Dezlegand  misterul vietii -Unlocking the Mystery of Life-documentar

Dezlegand misterul vietii -Unlocking the Mystery of Life-documentar

Angela Insula Ekklesia

12 лет назад

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@nicholasshafarzek5300 - 18.10.2013 03:25

nearly abandoned watching this at the title "philosopher of biology".

@donjoe7199 - 20.10.2013 18:50

Propaganda religioasa invelita intr-o poleiala pseudo stiintifica. Nimeni nu spune ca aparitia primei celule care se putea autoreplica a fost un eveniment foarte probabil. Insa "dovezile" impotriva abiogenezei nu tin cont de timpul imens pe care l-a avut la dispozitie natura pentru "experimentul" numit viata. Daca autorii erau onesti, urmatoarea intrebare era "dar cum a aparut creatorul?", si ar fi recunoscut ca aceasta ipoteza creeaza mai multe intrebari decat cele la care aparent raspunde.

@tonyrod4388 - 21.07.2020 11:29

Natural selection is somewhat true up to a certain limit, as explained by a mosquito that develops an anticoagulant and an anesthetic to avoid detection and to draw blood more easily; this implies that the insect has a knowledge of the biology of the animal it feeds on; that is not natural selection.
