What Will We Truly Miss? (The Fear of Missing Out)

What Will We Truly Miss? (The Fear of Missing Out)


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@arpitkumartomar - 01.01.2024 20:58

i missed out on my high school farewell, trips, parties, college clubbings happily. My friends would always point out how boring and introverted i was.
But that's that the truth.
I never really cared about things I didn't value even before i turned a stoic.

If you know what you value the friction in letting go of everything else becomes zero.

@serenityjewel - 10.11.2023 13:48

Everyone has different reasons for FOMO. I could care less about what others are doing. My fear is that I'm missing out on something that could add happiness to my life. My childhood was like a war zone where there was very little happiness. Because of that, my mind believes I have to grab happiness anywhere I can because it's precious and it could be gone at any time, even though my life is great now.

@mickydee1289 - 16.09.2023 19:31

Thank you so much for talking about this topic. I think this plays a huge part in my anxiety disorder. Feeling not connected with others or not being a part of a tribe or group makes me feel very anxious. And the more i try to find solutions in my head the more i suffer.
There are moments when I am just happy with my own company, like when i read a book or eat alone in a restaurant. It feels so good without anxiety. But usually i cannot hold it for too long. Social media definitely plays a major role for me since it triggers the feeling of not belonging.
It has been a painful journey with this anxiety but it becomes more and more fruitful

@dmtdreamz7706 - 11.09.2023 10:23

Consciousness is capable of SO much more than you realize in your day-to-day life.
You have NO IDEA what you're missing out on.

@drew-shourd - 23.08.2023 20:43


@spacebrother221 - 04.08.2023 20:55

I had a full life of fun social events when I was younger, but as I've aged, I no longer participate or engage in socializing. I actually feel satisfied watching from the sidelines. Or perhaps from a detached perspective. You aren't missing out if you're comfortable being in your own corner of the universe. Life doesn't always have to be sad when we're not busy doing things with others. Don't worry about it, just make plans for yourself. If you're not there, you're probably somewhere else, so why not just stay where you are?

@Dan-di9jd - 19.07.2023 00:33

I sort of had a big shock as of recent. I had a really big FOMO but I realize that life brings you everything you need to succeed and that the future is better than the past. We all enter this world for a time and we have a departure date that is coming. In between, everything you need to do will be done so you don't have to worry about missing out and however insignificant you might think your life is you don't have to worry because it's going to all play out just the way it's supposed to. I realize that now later in life and I was so worried about things that when it actually happened, I realize that everything that the reason we all suffer is because we don't allow whatever supposed to happen actually happen or we try to be something that we're not.

@southpaw7426 - 13.06.2023 22:23

Social media made FOMO an epidemic.
Social media is full of fluff and bored people Googling for memes to to get “likes” and followers .
Endless Pictures of fun and friends give the impression that it’s a daily part of their lives to be at parties, on vacation, or heading off on the latest exciting business trip.
Everyone is having fun but you.
At one time it was good enough to enjoy those times when they happened. Nowadays you need to make sure everyone knows how much fun you had, and what you were thinking on any given day. Social media addicts NEED to be noticed by friends, family, and strangers alike.

@viviand9493 - 01.06.2023 00:33

JOMO: Joy of missing out. :D

@johnnyofthesticks7260 - 28.04.2023 19:48

You have to belong. You have to be a part of some group, to have friends, to become a part of some determined group of people. Being singular, being you, but you have to be attached to some people just to not be a lonely freak monster.

@Eflection13 - 25.04.2023 00:59


@fromamoroccanperspective3318 - 24.04.2023 20:29

I am about to turn 28 in a couple of weeks and I feel sad and scared more than ever. I have always felt like this since my early teenage years that I am missing out on my best years. I always managed to numb the pain by telling myself that the next stage of my life would be better. I thought college would be better ,that I would finally be able to be able to do what I wanted and most importantly became who I wanted. But the truth is my situation gotten worse. It was one of the loneliest time of my life. After getting my degree, I figured getting a job and some money would do it for more. Once again it only gotten worse. Somehow all of the things I hoped I could accomplish, the exact opposite it what ended up happening. Now, I am scared of even daring to imagine things improving. I feel like I have missed all of my chances of who expressing and showing who I really I am.

@albertotexinsilvamartinez3307 - 23.04.2023 06:41

Tonight i felt that it takes me more courage to stay home on a satudrday night, doing homework and drawing, than going out with friends to a club to get drunk and star awake until very late. A few years ago, when i was a teenager or in my early 20's, it was the opposite. It required a lot of effort for encourage myself going out to a party or something.
I think that as i am aging, i really just want to liv a simple, boring, peaceful life, doing what i really love, which is, most of the cases, something that implies being alone or just with the few people i love. But then the FOMO attacks, and it tells me that this is not the lifestyle that the real people should be living, that i should be doing what everone is doing because that is part of the mandatory life experience, that there are thing that are mandatory, for example, that you should use your 20's living a lot of excess.
I think that we should really define ourselves and what we really want, like, and love to do in order to avoid this FOMO

@watcherworld5873 - 18.04.2023 19:02

I am beginning to understand that many of the instincts that would have served us in ancient times are now killing us. I guess being aware of this is the first step to savage some happiness for ourselves.

@Easyhacks4life07 - 09.03.2023 12:54

When we look at party pictures, and so called friends enjoying and having a great time- without us, it feels like we are dispensable. That feeling of not being needed is what drives FOMO. So having a strong sense of self worth, not needing approval from outside source and understanding that actually nobody out there really cares much about each other either, can help in reducing the lonely feelings. Loneliness is all in the mind. I have realised that one can be lonely even with hundreds of ‘friends’ in the best party, and not feel alone even when sitting and having coffee in your own house, without anybody present except your self. It’s all about perspective, which unfortunately can only come with age and experiences.

@tamakaramaena - 16.02.2023 07:53

I was going to watch this whole video untill...

@tamakaramaena - 16.02.2023 07:52

I was just about to go on Instagram again but realized...

@revilooliver486 - 31.01.2023 19:52

fomo sounds like homo, lol. sounds stupid

@MadolfStitler - 26.01.2023 04:13

One of my ole buddy’s from Highschool was ate up with fomo more than anyone I certainly knew, hell he’s still like that to this day at 47 years old…he has an extremely hard time falling asleep every single night as he keeps looking at his phone, tv, neighbors you name it, he only passes out when his body can’t take another moment of being awake then the next night all over again…..Philly if you’re reading this GO TO SLEEP!!😂

@rmn8818 - 25.01.2023 15:30

Thank you I needed to hear this.

@kaminasimon4740 - 21.12.2022 22:33

So are you saying every person at old age dies with no regrets? I doubt this whole "your desire today is not what you would want 10 years from now". I have heard of old people with heavy regrets and how they could have done something in their youth. Any thoughts on this?

@norhaiyatiesa9049 - 13.12.2022 15:32


@mdmlautuition2797 - 23.11.2022 16:53


@jojijosette5946 - 25.10.2022 03:05

Thank you so much for what you do Mr Einzelganger. You help/helped me tremendously. You're an uplifter.

@fuzzypanda1684 - 18.10.2022 03:15

It's not about comparing yourself to others, it's about watching other people with half the talent you have, try half as hard as you, half as often, and yet get 10x better results than you 10x faster. There's nothing wrong with looking at that and going WTF?

@mraidin321 - 03.09.2022 00:26

In fact, all the governments should help the scientists to find better elephant poop with lesser side effects, rather than repressing elephant poop. It is stupid. All these governments should make an effort that better elephant poop are available which give you more euphoria, more joy, and no side effects. Now science is capable of doing it.

@MrM-ri5kw - 19.08.2022 06:10

I do look for a partner it makes me hate life

@sidneyrobinson5719 - 06.07.2022 06:54

Watching this video while experiencing fomo

@soaringbeyond4236 - 29.06.2022 09:56

Comparison, carrying water to the sea, hard work😂cosmic perception 10 years from now?
Great that outside force won’t subdue you and you’ll have gained a great victory.

@Mr69elco - 28.06.2022 10:45

Such a great channel. I fear missing out of future videos

@francescaverdi2555 - 26.06.2022 04:47

I suffer from a dreadful fear of FONMO

@purpledream1045 - 24.06.2022 04:55

Incredible video! The very important thing which is we should not missing out your video.

@claudiascott6654 - 23.06.2022 01:15

I really needed this today, as I've been longing for a trip that I know deep down I simply don't need to take, money-wise, time-wise and physically demanding. SIMPLIFY!

@Sonicade - 20.06.2022 04:01

Narcissists often get FOMO because they want to be the centre of attention. The 'party' is a source of supply.

@Xanax250 - 01.05.2022 07:09

Very well put for those who contemplate. I have experienced the negative aspect of FOMO, the inner self pushed me to the experience which ruined my mental health.

@senes2105 - 23.04.2022 07:03

I have a really bad case of fomo not on fun experiences but information. I don’t mindlessly watch junk food entertainment but I binge watch Ted talks because I fear I’m missing out on information that could potentially change my life.

I also love videos/channels that cover obscure but interesting topics like wendigoo for example. I’d get a compulsive itch if I don’t watch said interesting video. I’d feel like this could be something interesting to bring up in a conversation next time when in all likelihood, it won’t. It’s very unlikely that I’ll ever need to know about some weird raft social experiment, but my curiosity gets the better of me. I have over 1000 videos in my watch later list as a result.

Does anyone else feel this way? What are some tips you suggest?

@crestonhardcastle7631 - 11.04.2022 05:23

As crestons wife speaking I thank God I belong to Jesus and I am not ashamed of Him or of the gospel

@crestonhardcastle7631 - 11.04.2022 05:15

As crestons wife speaking it's about feeling left out count your blessings don't compare stay away from social media don't compare nothing in this life is garaunteed do not blame yourself if you have tried at least you tried and Jesus saves and this life is not perfect be content

@edgregory1 - 04.03.2022 00:14

Death/Oblivion makes everything pointless.

@TheComedyGeek - 27.02.2022 18:16

This really makes it seem like the cure for FOMO is depression.

"Worried about missing out on exciting things? Remember that most things actually suck and none of this will matter when we die. The only certainty is that things will just keep getting worse and even those who seem happy are secretly dying inside. Give up on everything and await the merciful touch of death. "

Imagine that being said in a Ben Stein type voice.

@mackss9468 - 17.02.2022 05:43

I really love your videos!

@trusno7751 - 14.02.2022 15:55

I definitely felt this post...Instant Gratification vs Delayed Gratification.. Social media, have many depressed and living in a false sense of reality!

@xWhiteFalcoNx - 13.02.2022 00:09

I don't really miss any of the materialistic stuff. I have a good job and I already know that buying stuff doesn't really makes me more happy. Money can help to do some nice hobbys and that is nice. But what I really do miss is a loving woman. I don't need to live any kind of rich livestyle, but being single now again since 2 years is really hard for me. I just think its in our nation to have the feeling of finding a partner. And if you can't success there, life is hard, at least for me. I know people say we have to learn to live alone, jeah, I CAN live alone, and have enough stuff to do to use my free time, but I really do miss everything you have when you have a partner. When I look back at my life the last years, I was always more happy when I had a Girl, being single is just not good for me.

@shojintam4206 - 04.02.2022 05:01

Focus on what you have.
What you want will be insignificant in the future.
What you want have negative aspect.

@hv2623 - 29.01.2022 20:34

When I experience fomo it's more under the guise of "this will make my life perfect", not really to impress people.

@pro_razemobilegaming - 28.12.2021 16:33

This channel produces life changing content

@ihssene_ - 27.12.2021 19:58

"It is only when you seek it that you lose it."

@guyfawkes8790 - 19.12.2021 21:02

Algorithm bump
