SketchUp Diffusion! AI in SketchUp!!

SketchUp Diffusion! AI in SketchUp!!


7 месяцев назад

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@transom4114 - 27.01.2024 08:33

Thanks to SketchUp for adding this. It works great. Already used it to present some furniture designs. The client really liked them.

@transom4114 - 27.01.2024 08:27

Thanks Aaron, that's a good one. 😊😊😊

@RadiUzunova - 25.01.2024 03:36

At this point this AI generated images will be helpful for some (lazy) people, who are not going to real rendering. The main issue for int.designers is the certain material, not just "wood", but specific brand and colours...Still very nice images!

@Dumasher - 17.01.2024 13:41

Why i cant see a Diffusion button? when i open Sketchupi have some errors, any idea?

@donosaat725 - 17.01.2024 08:27

this plugin is not free

@alexcristofani - 12.01.2024 13:19

It doesnt work for me, even the free trial. Well done.

@moriel01 - 12.01.2024 03:12

I tried it and it's good, but you have to pay another subscription to be able to use it. 😂

@marcelomoyal1438 - 09.01.2024 16:06

and what about the image quality? is it 4k or what is the resolution ? thnx men!

@Cl4ssicdrug - 09.01.2024 05:52


@123bacio - 07.01.2024 00:01


@neutralmultiverse8589 - 01.01.2024 06:16

I love this! I'm new to the interior design industry and building my portfolio. This is really helping me, especially when I model a room and get stuck on the ambiance. Normally, I'd spend hours experimenting without much progress. But with Diffusion, I can quickly generate images and draw inspiration from them for my actual renders! For instance, while designing a room, I considered painting a wall a certain color. Running it through Diffusion, it suggested wood paneling for that wall — a creative idea I hadn't thought of. Seeing it visualized gave me the confidence to incorporate that design into my render. This approach is going to significantly enhance my portfolio!

@user-sc4uj8dp6y - 30.12.2023 11:20

Really awesome... but agree with first comment.. Layout needs improving

@mirosa______ - 28.12.2023 03:17


@jammesaballa9955 - 27.12.2023 06:49

diffusion ...let it go free

@mikecavanaugh277 - 24.12.2023 21:10

Agree with Layout comment. If I can’t document my beautiful work quickly I can’t use Sketchup for serious projects. It’s a shame.

@milinest - 20.12.2023 20:05

can some one help me install this for free?

@larrybelk8781 - 19.12.2023 08:24

Hi Aaron. Could you combined this with your watermarks and make anew rendering?

@JohannesBoernsen - 17.12.2023 11:38

Oh. From the title i thought it would generate 3d geometry.
I dont get the point. As a designer, why should I let a robot roll the dice?
AI image creation is nice in some cases, but in a modeling software, where I model what came up in my head, that is useless.
So many things in sketchup where the effort would be more usefull. Layout is just one..

@Housing_Design - 17.12.2023 08:56

Hi Aaron! how are you?

@peterblickle3d88 - 17.12.2023 00:00

I don´t like it very much. Cause I´m afraid next step will be that AI creates full production renderings, sometimes later 3d models and all technical Layout-Plans. Nevertheless I hope AI will be not more than a supporting Tool for Cad-Experts in 10 years from now.

@nornwork - 16.12.2023 20:38

Tried about 5 hours and found it very helpful. Even you can use with imported images. Question is How long it will stay as free?

@nickes6168 - 16.12.2023 20:12

Finally updated to 2023 thinking by now all the bugs should be gone. i was wrong. i spent the last 3 hours setting up everything how i had it in 2023 only to find certain quality of life things that i didn't think you could mess up...and you went out of your way to do so. The one thing i asked you to fix with copy+pasting entity info, you did, thanks. then you went and added 10 other problems to slow down a work flow. example, having a group selected in the outliner and pressing M to move it, or anything hot key to modify said group DOES NOT WORK unless i physically select the group in the model. why? Any hot keys i have set up are over-rided by your hot keys. Whats the point of giving us that option to set up are own hot keys if they aren't gonna work?...when they did before...

Instead of trying to be flashy and all these new features with every update, maybe focus on making the ones you already have work right consistently . AND fix Layout.

@user-co9xf4dq2k - 16.12.2023 07:01

Hi Aaron. You did a great job of showing the best way this tool can be used. No AI doesn't have to be scary or take your creativity away. I'm glad to see that it's available in SU now. It's like someone hearing you say I'd like to see such and such. Then (robots are working) how about this? Or this. YOU make the decision on how to use it NOT SU! yeah! Thanks for the great intro and inspiration on how to use this new tool. And thanks to the Sketchup Labs for developing it.

@clemsmith2253 - 15.12.2023 21:17

Can only be done with a new version of sketchup?? Hold my beer ..

@johnthorne3627 - 15.12.2023 21:10

Most image AI tools simply infer from the source image without understanding the full geometry in the model. Does this tool actually use the geometry or simply the visual cues of the current view?
That would be a huge differentiator from other tools.
Also, if the SketchUp materials were smart in that they communicated with the AI generation that would be huge. Otherwise the AI will be all over the place with materials and finishes.

@keggyification - 15.12.2023 13:15

Thanks Aaron, very interesting indeed.

@TheJennyselden - 15.12.2023 11:52

Thanks so much! 😀

@Gloubi06 - 15.12.2023 09:33

This is a great addition to Sketchup for prototyping and quickly try some options. I have been using Dall-E for testing new ideas, and now it's build-in. Great! I teach Sketchup in an interior design school, and will definitely add this to my lessons. Students are very keen on AI tools, and I try to keep up ;-)

@red_shift6408 - 14.12.2023 22:07

Is Labs available to the iPad user?

@XYZ-Drafting_and_Designs - 14.12.2023 20:22

Hi Aron. I've been an autocad user for the past 15 years. Just recently learned Revit in school as well as SU. I have to say I am extremely impressed with SU. Great visuals and user friendly. I think this AI extension is great. I struggled with learing how to create renders for my models. As Architectural Designers we have enough programs to learn. I'm truly excited with this new add on and working towards using SU for my work flow moving forward. I appreciate the weatlh of knowlege your willing to share. The SU community is special and love the support it gives to users. I believe SU will give autodesk a run for it's money. Great review and Thanks.

@Paul-jp8zz - 14.12.2023 19:59

very cool!

@DerekGrubb - 14.12.2023 19:35

A few months ago I tried Veras in SU, and was curiously impressed, despite the limited number of free uses, low-res square-cropped outputs, etc. This Diffusion extension will allow me to 'play' more with AI in SU, but at the moment it's still a curiosity to me, i.e. I can't yet see how it'll help my work (unlike Bard, for example), but come back to me in a few months/years and I'll doubtless be embarrassed at my lack of vision.

@Benham_Design - 14.12.2023 18:48

Can this be imported back in as a matched photo, so you can trace over some of the photo AI creation to make it part of your model?

@ripvanstinkle - 14.12.2023 18:38


@joeymartinez5515 - 14.12.2023 18:09

Can you pan around the model, or is it just putting an image over that one view?

@lennyclark9003 - 14.12.2023 17:47

Does this work on interior spaces also? If no, can you recommend one? Thanks

@Tpmpnaze69 - 14.12.2023 17:19

Elle est où la création ?

@hugoedelarosa - 14.12.2023 16:16

Guys. Just work on improving Layout.

@Dindonmasker - 14.12.2023 16:11

Is there a way to keep the same seed if i want to keep the style of a generation but change the geometry?

@devenshah3061 - 14.12.2023 15:12

Hi Aaron. Thanks for your inputs on diffusion. Diffusion has the potential to catapult SketchUp to greater heights...but, it needs to respect and stay true to materials that have already been applied to a model. I tried it on a couple of scenes and it simply disregards the materials (guess it's just an AI thing!) I agree that it's in a nascent stage and with time it will only improve and shine and probably turn out to be the best extension SketchUp has. Thanks for the informative video, nonetheless.

@ahmad-murery - 14.12.2023 14:01

I like it as much as I hate it.
I like the amazing result it returns, I hate that it requires to express your thoughts and arrange your words in multiple ways which is a skill I don't have (yet)
anyway, as far as I know AI will generate different images using the same prompt twice, is that true?
Thanks Aaron!

@famcivilengineer34 - 14.12.2023 14:01

Cool stuff.. just Awesome

@nixbarix - 14.12.2023 13:39

Das Ding ist suuuuper!

@jaceguay - 14.12.2023 12:58

it is in beta? will diffusion continue as part of the standard sketchup pro as a free extension?

@Seeit3dCoUkYourDreamsOurSkills - 14.12.2023 12:10

Interesting AI.. HAL 9000 uses Sketchup too😅
