Living in Italy as an Expat - an Insider's View

Living in Italy as an Expat - an Insider's View

Saar Soleares

1 год назад

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@frankpullia6889 - 03.01.2024 01:48

Sorry for all your troubles. It would have helped if you had provided details on the problems you encountered. Items like Visas could have been investigated from abroad before coming to Italy. That would apply to any country anyone wishes to move to. Same with health care. What were the good things (free) vs. the so-called health care system bureaucracy. Long COVID issues would be challenging anywhere, and it appears more daunting on top of all the other issues in a foreign country. You mentioned that eventually, some health care intervention helped. Details would help tremendously put things in perspective and make your video more informative. Sorry, but I only got generalities which do not help much..

@hubertinepankhurst1161 - 13.12.2023 15:42

Great video! It would have been even more helpful if you had been more specific and given more details about the issues you experienced.

@ok-ct7yr - 06.12.2023 18:27


@glorgau - 05.12.2023 19:48

Bureaucratic problems. Any specifics?

@mediterraneanworld - 13.11.2023 15:15

Good thing you were not in the USA with a major health emergency! Bureaucracy is daunting when one is both unfamiliar with it and in a position of weakness - I find little difference between the complexity of doing things in the USA and Italy - you have to know the rules first and understand how offices work, what to do and not to do.

@Cosmove1 - 07.10.2023 21:13

sono italiano e ho visitato l'america...posso dire la stessa cosa nessuno parlava italiano.... Basta non siete al centro del mondo....avete l'assurda pretesa che in ogni parte del mondo andiate la gente deve saper parlare inglese.... ma andate a VFC

@tic-tacdrin-drinn1505 - 18.09.2023 18:18

To endure bureaucracy, you have to be willing to WAIT.
The worst aspects of bureaucracy are not the rules, which - admittedly - could sometimes be simpler, but the bureaucrats who themselves do not always know the rules correctly.
Anyway, I don't think that for a non-American in the USA everything is the easiest when it comes to these things.

@hughjass6928 - 16.08.2023 11:17


@MrNoncredo - 02.08.2023 15:48

just call yourself an expat, is the right term "immigrants", or are only those who come from a poor country considered as such?

@GH-zy2dh - 25.07.2023 01:18

I like to understand what you said about Italian bureaucracy toward Americans ? is it harder being an American living in Italy, what are the negatives?....Thank you for taking the time

@mackenzie1512 - 22.07.2023 23:05

Hoi Saar, ik volg al een tijdje je mooie filmpjes over Italie simpelweg omdat wij ook sinds 1,5 jaar in la bella Italia wonen. Wij zijn onze zoektocht naar een plek 4 jaar geleden begonnen en zijn via Frankrijk en Spanje uiteindelijk toch in Italie beland. Mijn man is een stuk ouder dan ik en daarom is toegang tot goede zorg voor ons ook erg belangrijk. Vooralsnog ben ik het altijd die iets mankeert maar op alle plekken waar we gewoond hebben was contact leggen met zorginstanties en het vinden van een huisarts een prioriteit. Onze ervaring is dat het rond de grote steden makkelijker is wat betreft afspraken maken en ook het personeel lijkt er vriendelijker te zijn, wellicht omdat er niet zo'n drukte is als in een grote stad. Tijdens ons werkzame leven zijn we altijd in Italie op vakantie gegaan en hebben toen de grote steden en al hun pracht bezocht. Om te wonen hebben wij gekozen voor het midden van Italie, Umbria, in een klein bergdorp met alle voorzieningen, 10 minuten van Terni en 40 minuten van Rome. Ons bevalt het kunnen opzoeken van de drukte erg goed. Hopelijk gaat alles nu beter met je mooie man en mochten jullie ooit deze kant op komen dan zijn jullie van harte welkom. Blijf die inspirerende content maken en blijf vooral gezond! Lieve groet uit Montefranco

@lospopularos - 21.07.2023 12:58

and one more question: do mosquitoes bother you a lot?

@lospopularos - 21.07.2023 12:55

I'm sorry to hear about your health-related problems. I got vaccinated but I am not sure if the vaccines protect us fully. I also live in Italy but so far managed to avoid getting infected. Would you have any info as to whether or not the vaccines prevent us from getting sick? Thank you for your very informative video!

@dls300 - 20.06.2023 03:11

Saar - how did you learn to speak Italian so fluently?

@dls300 - 20.06.2023 03:09

Beautiful photography!

@dls300 - 19.06.2023 04:58

Beautiful! However, I thought that you were being scammed! I said to myself, "that's not Saar!" But, I figured out that it is your daughter. Also, I love your dog! What is her name? I lost my 16 1/2 yr. old Border Collie, Lucy, last June.

@brendam5356 - 04.06.2023 21:53

Buongiorno Saar so sorry to hear your husband’s health hasn’t been the best blessings to you both having family stay is the perfect potion for healing 🥰🙏I’m so grateful your sharing the pros and cons in Italy and yes life seems to sort itself out in the end even amidst change illness so happy you and your love can go out enjoy nature your lovely surroundings sending you all the blessings and well wishes from your devoted follower in New Zealand grazie mille Amore💖💖😘😘👌👌🌟🙏
