"RAID SHADOW LEGENDS" okay dude😭😭😭
ОтветитьYou got a new sub my guy!!! I love your realness it’s refreshing and much needed in the sea of “true crime” “dark” content on here!!!
ОтветитьDropping a raid shadow legends ad in a unit 731 video is crazy😦😳
Ответить"raid shadow legends". That was funnier than it should have been
ОтветитьStill happening... under texas I think it's called uncles Tony place. They tort ure children child s trafficking...everything..... all the elite all over the world. Prisons now in Israel in Syria. Everywhere u can find tort ure. Dark web is real. We live now in a worst world
ОтветитьOh yeah I’m finna goon
ОтветитьUntil 731 researchers upon discovering that skinning an infant and injecting with various poisons and diseases kills it: 🧐🗒️🖊️
ОтветитьBeen lying awake in bed for hours listening to human experiments and nothing helps me sleep. Hopefully this is gruesome enough
ОтветитьBeen lying awake in bed for hours listening to human experiments and nothing helps me sleep. Hopefully this is gruesome enough
ОтветитьThat 5 minute bs……
ОтветитьHas Wendigoon done a video on the Zombie Russians from WWI?
ОтветитьYou think they where being funded by secret government operations?
ОтветитьScience at the cost of human life is not science
ОтветитьThis type of torture-testing-killing was happening to slaves in America Men Women Children and Babies. 1619 and lasted until 1865 and Beyond. Oh the outrage. Read the Delectable Negro. 😂😂 Erased? Told to get over it. 🎉
ОтветитьThe most disturbing human experiment is sex changes. Telling men they can become women then cutting off their dick and cutting a hole and calling it a vagina
ОтветитьThe Japanese are also the same ones that kept that guy that was severely radiated alive while he was suffering for days in end when they should have just let him go in peace
ОтветитьStill think Japan didn’t deserve the bombs?
ОтветитьI stopped watching when he said that the industrial revolution has been a disaster.
ОтветитьAs a fan, i am truly, utterly disappointed and shocked you would accept a raid sponsor for this video, its not ok
ОтветитьUS: What do you have on unit 731?
Japan: I'll never talk.
US: I guess we'll just leave you to the Russians then...
Japan: Okay, so hear me out...
Equivalent to gender reassignment surgeries.
ОтветитьI saw a clip of men behind the sun and was thoroughly disturbed
ОтветитьThese experiments really were just cruel torture that boils down to enlightening realisations like "Huh. Completely mangling a human body kills the person.. who'da thunk?"
ОтветитьIt's honestly buckwild that Japan committed all of these insane atrocities and they are known to the world as the silly funny anime country these days 😅 Like, we Germans actively had to face our history and Japan's just over here being silly goofy goobers nyaahhh :3
ОтветитьThen usa stole all the data from it all and let them off scotch free..
ОтветитьThanks for the nightmares, iceberg boy
ОтветитьPlease believe. If mainland China didn't went communist, Japan would've been more exposed, and there would be hardly any talks if the nukes were ethical.
ОтветитьGood video....I had never heard of that unit before I see this
Ответитьmost tasteful wedigoon sponser
ОтветитьThe US govt was 100% made aware of EVERYTHING we know and MORE that's been deemed classified (100% disclosure rememeber) and don't think for a second the US didn't do similar that's been kept secret to this day
ОтветитьWow... Never learned about this in history class
Ответитьplease do not tell me i am a dark empath and narcissistic
it gives me false confidence as it sounds complimentary like a crazy cute gf having a fit.
The background piano to this information is like potpourri in a bathroom after a massive duce.
ОтветитьI have an entirely different view of pearl harbor now
ОтветитьI for some reason always find myself watching these at bedtime… 😊
ОтветитьBrandon Herara jump scare
ОтветитьJapan doesn't even teach their citizens about WWII and their involvement in it. If you asked a 25 year old Japanese citizen to identify a German swastika, they probably wouldn't be able to do it, and they wouldn't know what it represents. It's very sickening stuff.
ОтветитьNanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin
Memory of the World
Imjin War
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Bombing of Chongqing
Japan's hobby of war of aggression without declaration of war
foreigners who defend the Nazis
a Nazi-loving foreigner
It's too weird.
At that time, Japan was an Asian Nazi
German Nazi = Japanese Empire
Japan's war crimes competed against the German Nazis
At that time, Japan was a twisted and evil country
The Japanese military has slaughtered countless civilians in Asia
Japanese civilians also slaughtered Koreans
In short, Japanese civilians are also Nazis
For one example 關東大虐殺 간토 대학살 Kanto Massacre
The Japanese set up prisons in every city in Korea for torture and murder
Seodaemun Prison
Unit 731
Nanjing Massacre
Manila massacre
Japan's historical distortion, historical revisionism, is too absurd
Japan is the same democracy, but it distorts and hides its history
Germany teaches history accurately
The Japanese should emulate the Germans
Come to Korea and study history
There is a lot of historical evidence in Korea
It's an accurate history
Germany and Japan were allies in World War II
As soon as industrialization was successful, Japan waged war and massacred countless civilians
the Asian Holocaust
the Asian Nazis
I must say that American soldier was necessary and it saved at least 20x more lives considering that Imperial Japan never wanted to stop doing Asian holocaust
we have to check the number of civilians killed by the Japanese military during that period
Thank the American soldier for stopping the Asian Nazis
Every country has a dark history. That's one thing. Whether they are ashamed and regret the wrong doings in the past and not cover it up is another
The adults told me a lot of stories
There are so many war crimes committed by Japanese soldiers
But Japan denies history
Japanese right-wing nationalists
Yasukuni Shrine
It's like calling Nazi Hitler a hero
The Japanese should learn the right history instead of pretending to be war victims
Japan should reflect on itself
It's important to learn history correctly for future generations
Koreans don't want compensation
They want to learn the right history and truly reflect on each other and form a consensus
As soon as Japan invaded Korea
the murder of Empress Myeongseong
At that time, the king of Japan was a god and the king of other countries was a beast
The king of Japan was enshrined as a god, but after the war was defeated, he declared himself a human being
The Japanese are rewriting history by rewriting stories that didn't exist
Historical revisionism is so absurd
일본인들 근대화 광무개혁 중인 조선을 침략해서 최빈국 문맹인으로 만들었다
학살, 고문, 한국어 금지, 한국어 말살, 한국 문화 말살, 강제노동, 강제 징용
민족말살 ethnocide
일본의 강제징용 노동으로 수백만 명이 맞아 죽거나 굶어 죽었다
한마디로 한국에 살고 있는 일본인들만 편하게 살려고 했다
한국을 수탈해서 한국 국민들은 굶주렸다
군산 놀러와 증거 그대로 보존해 있다
다른 나라들도 일본인들의 자원이랑 식량 수탈 때문에 많은 사람들이 굶주렸다
일본의 수탈 때문에 베트남은 200만 명 굶어 죽었다
일본인들은 한국의 땅이랑 토지를 다 뺏었다
일본인들은 전쟁 자금을 마련하려고 한국 국민들 숟가락
농사짓는 농기구
금속이랑 쇠를 모조리 다 뺏었다
일본인들은 자신들이 우월하다고 믿고 한국인들을 차별하고 멸시하였다 .....................................................................................
일본인들 정신 좀 차려 역사왜곡 그만해
일본인들 일본의 왜곡된 역사를 진짜로 믿고 있다
정신 차려 너무 한심하다
일본이 아시아의 호랑이?
일본은 아시아의 너구리다
한국 때문에 중국의 침략을 안 받은 나라가 일본이다
한국 위에는 중국
한국은 많은 전쟁을 겪었다
일본은 아시아 최초로 근대화에 성공해서 2차 세계대전에서 다른 나라를 침략을 한 거다
한국의 역사는 5000년 가까이 된다
한국 와서 공부해 한국은 증거 위주 역사다
고대 한국 때문에 발전한 나라 일본은 임진왜란으로 한국을 공격하였다
그 후로 일본은 미국 때문에 발전하였지만 진주만 공습으로 미국을 공격하였다
일본 너무 이상한 나라다
범죄가 발생하면 해결하려고 노력을 해야지 숨기고 감추고 비겁한 행동이다
아직까지 반성 안 하는 나라 현재 지금도 반성 없는 나라 일본
Qing invasion of Joseon 丙子胡亂
Imjin War
Joseon suffered tremendous damage due to the invasion of China and Japan
Koreans never forget war crimes
I bet that chapter black tape from yuyuhakusho is real
ОтветитьThe fact that if it never happened then it was going to happen one of these days
ОтветитьNah, your sponsor make meangrier
ОтветитьJapan and Germany got some wild "Then vs Now" type shit..
ОтветитьHello 🐈 great video meow😺