Legend of Korra - Is It Good or Nah?

Legend of Korra - Is It Good or Nah?

Schaffrillas Productions

3 года назад

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@tofu_golem - 03.01.2024 10:09

The more I watch Korra, the better it gets.

@mrsir6112 - 02.01.2024 08:30

Ok so here are all of my problems with the entire show first up I hate republic city. I get that the progression of technology makes sense but please explain to me why on earth they decided that the only way for this sorta thing to work is that they should take the very much so eastern inspired world with eastern philosophy and culture and then go to a copy of New York City. Why on earth do they feel the need to make it more merica like it just makes no sense. Next they took the bending styles and turned it into boxing. I get that they may have done the iroh thing and took inspiration from all of the other bending styles. But that doesn’t explain why it’s just boxing . Which in case you have noticed is a very very western style thing.

Ok I will give you that the avatar wan story is good on its own but it sucks because it fully 100000000% conflicts with explanations from the original series and it ruins the spirits and it put a literal spirit of light and goodness into a world that was supposed to be based on eastern culture and philosophy

Also season 3 is almost as bad as season 2 you can’t change my mind, it’s just so incredibly bad here’s why.
First off while the rest of the world has moved on from the 100 year war. but there is definitely one unforgettable scar left on the world after Aangs death Tenzin is the only air bending master in the world and his family make up the entirety of the air benders and then they just throw that away because spirit magic. Like what is the point of this.

Next zaheer sucks as a character. Don’t get me wrong he’s menacing but his motivations are kinda the worst. His only thought process is hey governments can sometimes take away freedom so we should just destroy all government. And even though the avatar is once again THE LITERAL SPIRIT OF LIGHT AND GOODNESS it’s a virus of satan because it’s kinda sorta like a government therefore i must kill the avatar forever. Please tell me you Can you see why that doesn’t make sense.
Finally our wacky lovable earth bending protagonist just kinda stumbles into being a lava bender. Like whaaa How does that work writers? Toph discovered metal bending because she was the only one to notice that there was earth in metal and say hey I wonder if I can bend that. Boalin becomes a lace bender just because…… well they never really tell us do they.

@peacefuljalapeno - 29.12.2023 12:43

I love the series but Korra and asami had no type of build up so I was more confused by it then anything it didn’t make sense 😵‍💫 was rooting for makko and asami 😭🥲 but makko be fumbling he just like me fr fr

@louie.4047 - 28.12.2023 02:08

me trying to advocate for lok:
season 2: heyyyy

@Eldersh1eld - 25.12.2023 07:02

Ngl I never cared to watch LoK, heard it was pretty bad every time I looked, until I watched some clips of s4 and realize “oh shit this actually looks decent” and now after watching this video I’m convinced to give it a go, and that most of the shit I see is because it’s compared to the masterpiece that is aang’s story… except season 2 it looks as shitty as the comments made it out to be and I’m not excited for that

@teshtishtoshtesh3218 - 20.12.2023 04:13

The best part of LoK is the story of the first Avatar, and they subsequently broke everything they established of that lore. There were a few good ideas in there, but overall, it made the brand worse.

@buddycharles26 - 15.12.2023 03:08

Nooope, Wan's backstory isn't good either. It literally destroyed the entire bending system of the Avatar universe of which was well established in ATLA.

Go watch Legend of Whorra: Reniggings for you to be enlightened lol.

@reallywish212 - 13.12.2023 17:50

I prefer Korra over Avatar

@jamesschrader8667 - 12.12.2023 06:00

This show was on the same time as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

@aboba7526 - 11.12.2023 21:51

Korra is one of the best series after aang

@adampena8867 - 10.12.2023 21:23

i finished season 1 and liked it but not as much as avatars but thank god i dodge a bullet avoiding the rest of the show

@shanekhan6492 - 10.12.2023 15:18

So much soy

@jckcc - 09.12.2023 07:09

Korasami is indeed awkward because it wasn't built upon enough

@Seth_-lq1rr - 07.12.2023 04:31

I got half way through season 2 & quit for months…

@colebeck6528 - 06.12.2023 00:58

I always got the vibe that the avatar has an easier time reaching the more recent avatars for advice or insight and reaching earlier avatars takes a lot more effort.

@apollodavis4090 - 05.12.2023 18:44


@shypuddin - 04.12.2023 07:54

That voltron mention was a jump scare 😱

@samdancer3808 - 03.12.2023 04:41

I would have to disagree about your opinion on Voultron and a bit of legend of Kora was ok but it definitely doesn’t hold up in comparison to avitar the last airbender

@comagreeny7194 - 02.12.2023 02:10

You can't be serious and call the first avatar part good when it completely destroys avatar the last airbender with its nonsense and having the unlikable character that is wan with the stupid spirits that just look so stupid.

@MrGabeanator - 01.12.2023 10:44

I never liked korra and asami as a couple cause their love was so unconvincing it’s almost like hey we both got dumped by the same guy wanna get in each others pants there’s only one truly good girl on this show and it’s korras beloved polar bear dog Naga

@theeeveelutionist7245 - 01.12.2023 09:21

I honestly can’t believe the same person who voiced mako also voiced Dagur the Derranged in the how to train your dragon shows. He was such a fun character and his voice was really expressive and crazy voice and actions. In korra he was just boring. He’s better in the later seasons cause they pair him with characters he has chemistry with, but god It’s hard to get behind him.

@EmeraldEleki7 - 30.11.2023 22:33

R.I.P Owl boi's character! Wan shi tong was his name right? Probably the coolest one off villain

@ethanengelking2492 - 29.11.2023 04:23

Did people hate Voltron Legendary Defenders? I liked most of it except the last two seasons.

@ethanengelking2492 - 29.11.2023 03:51

I’m not the only one. I also was introduced by Legend of Korra. Also there were some comics that took place after Season 4 by the way.

@bramderacourt9499 - 28.11.2023 13:39

Its okay. Very hit and miss in most areas, but only during season 2 did I feel I was actually losing interest, and even that had a few solid moments.

@krypton7784 - 27.11.2023 02:23

I love watching review videos for Korra, because a season that one person hates is the best for another person. It’s honestly funny and interesting hearing people’s reasons for for the same few episodes are the greatest ever, or dog shit.

@alldayagain - 25.11.2023 20:02

I think, ironically, you had the best viewing experience going from "bad avatar" to "good avatar" 😅

@sadiqueherron2928 - 23.11.2023 18:47

Mocko can go kick rocks

@sadiqueherron2928 - 23.11.2023 18:43

Melo's rage-mode was goated .... he needed more fights lol

@foolishly7366 - 21.11.2023 23:15

Korra is a Mary Sue

@critiqueofthegothgf - 20.11.2023 23:50

sorry but wans story is terrible and lacks substance. hello future me articulates it perfectly

@The_Indubitabler - 11.11.2023 08:42

The Avatar Wan episodes were the worst thing to come from Korra, and that is against some STIFF competition

@Anglicanism_go_brr - 05.11.2023 20:23

I didn’t like the two episodes about wan because it removed all nuance from the spirits. In Atla they were neutral beings that served themselves and their domain. Instead of just EvIl KiTe MaN mAkE sPiRiT bAd AnD gOoD gUy KiTe MaKe ThEm GoOoOoD

@georgethompson913 - 03.11.2023 20:00

Amon being an energy bender would have been interesting, and learning the limits and power of energy bending beyond tge Deus Ex Machina it provided Aang.

@christymitchell4763 - 03.11.2023 05:19

I still ship Makorra hard. Yes there were mistakes that were made, but they could’ve given it another try. Nothing at all against Korrasami or the lgbt community; but to me Makorra will always b the endgame couple.

@invertedLOL - 29.10.2023 23:31

Korra is good! Like REALLY good! (Minus season 2) The problem? Nothing could ever follow up ATLA and be nearly as good.

@The_Gothic_Pickle - 29.10.2023 21:54

We really need a why Avatar the Last Airbender is great video

@michalsipan4106 - 29.10.2023 18:08

I only saw the first half of the first season, and i would say that the show was 3/10 and 9/10 at the same time. The setting and the premise is amazing, Korra is a great character and is totally different from aang... but the romance here is just unbearable. The love triangle makes no sense and there is no chemistry there. I didn't like the romance in original avatar, but this was just painfull. Also the idea of "communist" uprising of non-benders is amazing, but i think that they are ignoring the fact, that non-benders kinda have a point, they are second class citizens, everyone on the council is bender, the police is made of benders... i think their side should've been explored more.

@merikmalhads1676 - 29.10.2023 00:53

I don't know, the one thing I would add that might revive a .5 out of 10 on season 2 would be seeing Iroh doing Iroh stuff again. I know he has literally outlived his time but just having a fragment of him wandering through the dreamlike realm of the spirt world actually fits really well

@jayshah7106 - 28.10.2023 08:43

Honestly whenever I rewatch the show I just skip season 2

@AtlasBlizzard - 23.10.2023 16:32

The story of Korra is continued in an official comic written by Michael Dante DiMartino. It explores, among other things, Korra and Asami's budding relationship, the new spirit portal and how it both positively and negatively effects the city, Zhu Li running for president (because Raiko's such an obstinate douche) and Kuvira dealing with Earth Empire soldiers who didn't surrender. It's really solid and is found in two volumes, Turf Wars and Ruins of the Empire.

@tarielkaroldan4106 - 18.10.2023 03:57

I honestly prefer LOK to ATLA

@kirby7294 - 13.10.2023 22:37

I don't like the show, but aside from all it's flaws, my biggest problem with it is General Iroh... The biggest keyjangling I've seen until Ahsoka Episode 5. Iroh shows up with Uncle Iroh's name and Zuko's voice actor to bait us in and get interested in him. He then randomly joins the "team" if you can call them that. It's so odd and such a waist of a potentially interesting character. Though I guess any character is potentially interesting so that's not much for praise. Anyway, after Book 1, that's the extent of his involvement. He shows up in Book 2 where Korra wants him to disobey orders to help in the Water Tribe Civil war, and he's actually interested. For once while watching this show I was actually intrugied? Finally, something interesting? Are we gonna go rogue to aid the water tribe and prove the importance of the Avatar's autonomy? Will this be the first step towards- Nevermind President Boring shows up to tell us we can't do anything fun because reasons... And that's the last we see of General Keyjangle for another 3 Books... Until he shows back up at a warcamp ready to defend Republic City. And again, in my vain hope for anything interesting in this show, I thought maybe this could be good. You stalled the entire show but maybe at the end, we can have Iroh and Kuvira face off in an epic battle that will alter the course of the planet. A battle of wits, stength, devotion, and courage! A David and Goliath type battle that will see good prevail over- Oh nevermind, President Buzzkill told Iroh to surrender because of Kuvira's Jeager. So much for that...

Also Kuvira has bending concentration camps for non Earth Benders and that is never brought up again.

@hanohgorin3535 - 13.10.2023 03:50

Verik=varis????? No.

@joshuaaguda7349 - 08.10.2023 22:11

God knows i've tried to get past season one of Korra

@shoots5193 - 04.10.2023 14:05

Finished mother 3 and korra simultaneously 😭
The end of the video with the mother 3 music made me a little emotional hahahah
