Baptist vs Seventh-day Adventists: 12 differences

Baptist vs Seventh-day Adventists: 12 differences

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patrizio de benedictis
patrizio de benedictis - 08.09.2023 09:13

It's a discussion to decide who are the bigger and worse enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman, the One and True founded by Second Person of Santissima Trinità on Peter-Cefa, and His Faith.
Between two of a lot antichristics groups of protestants, scismatics and eretics, who betray every day, with their poor and bad life, The Christ, His Word, His Incarnation, His Sacrifice, His Cross, His Redemption, His Resurrection.
They are sons of the father themselves choiced, the father of lie, who lives and reign down there, where is cryng and gnashing of teeth, who already prepared them a place near him, between Caino and Judas, if they will not convert to Way, Truth and Life, Jesus Christ, and His Church, Catholic Apostolic, Roman.
Laudetur Jesus Christus et Maria Immaculata.

DoubleDee - 29.08.2023 10:11

The SDAs play a prominent part in Australian society through their sale of foods under the brand name of Sanitarium. This include a popular range of breakfast cereals. There is a well-known hospital just a few kms from us, which started out as the place where mothers went and came home with a new baby (or 2!). It expanded the services it offered and is now the hospital of choice for many who live around here. While there are pastors who are attached to the hospital and visit wards regularly, there's no pressure applied. I've had 3 or 4 admissions over the years and have no complaints about either the direct medical care or the pastors.

There's no similar institution operated by the Baptists, and very few Baptist churches around here either.

Landis Grant
Landis Grant - 27.08.2023 17:20

Doug Batchelor is a very smooth soft spoken speaker who can lull the unwary listeners into soaking in the Seventh Day Adventist poisonous doctrines.

Gregg Scott
Gregg Scott - 22.08.2023 19:19

Do you really think God has an official religion?

Daniel Hanson
Daniel Hanson - 21.08.2023 04:30

Again if people would follow the bible

Daniel Hanson
Daniel Hanson - 21.08.2023 04:30

The seventh day adventist church don't teach those things the bible does

Daniel Hanson
Daniel Hanson - 21.08.2023 04:29

Again, there would be no argument if people would just follow the Bible. Jesus even said lazarus was sleeping, he was asleep, so if he was in heaven or he was in hell

Daniel Hanson
Daniel Hanson - 21.08.2023 04:28

I'm gonna follow the Bible. No matter what you say. Young man i'm gonna follow the bible and everyone else should do

jerryjamify - 20.08.2023 17:50

And one similarity...they're both teaching false doctrines

sarah .mwvcm
sarah .mwvcm - 19.08.2023 13:31

I've never heard an Adventist say that you can only go to Heaven if you keep the Saturday Sabbath, in fact I've heard the exact opposite repeated over and over in slight variations like:

"We know there will be both Sunday and Saturday keepers in Heaven; there will be people of all religions and possibly atheists if they were living up to the light [knowledge] that they had. However, if God has convicted someone's heart that it is His will to observe the 7th day and they refuse, they are choosing to go against God. We can't judge people in this position; 'But for the grace of God, there go [I].' We are no better than any other of God's children. Self righteousness and spiritual pride are pitfalls along the narrow path. Judging others is God's work, not ours, and we need to humble ourselves and remove the plank in our own eye before we point out a splinter in someone else's eye. Rather than judging others, it is our place to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and share with others the character of God and the great love He is extending to them."

I'm not SDA, but I have attended many Bible Studies and Sabbath School lessons at an SDA church, and the above is the message I hear at just about every study. If I've misspoken, misunderstood or misrepresented, I apologize and welcome correction, but in exploring this faith I've found SDAs to be quite different than what is portrayed in this video. There are a few other discrepancies as well, but I'll leave it at this for now. I hope you all have a beautiful and blessed day.

Steven Marshall
Steven Marshall - 18.08.2023 11:18

Romans 14 5 to 12 we argueing about a day if sda consider that day holy then it's holy if baptist call Sunday holy then it's holy. The most important thing is to take time to spend with God and His word. If anyone or church is placing any writings prophets etc on equal footing or above the Bible then they are in error. Let's spend more time in ministry to the lost than fighting Symantecs with each other. Yes I do agree would should debate theology and correct through the word in love. I think sda and mainstream Christianity are in agreement on the foundational teachings ie salvation. There are far worse teaching out there word of faith prosperity I am a god teachers. Lds movement and JW that we should avoid. And just for the record yes historically the sabbath is Friday sunset to Saturday sun set. But the disciples and early church met on the 1st day of the week read it it's in the bible. The disciples did attend synagogue on the sabbath but they had a different motive to teach Jesus. But no of this is relevant really because of the scripture above. Jesus is lord

Fuzzy Bunny
Fuzzy Bunny - 16.08.2023 22:31

In my opinion, SAD’s make waaay too big a deal of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. They look down on other Christians who don’t keep Sabbath. God hates haughty eyes. If you want to keep Sabbath - that’s your decision! If we don’t - that’s our decision! Colossians 2:16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. We should worship God EVERY day, not just on a Saturday or Sunday.
Most important: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment. Love God above all else. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
James 2:10 10 For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. So those following Leviticus laws pertaining to meats, should therefore follow all the Leviticus laws like not eating fat and not trimming beards and sideburns and not wearing clothing of more than one type of material.

Life Being Free
Life Being Free - 14.08.2023 11:05

Good video. As someone who was baptised a SDA a couple of years ago, the sabbath, state of the dead and mark of the beast prophecy convinced me SDA was living up to the teachings of the bible most accurately.

MrSneakSneak - 12.08.2023 05:49

As an SDA, thank you for an overall objective approach to listing the differences. Most people use nuance in their words to imply the SDA view is lesser, but this video just states the facts. Let the viewer do the thinking. To clarify to those reading: our beliefs are not founded on egw, but from Scripture from the Bible. The fundamental beliefs of SDA all are traced to the Bible, not egw.

Peter Lgupa
Peter Lgupa - 11.08.2023 08:34

The 27 foundamental doctrines are biblically based . None of them are made up by Ellen White.

Ellen White is a Bible commentator. She said nothing that contradicts the Bible

Rogie Matthew Pañares
Rogie Matthew Pañares - 09.08.2023 12:59

1 sda believe Jesus is micheal
2 baptists do not

Said Ahmad
Said Ahmad - 07.08.2023 00:27

They believe this, they believe that the question is what is the divine source of their beliefs cause I don’t think any of this stuff could be found in their Bible, so WTH?

prekmom10 - 05.08.2023 21:41

There's some great discussion here. I've been a member for many years at a time with both of these denominations and have attended many of their churches. I believe that both of them have certain doctrines correct and others incorrect. Neither denom. is 100 percent correct IMO. This is what I believe the Baptists have right: What determines salvation, justification vs. sanctification / grace and faith, relying on the Holy Spirit, eternal security, baptism being a symbol of salvation and faith alone.

Adventists seem confused or unclear overall about how one is saved. They rely on the law more than the Holy Spirit. They seem confused or unclear about eternal security, and they treat baptism more as a symbol or way of adopting their doctrines and joining the church (they have conditions to getting baptized besides faith and commitment to Christ). To me, these are all major issues.

This is what I believe Adventists have correct: The observance of the Sabbath and which day it is, Bible prophecy and the end times, soul sleep, end-time annhilation of unbelievers (I don't believe that God would doom unbelievers to be eternally tormented in the fires of hell--this was a medieval times interpretation and teaching of the Catholic church as a way to scare people to pay for penances), and the second coming and bodily resurrection of believers.

However, I disagree with the investigative judgment, and I'm not sure that Ellen White was a prophet (though I'm open to her having possibly been one); however, I've read many of her writings, and I've found nothing in them that contradicts scripture. I think they're very informative and uplifting for spiritual growth. I also am not sure that SDA is the "remnant church" as they claim. I believe that believers are found in all denominations and faiths. Only God knows our hearts, and he is the true judge of that, not us or any denomination. And I believe people of all churches and even some who are unchurched but who are saved will be saved in the end times.

al su
al su - 26.07.2023 19:39

2023. Do not point a finger. Do not reason out in not a kind words on this platform. Study the KJV Holy Bible.

Are you afraid of the truth? Truth hurts. So study.,,,

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:55

7 - 16 - 23
RCC : Has their seat in ROME
SDA : Has their seat in MARYLAND

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:55

7 - 16 - 23
RCC : Mary the Mother of God
SDA : Ellen G White the Prophetess of God

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:54

7 - 16 - 23
Ask a Seventh day Adventist
Did Jesus FINISH his atonement on the CROSS at Calvery FINISHED PAID in FULL sins BLOTTED OUT FINAL payment paid in FULL
NO SECOND phase of atonement NECESSARY ?

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:52

7 - 16 - 23
Ask a Seventh day Adventist
Who chose Judas to be an Apostle/ Disciple unto Christ?
Chapter and verse please

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:52

7 - 16 - 23
Jesus Christ set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate HONEYCOMB and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
Luke 24 : 39 - 42

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:51

7 - 16 - 23
Ask a Seventh day Adventist
Are your sins blotted out?

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:50

7 - 16 - 23
The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing ADIALEIPTOS in GREEK does NOT exclude SUNDAY'S , praying and worshipping are interchangeable
1st Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 18

Ask a Seventh day Adventist
Are you going to suggest that ALL Seventh day Adventists should NOT WORSHIP on SUNDAY'S or SEVEN days out of the WEEK ?

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:49

7 - 16 - 23
Ask a Seventh day Adventist
Does one NEED TO be OBEDIENT to the LAW in order to receive GRACE ?

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:47

7 - 16 - 23
Are there more similarities between Adventism and Catholicism or are there more dissimilarities between Adventism and Catholicism

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:47

7 - 16 - 23
Are there more similarities between Adventism and the
Jehovah's Witnesses or are there more dissimilarities between Adventism and the
Jehovah's Witnesses

porfirio john
porfirio john - 16.07.2023 14:46

7 - 16 - 23
Are there more similarities between Adventism and Mormonism or are there more dissimilarities between Adventism and Mormonism

The 90's
The 90's - 04.07.2023 17:55

Who are the people that always call God YAH and seem to be quite anti-Christian and have quite similar views to JW's?

J C - 30.06.2023 00:11

Interesting the sda only have revelation seminars. 66 books in the bible I read. They had several in our town & no one shows up including the so called members. Maybe have a seminar on the cross & the finished work Christ provided. IT IS FINISHED

Hal Fulford
Hal Fulford - 23.06.2023 15:43

I believe in the Bible and the word of God. I don't believe in the religious beliefs of most of the denominatiol churches of this world that teach doctrines of men or women.

Asayile Thindwa
Asayile Thindwa - 20.06.2023 19:27

I'm an Adventist but seems you even studied adventism more than I did. May God guide you in truth

wilma Liles
wilma Liles - 15.06.2023 02:27

I was born and raised in a southern baptist and they had church on sunday the first day of the week not on Gods Holy Sabbath Saturday. Now I worship sundown friday till sundown saturday at home because all the other churches are breaking the 4th commandment.

Leonilo Aspero
Leonilo Aspero - 14.06.2023 09:30

sda build by false prophetess

Fred Magalona
Fred Magalona - 14.06.2023 06:45

Who decide salvation? Some says man must accept the offer by whom? If based on man to decide depends only on his own option on his knowledge of good and evil, therefore no eternal security. For me salvation is of God for THEM which were chosen before the foundation of the world. The LOST, them the reason whom CHRIST came to seek and to save. The names of THEM are written in the book of life as revealed in the book of Revelation written by John and more. . . .

Rocket - 14.06.2023 06:39

Sounds like he is SDA, and is subtly pushing that belief…buyer beware. SDA may not rise to the level of a cult, but the blatant miss the SDA church has had regarding Jesus’s return, the high level of authority given to the writings of Ellen G white, their view that Jesus had a weak human nature, and lean toward works-based salvation should be deeply concerning

IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE - 13.06.2023 23:45

I grew up SDA, bunch of hypocrites, liars, and money grubbers. Reason enough for me to know they're a false church, the true church of God would NOT have people like that.

David Smallwood
David Smallwood - 13.06.2023 03:04

I'd like to applaud you for giving an honest and accurate assessment of 7th day Adventist beliefs

Debbie Ellett
Debbie Ellett - 13.06.2023 01:44

I fail to understand how different denominations can be so opposite! Do we all follow the same Holy Word? Anyway, thanks, this was informative!

Eye Witness
Eye Witness - 13.06.2023 00:31

Rest assured that if you diligently study the Word of God for yourself, ask a lot of questions from various sources and don't get bogged down or brainwashed by any one set of doctrines AND if you scrutinize everything you have gleaned, then in a few years you will know much more than you know now and will still not know everything that you want to know. It's a process, not a denomination. You can find a group of believers that you most closely identify with to worship and fellowship with, but you may not all agree on every little thing. That's okay. There are not that many issues that are absolutes. Stick to the core of the matter and grow together. Blessings.

Healing Humanity
Healing Humanity - 11.06.2023 19:01

The story of the Great Disappointment of October 22, 1844 shows us that our expectations of the future do not always come true. Even the best theory fails. Mistakes are not bad so long as we learn from them. In this sense, Adventism is not false. It’s a part of human history from which we learn something about the danger of proceeding beyond what we know.

Telos Usr
Telos Usr - 11.06.2023 08:07

Seventh-day Adventists learned about the Sabbath from Seventh-day Baptists.

I Can See Clearly Now
I Can See Clearly Now - 11.06.2023 07:18

We (SDA) were without a pastor for awhile. They are harder to come by now days. True the conference sent us a few options where we had a chance to look at their profiles and choose who we wanted to interview. Then we interviewed and the pastor and the congregation got to choose if they were a fit for each other with the option for either to decline. Your video stated the pastors are assigned. We cam even have pastors removed if we feel they are not serving the church in the way that congregation expects it to.

alicia menorca
alicia menorca - 10.06.2023 13:59

as for me nothing is to argue all those who believed in Jesus Christ are all christians

Lindation's Adventures
Lindation's Adventures - 09.06.2023 04:29

I'm an SDA and have wonderful good friends who are Baptist, however we must remember one thing. When Jesus comes back he's not coming back to save a denomination, he's coming back for his bride(church) and there are only 2 churches, the church of God and the church of the devil, and Jesus will save those that belong to his church see Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. So basically anyone who keeps the commandments and have the faith of Jesus will be the ones who belong to the church of Christ.

Rabid Farmer
Rabid Farmer - 08.06.2023 15:20

SDAs are like the Jews of the Christian faith. And SDAs have been predicting dates - petesakes- of End of Days. The Son of Man did not know it but they do? LOL. Only the Father knows when.

American Woman
American Woman - 07.06.2023 15:14

BTW - Of the last sayings of Christ on the cross, none is more important or more poignant than, “It is finished.” Found only in the Gospel of John, the Greek word translated “it is finished” is tetelestai, an accounting term that means “paid in full.” When Jesus uttered those words, He was declaring the debt owed to His Father was wiped away completely and forever. Not that Jesus wiped away any debt that He owed to the Father; rather, Jesus eliminated the debt owed by mankind—the debt of sin.
