When to Sever Ties With Toxic Family Members

When to Sever Ties With Toxic Family Members

Pastor Mark Driscoll

1 год назад

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@user-hy5vj1oy5m - 09.02.2024 20:45

Not Just with Family but Friends.✝️

@valerieellis1719 - 09.02.2024 17:55

You have described my mother and sister and daughter in-law to the T. I had to move out of state and they still tried to torment me. I just called less and less. They last phone call was over the top cruel and evil. My sister works with her, my mother is old and not in good shape, but she can't hide any longer how she treats me, now she does it up front in front of everyone as she is forgetting everything, but this was always there against me. My sister is still trying to get my other family members against me, such a manipulate and lier.
But, she too will be found out, because she wasn't as good as mom hiding it over time. The moment she thinks she has you under her thumb and spell, then she tells on herself thinking it is safe. Then the others find out who she really is.

@annaharris2983 - 07.02.2024 23:19

Amen! I am living through this.

@mav8903 - 07.02.2024 22:53

Be careful when people say “God told me”.

@FASTPISTOLDRAW - 07.02.2024 21:13

Yes talk about family members not battling demonic spirits or satan . I know Satan is counting on it . THIS GUY IS A SORELY MISLEAD PASTOR.

@octaviacharles6498 - 07.02.2024 08:30

Awesome Message

@cynthiawilliams7570 - 06.02.2024 07:23

Wisdom told me to not look back
Keep your distance, they did not mean me any good ….. it wasn’t easy to except it but once two decades have passed, I know for sure I’ve done the right thing

@TheSheila4444 - 06.02.2024 04:21

Trump is the most murderous man who ever lived . Liar, cheater, tax evader, is now calling himself Jesus. Trump is a destroyer!

@Christie_MYTURN2324 - 05.02.2024 21:50

Im the truth teller and always made fun of my faith. Our dad died in my arms when I was 8 yrs old and that's when the repetitive trauma and abuse started. Im protecting and healing my wounded inner child and have been on a healing journey. I have to feel it to heal it. Doing shadow work isn't easy but necessary to prevent abuse through other relationships by figuring out, what in me; causes me to attract the jezebel spirits. Im imperfectly perfect and i will never hide my faith or stoop to their depths by engaging. God fights my battles and I don't have to speak against their injustices bc God will speak on my behalf and act as he sees fit.

@Christie_MYTURN2324 - 05.02.2024 21:43


@renphelpsz9383 - 04.02.2024 21:32

I feel you. I took care of my daughter and her bf as much as I could up into her late twenties , in anything they needed until I needed something she said , why should I have pitty for you just because you’re my mother and plus you’ve always been a shitty mother. I never partied or drank or had any addictions. I was totally at my daughter’s disposal. I bought things for her, encouraged her, took her to concerts etc. So Those words broke my heart and I said ok, take care, and I moved away. And I haven’t heard from her. It breaks my heart every day but I love and pray for her everyday.

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:55

Triangle of energy common vecter

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:54

Juan emanuel pardo and.that is juan

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:53

Math and astonomy

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:52

Uneven breed

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:51

Father against son mother against daughter brother against sister there was five

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:49

Just a person on meth and is looking for answers on what is love

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:48

Mixing emotions with physics

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:48

Juan is feeding her. What to do narssistic

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:46


@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:46

Thomas is a catholic person that wants to be pope

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:44

.no rich person helps out many

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:42

Taytay she was 20 years old she was black

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:41

Thats just a jealous man or woman seeing a careful person feeding his beautiful friends

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:40

Butt laban wash your ass right stinky

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:38


@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:38

The holiest temple golden corn top.roof and the hidden god the penis

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:37

Ja cob its like a husk

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:35

Get us something for dinner go jr go be like your brothers.gonni bird

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:34

7-28-1982 5:52 pm is my birth time

@user-vy6kn1cy8t - 04.02.2024 19:33

Gen es is hier to the word

@KyleRollinsMammothSolutions - 04.02.2024 15:41

Now do toxic pastors…

@girlofthewest964 - 04.02.2024 14:54

My mother doesn’t like my husband. My siblings follow suit to stay in her good graces and they hope for her money/property. They were getting more toxic and damaging to me because of it. By 40 years old I realized it was hopeless, and walked away from them. Best decision ever. I’m 64, and we’ve been married 41 years.

@LoveJesus2324 - 04.02.2024 03:27

My d-in-law said to use this" I am not equipped to do that at anymore". What!!?? "I don't need to repeat myself." "There are a lot of other people handling things very well (whether they are or not very consistently but maybe somebody showed up once in four yrs), and I think it's time to let them do that."
This video followed my conversation with her. The murderous spirit was totally identified in n my family through this sermon.
I am letting go of it. I'm so thankful. I'm free. Thanks so much!

@LoveJesus2324 - 04.02.2024 03:05

And in the words of my toxic mother, "you only lasted two weeks".

@jds9958 - 04.02.2024 03:03

I'm believing God that I can leave a legacy for my children, so close to the end of all things, but that still is strong in me to do .

@lindad6351 - 03.02.2024 05:21

What's with the creepy pictures at the beginning?

@OverdriveGaming-plays - 02.02.2024 23:19

Pastor, when we have a lie, or a misinformation, or a propaganda, or some sort of untruth in our mind, it clouds or vision, and it changes all of our decision-making. It’s like mathematics, and if you have the wrong numbers going in, you’re gonna get the wrong numbers coming out. You could see it like a paradigm or a sudoku board. If somebody scribbles false information on your sudoku, you’re gonna get the wrong answer to the puzzle. When it comes to Covid, and the 2020 election, nothing is as it is presented by the public media there’s a lot of deception, and in reality, things are not simply accidents and business as usual, and regular politics, there was deliberate scheming and satanic handiwork involved. How can someone who has not experienced the front line war as it is today tell People how they need to fight their battle? It would be like someone from World War 2 making all the decisions for the people who are fighting on the front lines in Iraq or Vietnam, and we know how well that went. It would be like those World War II veterans telling the Vietnam veterans that their opinions from the battlefront don’t matter because the veteran from World War II has already learned everything. you grew up in the 70s 80s and 90s where America was still America and there was still a free economic system. Nowadays we have the appearance of a free economic system but it’s not capitalism anymore, it’s corporatism which is also known as chronic capitalism, which is also known as fascism. It’s state run capitalism and capitalism run by the corporations, not by the general people. Right now we have Astroturf news media telling us things that aren’t true, and we have Astroturf economy, there’s an entirely separate bubble economy.. there’s the normal economy that you and I think of, and then there’s a separate, self-contained, circular internally, self sustained economy that’s completely disconnected. Part of their great reset they are creating a completely separate different economy that’s not really connected to the main economy with the world economic forum, and the committee of 300, black rock, and Vanguard, and the 13, they have control of the leadership and ruling boards of every corporation. Every corporation in the world is owned by Blackrock in Vanguard, essentially everything is becoming a monopoly. In America, and in the west, there are only three mainstream news, media companies, and those three are owned by Black rock in Vanguard. so it’s monopoly within a monopoly . As part of that, they are emphasizing policies and hiring methods that exclude the young. They only want people with 10 years experience. That excludes anybody who’s young right now. Pastor Driscoll, you keep bashing the young men over the head, and you’re not doing that from the Holy Spirit I suspect it’s from you. You’re bashing the young man over the head, but you don’t have any familiarity with the front line battle. You expect the Germans to be in the front and the artillery to be in the rear, but in reality, this is like Vietnam and the jungle, and you can’t see 10 feet in front of you, and the enemy could be in any direction. Young people today are facing a glass ceiling. It’s a catch 22 where only those who experience can be hired, and since you don’t have experience, you can’t be hired, and since you can’t be hired, you can’t gain the experience that’s required. It’s being deliberately done so that the 50 to 80% of excess population determined by the WEF will just go away. They want us to go away. We are the carbon they are trying to reduce. Pastor Driscoll I don’t see how it can be from the Holy Spirit, when you are not becoming all things to all people, you’re not in the situation that young people are in. You idolize the female, and you bash them men, but the females are the ones turning away from Christ , where as the young men want to come to Christ and we are all being blocked out of our futures. How can you lead the young man if you don’t know what kind of battle they are facing? It’s like a submarine captain trying to tell infantry what to do , you’re not familiar with it because this is a new era with a new battle. It’s old wine and new wine skins. Maybe you should acquaint yourself with what’s actually going on instead of just using the hammer on the heads of the young because that’s not really a good way to lead , don’t worry I’m sure you’ll delete my comment or ignore it

@michellelovespink2660 - 01.02.2024 23:14

Where does it say all that about Jacob ... ?

@locoemutwo4872 - 01.02.2024 17:59

I'm 76 and I am aware of how this is so generational. smile....God-growth, now... Thank you my Lord God.

@JewLsTruly - 01.02.2024 16:27

I know i must make a drastic change in my life, i know i must walk away maybe run but its hard when every way out crumbles

@JewLsTruly - 01.02.2024 16:08

Ok what if u find yourself surrounded and unable to get out

@chizetteparlor887 - 30.01.2024 13:56

1/30/24 THIS!!!! my dad and he has turned my daughter against me too!!! I'm believing for my daughter to get drawn back to THE LORD however...
Ive cut my dad off....Ive been his number 1 Target....LORD GOD I'm free w THIS message!!!!

@shannaballesteros3068 - 30.01.2024 09:37

This sermon speaks volumes to me and my life. Thank you.

@christymadonna9466 - 29.01.2024 20:15

What do you do if your Laban goes to the same church that you love? Desperately seeking Biblical advice.

@mronesweetmnone9548 - 29.01.2024 18:43

People with murderous spirits have minds of immature children as the devils bondage never allows for their growth and normal development /evolvement ...Repent and allow the holy spirit in before its too late

@marcabilicki3892 - 29.01.2024 13:37

Since our son suddenly passed away January 5,2023 at 29-year-old from heart disease 💔.
My older brother who is 12 years older then me.
He and family have not reached out to me for over a year😢.
Sad but praying for strength to get through our loss is more important then my family not caring but it does hurt. Same as a neighbor we know for about 30 years.
I am trying to understand Gods plan for us.

@africarain1671 - 29.01.2024 08:08

I am not religious… but thank you. So true and insightful and healthy.

@MolecularNandi - 29.01.2024 00:23

I don't know who needs to hear this, but you searching for this video is your sign to leave your toxic family 😂 I read somewhere that 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.' The Christian family God has gifted me loves me better than the family I was gifted to.

@ammcgowan - 26.01.2024 21:57

Amen and Amen. Thank you!
