I like Darth Vader's lightsaber
ОтветитьLove your videos! Thank you for such great content! Do you think Disney will every release the Ben Kenobi saber for individual sale in the parks?
ОтветитьCan I have mace Windows light saver please?❤
ОтветитьAlthough i know none of this is from any shows or movies, it would be pretty cool if they added some of the lightsabers from SWTOR like Darth Vindican's,Satele Shan, or even one of the variations of Darth Revan's Jedi and/or Sith lightsaber
ОтветитьOn Wednesday, I finally got Count Dooku jedi Hilt and got Qui Gon Jinn's hilt on March, even Darksaber, for about 2 years on August
ОтветитьAnd I gotta say Count Dooku jedi Hilt, Qui Gon Jinn's hilt, and Darksaber are my top 3 Outsatnding hilts
ОтветитьDo they have the parts in savis workshop to build a rotj Luke saber?
ОтветитьI’m trying to get a light saber tomorrow but I can’t do the Savis thing can I get a lightsaber with a blade anywhere else?
ОтветитьPersonally I think Ventresses sabers are the most unique, especially when you connect them it makes a very interesting shape
ОтветитьWhen I went to Disney world and was at galaxies edge and I saw the
X-wing helemet I told my mom and dad but they said no so if you are going to have a give away can you reply to this comment
can you get a real litsaber please 😊
ОтветитьVaders sword is a classic
Ответитьstill kinda sad the saber from Vader immortal wasnt made, i get the others were alot more popular but it would have been sick to have
Ответитьcan you change the colors in the legacy lightsabers with kyber crystals or are they pre selected to that color?
ОтветитьI have a imperial workshop neo pixel saber I bought for 120$ it's way better than the Disney ones more reactive sound better and has more features also right size not bulky
ОтветитьI had the original Hasbro Obi-Wan TPM FX saber and the red button was the activation button. It's weird Galaxy Edge changed that to the stupid location they did. This newer one does look better than the Hasbro one.
The Mace Windu AOTC/ROTS saber has always been my favorite one with Obi-Wan TPM/AOTC being next in line. If I get approved for SSI I plan to get me the 89 sabers version for both of these.
It is sad that Galaxy's Edge didn't make the Mace Windu AOTC/ROTS saber thinner. They had the chance to make it better. It just seems like a repop of the Master Replicas / Hasbro one.
At one point I had all the ORIGINAL Master Replicas FX sabers, including the very first Anakin AOTC one, that gigantic saber. I wish I hadn't either sold them or took them apart... I even had the full Maul saber which I loved to do tricks with.
It is sad that they didn't use the actual red buttons as the activation buttons on a lot of the sabers. Compared to like 89 sabers and other neopixel sabers.
Kilo ren should have had a rough blade
ОтветитьI like Disney push twist lock unlock blades
ОтветитьAll I do is play Star Wars eras of war
ОтветитьUHHHHH 😮
Ответитьok 😅
ОтветитьI hate the human him
ОтветитьI like the robot one more 🎉
ОтветитьAll this video does is prove to me not to get ANY of these 😂. All the defects, design issues, and cheapness is hilarious. For the amount of money spent couldve gotten a 6-12 high quality sabers that are actually good products.
ОтветитьOk... All of these are rip-offs, everyone of these hilts are ginormous and the electronic's are cheap and outdated by decades lol... For a little bit more money you could get a great replica with far superior electronics like smooth swing and all the other accoutrements. Total rip
ОтветитьSo far I’ve got 8 of them! Love collecting them
ОтветитьThank you for this video. I am going to Disney in a few months and this helps me to decide which legacy lightsaber I’m going to purchase. I’m leaning towards the Plo Koon. Such a cool looking unique design. This channel is awesome, love watching all your videos. Thanks again!
ОтветитьIt's really just nitpicking but to be specific jaro tapal's lightsaber wasn't a saber staff as it was made by him to be dual sided but single handed however cal being a human the saber is saberstaff length in his hands and he would later modify into a split saber and then modify again from being two full length sabers to a full length saber and a shoto plus a deoyable cross gaurd on the main blades emmiter (edit was correcting the spell check as it changed tapal to japan)
Ответитьcheap lightsabers gosh. especially Luke & Leia's ones. there are so better ones on the market. What a shame for Disney tbh.
ОтветитьThe Luke was my first too then I built a Savi one. You can add a dowel in the "show" neck. Doesn't make sounds but technically that is what they had on the set. Just put the dowel in and a lil set screw and it's alright for that bladed feel. Can even add LEDs pretty easily to the dowel.
ОтветитьI also have Rey's lightsaber and it is my favorite lightsaber ever❤😊❤😊❤😊
ОтветитьMy god why does disney make the hilts so damn huge?
ОтветитьIt's hysterical that you can buy movie accurate legacy lightsabers from companies on the internet, but Disney, who OWNS "Star Wars" can't figure out how to build the same thing without making you need two different emitters.
ОтветитьHow do you display your lightsabers???
ОтветитьPrayers for AJ ❤
ОтветитьThese sabers are just pathetic compared to the competition
ОтветитьWhat about the Wookie Padawan Gungis blade?
ОтветитьI am going there next month. You gonna make me broke.
ОтветитьWhere is the J Mu link? I didn’t see it in the description
ОтветитьDo these come with blades?
ОтветитьPick 1 favorite lightsaber!!