Why the Arex Zero is a S#!tty Gun

Why the Arex Zero is a S#!tty Gun


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@declineofthewest. - 21.12.2023 03:56

I refuse to buy a Sig.

@samuelc6904 - 03.12.2023 10:02

You sure need to seriously go educate yourself for one. This product is not a a piece of shit, Sig 226 clone, and yes, Sig makes very shitty guns!!! we all know that they are corrupt, which is the reason why they won all three contracts for the United States military. Somehow they passed all the rigorous testing in the military, but the second they tested in the civilian world they fail horribly lol 😂.. on the other hand Arex has built a pistol that is not only better quality control, but far more reliable and more thought out as a platform although it does share a lot of similarities with p226 it is not the same, the dimensions are different the internals, and the controls are also different of those sharing some slight similarities in placement!! I really get a kicked out of people who are so locked into one firearm brand, and it’s usually because they think spending more money gets them a better product and these are people that I’ve never used them as a duty firearm. They simply have a gun safe, filled with their pretty little toys that they may take out and fire once or twice at the range and think they know how to shoot in in our experience to speak about firearms. If you are not educated, stay in your lane and don’t open your mouth. And when I say, educate yourself, I mean, don’t bring your biased opinion when speaking about facts. AREX DEFENSE is a ISO9001 / 9008 facility which means the highest quality control and build standards, producing many contracted products for the military! so, please educate yourself you simply show pictures, claiming that the zero is not equal built firearm talking about the edges are sharp you make no sense and you have no proof why don’t you take out a micrometer and start doing measurement Arex zero 1 absolutely crushes any Sig p226 in every single facet of reliability and functionality, people have torture, tested them back to back not only the p226 mk25 but but also six more premium offerings, and they failed horribly in reliability when they are supposed to perform outstanding, right I mean they were produced for the navy seals, mk25 superior, reliability in wet conditions, sand and harsh environments, but yet it failed worse than almost any other firearm put through the gauntlet, Water, sand, dirt, and mud, torture, put on by to the military arms channel..th Sig p320 / m17 and m18 and the p226 mk25 all failed horribly!!! but yet somehow the more accurate Arex zero 1 was the only pistol aside from the Glock that ran through the test flawlessly. In fact, it did so well without cleaning it they ran it right back through all the elements, it into the dirt and mud and sand again, and again, without it failing this is purely a biased person giving a very biased uneducated opinion about a product he knows nothing about because he thinks spending more money on a Sig means it’s better!! I cannot stand people like this I don’t hold any favoritism towards any company. I just recognize what is well built, reliable and quality as a duty firearm and what is not. I along with other weapon systems we’re gonna talk about facts and quality don’t bring biased opinions to the table just be honest and if you don’t know, they keep your mouth shut

@porscheguy3820 - 29.11.2023 07:41

@99 are at least $1100 what decade are you living in

@porscheguy3820 - 29.11.2023 07:40

Sigs 226 are 1300 dollars genious IQ

@porscheguy3820 - 29.11.2023 07:39

Your head is thicker I have 5000 rounds in mine no problem

@NoOne-ml6nl - 21.11.2023 20:27

M.A.C. torture test made you eat that whole video...People just want to justify the SIG prices by claiming it's rounder edges make it better? Buy what you want, but any video claiming one gun is "better" then another based on looks(subjective) alone is faboi claims...

@apoptoliptic - 16.11.2023 20:36

You have no idea what your talking about

@MrChrapunik - 12.11.2023 19:23

I had to pause it after about 20th time he said - its not refined. Who cares? Its just a different design. You are not gonna cut your finger with ti. But I do like it how you had to put Arex and Sig signs on the pictures, so people would know which is which :D :D :D I actually like Arex far more - especially the levers - they stand out more so they are easier to operate. I would choose shitty arex over Sig any time, even if Arex would be more expensive.

@dirtydruce15 - 02.10.2023 04:04

I am a sig fan boy and love the Rex. So buy one if you want one don’t listen to this clown

@dewdrummer4384 - 14.09.2023 05:14

"I'm a sig fangirl" without saying you're a sig fangirl. What a stupid video, not out of the ordinary for your channel but Jesus christ

@grominwithrob1339 - 25.08.2023 02:09

I picked up a ARex for $430 out the door. I also didn't buy it with the delusion of it being something else.
I don't particularly think it's fair to knock people for comparing the two guns and then knocking the ARex because you are comparing the two. I also welcome you to just try and find a Sig 229 for $530 out the door. Saying the sig can be had for $100 more is ridiculous. I enjoy your content and give you credit to my recent Karh K9 purchase, but this one is a bit off mark.

@mrdato116 - 31.07.2023 05:12

Brain dead opinion and facts. Get better dude

@jake3686 - 18.07.2023 20:42

So really he doesnt like it because it looks different and has a safty that really isnt a good argument

@RedDawnReadiness - 09.07.2023 23:52

Just Wrong

@LoveScottland - 29.06.2023 19:31

I agree that the manual safety on the Arex is a waste and so is the loaded chamber indicator but I still think it's a great gun!

@davidjohnston351 - 25.06.2023 08:50

There is no law what makes you engage your safet😅

@Fanuc_Operator1990 - 02.06.2023 15:53

I hate you and I just wanted you to know that.

@NA-rr7jl - 02.06.2023 05:25

The only thing you get from sig is aftermarket and better holsters

@jeremye6516 - 01.06.2023 21:11

The Arex is affordable and a great shooter. An easy go to. It isn’t my 229 at all but it’s a great gun.

Lfa amp and lionheart regulus is 💩 don’t buy those. Lfa has poor quality and should be expected to be sent back and have them not correct the prolific issues. The regulus shoots but has poor accuracy.

@FNWendigo - 25.05.2023 09:06

This is a shit take. Bitching about the accessories is like complaining about the AC control on a car.

@robkoons2100 - 21.05.2023 20:22

I just don’t find any of your reasons behind this gun being a shitty gun as real reasons just a bunch of opinions that are generalized and petty. Fact is this gun is a nice shooting well made quality firearm at a much more reasonable price. Do a side by side comparison and show exactly where you are claim this is such if piece of shit and I might listen but overall this video doesn’t give much reason to buy or not to buy.

@zackpena6150 - 21.05.2023 17:03

Don't listen to this fudd piece of s***he's over here talkingshit he gives people Taurus pistols to protect themselves

@parvaflorum - 18.05.2023 23:12

I have owned many pistols over the years. I started shooting with my Dad's Colt Combat Commander in the 90's. I only have two pistols that haven't had a failure in over 5000 rounds. My stock M9 beretta and my Arex Zero1. I have a p226 navy and a p229 among others like Glocks and FNs. I don't have a pistol under 3000 round count. Both Glocks, both Sigs and my FNX, have all failed at times. I bought the Arex after I got my P226 for a truck gun so I don't have to leave a $1000 pistol in the truck to be stolen. Perfect reliability AND I can carry 1911 style if I want!!

@andrewmclean4082 - 11.05.2023 20:26

Lol stay mad.

@rik4369 - 08.05.2023 00:29

I agree with YM . I own a 1988 West German 226. It runs an performs just as good as any of my newer pistols.

Just a little note YM. The 226 does have a Manuel Safety ( MS) versionof the P226. I picked up one at Gun Show for $330.0 ( out the door) a couple years ago. Gave to my X- Girlfriend for her first Sig. I really got it as an Safer weapon for her inexpirence.

Their rare to find but do exsist.

Great video on this topic . I like the weapon but agree that for $100.00 more and a few moments online , I'd buy a Sig.

Semper Fi

@sergior.carreno5568 - 06.05.2023 23:50

I dont own a Rex Zero,i have two Sig p-229.
But if i could not afford a Sig,i would get a Glock,which has a proven track record of quality and reliability.
Just my two cents.

@mrgrump2534 - 01.05.2023 06:47

Is this guy a cross dresser

@mrgrump2534 - 01.05.2023 06:38

This guy reminds me of an overweight t.rex with those flailing short little arms that he just can’t stop swining around in the air 😂

@porscheguy3820 - 26.04.2023 22:51

3000 rounds and no problems You will say anything so people will click on you so you do not have to work for a living

@channel-xr4vj - 10.04.2023 12:49


@megaman010391 - 05.04.2023 18:01

This guy is ridiculous 😂.

@derfaschist9687 - 03.04.2023 23:11

Arex is quality made pistol. Its durable and reliable. Its more value for money than a sig p226 which is overpriced.

@driftitlikeyouownit - 26.03.2023 08:02

😂😂😂 this video didn't age well since sig is almost 600 dollars or more than the Arex Zero 1 today and is still today beating sig. Sig is a name it has semi reliability with a high price tag. My old fnp9 works better and never jams.

@paullebon323 - 06.03.2023 14:23

I prefer a manual safety. Always have going back to the 80s. This video is nonsense. You basically just said, "wahhh I like Sig" without a shed of objective evidence to support your opinion. GTFOH.

@williamnorris5865 - 02.03.2023 08:03

I paid 389 for my rex zero 1 s new making it the best gun under 400 i have purchased to date

@TheCorruptionCore - 02.03.2023 01:57

The Arex literally looks like sig took its tampon out and got a job. No idea what you’re talking about. Arex is apex.

@harryw_2023 - 15.02.2023 21:00

So, you don’t like it cause it has a safety and your price argument is also invalid. The P226 is almost twice the price of the Arex. 😅

@danpoi1319 - 06.02.2023 08:28

This guy is annoying

@bawbremy - 31.01.2023 04:45

After this review if I were a subscriber I would unsubscribe. A review of this review finds no basis for its unsupported conclusions which are speculative and suspect at best for accuracy, relevance or usefulness.

@Simobunjevac - 17.01.2023 17:18

sig money is in this guy's pocket

@johnportelli3035 - 12.01.2023 18:06

What a load of bullshit. Your toe nails have shrap edges.

@Grujo81 - 10.01.2023 16:41

Nema potrebe porediti arex sa sigom jer nisu ista klasa. Uostalom tipicno da ameri kude sve sto nije njihovo, i samo made in usa, to je njihova karakteristika, da sebe smatraju superiornim i samo oni i niko drugi u svetu, žao mi vas je sto ste toliko jadni i ograničeni, naravno u svetu oruzja svaka roba ima svoga kupca. Po pitanju istorije i oružja evo vam jednostavno poređenje, 103 godine pre otkrića amerike, je bio Boj na Kosovu, sa tada modernom Srpskom konjicom i oružjem za to doba. Da dodam, nemam ništa protiv Amerikanaca, jer i tamo ima normalnog naroda, kome se ne sviđa nasilnička politika njihove zemlje, i de ljudi opustite se niste vi jedini na planeti, ostali su brojniji od vas hajde da živimo normalno, bez nato iživljavanja i proseravnja. Bavimo se streljačkim sportovima iz ljubavi prema sportu, uvek će biti dobrog i kvalitetnog oružja bez obzira na zemlju porekla. Poštujmo i druge da bi oni nas poštovali, bez obzira na religiju suština je normalan život, bez kojekakvih zlatnih milijardi,bez glupih co2 i zelenih agendi, bez kontrole uma, bez kojekavih kovid-a virusa i sličnih idiotluka, pustite više ljude da dišu i žive slobodno i tada ćemo svi osetiti veliko olakšanje. Bavimo se sportom i uživajmo u životu.🙂

@markywestside - 05.01.2023 12:58

You sound vaccinated.

@deonjohnson4950 - 08.12.2022 07:11

No it's not a lot better

@angelb4241 - 07.11.2022 17:59

Not everybody has $1k to spend on a gun.
I consider it a beginner tool.

@AbsolutionArmament - 31.10.2022 15:22

seeing as how square lines usually means better tolerance machining or more care in it's manufacturing
..... usually when you see rounded edges it's because manufacturer have taken a scotch buffer wheel to round edges and hide imperfections. While it could be international for a carry gun it is most of the times just covering up dents and dings from being thrown in a forging basket with 400 more slides banging together.

this same logic is like saying an HK is lover quality because of it's sharp machining lines.

edit: I don't own a arex but I own an west German 226 and p320 M18. and the sharp lines on the arex remind me of my usp. which is giving me the temptation to buy one. probably the whole reason I saw this video in the first place.

@enriquerivera9040 - 29.10.2022 19:07

Rex 0 a "piece of shi*t"? A first for me! I've been researching this handgun for a while and I haven't heard anybody else referring to it as a piece of Sh*t. Performance/torture testing and user feedback says otherwise... Therefore your view is definitely an outlier and as every outlier is discarded and forgotten! SIG is AWESOME; REX is NOT A PIECE OF TURD!!

@jurijverchoturov275 - 28.10.2022 20:14

проплаченное трепло...
