guys has said and disect it.
Prove it to be wrong and back it up with facts. Until then, the only pseudo intellectual I see here is you

rsr789 - 25.06.2023 20:14

"Why Are People Falling for Fake Intellectualism?" Because most people are too stupid to live.

Jacq Qulen
Jacq Qulen - 12.06.2023 12:08

Aight. Give us the example of true intellectual then

Ronald Gmaster
Ronald Gmaster - 04.06.2023 06:59

Parkman is clueless. The fake intellectuals have overrun universities and teach woke nonsense like critical race theory, 20 genders and that climate change is caused by humans.

SteelOverseer -
SteelOverseer - - 17.05.2023 07:27

Its more of an infection than a movement.

Kruimeltje - 11.05.2023 09:39

Why would anybody put a label on what or who they listen to? Listen to you whoever you want. Why is this a thing? If this is a big deal or issue to you guys, then we are in deep trouble. Goodness. Our ancestors must be laughing at us.

MisterAxeMan - 30.04.2023 04:33

Imagine thinking that Jordan Peterson is a Pseudo-Intellectual 🤡

John Mendez
John Mendez - 26.04.2023 17:25

The difference between Jordan and a MAGA is that Jordan pretends to be an Intellectual. He's Not. He's fake. He lacks Intellectual Integrity. He's knows there's a market out there and he can make a buck selling his books full of non-sense, illogical smart-sounding word salads. And that's all he is. A indecent person trying to make another dollar out of people's ignorance. I have more respect for the dude selling Trump paraphernalia, with a tent outside Republican rallies.

Steve Stiles
Steve Stiles - 16.04.2023 04:44

Some of the most disingenuous, "faux-intellectual" stuff I've ever heard 😂.

Circu-mcIsIon Is ChiId Abus3
Circu-mcIsIon Is ChiId Abus3 - 23.03.2023 01:16

all i needed to see what the political bait with having Shapiro and Peterson in the thumbnail to know the quality of the video. You can disagree with someone without questioning their intelligence XD this is a giant 'no true scotsman' fallacy. what the actual fuck is a "pseudo intellectual" exactly? you can disagree with someone within, or without their field of profession, you don't have to classify them as "fake" intellectuals....they're human beings just as capable of being wrong as anyone else. I've disagreed with Peterson...big deal? I dont have to agree with everything to consider him a wise and intelligent person XD just like how I dont have to think Shapiro is some universal genius to appreciate his very effective debate skills and way with logic.

What a lazy video. Your ONE citation is an opinion piece hidden behind a payway...yah...real intelligent.

Kshitij Shekhar
Kshitij Shekhar - 14.03.2023 06:04

you will tell us who is fake and who is real.

H. Shū
H. Shū - 14.03.2023 04:20

Don't target both fake intellectuals and intellectuals.

It's called anti intellectualism

But There should be also kindness and understanding between intellectuals and idiots to work toghether.

Anti idiocy makes one look intellectual which can be both said by fake and real intellectuals.

Sky77 - 08.03.2023 02:06

Man I'm so bummed right now because I just found out that one of my favorite YT channels to watch for health and nutrition advice is run by a raging Scientologist! So now I don't know who I can trust because I had no idea! The internet is a strange and sometimes dangerous place even if you consider yourself a generally well rounded and discerning person. :/

trent tramos
trent tramos - 06.03.2023 22:04

Question it all, the left right and center. Yes!

Johnny Salter
Johnny Salter - 25.02.2023 19:02

I guess I am missing something but I don't see Harris as spreading hate and ignorance like the others. But I have not read any of his literature.

thatoneperson - 14.02.2023 07:05

Jordan peterson is a professor and Ben Shapiro has an ivy league education. Even if you don't agree with them, they are still intellectuals by societal standards.

Mr. Cool
Mr. Cool - 30.01.2023 22:49

The irony bro. People like you are the false intellectuals. The same type of people that celebrated Christopher Langan until he tried to expose corruption. Now people are trying to say a 200 IQ doesn’t make you smart to discredit him because he is a Christian. Your idea of intellectuals is an atheist regurgitater of popular opinion with a fancy vocabulary. People who don’t question the “experts.” The same experts that lie time and time again. Like Fauci and Bill gates. They are either liars or they’re dumb. You can’t have it both ways. Is the vaccine still safe and effective? That’s what I thought. You guys were wrong. You should apologize to the “conspiracy theorists.” WE WERE RIGHT AND YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE THAT. AND BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU SO MANY GOT HURT. Let’s see you call Bill Gates out for his new interview. You mocked people for saying what he just said. Sellout Shill Hypocrite Traitor Protector of criminals is all you are. So which is it are you dumb or a liar?

ABC 123
ABC 123 - 18.01.2023 07:33

People are not only falling for fake intellectualism, they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to subject themselves to it in universities all over the world, and have been doing so for a long time. Pakman being a perfect example.

Davon Benson
Davon Benson - 12.01.2023 23:35

I think that Peterson knows that part of his success comes from his upbringing, so he wants to convince people that his success is solely based on his intellect.

MC Eucalyptuzkz
MC Eucalyptuzkz - 22.12.2022 18:37

It’s impossible for a false intellectual to exist. Those two words don’t go together. Everyone has their own intelligence in their own way even if we disagree with it. Just because someones ideas aren’t original doesn’t mean it wasn’t thought of to come to their own conclusions and applied to their life. The idea of eating food works for mostly all people. Anyone is qualified to be considered an intellectual even if they have bad ideas as long as they strive for intellect. Also, when were we not allowed to question the world of conspiracies? Most conspiracy theory people that I know always kept doubt for their own ideas as well, and they don’t know what to think about issues. A lot know their lack for knowledge which is why they know that they don’t know whether what they’re being told is true such as for events such as 9/11, yet they hold the possibility that what they were told about 9/11 could still be true. So it’s not a matter of true or false for conspiracy theory people that I know, but doubt for everything. There is nothing wrong with not knowing. Everyone strives for their own truth. Truth not being synonymous with facts. The fact that some people try their hardest to constantly sort through fact or lies is disturbing. There is more to life than knowing whether something is true or false. We don’t study science to know what is true or false. That’s not it’s pragmatic function which is why in scientific studies people have specific aims for what the study could do for us. We may just wanna see the world beyond our initial conceptions, and know about planets light years away.

shhall1 - 14.12.2022 07:13

You sound like one of those Pseudo-Intellectials you are yapping about.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer - 29.11.2022 02:32

Give me a break dude
Name one person you consider.legit intellectual

K O - 28.10.2022 01:24


Elusive Pete
Elusive Pete - 27.10.2022 10:14

Sorry to say bruv, but the "intellectual dark web" statements being obvious and uncontested.. are now being contested in the 2020s. Your example of fake intellectualism is actually need at this current time because people fall for all the hippy dippy fake spiritualism bullshit.
The intellectuals that stated the obvious are now considered the gatekeepers of truth.

garbage binny
garbage binny - 26.10.2022 02:11

There is nothing more anti-intellectual than a tele- evangelist or a liberal political correct SJW, talk about putting on the blinkers.

garbage binny
garbage binny - 26.10.2022 02:09

I wonder how connected you actually are to reality at this point, as all sides are shutting down debate on any issue, especially related to "homosexual", "jewish", "neo-nazi", "nigger" or any other topic, oh and to add insult to injury covid vaccines as these are to hot potato.

ChadBatman - 20.10.2022 11:43

I can't believe you used "Bush did 9/11", an internet meme, as an example of pseudo intellectualism.

Wyatt Behm
Wyatt Behm - 20.10.2022 04:09

Watched this as a counterbalance to the very material David is discussing here...

I highly disagree with his sentiment that there is nothing of substance to be gleaned from what the members of "The Intellectual Dark Web" have to say, though I do agree that we should always remain vigilantly skeptical of what we are told.

I'd go so far as to argue that this video is actually what is lacking any substance. Nothing David said really made me feel like I learned anything, and it had a bitter undertone to it. Like listening to someone complain about their ex. What I saw in this video was a purely superficial campaign to discredit some people whom I believe to be very wise and intelligent, and without evidence or clear counterarguments.

It's a big accusation to call the likes of Shapiro and Peterson "Fake Intellectuals". Would have been interested to see him actually make at least one specific counterpoint to anything any of these individuals have had to say.

J P - 29.09.2022 17:35

Intellectualism does not = wisdom or strength of character. For example, Sam Harris who stated he wouldn't give a damn if Hunter's laptop had young children on it so long as it prevented a democratically elected president from becoming POTUS because 50% didn't like him. I'll take wisdom and strength of character over intellectualism any day.

Rudra Kushwah
Rudra Kushwah - 24.09.2022 10:24

pyaara bhaiya...plato ne bhi shayad aisa hi kaha tha ...humein immortal rehne ki chah ko poora krne ke liye hum ya toh bachche karte, ya aoni soch banate hai , nice vid bhaiya

Kiken - 20.09.2022 22:50

Using ten-dollar words or demonstrating vocabulary does not devalue intellect.

yishnir - 11.09.2022 10:27

Your comments about the so-called 'thinkers' of the 'Intellectual Dark Web' are spot on. Regarding the collapse of those towers in New York, I wish you would seek out an expert in physics, or engineering, to explain how we 'can know' whether or not steel-frame skyscrapers 'can fall down' from either 'airplane impact', 'jet fuel explosions', OR 'office fires', or from any combination of those events. Our society is awfully busy trying to stave off the Dystopian Theocratic White Male Oligarchy that the 'Dark Web Intellectuals' promote, but the collective 'willful ignorance' at play in discussion of the towers collapsing is, I expect, related to the collective 'willful blindness' in facing both the extent to which our political system has been 'captured' by Corporations and the ultra-wealthy, AND the seriousness of the ongoing efforts to eliminate democracy. If people tolerate 'wilful blindness' in one area of their perceptions, it's far easier to 'carefully ignore' other problems as well.

Skippy McGee
Skippy McGee - 20.08.2022 23:52

YOU are a fake intellectual, David - it's called "sophistry" and you spew it non-stop, but your lack of self-awareness is matched only by your poor critical thinking skills. You're a grifter. 😂

Cocijo Thor
Cocijo Thor - 20.08.2022 18:55

All you said is pseudo as well

echo4angi - 17.08.2022 06:47

This entire video sounds like a crap ton of faux intellectual bullshit.

jewhisperer - 13.08.2022 22:38

If you read well you won”t be surprised by anything the intellectual dark web does because you’ll see it’s all part of the same system of thought we all share.

Read books so you’re not so shocked and pay attention to information and question that, not persecute or participate in the conflation.

jewhisperer - 13.08.2022 22:33

Not sure if this guy understands the intellect.

jewhisperer - 13.08.2022 22:29


Phillip Ziegler
Phillip Ziegler - 12.08.2022 05:51

Glad you posted this. I have been watching Jordan Peterson and he is total BS. A con man of the first order. Fake tears, pretends to be a profound thinker and spouts BS. I am a fan of people like Peter Boghossian and others who are raising questions about the Woke movement. But Peterson seems to me to be a real fraud. And frankly calling him a pseudo intellectual is one of the nicest things you can say about him. Watch his debate with Matt Delahunty and decide for yourself about Mr. Peterson.

windows shotguns
windows shotguns - 09.08.2022 17:37

This video must be a satire.

M S - 06.08.2022 23:28

Your concern about race differences is bogus. More than one Nobel price winner (!) has lost their academic position for working on this rather complex issue.

HUAC XIX - 03.08.2022 18:36

This is a great example of projection, accusing your opposition of what you’re guilty of. You won’t debate ideas or philosophy; you’re just a mindless left wing propagandist. For their flaws, they willing to learn and grow.

Jack FierceTree
Jack FierceTree - 03.08.2022 10:58

The through line in this drivel is, "if you disagree with my views, that's OK, it is just because you are gullible and stupid. Just listen to me."

Peter Gibson
Peter Gibson - 01.08.2022 21:18

Only Arts people call themselves "intellectuals".
Intellectual is a dirty word in the Sciences.

Curtis Thomas
Curtis Thomas - 28.07.2022 06:46

Posers, charlatans and grifters: Shapiro, Peterson and D'Souza.

Sriniketh B
Sriniketh B - 27.07.2022 15:46

Jordan Peterson said that he doesn't consider himself as an Intellectual.
