How To Beat Menopause Belly Fat!

How To Beat Menopause Belly Fat!

Dr. Kristie Ennis

5 лет назад

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MsSweetseven57 - 04.07.2023 20:12

I'm going to start.

Jo R
Jo R - 23.06.2023 14:04

Omg that’s easier said than done to reduce stress and sleep that long especially when I can’t sleep! 😬😬

Rhonda Arias
Rhonda Arias - 21.06.2023 22:31

If you think a middle-aged woman who has belly fat and flabby, abdominal muscles, can do that exercise, you are crazy. I had a hard time, even just keeping my legs in the air. I wish people working with people have no strength wouldn’t start hard it’s very discouraging.

Frank From Upstate NY
Frank From Upstate NY - 14.05.2023 23:47

Changing one food BY FAR....BY FAR...the most important "take away from this sexy doctor.
"Fat,...burns fat". Why?
Carbs store as fat,...but fat helps to initiate the burning...of stored fat, when carns/ glycogen is depleted.
Again...listen to Ms. Sexy...she's correct.
No offense Doc.

Jessica Caceres
Jessica Caceres - 06.05.2023 16:10

No carbs??? Where will I get energy? :/

Charlene Charles
Charlene Charles - 10.04.2023 01:53

Thanks for this information.

Nurse Sona
Nurse Sona - 08.04.2023 21:19

Summarized Ss to Shape Up and Survive - Sleep, Stress reduction, Sugar reduction, Speed Up metabolism, Stamina with more protein, Strength training, Smile, Slow down to Smell the flowers, Stop chasing happiness, Sense joy, Spot Sweet Moments, Settle in Peace, Salute the Sun.

Nurse Sona
Nurse Sona - 08.04.2023 21:16

I like your speaking style with straightforward knowledge and gentle tone. You are not trying to scare or cause more stress…LOL. I felt that way in Marie Clare (GYN) videos.

TheAreejang - 30.03.2023 01:07

Thank you Dr Kristie 🥰

Pinklotuss Tantra 2
Pinklotuss Tantra 2 - 11.03.2023 03:49

Actually, my FSH is super low, cortisol too and I still have a tummy. In fact is estrogen, because it’s made in fat cells and tummy is the prime fat storage after meno…so, unless u supply it externally it’s going to be a battle. Some women’s body shape accommodates more belly fat without showing , for others is shows right away.

Marie-Françoise T
Marie-Françoise T - 09.03.2023 11:07

Clear, concise and doable. New subscriber!!

Southern Bell Cooks
Southern Bell Cooks - 07.03.2023 22:15

Which diet do you recommend? Or, not diet, but life style way of eating.

Susan Connolly
Susan Connolly - 06.03.2023 04:44

Is this also true and applies to post menopausal women? I am 64 years old. Thank you. Cheers!

Meemaw Maw
Meemaw Maw - 05.03.2023 22:30

Thank you Dr. Ennis! I was looking for something credible like this to help me continuing lose weight and my belly. will do some researches to know what is healhy fat I can eat and what protein I could also eat. and will work on stress management. etc.

Lucia To
Lucia To - 04.03.2023 11:41

What about coffee? That increases cortisol as well.

Melanie Hartmann
Melanie Hartmann - 03.02.2023 18:55

In another video you said: No planks...

ROSE OLIVER - 21.01.2023 17:07

Thank you for sharing keep up the good work looking forward to seeing you again

Brenda Gibbs
Brenda Gibbs - 22.12.2022 02:40

Resistance training is supposed help remove menopausal belly fat.

Saving Me
Saving Me - 18.12.2022 05:09

I’m so confused now. I just watched a video of yours that said don’t do planks.

Niroj Nalinee Mohapatra
Niroj Nalinee Mohapatra - 05.11.2022 21:08

I am all time getting irritated. Now i am 40. Why it's happening?

Gladys Ma
Gladys Ma - 29.10.2022 19:25

Dr. Ennis, please have a playlist of exercises for helping and improving women loosing bone density. Thank you.

Magdalena Wellness
Magdalena Wellness - 21.10.2022 14:40

Super informative!! Thank you!

Author Lydia Green
Author Lydia Green - 18.10.2022 16:03

Stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, to much added sugar as much as possible , spicy seasonings and salt. Drink plenty of water.

Hollie Christopher
Hollie Christopher - 09.10.2022 23:55


Leonore Clark
Leonore Clark - 16.09.2022 17:05

I've been looking for a woman to give me straight advice to help with weight loss, stress and nutrition! Thank you for being to the point!!

Rachel De Beer
Rachel De Beer - 14.09.2022 14:35

I live a active lifestyle. Am I allowed to do planks if I have a epigastric hernia or what kind of ab exercises can I do with this challenge.

MaryJane Kolesar
MaryJane Kolesar - 11.09.2022 16:57

I would LOVE a "Doctor" to prescribe what to do for menopause belly fat for the over 60!!! What are you? 40's? This is all well and excellent advice and with the exception of sleep - my whole life I've only ever averaged 5 to 6 hrs sleep a night - when you're 40 or 50. But once you turn 60, watch out. None of this really works. I've never had children but you wouldn't be able to tell looking at me with the tire, apron belly, back fat, etc!!! My body always responded well to proper nutrition, balanced diet and exercise routine. Post menopause is not the same and VERY discouraging.

Amanda H
Amanda H - 09.09.2022 09:37

I don't think this lady ever had a big tummy, done this and it went.

Carsy Lea
Carsy Lea - 04.09.2022 13:58

I think this advice in moderation is solid, I have found hot yoga very beneficial.

Allison Arcuri-Trifari
Allison Arcuri-Trifari - 24.08.2022 06:28

Take sugar in my coffee..😔I can give up a lot..but can’t drink coffee without milk & sugar.☹️

Cheryl Zaccone
Cheryl Zaccone - 20.08.2022 19:13

This is just general health advice not specific to hormonals. The green tea has L-Theanine which relaxes you and is good for moods. As I aged I no longer have energy and don't know if I'm depressed or if the anti depressants are getting me depressed....

Hello There
Hello There - 15.08.2022 05:04

At 58 I was 46 pounds overweight… it was ALL stress.. when stress went away I lost 46 pounds. Seriously I went from 14 to size 8

Denyse LeBlanc
Denyse LeBlanc - 12.08.2022 04:11

this was great

Mdp DP
Mdp DP - 02.08.2022 14:52

Thanks for the information. I was doing ok with nutrition and exercise but last year was very stressful and in one month I gained fat all over my mid section, belly and hips. It was a fast weight gain of 10 pounds in a month. My labs came ok. I am post menopausal- would following your indication may help reduce my belly fat? What else do you recommend; I.e high fat- low carb & protein? Thank you.

Dr. Alia Dixon Nurse Practitioner
Dr. Alia Dixon Nurse Practitioner - 25.07.2022 02:41

The key is once you get that 10 pounds extra on get it off If you wait it will turn into 20, 30 pounds which is more challenging to lose Bless you all take care of your health with better eating habits and just get moving

Is Blessed
Is Blessed - 09.07.2022 21:01

I’m TOTALLY 💯 convinced if I don’t EXERCISE in some form nothing will move!

Lisa R
Lisa R - 03.07.2022 20:27

This was very helpful information. I’m going to try to incorporate all of these. Thanks so much!

Sharon Conroy
Sharon Conroy - 27.06.2022 14:01

I would love to say all these things ever I ride horses, walk between 15 to 30 thousands steps per day, I'm very strong,eat healthy and get plenty of sleep and my belly will not go down!! Sooo frustrating!! Nothing works😔 after trying for so many years I choose to not worry and just keep on doing what gives me quality of life and not put on any more weight...good luck to everyone going through this horrible time of life👍💕

BeatsCatMommy - 23.06.2022 21:38

Are PT called doctors?

Bridget Chapman
Bridget Chapman - 20.06.2022 20:24

Thank you for sharing that valuable information!! Very much appreciated! Xx

INFINITY ENERGY ROSE - 08.06.2022 23:30

Thank you Doc.

Handmade Journals
Handmade Journals - 06.06.2022 12:24

Non of this is for me....I have all the bad reactions to menopause and I am only 48....other women in my age they fly while I am crawling on the floor trying ti get up. Shall I tell you my secret? Good food, healthy fats, and lots and lots of walking, I have found my self again, day by day I am getting better and dealing with my menopause much better.......don't worry too much of a rounder belly, just be healthy, eat healthy and do your half an hour walking every day works for me and why not you!!😘😘😘😘😘

Huda Hussain
Huda Hussain - 27.05.2022 23:55

Hi mam thanks for ur nice vedio but I wanted to ask the menopause workout when it can be done before menopause or at the time of menopause

S M - 27.05.2022 22:44

zip a mouth

Shuma Akhter🌹
Shuma Akhter🌹 - 21.05.2022 16:04

Wow 🥰

bhuvana suresh
bhuvana suresh - 20.05.2022 13:36

Really loved the content . Useful information

Writing bongs
Writing bongs - 15.05.2022 19:08

Eat cruciferous vegetables or dim supplements to balance hormones

J - 02.05.2022 17:48

Lessening the sugar and increasing good plant and animal fat and protein. Also increasing fibre.
