Fallout 4 Review

Fallout 4 Review


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@taomahNEGEV - 21.08.2023 11:47

New Vegas is just so much better.

@emon.creations - 29.11.2022 06:53

It will definitely be better than fallout 76

@siu-ki-langi9669 - 13.10.2022 16:45

Eh, have you heard of never read the comments

@anasshahid224 - 21.06.2022 21:57

Fallout 4 is a masterpiece 👏👏👏

@IAreSidious - 11.06.2022 02:58

Anybody else remember when they stole someone's fallout video voiced over it and didn't give the creator credit

@thetophatfreak5627 - 25.11.2021 22:34

Doesn’t help that I live near Boston 👀

@bepis2104 - 25.10.2021 03:56

No offense, but who the FUCK wrote the script for this review? It's awful. I wanted a review, not a college essay. Don't give me backgrounds, adjectives, paragraph stingers and plays on words. I want a review.

@westonsaathoff2779 - 23.05.2021 09:22

I think it’s crazy angry Joe gave this an eight it’s definitely a nine or 9.5. There’s not a lot of open world games like a Bethesda game even with bugs.

@adamphilips76 - 01.03.2021 09:44

skyrim but in 2077

@gamerspitt8089 - 02.02.2021 00:18

God those graphics looked ugly even for 2015

@Thunderbird_Dyes - 09.12.2020 10:51

I’m buying this instead of Cyberpunk 2077.

@paarkour83 - 29.07.2020 10:53

Terrible game. One hour in and then I start walking slow without explanation. 1/5. Back to Skyrim it is !!!

@ashutoshjadhav7224 - 17.04.2020 14:07

does fallout 4 has fps issues of screen freezing like fallout new vegas on ps 4 ? pls reply

@pinkfloydmeddle6692 - 15.01.2020 07:19

This is my favorite fallout game! Probably because I'm more of an open world gamer and I loved the building system

@arcsta_rr4800 - 05.01.2020 22:03

.. *RPG*.

@Arindam_Gaming - 27.11.2019 20:54

My F: New Vegas with graphics mods look way better than this incl that 58GB Ultra Res texture pack.

@ytanonymity3585 - 11.09.2019 19:19

Still much better than Fallout 76

@KristopherWilliams_tahmson - 28.07.2019 05:38

Just picked it up for $8 from Steam. I played New Vegas a bit and 3 but at that time wasn’t really into slower RPGs. I’m now loving this experience and find it fascinating and engaging.

@ricardoalbertoriveraenriqu3406 - 15.12.2018 09:35

La cagaron con el Fallout 76!!!!!!

@w_randrs2340 - 21.11.2018 03:04

So... The game has a user score of 6.5 on metacritic - yellow score/average score. Wtf is up with that...?
If this has to do with the graphics, then you're all hypocritical.

@Hekat1988 - 18.11.2018 20:58

Something about that changed purple UI angers me far more then it should O_O

@hermeticdragon2643 - 04.11.2018 04:53

This game is amazing on the PS4 Pro. I just beat Kellogg with a mini nuke. Epic.

@mtb3742 - 22.06.2018 16:40

Worst Fallout game.

@thegamingstation1097 - 09.06.2018 23:27

It’s a better game than fallout 3 in my opinion

@jalil3944 - 03.06.2018 23:44

This comment section is disgusting. People care about graphics so much...

@363Magi - 14.11.2017 03:35

What he's saying sounds like it's scripted from the makers and not objective.

@johnkerkalis6310 - 09.09.2017 00:28

How long does it take to make a new game engine? Just curious.

@AA-le3xe - 11.08.2017 11:01

Fallout 3 had way better side mission stories, these are cheesy and cringe worthy on average.

@AA-le3xe - 11.08.2017 10:56

The recycled minutemen quests are very annoying; repetitive quests which do not stop and which are literally just about 3 cut and paste algorithmic design schemes. Could have made them more diverse and finite, or at least spaced out within longer time intervals.

@krispydream6907 - 10.08.2017 06:06

You should read the steam reviews for fallout 4 its more accurate 😂

@vincenzoaureo6060 - 08.08.2017 02:42

Honestly what fucking dumbass puts spoilers in a review? Has anyone ever finished a game and then watched the review?

@blessingvermin9020 - 22.07.2017 01:49

The aspect of making difficult choices and more player freedom in fallout 4 and 3 pale in comparison to new Vegas. This game also isn't a rpg with shooter elements. It's a shooter with light tacked on rpg elements.

@president.z2566 - 19.07.2017 13:36

is it worth 39.99?

@apenneukende - 17.07.2017 21:48

dear god, this video edit is the fucking worst

@Gregbaltzer - 28.06.2017 11:34

Too many damn Radiant quests, and not enough well thought out quests for me. Just found the whole questing to be lazy with little thought put into it, and level up is really dissatisfying, 1 point per level up to distribute really sucks. So many of the damn perks are so pointless that it's not even worth pointing any points into them ever. Really a step down from Fallout 3.

@ftwnoobbuster - 29.04.2017 20:53

What is the fucking intro song!?

@timfrieden4639 - 23.03.2017 05:35

Does anyone know the piano song at the end?

@irwin9254 - 02.03.2017 03:27

hey un this may seem random but what is that intro song tbh ..... anyone?

just the intro song plz

@ernestochang1744 - 22.02.2017 10:43

i liked it when i had to click A to actually open up a goddam locker or safe, now it automatically opens it up for me, but stupid muscle memroy thinks im playing fallout 3 (yes a 9 year old game) and i hit A in which it takes any random item in said locker or safe, transferring it to my 230 pound inventory which contains countless of weapons i dont need, 160 stimpaks that i will never probably use and a long list of items that i need to build a goddam house... GODAMMIT BETHESDA THIS IS FALLOUT NOT MINECRAFT for fucks sakes man -.- almost everything about fallout 4 made me go "this is just an apocalyptic game with a cute paintjob of fallout theme"

Also... BETHESDA you bastards give obsidian entertainment their raise for fallout new vegas

@frankayers6924 - 06.02.2017 17:31

Got this game for xmas..I have never played a Fallout game. I really hope I enjoy it.

@kieranwelch6490 - 04.02.2017 15:55

Fallout 4 is a 10/10 its better then Fallout 3 and New Vegas and those games were at least 9/10. What a GREAT franchise. People who hate Fallout 4 are fuckin idiots

@jakeorleans1469 - 29.01.2017 23:26

it isnt linear you have factions you can actually join factions unlike new vegas where you were only assisting factions not saying new vegas was bad because it wasnt fallout 3on the other hand was so linear it didnt even feel like a fallout game . to address the graphica what did you expect its using the same engine as skyrim a game released in 2011 graphics arent everything unless your playing a racing game not to mention you cant run or craft in nv or fallout3 not to mention four different outcomes

@Uroshius - 27.01.2017 18:03

I didn't want to get this game before checking some reviews. Then I saw one thing that made me decide not to get it - critic score vs user score. While critics give it 8, 9 or even 10/10 reviews, users rated it quite poorly and in some cases downright negative. And the main thing people are complaining about is the overall RPG element. Damn, if that's the leading problem in an RPG series game, I'd rather not try it. Previous instalments of the franchise have me covered in that field, wouldn't like to spoil the impression.

@twoheadedhead2095 - 13.01.2017 14:13

can someone tell me is there single player and/or multiplayer? I have never played fallout before, so I dont know

@trsdrs5097 - 21.12.2016 00:19

okay guys, got a brand new copy for just 15 dollars.. it is still sealed cause I haven't had time to play it so I kept it sealed, should I open it or bring it back, it was just 15 dollars brand new.... soo

@sonic333ful - 08.12.2016 14:02

It's great and sad at the same time to see Fallout 4 get this much hate. Great because it made Todd Howard actually admit to some of the mistakes of the game, Sad because if you even try to say that you loved Fallout 4, you will get mauled by Rabid Fanboys. The main argument is that Fallout 4 is not an RPG and is more of an Action Game with RPG elements and you know what ? Those points are 100% correct. But saying the game sucks is far from the truth IMO. People are criticising the game for it's flaws (Which is great to see), but at the same time not giving the game any praise whatsoever. Kinda funny seeing people say that Obsidian should make the next Fallout game. They are already starting to overhype a game that does not exist, then the hype will take over and you will end up with a product that did not meet your expectations and you will start complaining again. And lets not talk about The Rabid Fanboys that attack anyone in sight that praises Fallout 4. Infact I'll list some of the good things about fallout 4 and some of the bad things,

1-That god awful dialogue system
2-Voiced Portaginist (Some people may I enjoy it, but I personally don't)
3-How the game was focused on The Settlement System ALOT. (That is Fallout 4 second biggest flaw imo, behind the dialogue system. I sincerely hope we never see anything of the sorts in a Bethesda game ever.)

1-The World (I absolutely loved exploring The Commonwealth. Each side of the map has a different vibe to it. Much better than exploring the boring Mojave Desert)
2-The Combat (This is probably one of my favorite things in the game. It's much more refined than FO NV or FO 3.)
3-The Companions (The Companions in this game were great in this game. They interacted with the player alot more and actually cared about what the player did.)

My point is that, pretty much most of the criticism that FO4 has been getting is true, but the game does not Suck, it is most certainly worth your money IMO. I really hope Bethesda learns from this because this is no doubt one of Bethesda's most hated games ever.

Also, them charging 50 dollars for the season pass which pretty much featured 3 DLCs only is absolutely scummy.....

@fredymendez3864 - 07.12.2016 08:18

seems like the only way someone could have possibly liked this is if they never played a fallout game. first time player and yes I enjoy it, but I can see why someone would dislike it. if elders scrolls made another game looking like skyrim with little innovation I would be pissesd.

@blurryface3291 - 17.10.2016 04:29

This review is straight on. I feel the exact same way.

@salvasalda - 11.10.2016 08:38

This guy is incredibly negative. No wonder people like IGN better
