Was Red Dead Redemption as good as I remember?

Was Red Dead Redemption as good as I remember?

The Salt Factory

1 год назад

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@ino7604 - 27.01.2024 01:11

Idk i was a kid when i played/beat that game. I have strong nostalgic memories about this game. The same as i have for donkey kong 64 or DOOM II.

@MK3504 - 26.01.2024 18:15

I was so Hyped for RDR1 as a kid whos born and raised in rhe Southwest. I tried getting in to RDR2, but it lacked something and i couldnt put a finger on it. RDR1 has some of the best moments of my gaming history.

@williamsmith8864 - 26.01.2024 14:29

Now, do the second one.

@Akiee98 - 24.01.2024 01:57

No, its better than you remember. 🐴

@AzureViking - 24.01.2024 01:19

I love the game but the story feels a lot like they are making it up as they go. I think that might be the reason that all the times I tried to play it back in the day I only ever made it through the first act. I only recently finally played through the whole thing. They definitely needed more characters present throughout the whole game. All the side characters are basically insulated to the act they are a part of so it makes the 3 acts feel so disconnected. They also should have made Dutch the real objective from the beginning. I feel like it start with Bill as the big villain and they strung that thread along for far too long, then as you get closer to finally killing Bill, they’re like, “oh yeah there’s also this other guy Javier, and and Dutch too btw”.

The gameplay structure is also disjointed. Like it feels like you’re still getting tutorial sections late into the 2nd act even a little in the third act. The turret sections get super old super fast. I have tolerance for exactly 1 turret section in a game, but preferably none. And of course they over use plenty of basic boring mechanics like herding and horse breaking which are fine once or twice to set up optional side objectives/mini games, but they over stay their welcome for sure.

Overall still a ground breaking game and I think they handled RDR2 much better obviously. I’d still love to see a 3rd game either going back to Jack in the early 1900s or a wholly new story set even further back in the mid 1800s or even earlier maybe

@reiyo2644 - 18.01.2024 22:29

Tbh the assault on for mercer, feels like a copy of Call of Juarez. There you literally come inside the fortress with a gatling gun on a wagon, pull the cover off the gatling gun and just blast everyone, feels really similliar only in CoJ you attack the fortress solo.

@mrmhj9925 - 16.01.2024 11:23

I’ve always preferred the Red Dead series then the GTA games. The world of Red Dead has never felt more immersive.

I just want more Western games. 🤠

@ju4ng066 - 14.01.2024 08:45

i remember this game was one of the first games that i played on my ps3 a couple of years ago, and i just loved it so much, the music, the characters, the ambientation, the history, the gameplay, everything felt so unique and cool, i remember even crying when John died at the end of the game, this game really made me love videogames and aprecciate everything about them, rdr1 and rdr2 will always have a special place in my heart

@alexanderthered5603 - 14.01.2024 06:53

I do appreciate that RDR2 went more serious considering how cartoony a lot of the characters in RDR1 was. I like RDR1 still, but it definitely make me like RDR2 all the more.

@notrealya_youtuber - 13.01.2024 18:50

In a time where police are seen as a thumb on the backs of everyday citizens? You mean like today

@Christ_is_a_black_man - 13.01.2024 02:02

I’m surprised the US federal government didn’t pay rockstar a visit after this release.

@pyroadapt8284 - 10.01.2024 19:13

Im so glad i played rhe first game as much as i did. I cant even counr how many times ive beaten it but it to be well over 30 times at this point. I know every little smart ass remark john makes, i know evwry memorable quote and i remember every detail of back story exposition john and the other characters give and this is awesome because Red dead 2 is jam packed with references to these quotes. Even the smallest details in dialogue in rhe first game often gets referenced in the rhe second and i was able to notice and pick up on each and every one and i feel so lucky for that.

A good example is when john confronts javier he says "its me or You, the way i see it, it might as well be you" this is a call back to what dutch says in RDR2 after killing brante. He says "it was us or him, the way i see it, it might as well be him".

The fact that rhey thought to do call backs to such insignificant details such as that is just insane.

@edwinmaki6817 - 08.01.2024 10:35

From about the 15 to 17 minute mark, you made me ask 3 times "is he coming back? Why is this montage so long? When I have this much time to consider clicking off, I comment first before clicking off"

@allinadadsday - 07.01.2024 04:16

the problem with such a game as this is. that we played it when we where a lot younger and had more imagination. the tech wasnt always there to do what maybe needed to be done. and rockstar wasnt the big powerhouse it is now. i played all three games and yes Revolver isnt part of these games but also is. to me these kind of games always have a battle that is uphill. most people want action and shooting and a good story. but that isnt red dead. red dead is ment to be a rpg/masive solo game/ shooter/ looter ect. it wasnt all about the story but getting everything out of it while satisfying the most people possible.
if you look at rdr2 you also have this simple gameplay. go from a to b to c do d ect. even if you get a puzzle the solution is already on the map. the strangers are basicly the same as are the random events. do they ad to the story no. do the add to the game hell yeah. the world doesnt feel empty and you can play for hours and hours without playing the story and beeing bothered about the story. rockstar doesnt set a time limit to these things. in my mind they really tried to give us a cowboy simulator that made sence for everyone. just want a story playthrough okay. want to visit each corner of the map 4 times to find all the hidden stuffen okay. just want to shoot and rob banks okay. want to hunt okay ect ect. does this influence the game yep. in a good way for me because i am going all out in these games. but for someone who wants some more action yeah it is somewhat slower and hurding cows isnt that fun offcourse.
and that is red dead big plus and problem. the story of rdr2 would make a good linear game on its own but can be forgotten if you are more a looter or treasure hunter.

rdr 1 paved the way for games to do massive open worlds where a story can be told.(gta games are very fun and good games but storywise not as strong) is it as good as it could be no but did they learn from it and did they comeback stronger? for me yes best thing for me it is the same and different many things are back in rdr2 from rdr 1 but did they do a better story hell yeah except that part overseas with the mandatory canon tank mission. no idea why they went there but okay it wasnt that long.

there arent that many games that do these kind of stuff. or it is good story and linear. or looter shooter with no clue about any story. or a bad copy with a story that doesnt make sence and the open world is empty. looking at you starfield.

for the people who loved or liked rdr we all loved john marston. but didnt we all hated that the epilogue was with john again. didnt we all hate to start the game with arthur. and who didnt have a hard time at the end seeing arhtur gone feeling as a part of gaming just died with him. even though he couldnt climb a small hill. do we not all love dutch as a character. hands up who fell in love with miss Sadie.

but what we dont need to do is play rdr 1 directly after rdr2. sure the story continues but the tech is more then 10 years old offcourse it doesnt live up these days. but for those days. my xbox 360 is still cooling off

but what we gamers shouldnt forget is that we all want something different and see games as something that s ours. and well it isnt tey are the dev's games. and we just need to play it. we want a million things. did we wanted another map for rdr2 before it came out. did we want a pre sequel. did we want o'driscolls hanging out at every bridge or forest we come across. but do we love it now. if rockstar would update the singleplayer and overhaul the world. would we hate it or love it.
i always point at cs:go players. they want a new map. they get a new map. they dont want a new map. they want changes they get changes, everything should be as it was.
like they wanted cs2 for years now they have it and it sucks. but if you take it away they get also mad.
so there is no pleasing of us gamers. so dev's can only try. and sure rockstar as a company isnt the best with updates or how they still make money of gtav online and cut the dlc for that game.
butatleast they give us games with so much in it that most people can do what they want. and always push the hardware to the limits. and that is what they did with rdr. when playing it you can feel the love that the dev's gave the game. and that is for me the most important thing the people who worked on it trying to give me the best they can.

@addidaswguy - 03.01.2024 22:12

Woah woah what about Sunset Riders!?!! That game was PEAK back then.

@locky03 - 03.01.2024 16:56

Crazy i have you on my overwatch friends, cane across you on a stream years ago

@firstworldproblems6064 - 02.01.2024 04:55

these games stories were so good it seemed effortless AND SO MUCH FUN!!!
it feels like games try way too hard these days they want to be a pretty looking movie but turns out to be BORING. red dead redemption 1 is up there for me with the metal gear solid and resident evil series.

@TheMaritimeHorror - 02.01.2024 04:22

I’m so glad they changed Uncle’s voice actor.

@workoutfanatic7873 - 02.01.2024 02:01

Beautiful 4k native on Xbox One X, no reason to lock it to 30fps on Series X - c’mon R* and Microsoft, make it 4k/60fps please!!!

Frame interpolation is no replacement, too many artifacts. C’mon, make it like Fallout 3, another classic peak Bethesda!!!

@johnhorchler667 - 01.01.2024 08:43

Story our online?

@SugaryPhoenixxx - 31.12.2023 21:39


@EvanSisson - 29.12.2023 20:04

I love all those snowy mountains they have in Texas.

@aladdinswaschmaschien - 28.12.2023 01:44

pls rdr2

@itsmethatsit.2934 - 24.12.2023 12:02

Herding the animals becomes 10x easier and faster when you learn there’s actually an input to yell at the cows, which makes them automatically go back to the herd, as well as quickly shifting the entire herd in a desired direction.

@breno855 - 18.12.2023 02:34

Some grey areas in the Mexican army side? Was I drugged when I finished this game a couple hours ago? It was totally a stereotypical "civilization needs order" kind of dictator. In fact the whole story is rather generic "cycle of violence" stuff " tacked in a tedious game. I don't get the acclaim of this at all.

@ericaroyko1542 - 17.12.2023 23:56

I just booted up red dead 1 on my PS3 and everything looks weirdly dark

@garra123454 - 17.12.2023 14:21

We all know the best character is seth

@kia9680 - 16.12.2023 18:35


@thac0twenty377 - 15.12.2023 12:20

Are we bringing "dipshit" back now?

@patrickringsmuth8036 - 13.12.2023 20:17

Good video but that was not an M249 on that truck

@user-tm8jt2py3d - 09.12.2023 08:52

it's perfect. you can do a billion small events in rdr2, and see pores in your elbow skin, but RDR is just perfect.

@buinghiathuan4595 - 08.12.2023 07:31

If only they re make the game for pc, shame

@drkrack0607 - 02.12.2023 05:30

Omfg that Ned’s declassified reference was a deep fucking cut Jesus that’s my biggest takeaway from watching the whole video lolll🤣

@samar1shere127 - 28.11.2023 04:55

Yes, it was

@Half-CockedG - 28.11.2023 00:11

no i don't think it is but rdr2 makes up for that because that is good every time

@HappyYummmy - 26.11.2023 11:02

just put effort into saying Hispanic names

@glottis8 - 25.11.2023 15:35

Do you think that Johns line repetition doesn't cfome from him being dense, but because of the nature of the game being so open means there could be gaps of time between following the story and when they do having a reminder there on Johns goals. I think thats easy to solve now with time passing delivering lines or omitting them if its been short term. But it seems to be a flawed from the design rather than one characterising John.

@tanzolo4487 - 25.11.2023 10:09

I think the ranch stuff was the best thing about the first game. When you think about it, both red dead redemption games really don’t offer much in the form of gameplay. They are games you can enjoy for their story, but other than a poker mini game, there is no variety when it comes to gameplay mecanics : you walk, you ride a horse and you shoot. Shooting I would say is the most engaging mecanic, but if you play the game with autolock aiming turned on, there really is nothing to the game at all. Do yourself a favour and switch to expert aiming, otherwise the game just plays itself. Hence I loved the herding, it gave you a gameplay mecanic that was actuallysomething different.

@mtthw1597 - 23.11.2023 05:44

Im sure that they had rdr2 already planed releasing rdr1. On my first playthrough of rdr1 this was my biggest problem with the game that I didn't care about any of the characters they were classic rockstar caricarures of humans that I forgot about day after finishing the game exeption being John and Dutch that stood out, after playing rdr2 everything just make a lot more sense and gives this game another layer I kinda wish that we got at least little mentions about gang members such as Arthur Sadie or Charles in the first game but I guess rockstar didn't thought about them yet. So if anyone want to play rdr now I recomend playing second game first it just shows how tragic the whole narration is from Arthur giving up his life so John can live normal life to then John returning to this life of gunslinging finally giving up life for Jack that ultimatly fails and goes in to this false circle again. Its just such a rare thing in any media that second installment give such a enormous depth to the first one, now Dutch last speech sends chills down my spine and makes me quite emotional where before rdr2 it was like whatever dude just die damn what a amazing series.

@jootai - 22.11.2023 07:23


@johnnyboy95101 - 13.11.2023 09:54

I still fucking quote "It makes me violently angry" to this day.

@sijonda - 13.11.2023 03:17

Considering tracking down a copy and getting a used console.

@TheTrueNecRoHeaD - 13.11.2023 03:15

Die 4 times and you can skip the checkpoints

@syopliger7038 - 08.11.2023 16:57

The dead flag blues reference killed me 🤣 very fitting for red dead
