Scary Stories w/ Kallmekris | Reading Reddit Stories

Scary Stories w/ Kallmekris | Reading Reddit Stories

Smosh Pit

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Kallmekris - 28.10.2023 20:10

Thank you so much for having me on for reading Reddit stories!! Had a blast 😂❤️👻

jojobee - 04.11.2023 00:20

The bird things, normal bird things. Happen to me all the time. Love birds. Hummers are curious af. Dime?! No clue. The last one sounds like “exploding head” syndrome. Happens to me a lot. Especially if I’m in that in between place of sleepy and awake.

C T - 03.11.2023 23:20

First story would actually make a really good horror short.
But I'm a skeptic too, if they really did experience that I would suggest maybe they were so sleep deprived they had a dissociative episode and either misremembered what happened or did it all themselves while being semi-conscious. Having worked night shifts for a decade in a previous job I know for a fact that it is possible to black out and still function as a walking, talking person who seems relatively with it to other people. There were days when I couldn't remember getting home from work at 7am after a 15 hour night shift.

MAC X3R0 - 03.11.2023 23:02

I need a smosh episode where shayne is clearly being haunted and just continues to dismiss it

Liam Janssens
Liam Janssens - 03.11.2023 22:31

Doesn't anyone else find it weird that the roommate was making a murder weapon in OP's room, instead of his own?

hey, that girl
hey, that girl - 03.11.2023 22:12

The boyfriend seeing strange stuff definitely sounds like sleep paralysis. I'm wondering if because he's so set on getting rid of that house, whatever's been dormant in that house is now against him or her father. I agree with Kris 100%

AbsoluteScotsman - 03.11.2023 19:33

The story with the boyfriend with sleep paralysis. I had an episode with a similar looking creature but in my case the slee paralsis only lasted a few seconds and seemlisly transitioned into a lucid dream. I was 18 and i was sleeping on the couch at my girlfriends house. (Both of us live with our parents) i was there because i had a really bad argument with my step dad and whent over there to cool off and seem comfort. Its a big L shaped couch and i was on one side and my partner was on the other with our heads near eachother. I woke up to a 7-8ft tall woman standing at the arm of the couch where my feet where. She had long wet black gair spilling infront of her face, her eyes where huge and missing eyelinds. She had a wide joker sized smile filled witn razor sharp teeth and she didnt move a mucle and i was frozen in place. The sleep paralysis after a few seconds seamlessly transitions into a lucid dream where I pulled out a glock and shot her in the head then i woke up. I realized it what had happened and put something on the tv on low volume not to wake my gf and tried to go back to sleep sincd id realized it was just in my head.

josie - 03.11.2023 18:29

great video❤️

daniel wiggin
daniel wiggin - 03.11.2023 18:04

Shane...I have been seeing the Ads for those shirts and I totally want the Nazgul one.

Scary Stories
Scary Stories - 03.11.2023 17:16

All the stories are TRUE............if you want them to be!

VLD - 03.11.2023 17:12

Shayne is literally the chosen

Yttrx Stein
Yttrx Stein - 03.11.2023 17:09

Please stop encouraging reddit.

Nalijay - 03.11.2023 15:59

I cant believe her name isnt Kal-mek-riss. Thats what I've been calling her this whole time lol

Shelben the Shelby
Shelben the Shelby - 03.11.2023 15:56

nah you were in the pine barrens, everything in there is haunted and it's the home of the jersey devil😭 it's the literal only reason i like this state and i'll give you a personal tour man 😭😭

Cheryl Nelson
Cheryl Nelson - 03.11.2023 15:36

I was raised in south NJ. There really is weirdness there. A lot of the “Piney’s”, people that have been born and raised there for generations, really can feel off. The Pine Barrens are NOT for outsiders. I suspect the spooky talk covers up criminal stuff.

TheRoloSound - 03.11.2023 15:09

Love the Reddit Stories show here on Smosh Pit, love kallmekris and will not stop loving them. That being said . . . I've made it through two stories and I just can't keep watching. I don't believe in ghosts and I'm extremely skeptical and scrutinizing concerning any story or any person claiming paranormal experiences. I believe they believe what they're saying, but that doesn't make it reality. It's even worse for me when there is an easy explanation for the experience. The second story could easily be explained by some kind of animal infestation or something similar (the sound being some loose metal or something being tapped on by the feet of a squirrel). The absolute worst thing for me is when people who've heard the story second/third/fourth hand - very confidently - say things like "That's definitely a ghost," . . . like . . . what? How do you know the person telling the story is even a reliable narrator? For all you know, they are purposely leaving things out to make the story seem more viable as a ghost story, they could be making it ALL up, or their brain could've very well just blocked out important details thanks to their extreme willingness to believe in the supernatural. I've found myself rolling my eyes over and over in just the first 18 minutes. It seems a lot of people loved this episode, which is great. I'm glad people are enjoying it, truly. For me, I'll be back for the next one. You guys are great. Love ya.🤘

Coruja Biruta
Coruja Biruta - 03.11.2023 13:39

Why is Shayne so likable? Even wearing a S offender's hair/moustache combo, reading creepy spooky stuff, the guy is adorable!

Reynn - 03.11.2023 12:57

Kris is super pretty 😍😍

Nate s
Nate s - 03.11.2023 12:45

I don’t believe in the paranormal
