Romans 8:31-39 - Nothing can separate a believer from God's love

Romans 8:31-39 - Nothing can separate a believer from God's love

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In this great passage of Scripture, Paul highlights the security that a child of God has. [1] God is for us (vs 31-33), [2] Christ intercedes for us (vs 34), and [3] Nothing can separate us from God’s love (vs 35-39). This includes our future choices. The born again Christian is eternally secure, because salvation is a work of God and when God does something He does it properly. There is nothing "to come" (vs 38) that can "separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (vs 39)


#Romans_8:31-39 #Romans_8:31-39_sermon #Romans_8_sermons #nothing_can_separate_us #neither_height_nor_depth #If_God_is_for_us_who_can_be_against_us? #nothing_can_separate_us_from_God's_love #Who_shall_separate_us_from_the_love_of_Christ #Romans_8:35 #Romans_8:38 #Romans_8:39 #can_a_Christian_lose_their_salvation? #eternal_security #once_saved_always_saved
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