I Don't Know How To Choose A Career

I Don't Know How To Choose A Career

The Ramsey Show Highlights

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Alejandro Vasquez
Alejandro Vasquez - 15.09.2023 01:54

Im 43 and still dont know

Arena Of Legend Rift
Arena Of Legend Rift - 11.09.2023 00:09

Bro really said talk to god BS advice that anyone wants to listen to it. NOT HELPING AT ALL

J - 10.09.2023 03:40

I’m a Physical Therapist Assistant at 38 and absolutely miserable with this career choice. I feel like I was lied to about it being a good field. Physical therapy is actually so boring and yet it’s also very mentally stressful and exhausting. Most of the jobs in it have zero value for you as their employee. You get thought of as an ant in their farm of therapist and have zero job growth opportunities. About 90% of patients have no desire for their PT and it begins to make you as the therapist feel like a wretched torturer even when you literally do nothing but make patients get out of bed and walk a little. At the end of the work day, you really feel like just going to bed or kicking back on the couch because of how much energy this job sucks out of you.

Bigice - 07.09.2023 04:00

in all seriousness, he prob has adhd too. Because the way he talks and the description of how he cant remember the things he studies reminds me of myself and many other people i know. At least he has the yearning to learn.

Tin - 06.09.2023 08:55

Me still don’t know what I’m doing with my life and graduated with Public Health. It’s so broad that I don’t even know what to do with it. Should’ve gone to community college where they teach you ACTUAL skills.

Big Philly
Big Philly - 04.09.2023 19:05

“Talk to God for the weekend” … always good advice.

FBS - 22.08.2023 12:42

I have a better idea of what i want to be

Feminine Grace with Shannon
Feminine Grace with Shannon - 21.08.2023 23:54

“Okay, what do I want to be when I’m 40?” Everyone needs this. Excellent advice to this young man.

iAm211 - 02.08.2023 04:12

I am 22 and thought I would like electrical but I'm miserable and I hate it and I do not know what to do that will make me happy.

Ink - 26.07.2023 08:17

Problem is you end up starving to death trying to figure out what to do

Phurbos - 25.07.2023 16:33

sorry, this is awful advice. There are too many jobs/careers and paths you can take in life. You'll never figure out what you really want at 21. What they need to tell young adults is figure out the life style that you want to live. Show them what that looks like. Then figure out the career that can fit and help you achieve that lifestyle.

RussianTroubleYakutsk - 20.07.2023 16:40

I’ve been out of college for years and work in IT. I still don’t know which career I really want.

Owen - 19.07.2023 22:12

I’m 19 and just wasted my first year of college and now idk what career to do.

polat - 19.07.2023 03:10

I am 22 years old and a high school grad. and don‘t really want to work in my field instead I want to start learn being a electrician but people around me keep talking about that I am 22 years old and that I am too late at it and I dont know what to do

Mahmoud Mahdy
Mahmoud Mahdy - 03.07.2023 17:28

thank you very usefull

Jaeno - 30.06.2023 19:35

You had me unil you said start talking to God....

Martin - 27.06.2023 19:38

Here I’m 45 graduated high school never was super exited about any career 😮

Adriana Ricalde
Adriana Ricalde - 23.06.2023 16:45

Great advice!

I wish I had listened this 17 years ago

CULTR'd - 08.06.2023 23:12

Very very good advice

realhoneysuckle - 02.06.2023 04:45

Bro sounds like Walt Jr

A Ms
A Ms - 14.05.2023 00:00

Guys, if you have a chance to get a Bachelor degree at least, then just get it. Whatever you do next in your life, it'll be a great foundation you always have in your pocket. Pick something simple or generic, if you don't know what you like yet, but do get this damn degree.

salvador - 11.05.2023 07:16

I’m planning on starting college soon in a community college but I have NO IDEA WHAT to major in. I don’t like med, math, science, art, history, etc. I was thinking of a business degree but I heard going to college for a non-stem degree is useless. Could someone advice me? I feel like I’m running out of time.

“what are your hobbies? what are you passionate about” literally nothing. I don’t like anything other than scrolling on my phone 24/7.

Samuel F Robinson
Samuel F Robinson - 29.04.2023 18:10

The question is, what payoff can I offer to others that I am passionate about?

ELgeneral0618 - 20.04.2023 03:49

Read Mastery by Robtert Greene. You should do something that involves the natural skills you had from childhood.

Earl L Simmins
Earl L Simmins - 19.04.2023 17:06

If you don't know where you're going how do you know you haven't gotten there.

Treasures trove
Treasures trove - 06.04.2023 20:45

Is it just me or….Walt Jr

Concepcion Ledezma
Concepcion Ledezma - 05.04.2023 23:00

Great advice. Professing Christians oftentimes leave the Lord out of their plans (or lack of). First step is to acknowledge Him in all your ways, and that's the direction Mr. Ramsey was leading this young man toward.

Snehal Krishnan
Snehal Krishnan - 04.04.2023 03:35

Society has really failed the modern man.

Anuj Bhandare
Anuj Bhandare - 15.03.2023 10:24

I cannot believe he said commercial real estate agents are math nerds 😂

xpert aab
xpert aab - 18.02.2023 23:24

Call, email or go in person and shadow people in different career paths to get some sort of idea.

ThePSXHive - 13.02.2023 21:32

Life is meaningless anyway, so it doesn't matter.

Jacob Broughton
Jacob Broughton - 09.02.2023 23:59

“Its hard to be excited about the trip when you don’t know what the destination is” is an incredible quote

Brian Mcandrew
Brian Mcandrew - 04.02.2023 20:12

great message dave thanks!!

Diamond Arbuthnot
Diamond Arbuthnot - 03.02.2023 14:14

I hope he’s doing okay now. I was 20 at the time this video dropped, in the same place as him. I wish i would have gotten this advice. I just graduated in a field that I was really passionate about but I knew towards the end that it may have just been better off as a hobby. I’m scared I made a bad choice and I’m still not 100% sure what it is that I wanna do with my life.

ChooseLoveToday - 01.02.2023 23:06

If you don't treat figuring out what you want to do like it is the most important job of your life you will be doing jobs you hate that lead you deeper into depression. Just my experience.

John - 01.02.2023 21:54

Start doing things, and learning. The more you learn about your realistic say to day life you can understand you options and how to adjust. The reality of life is every day work and the way you can manipulate benefits and time to your advantage

Cashin Cheks
Cashin Cheks - 01.02.2023 20:56

I mean just use those whispered cliche phrases youve learned from the other idiots who talk to the floating spaghetti monster in the sky.

WDIB - 01.02.2023 16:49

What terrible advice, basically “you’re afraid of not knowing with path to take because you don’t know where you’re going, go talk to God, I got nothin.” 🤦🏼‍♂️

Tenneny T
Tenneny T - 30.01.2023 17:17

I wonder if working is neccesarily the best thing for personal happiness. I wonder if a utopia would involve work. Utopia's are unrealistic and at the end of the day we have to deal with the world our captors have created for us, and so not working is selfish unless everyone stops, and some people like to work and have careers which is fine too. I do think that there's too much of an obsession with what you do for work and people's worth. I wish we valued life more as a race in general and I wish that beng considered responsible was based more on how we treat others and less on what we do for work. I think that there's a lot of satisfaction that can come from working and having a career but I also think that the idea of not working making you lesser than is a fabrication built up over thousands of years by people who want power over the masses. The things which work and careers give that give you true satisfaction (sense of belonging, self pride, reducing guilt) could be acheived if we didn't generally pin those aspects on having an objectively successful life. I feel like so much of why people feel so awful about not knowing what to do with their lives is because of the expectation to find a career and the assumption that living and being with others isn't doing enough already. But then I also suppose that if we have to find work because of the box we're put in as a society then maybe it is better to induldge in the idea of a career being equivelant to being accomplished, it can make things very diffuclt on a personal level when you don't play along with that notion and seemingly everyone else does. Personally I think I just need to find a job which energizes me enough and a job which has a supportive atmosphere.

Armando Martinez
Armando Martinez - 27.01.2023 21:27

Oh Good Ol Ramsey…..😂

Qi Cai
Qi Cai - 14.01.2023 08:49

That is very good advices.

YungDDA - 10.01.2023 05:11

Dave A Real One!

Tuwilika Helao
Tuwilika Helao - 05.01.2023 21:37

I'm going to collage soon but i still don't know what to study and im under so much pressure

notsorrystory - 30.12.2022 00:51

This mf said get a hotel and talk to God 🧐.

project mercury
project mercury - 20.12.2022 12:59

Your video is interesting and helpful. I wonder if this is available as a podcast on Spotify?

Ali Hazem
Ali Hazem - 13.12.2022 18:42

Okay so during I am a junior, meaning g11/5 in high-school, and learning and practicing developing apps and websites considering that as a career to approach and work after graduating. However in my country (Iraq) there are rarely local on-site jobs and if there is, they are low paying unlike how high it pays outside. Therefore I had to consider working as a remote worker in the future but these days I was rethinking of my future path and thought that it can be boring sitting home just writing some code and even lose motivation and get burned out fast. I am totally not planning to go medical/medicine and neither constructional engineer, and currently don't know what to do. I am interested in social jobs but don't know much fields.

Norbs - 12.12.2022 05:57

I'd say go to law school afterwards since history majors read and write all the time lol. But to be honest the top bachelor degrees that make the most money are:
-Computer Science

I personally graduated from college with a bachelors in Broadcast Communications. Buy now I'm pursuing Software Development in Computer Programming.
