2019 Subaru Crosstrek Review - Crossover or Lifted Impreza?

2019 Subaru Crosstrek Review - Crossover or Lifted Impreza?


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@fliptophiphop1894 - 15.10.2020 04:20


@bigwatte - 28.10.2020 02:44

The reason Eyesight is marketed so heavily is because no other entry level AWD cars offer this at that price point. Eyesight practically drives me home on my long trips and saves tons of stress from driving.

@jonal6755 - 12.11.2020 10:00

This review was more like bickering high school girls during a lunch break...

@SSchithFoo - 14.11.2020 12:16

Less booty space than impreza butt there is no lip so you can sit or easily put cargo in

@zachribera9517 - 16.11.2020 21:48

You guys have got to try a manual version of the Crosstrek. Might make Jakub happier lol

@kodama_trek - 18.12.2020 06:19

2021 Crosstrek sport with the 2.5!

@setoman1 - 21.12.2020 01:07

I had the misfortune of being handed one of these while my car was in service. Hated it so much, I traded for my dad's van after the first day. Not all Subaru's are created equal.

@viva0228 - 06.01.2021 00:12

how many boxes? you didn't mention it

@kuladeeluxe - 15.01.2021 20:53

Base 6 speed is $23,795 in Canada. That is the one to get. Will hold it's value well, when folks want 6 speeds in 5 years.

@NicksDomain101 - 18.01.2021 03:07

The Hyundai Kona doesn't look nearly as good

@uzairlatif9541 - 30.01.2021 03:47

😂 they can’t agree on anything, worst duo 😂😂😂

@lilpandanesegirl - 03.02.2021 04:14

I love the crosstrekkkkk!

@danmarinelli2451 - 06.02.2021 20:19

Still no5 as good as my second gen forester

@DumbledoreMcCracken - 26.02.2021 05:24

Gears aren't fake, needed to save the belt

@blokehund - 08.03.2021 19:47

i want to get a used 2015 XV

@JasonYergin - 21.03.2021 19:31

I like it

@vicenteaviles1912 - 10.04.2021 11:05

Why don't you guys apply for a job at Subaru? It seems like you have all the answers when it comes to customers' needs.

@livelywombat - 25.04.2021 08:50

I think you guys reviewed it with a different expectation in mind. This is a no frills, reliable car that will get you from a to b even in off road situations and much better than other manufacturers at this level. So yea it's not a wrx but it is a very capable vehicle at a fairly affordable price that will last for many years.

@BimmerWon - 08.06.2021 22:00

I tried the Kona and the Crosstrek but the Kona has much less headspace and legroom in the back. It looks cooler but I’d say it’s less practical.

@jonhayes6673 - 24.08.2021 09:37

The cutesy graphics at the beginning were extremely lame. But it is a Gaynadian video.

@alexc.7449 - 09.09.2021 04:36

Love this Subaru

@RoofKoreanEnergy - 06.10.2021 15:02

The paddles are a usefull addition when going offroad on steep inclines and declines. Being able to slow yourself down with the transmission downhill is huge if your not trying to burn your brakes.

@steven9163 - 25.10.2021 18:54

If I ever need to extract sensitive information from Jakub, I’m just telling him to give me the info or I’m making him drive a Crosstrek.

@frederickacerra7766 - 07.12.2021 00:36

Your review
was a waste

@richardmurray6240 - 18.12.2021 13:21

I have a 2014 crosstrek cvt no problems passing at 80 nice acceleration. Stiffin up the suspension some

@cookiezr4milk429 - 24.12.2021 05:55

Im getting one in manual

@Gaming123 - 11.02.2022 20:53

You can put a turbo in it and make it fun you can also buy a chip for 80 bucks that unlocks 60 locked extra horsepower

@matthewbrown4011 - 13.03.2022 19:51

Just got a 2019 crosstrek. So far so good! Going to lift it 2" and put on better A/T tires.

@Jo-bt3xr - 09.04.2022 23:50

I love the car! Thanks for Yuri, I got it in orange😍😍, a pre-owned one!

@drunkrcguy - 11.04.2022 15:47

I just bought a 2019 in the orange love the car. Had a 2016 outback before this like this alot better.

@cameronlaroche3536 - 19.04.2022 22:08

says the infotainment saves the car, lmao it's one of their highest selling models what a clown

@mendezgalvez - 28.05.2022 19:54

And if i put my foot down...
Not much happens..

Yea, that's why you drive manual, always


@Bryan-du7yv - 25.06.2022 03:12

Surprised people liked this car, I really wanted one moving from a Mazda 3 2008 and then sadly got into a accident with my 2018 legacy premium.

But I was able and fortunate enough to have my family help me get a new car which was going to be another Subaru. I test drove a premium 2019 crostreck and must say I was underwhelmed. For how high up the car is I still felt the road the same as the legacy and found the interior lacking and less spacious as the legacy.

So I chose the legacy again and I still want a crostreck but after test driving it and being inside it, I’m indifferent

@Maxmulham - 15.08.2022 05:13

I'm pretty sure this hatch is waay more capable off road than the Kona.

@Chubbydippin - 03.01.2023 04:27

Appreciate the content and honest feedback. Please stop unnecessarily saying "like." It's the filler word of a 10 year old from California.

@chriswright9096 - 24.01.2023 21:41

2021 here. Excellent car. I have the manual and it has plenty of power. Gets me off my snowy laneway and down the country roads in Central Ontario. There are thousands of them around here.

@Marc_prime - 26.01.2023 20:33

Didn't think Yuri could look younger

@jeffrey3498 - 27.01.2023 09:24

The Kona is a 100,000 mile car.

@thaothao8324 - 21.02.2023 01:31

Any transmission issues guys? Looking to get either 18/19, also any difference besides looks and feature?

@jeffrey3498 - 09.04.2023 23:59

What you called the “carbon fiber trim” isn’t carbon fiber, nor is it trying to pass for carbon fiber. It’s just an attractive trim element.

@booswalia - 01.08.2023 23:47

They still want 30,000 for a 2019 here in the maritimes.

@davethenorse6329 - 15.12.2023 00:07

Incredibly annoying self conscious exchange between these two nimrods.

@kylepraseutsack6422 - 12.01.2024 10:13

If you want leather seats you have to get the limited trim

@dandaly7305 - 16.01.2024 17:20

I always like to hear whether the speedometer is accurate (VW's, for example, are usually way out). Otherwise, interesting.

@miguelfrosales01 - 26.01.2024 15:25

I got one just because of the manual transmission

@SKYKOP1972 - 01.02.2024 15:45

I bought a 2019 Crosstrek Limited in 2019. To date, 2/1/2024 and 10, 600 miles, I have not experienced any of the issues described in this video with my Crosstrek. My only complaints about my 2019 Crostrek, and I was aware of these 2 issues before I bought the Crostrek, is it is grossly underpowered which has since been corrected in the upper trim level Crosstrek, and the front seats don't fit my size. I'm 6'0" 180 lbs. and after 2+ hours of driving I'm really uncomfortable. I believe a seat bolster would correct this issue for me. All in all, for an around town grocery getter vehicle, as long as I'm not in the vehicle for longer than 2 hours at a stretch, I'm very happy with my 2019 Crosstrek. MPG has well exceeded EPA expectations. I've been driving since 1964 and I've yet to discover the perfect vehicle.

@slurpalurple - 20.03.2024 11:02

I have this exact car to the dot: 2019 Limited, White. The pure utilitarian aspect cannot be overstated. For 30k, you get ride height, comfy suspension, low center of gravity lets it handle more like a lifted wagon vs. an SUV, short height and length with great internal space, rugged interior, 30mpg+, 8.7” ground clearance stock like a true SUV, ACC/lane keep, and modern tech. The uninspiring but reliable drivetrain rounds it out as maybe the most capable, no-compromises generic car on the market.

@XXXXXXXX577 - 24.06.2024 09:32

Happy Good Guy's🙂
