Witnessing an Angel Miracle in Hospice Care

Witnessing an Angel Miracle in Hospice Care

Hospice Nurse Julie

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@StaciRouth - 03.02.2024 16:34

Retired RN here. I had a patient who was actively dying in the hospital. We had put her on comfort care and called all the family in. They were doing the death bed vigil (sitting talking around the bed) We would go in and turn her every 2 hours. She was a limp rag. She never regained consciousness, nor responded in any way. I had her all 3 days of my shifts that week. On the last day I went by the pod of rooms she was in and she is sitting up in bed (on her own) the family is staring at her, and she is smiling, waving, and talking to someone in the corner of the ceiling opposite her bed. She then laid back and died. I asked the family what she was saying, sand they said she was talking to someone (a family member if I remember correctly) who had passed on before her. I was STUNNED that she could even sit up much less talk. There is a God and an afterlife. I have had a couple of other patients talk to others on the other side as well. It's only been 2-3 times in my whole career. But I know what I saw and heard.

@billygun1000 - 03.02.2024 13:10

Hey Julie, I am watching from India and I have a great respect for you…

@billygun1000 - 03.02.2024 13:07

So many stories and yet people reject Christ

@normabrien8331 - 03.02.2024 10:45

My husband died very peacefully but three days before he died he told me that when he went back home to help his brother who had suffered a massive stroke and the family had contacted us for him to come home to help his family and he did and stayed with them for three months. One of the things Paul, my husband used to do after dinner was to take a walk, while in Australia he said was walking near the beach and he said that a tall slender man was walking next to him and he described him as tall and his eyes were very piercing, was wearing a white heavy cotton garment and was wearing sandals and he said to him that he would be going home in the near future. When he returned home he started going to church which is something he never did, took up Bible study and he was baptized, he died of cancer which had invaded all his body including his brain, he suffered no pain he just lost a lot of weight and on the day he left the whole family was there, in fact he came into the living room and smiled saying that one had to be dying to have the whole family there, the hospice nurse was taking his vitals signs and he looked up towards the ceiling and said please not yet and fell on the nurse’s chest and he was gone. He believed that who he talked with was Jesus telling him to get ready.

@yvonnecamblin8837 - 03.02.2024 10:45

She still had things to do in her life

@bretpeterman5390 - 03.02.2024 08:18

Im with you Julie: A miracle…..absolutely!!! Your life has changed through this experience, and our lives have changed with more joy and appreciation…..

@violainemarty3052 - 03.02.2024 07:05

It wasn't her time to go. She still had a purpose to fulfill. It was an angel, or God himself. 😊

@karentuzynski7525 - 03.02.2024 05:34

Thanks for sharing ❤❤

@americanadreaming - 03.02.2024 03:44

So there's no explanation, therefore it was a skygod? Which skygod? There are 4,000 being worshiped today, do you have a favorite?

FYI, I saw dudes alive in Iraq after getting half their bodies ripped off, after losing unreasonable amounts of blood, and other grotesque items. No skygod empowered them, they died painful and tragic deaths.

@mslyndamc2097 - 03.02.2024 02:03

Hi Julie, this is a fantastic story because your description of the angel is very similar to mine. My story began when I moved in with my brother before getting married. My soon-to-be brother-in-law was in town helping my husband move, so I spent the night at my brother's house on a Thursday. My brother worked from night to morning, and we could go days without seeing each other. Finally, we see each other on the weekend, and he is mad at me for leaving the front door open Thursday night. I told him I never use the front door; I only use the side door next to the driveway. I told him the same story I told our family about what had happened that night. While watching TV in the dark, I heard a noise, then noticed a massive figure move in front of the TV and my slightly opened bedroom door. It covered the hall light of my now-opened door. I was startled by the sight and began reciting the Lord's Prayer. As suddenly as I had become afraid, I became calm. It was massive, taller than a human, and ridiculously wide like open wings would look. After telling him the story, we became convinced that an Angel of God had covered me from an intruder that night. It must have scared the intruder, too, because nothing was missing.

25 years later, my brother passed away suddenly. He became ill. Being from a large family, we had made arrangements to care for him. He just wanted to get home from the hospital. I came over to cover the night shift since everyone there had been with him all day and the night before. At my sister's house, literally for 24-25 hours, he passed away. We became alert when his breaths changed, and we began praying over him, talking to him, and watching. At the foot of his bed, I asked him what he was looking at; he had turned his head toward the window and followed something until he stopped at this portrait of the Last Supper; no words, just sudden silence. I liked to believe the same angel that covered me in his home had come to take him home to God.

@rayh.williamsiii - 02.02.2024 20:01

I'm a retired EMT with 20 years on the box the feeling a higher presence and the feeling of something greater at work off we go to the scene discussing our day and the jobs we just left getting prepared for the chaos ahead, did we have premonitions "yes" so two runs left ! Thank you God for letting me see my purpose in this life knowing I wasn't alone it's still painful I'm just a human being doing the best I can to understand that there is a greater purpose to be at rest and once again with love we heal...

@marybreiner5 - 02.02.2024 19:19

My brother was placed on hospice care on Halloween of 2014. He had a multitude of medical issues. They had put him on morphine while he was in the hospital, and he was progressively going downhill. So they placed him on hospice and sent him home. I had asked them not to give him morphine while he was in the hospital because he never did well on it. They ignored my request. When he got home, I asked the hospice nurse for a different pain medication. She obliged me and changed it. After just a few hours of not being on the morphine he woke up. Got out of bed and sat at the dinner table and ate with us. They had given him less than 6 months. At the end of December, they took him off hospice because he was doing so well against our wishes. He died 3 months later of respiratory failure. Not on hospice. The police came, and for several hours, they treated us like we were criminals while he lay in his bed. Finally, the coroner fussed at them and had them release him to us. Hospice abandoned us to the wolves. I'll never trust their care for a loved one again.

@mikewhittaker5984 - 02.02.2024 18:13

Julie you are the Angel .

@SomebodysGrandmother - 02.02.2024 12:28

Your hair is such a lovely shade, please don't start bleaching it, I've noticed most women are bleached blondes anymore.. you are a unique natural blonde!
God your Creator is
The scientist that created all the stuff men scientist try to figure out!
The Bible tells of Angels good and bad, we each have our own some God calls "familiar spirits", they are with you your whole life.
If you ever want, God gave us information in His Book to us, my dad was a preacher and awful dad.. I knew some was true.
Twenty years ago I left the world, have spent all the days studying to be certain of the truth, it seems imperative before we die.
With the deep time consuming quest, I know God is real, the Bible is true (not all the versions).
If you want to know Truth, ask God to lead you show you, and He will He Loves You, Jesus absolutely Loves you!
This Grandmother cares, I hope when you're ready you will ask Him❤

@rickhartke3834 - 02.02.2024 07:38

While I was stationed in Texas on a military base SAFB housing my son woke up yelling from the living room. He fell a sleep on the couch and he stayed that he apparently woke up and in the kitchen was like a ten or twelve foot angle in the refrigerator with wings which engulfed the entire kitchen. My wife and I came running down the hall and we couldn’t see anything. But to this day twenty years later we still tells the story and honestly still believes he saw his guardian angle watching over him looking for a late night snack 😊

@medical-wl9qc - 02.02.2024 07:33

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

@Inner_stillness - 02.02.2024 04:49

How wonderful to witness that beautiful moment 🙏🏻❤️

@JuanLopez-fe7dt - 02.02.2024 00:59


@user-if8fp4ot6s - 02.02.2024 00:37

I have had an angel come to my bedroom and wrap his or her wings around me. Angels are real, and god sends them to comfort us.
God is so good, can’t wait till that day when we meet them all in the air, awesome 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

@MichaelStephenson51 - 01.02.2024 22:04

I appreciate what you do but calling this a miracle because you don't think it can happen naturally is quite the stretch. No offense but what is more likely:
You misread her condition and she recovered (something we know people do)
There was a supernatuaral miracle (something that has NEVER been demonstrated)
You may say you believe in science but you are definately not logical.
I am not saying 100% it was not a miralce but just asking what is more likely based on what we know about the real world.

@Barbara-jq2se - 01.02.2024 20:33

Yeah, it might have been an angel, but trust me that it’s not Mary 1 little bit. Mary herself had stated when she was on earth that she was NEVER to be venerated ever! Nor worshipped! She was just a human vessel whose body was used to carry her/the Lord Jesus Christ Almighty God. Angels apparently do surround us in so many ways that we’re usually not aware of them being around us. Some people are more attuned to their presence.

@anthonybolanos6223 - 01.02.2024 18:41

I believe not only was it the patient's angel, but the angel was there for you too. It let you see them as a thank you, and also other nurses/caregivers that have experienced this as well, so that you have something always with you even when it's during these hard times for the patients and their loved ones. "Thank you" to you, all the hospice nurses, nurses in the hospitals and doctor offices as well!

@user-yo4uc9mc1t - 01.02.2024 18:32

Hi Julie your description of the Angel was identical to my Sister's when she was with her Father in law in his bedroom at the end of the bed. She said when she was writing her notes something made her look up and she saw a huge figure with Wings hovering over him. My Sister reacted breathtaken and the Angel turned their head towards her and had no face at all and at the same time my Sister became overwhelmed with a feeling of peace. The Angel turned back and flew directly upwards then my Sister checked again on her Father in law and said he had passed away 🙏 I have always believed my Sister being also not strong in her faith. She said after this happened, I now believe in life ever after Heaven

@val2stafford - 01.02.2024 17:00

I can relate to the enormity of angels. I experienced a”wall” of angels that stood side by side at the entrance of a beach that I used to jog on (this was many years ago). I couldn’t see the angels, but somehow I knew they were VERY big. Probably 10 to 12 feet tall. They were there to block me from going down to the beach. It was the strangest sensation to be held back by this wall of giant beings. They were gentle and yet powerful. I found out later that a young woman who was in the women’s restroom was raped, while her boyfriend waited outside for her. I was planning on using the restroom.

@sherrielea - 01.02.2024 14:17

Comforting to know our guys are badass

@terrellna - 01.02.2024 08:43

Amazing experience, who wants to pass alone!? Amazing testimony we are not alone coming into the world, and we are not alone exiting. I take huge comfort in that. Thank you for sharing this moment.

@Ron-pv2of - 01.02.2024 08:14

I too can attest to an after life NDE , the greatest feeling of love and acceptance anyone would ever feel, comatose for 2 weeks after a massive heart attack, heart stopped twice during this period. I had a DNR but they kept going on fixing me up. Woke up knowing it was not my time, disappointed on not going to the other side, to this day I have no fear of death, we actually are returnig home when we pass on.

@juliacarter1280 - 01.02.2024 07:10

The Lord gave her a little more time ❤

@Earthgal1964 - 01.02.2024 07:08

We go when God says it's time. ♥ Edited to add that I was taught that everyone is assigned their own guardian angel. That explains why you felt the angel was there just for her.

@joysmith2971 - 01.02.2024 05:46

Thank for allowing the HOLY SPIRIT to use you and tell your confession. I watched this on Nick Jones channel and had to comment and letting you know I'm grateful for the confessions under Nicks video and yours. God is moving on this earth and the enemy knows his time is up! "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Thank you LORD JESUS CHRIST!!

@bonnieharty1817 - 01.02.2024 05:45

I think The Lord wanted you to be there so you know hes real and to give your life to him that you might pray for souls and share the gospel

@dlite6999 - 01.02.2024 03:37

Whatever your coppimg from the med bottle or smoking Ill have some 😂😂or your already nutty 😂😂😂

@bebelove-- - 01.02.2024 02:44

I love this story!!!

@medic13601 - 01.02.2024 02:20

When my father was dying, I believe that his relatives that had passed came to him. I think that because he was talking to someone who wasn't there. I do not believe it was hallucinations.

@everythingbobbywolfe - 01.02.2024 01:21

Don't you make enough money without spewing falsehoods and bs on social media?? This is our health care professionals. No wonder why we are in trouble.

@bethanyjohnson5598 - 31.01.2024 07:16

I lost my husband in a car accident when we were in our early 30's. I went into shock and was hospitalized. When i came out of it. they let me sleep instead of being in group with others because they knew i was in deep grief. I had a dream in which i was showing my husband all the changes i made to our house. I was afraid of his reaction because there was so much pink. He just responded with so much love and put a beautiful ring on my finger which became a living rose and then he just disappeared and became part of me. I know this sounds crazy but i felt his presence so strongly and it gave me so much comfort.

@dannyjohnson3335 - 31.01.2024 06:40

Science is foolish, don't trust in science, science will not save you, trust in JESUS for REAL.

@dannyjohnson3335 - 31.01.2024 06:38

When I was 14 years old I died of carbon monoxide and I died and I went to hell, this is true,hell is real, my brother got me awake, the guy that owned the garage said to my brother said he was going to call the funeral home to come to get me my brother said no,while I was in hell, I came back in my body, when I did come back he said to me, Danny you were dead, I said I know I was, so glad that man didn't call the funeral home. Now I walk up to people tell them that hell is Real, Please trust in JESUS, the Bible is True,call on Him to save you

@debbietrauth - 31.01.2024 06:35

Hi Julie, my Mom age 77 had CHF. She was in Good Samaritan Hospital Cincinnati cardiac ICU. I had been staying by her side around the clock. As Mom was beginning the dying process, her nurses would come in and introduce themselves at each shift. Hi my name is Katie I'll be your Mom's nurse today, the next shift, Hi my name is Julie I'll be your Mom's nurse today, then hi my name is Alicia, I'll be your Mom's nurse tonight. I said oh my God those are the names of my 3 daughters. Then as the night went on, they brought in the "angel cart", a basic cart with small snacks and a bible. Around midnight I picked up the bible, literally opened it up to a random page on which read: God sent another mighty angel, it's feet were like fire and it's head shown a crown. The passage was from Revelations.
I called my daughter Julie our oldest and told her what I had read. She said that day they were in the yard and she saw a cloud that was so brilliant it captured her attention. She took a picture of it and sent it to me. I gasped. It was Mom's mighty angel come down from heaven to take her. Mom was transferred the next day to Hospice of Cincinnati where she remained dying for the next 5 days. My daughter had the photo printed and framed for me.

@ritac4055 - 31.01.2024 05:26

I am currently on Hospice and your stories. Give me hope.

@audreykennedy6275 - 31.01.2024 05:08

But God but God!

@user-yz9yg4yx1k - 31.01.2024 04:59

They appear, not with wings, but solid, huge, like a warrior..I saw one standing beside me when my grandmother passed. That was 65 years ago. I can see it like it was just now. Once you do see them, you never forget it.

@m.jenkins8503 - 31.01.2024 04:20

Great story. These things surprise all of us. But I gotta tell you I know Jesus is trying to talk to you. You described an angel like it would be from the Bible. Turn to Jesus now.

@Angels_surround_me - 31.01.2024 03:40


@sharonsurplice8943 - 31.01.2024 02:51

I witness something similar after my dad died but actually at my home on my own I glanced a sight im sure was a angel watching over me an heard whispers it only happen once was a bit scared never experienced anything like it only after dad died it happened my .um died coming up a year feb 15th did not happen at all when she died

@rosejones2932 - 31.01.2024 01:05

When I was going through cancer twice - I had to file for bankruptcy twice to save my house. It was a very scary time and the Bank I was working with was very difficult. At one point they made me pay the mortgage by taking the $2000 cash into the bank which was hella scary. As I walked in I saw a large angel sitting on the a chair. I knew he was for me.
