Debunking Buzzfeed's 'Electoral College is Useless' Video

Debunking Buzzfeed's 'Electoral College is Useless' Video

Don't Walk, Run! Productions

3 года назад

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@JohnSmith-xf1zu - 26.12.2020 19:27

Normally love your videos. But this has to be one of the worst takes from you I've heard in a while. I can't fucking believe I'm about to defend Buzzfeed of all things (kill me pls).

So first of all, "read the constitution" is irrelevant when asking the question of should we keep the electoral college. Of course it's constitutional, but is it right for us is the real question. Imagine for a second that we kept the 3/5ths compromise because "it's in the constitution". That's irrelevant. Just present why the electoral college is a good thing to keep.

Also, saying "Direct Democracy" or "One person, one vote" isn't in the constition is also irrelevant, because the question is if we should put it in there. Seriously, imagine a scenario where we are making a new law. Say asking something like "should we make murderer financing illegal?", and your response is "No because we don't currently have a law making murderer financing illegal". It's a stupid response. Likewise, when asking if we should change the constitution, saying "It's not in the constitution" is a stupid response.

Also, removing the electoral college would not make us a direct democracy. How can you even imply that we would become a direct democracy if we removed the electoral college with a straight face? We would still be voting for people to represent us, just directly voting for the representative. THAT'S STILL A REPUBLIC!

God, I can't wait to sit through the second half of this video.

@kingalastor936 - 13.11.2023 20:57

Don't they realize electoral college is popular vote? Just... State by state.
Imagine how different US politics would be if winning one state means you win one point.

@kingalastor936 - 13.11.2023 20:50

Can modernists stop trying to turn everything modern? Just Because it's modern doesn't mean it's good.
E.i. S3xual revolution, atheism, nihilism, d3g3n3racy, feminism, furries... You get the idea.

@gamesthatiplay9083 - 07.11.2023 20:29

As soon as the electoral college is abolished, both parties will campaign in the biggest states. Both sides will win as much as they did before.

@npc_virus_7306 - 07.10.2023 14:48

This woman is an absolute idiot. I don't give a damn about the popular vote, and I never will give a damn about the popular vote until Commiefornia, Illinois and New York are held to the exact same standards as Florida (post DeSantis). In Illinois no verification of citizenship is made (same with commiefornia and New York), and I can request a ballot by email. How does vote by Email work you say? Well I print out the email ballot, send it in, and my vote, get this is transferred to an official ballot...and then they pinky swear that two election judges from each party sign off on it. There is no chain of limit on how many ballots are issued...ever. Furthermore they never purge the voter roles. If you at any time ever lived in Chicago, I gurantee you're still on the voter roles...even if you moved in state...handy for any politician who wants to stuff the ballot box. So, I don't give a shit if Hillary Clinton got more popular votes than Donald Trump. Not only am I for the Electoral College, but the day that it gets repealed so states with large machine politic, vote manufacturing corruption centers is the day I say it's time to break up the union. The electoral college is the only firewall against cheating we have and even then, it's hardly foolproof (ehem 2020)

@peterhofman7188 - 13.09.2023 06:59

She got it All Wrong, In the 2020 election the Resident got 81 million votes, but a lot of them were Faker Votes , And We the People got the MF Shaft!!

@user-ld4xx1el6q - 12.09.2023 23:00

The Electoral College is an elitist anachronism that should have been abolished when the telegraph connected all of the states. It allows a minority of the electorate to subvert the will of the majority and serves no useful purpose in the Twenty-first century other than to make the network coverage of the election more interesting and profitable. If no one gets a majority of the popular vote on election day hold a runoff with the top two vote getters a month later.

@TransformersBoss - 11.09.2023 21:42

The specific wording that “the electoral college gave us a President that the majority of Americans didn’t vote for” applies to pretty much every President, since so many Americans don’t vote

@MadScientist267 - 30.08.2023 09:59

No, derpass.

Electoral college is as pointless as your derpy existence. 🤦‍♂️

@mapguy6865 - 23.08.2023 07:13

I would love to debate this man. He is reacting to a video that has the weakest possible orator for the anti-electoral college side and bases half of his arguments on ad hominem attacks. If i was older than 14, I would contact him and offer to debate live on this issue because all pro-electoral argument fall under the slightest inspection.

@unpun1shed - 04.08.2023 06:49

Savage Andrew😂

@colegillgrass3373 - 31.07.2023 22:22

I like how they compare 2 dtats and say "wyoming has 3 times the power per person." Without even acknowledging that they still can only get 3 votes no matter what.

If you can convince the population of california to vote in a specific way then california has 18 times as much power as wyoming, which is the voting power of the people.
You cant win by just getting all wyomans to vote in a specific way. They still only get 3 votes towards the 270 threshold while california get 55 votes(6 of which are gained through illegal immigrants by the way). We in california are litterally breaking the law in order to gain more power as a state.

@karensterton9780 - 27.06.2023 09:28

She's homely as homemade soap

@one2toomany - 21.06.2023 03:02

Doesn't have to be over 50%, to be the majority.

@Leonard_Wolf_2056 - 16.06.2023 19:52

If Dems didn't have the dead and the illegals on their side, they would act like EC is a gift from God... As long as their candidate wins.

@Thelisreal-sh3tz - 16.06.2023 04:23

"If it's there, and no one is questioning it, and everyone from diverse groups seems to accept and be okay with it, there is most likely a reason it is there!"

@spectrallines1695 - 05.06.2023 05:25

More than a single country we are a collection of states. It only makes sense each state will elect the president base on who their residents want. Each state has its own laws and governing bodies kinda like it’s own country aka a state. It was setup purposely this way to prevent too many power concentrated in Washington DC.

@kingginger3335 - 25.05.2023 16:55

There are 3143 counties in America. Over half of the American population lives with 143 of these counties. So if America was a Direct Democracy, the people who live in these 143 counties would ultimately decide the election for the other 3000 counties.

@kingginger3335 - 25.05.2023 16:46

Anyone who thinks the Electoral College is dumb clearly is themselves a dumb person. Anyone who thinks that 51% of people should decide what the other 49% of people ought to do, is a dumb person. Pure democracy is just tyranny with extra steps

@cdreyes81 - 24.04.2023 08:59

"Barging bin samantha b"
Truer words

@beaupierrebondurant5651 - 15.04.2023 20:36

The south wanted their slaves to count for 100%

@beaupierrebondurant5651 - 15.04.2023 20:30

We are a republic, not a democracy. Read the constitution and Federalist papers 10,14,and 39.

@beaupierrebondurant5651 - 15.04.2023 20:30

The electoral college does what it was created to do.

@beaupierrebondurant5651 - 15.04.2023 20:28

The electoral college, being my Hamilton's brainchild,is above reproach

@MrDuke-si6xz - 13.04.2023 03:57

Reading it is not a demoRATs strong suite!

@cptblood1981 - 11.04.2023 02:21

Except you weren't oversimplifying that's what they wanted in FL

@peggy437 - 07.04.2023 17:22

Is she an adult

@John2r1 - 02.04.2023 16:39

Wrong on the three-fifths compromise.

The first part about the Southern states is right. They did want to count all of their Slaves.

The second part about the Northern States is wrong . The Northern States didn't want to count any of them.

It was ironically a liberal northern delegate, James Wilson of Pennsylvania, who proposed the Three-Fifths Compromise, as a way to gain southern support for a new framework of government.

So yeah it was one man who influenced others to a compromise that would be mutually acceptable.

The reason everyone else in the North didn't want slaves counted was that it could have potentially tipped the balance of power in the Souths favor. Which for the South was the whole point of counting slaves.

@shenlonggohan - 01.04.2023 03:02

Repeal the 19th. Reinstate the Naturalization Act of 1790.

@herrflammen6487 - 17.03.2023 05:23

Maybe if she actually picked a useful degree besides a fucking gender studies degree she would be taken a little more seriously.

@Money_Fox - 10.03.2023 22:09

you just say but is says so so it good

@evanlayne829 - 07.03.2023 15:42

I love how she claimed that only 40 something percent of the population wanted Trump as president... but look at how packed ALL of his pre-presidential speeches were when he was running for president vs. Biden's speeches when he was running for president.... Biden had MAYBE 50 people at each speech, and a good number of them were possibly forced to be there (not certain, but the number of people is STILL shockingly low for someone that supposedly "the majority" wanted). Trumps speeches were packed EVERY time, and MOST of them had people lined up for miles, some lines even went outside of the city that they were taking place in. 46% my ass.

@kythrathesuntamer9715 - 02.03.2023 21:23

and honestly the electoral college doesn't exist because of form of government either which is a total misunderstanding of the electoral college like what? because ti's a republic and not a Direct democracy? um sir, .... a direct democracy is one in which the people themselves vote on every issue presented to their society. A direct democracy wouldn't have a president, congress, or a house of representatives or even a supreme court as literally all of their power would be in the hands of you and I and everyone else.

A shift to towards getting rid of the electoral college will not change our form of government which will be a representative democracy & a republic at the same time regardless of what happens to the electoral college. a republic , is just a nation of laws, the rule of law is not threatened by changing this one.

@kythrathesuntamer9715 - 02.03.2023 21:12

This sorto f thing puts me in the uncomfortable position myself of having to side with buzzfeed, the original intention of the electoral college shouldn't be relevant anymoe because I dug into what the framers intended and it was merely to protect slave holding states from northern majorities that were abolitioniist.

to say the least about that one it being vestige of slavery is not a good look but then apologist will come and be like it's about protecting small states which is a revision of history just so we're clear but whatever people think the system is supposed to do it instead it actually robs and redistributes some of the power of people in solid red and solid blue states to swing states and gives them a frankly unearned privilege as states.

There's great books called presidential pork thsat talk about the benefits that states get when they are swing states over other states.

this system doesn't benefit small states except if those small states are lucky enough to also be swing states.

and honestly the key area of disagreement I have with you is like yeah sure that is how things work but I disagree that they should work that way. I mean why the hell should a few huge states be able ot have such a huge influence over things?
and if you're like "because their numbers are big" I'm like i'm not pushing for keeping the system as it is, in my alternative we'd elect the president directly with every vote equal.

I don't like talking about the world that is, I prefer to discuss change

@ChickenPermissionOG - 21.02.2023 06:28

Faithless electors are fine.

@amantedelcane420 - 08.02.2023 21:07

The map misspellings are gold 😅

@rogerdale5451 - 12.12.2022 08:49

The EC is designed to limit power of gargantuan cities like New York and the whole NE, and LA, so they don't dominate everything.

@loganicfilms1388 - 25.09.2022 06:33

You have 400,000 more views then their vid rn lol.

@ronblack7870 - 16.09.2022 01:40

so the country was founded to be ruled by white landowners so we should stick to that. why change.

@linkten4108 - 03.08.2022 03:03

also she stole some better-looking(only than her) women's photo as her own avatar.

@gunndish - 27.07.2022 00:34

Love your work bro, but one thing ... It's Thurgood Marshall ... not Thurogood ...

@xnoybis9967 - 25.07.2022 14:27

In the end we should have just stayed in a monarchy. America is a failed project

@pbjae8140 - 20.07.2022 16:25

At the end of the video where someone is getting the mouth massage, that is actually a technique for specific muscle problems in the mouth however, what she was doing was not the proper massage Strokes for that treatment, and there is absolutely no reason to do that specific technique on the standard relaxation massage.

@kennethraymondmoore - 24.06.2022 21:08

Have you ever seen Kaitlin Olson on Its Always Sunny? Actual female comedians ARE funny. Feminist libtards who call themselves comedians are not.

@jackbarnes9728 - 19.06.2022 05:46

Just more proof that women aren't good at math.

@kenneths.perlman1112 - 12.06.2022 07:48

The founders wanted the President to have broad support not merely deep support from a few places. The smaller states did not consent to being governed by Philadelphia, New York City and Boston. Really that simple.

@WendellsCat - 05.06.2022 16:31

"Bargain bin Samantha Bee".....😄 That's really saying something because Sam Bee is bargain bin Jon Stewart.

@TheBelieveit1 - 01.06.2022 14:21

Shame the Supreme Court didn't step in to prevent all them states from counting votes, finding hidden Biden only votes, just enough for him to win as the most popular president ever right?

@onehumanhistory - 15.05.2022 18:36

I don’t think the EC is smart or dumb. It’s a product of the problems the founders were dealing with at the time. Election Rules get outdated a lot. Changing them is hard because it’s so easy for one party to cheat and disguise it as “election reform.” Also, ppl tend to like the rules to stay as they always were: look into the debate over the forward pass rule in football in the 1900s. Buzzfeed’s video is totally in line with one of the party’s agenda, in this case Democrat. That explains why they take such pains to make the video appear “hip.” It’s a great example of partisan agenda disguised as elective justice

I also think the whole discussion about the EC is a red herring, most electoral shenanigans take place at local district levels, in small court battles, and gerrymandering. Editing the EC out of the constitution would require a HERCULEAN effort at this point and could easily be a tipping point for the US civil war wise

@Anoneeemouse - 28.04.2022 21:09

"This is where it gets dark" ...phrasing?
