Moving to Orlando | 8 things youll want to know

Moving to Orlando | 8 things youll want to know

Ken Pozek

2 года назад

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@ZackJohnson-yu7lu - 02.01.2025 08:13

I'm a Washingtonian looking to get to Florida. I'm sick and tired of grey skies and 40F year-around. I want to be able to do things outdoors and enjoy life year-around!

@cooper7031 - 12.12.2024 16:45

TAMPA is the lightening capital!

@ibrahimadanfa6704 - 20.11.2024 03:12

Too much of opportunities in Orlando

@ibrahimadanfa6704 - 20.11.2024 03:10

Orlando is extremely amazing place ❤
Congratulations to Geneva chambers

@reneekatz - 19.11.2024 21:55

Leaf blower is a chronic noise that drones on and on for hours in the background on every square acre of this city while the sun is up. Weekends, holidays, rain or shine, year-round. If you don't hear one, move a few feet, eventually you will. If you do not think this is a pleasant background noise to constantly have, I would rethink moving here. And if you think I'm exaggerating, go anywhere in this city outside of the theme parks and major attractions and just drive around in everyday places like gas stations or grocery stores.

@brianm5474 - 01.09.2024 00:36

Moving to Orlando from Wisconsin 😁

@T.mai33 - 25.08.2024 21:29

What’s the cheapest I can find a two bedroom house for rent in Orlando or 20 mins max from Orlando?

@jamiegrasso4365 - 18.08.2024 22:32

Live in Tampa Bay, getting ready to visit.

@brianmcdonald2832 - 15.08.2024 02:24

the main thing i don't like about orlando is how spread out everything is. other than that, it'd a pretty cool city.

@averythompson9704 - 15.08.2024 00:47

Are there companies that could help me and my husband find an apartment to rent in Orlando?

@BB-ny3eu - 11.08.2024 22:43

Any views on Haines city ?

@veoteveo1 - 05.08.2024 07:27

Thanks moving soon!

@TommyVercetti187 - 01.08.2024 07:11

Terrible review

@apquickallday - 28.07.2024 17:20

DON'T!!!. Orlando is problem cauldron city with crime, really bad drivers and low paying jobs. Landlocked, no ocean either way for 40 miles, schools are terrible and no place to live unless its an overpriced apartment.

@mckennapeckenpaugh6407 - 08.07.2024 21:33

Hi! I am thinking about moving to Orlando next year, probably Summertime. I have to rely on a transit system for getting places. What do you think of the transit system? Is Orlando doable on that alone? Thanx!

@scee8299 - 08.07.2024 08:42

Shoot last time I was there, everything was so far apart I felt isolated with whatever community I was staying in

@inightflight712 - 25.06.2024 21:22

I miss Orlando, l'm born in Puerto Rico and at age 6
1998 | moved there. I love Orlando but it's changing and it's getting a little bit worse toh, each day. And it's true jobs out there don't pay enough for the living environment. I lived in Boston, and went back to Orlando and I also moved to NYC about a year ago and comparing, I just miss it. My heart will always go to the city beautiful at the end of the day. Just gotta put the work in if you're thinking about moving there. I just think it's a disadvantage that there is barely any jobs, or at least any good paying jobs in Orlando. I'm planning to move back in the near future with the job I'm currently working with and transfer.

@jeremyramirez2854 - 30.05.2024 02:01

I love Orlando Florida so much, I want to live there! I'm so thankful I watched this video. One thing I want to be aware of is the hurricane, Insurance for the rent, and putting gas for my car before I deal with traffic. I miss Disney World Animal Kingdom so much! I haven't been there since 2011 and I would like to work for them as a Zookeeper to make a lot of money or become a millionaire because it is beautiful there. I could also enjoy and spend time at the Swimming pool, Roller Coasters and watching the parade at Magic Kingdom. I'm looking forward of moving to Orlando Florida when I have the opportunity.

@SKS8080 - 09.05.2024 21:25

Don’t bring your politics. Yes Orlando is democrat area but Florida as a whole is very republican.

@mr.castrolemos5185 - 30.04.2024 23:45

....sounds like a racetrack announcer....speaks very fast

@Mbolf24 - 25.04.2024 06:16

First thing about moving to Orlando. 1. Don't. It sucks.
That is all

@gabequezada2066 - 24.04.2024 23:50

visited florida three times...It was very nice and clean.. people were also nice..

@chrislykk - 21.04.2024 02:18

He forgot the part about highest cost of living, highest rate of inflation in the country, and the TRAFFIC.

@zabrinatheteacher - 14.04.2024 11:26

Good video.

@LillyLaRose - 09.04.2024 17:42


@YouTuber-wk4hr - 07.04.2024 05:53

Are there any apartment where the area is safe , and walking distance to supermarket such as target / Walmart and some affordable food ? I come from singapore and where I live , everything js within 5-10 mins walking distance from me .

@twinfitness67 - 02.04.2024 01:40

Dude, ty for everything u do. I’m moving to Orlando and u are helping me a lot

@ИннаМахмутова-с3е - 27.03.2024 23:41

What downtown area is zoned to a good public middle school?

@edsensation - 11.03.2024 00:37

This is a biased sales opinion because he wants to sell you real estate. He doesn’t mention the bad things enough just sugar coats it. The pollen is sever out here. You must have a car because you need to drive everywhere. It lacks culture. Tolls you’re paying approx $1200 a year. It’s hard to make new friends. People in suburbs are very introvert and stay in their homes. Too many franchise businesses. Many cookie cutter house communities. At times we have way too much love bugs splatting your car. 90% of barbers are Puerto Ricans who just use clippers. Most people who earn money is not Orlando money. It’s outside money. Too many loud honda civics who think they are the fast and the furious.

I think it’s important to be very transparent versus just making a bubbly commercial simply because you want to sell real estate.

@MP4Ever2020 - 18.02.2024 15:35

Can you please mention about gators? How bad is the issue about dealing alligators in the residential area since most of them are surrounded by the pond or lake?

@timmbitz - 19.01.2024 18:10

Hey Ken I'm a single guy in his early thirties and want to relocate to the Orlando area. I've heard The east side of Orlando neighboring the airport is a good area to consider. I'm wondering what your take is on this? I want to live downtown, probably rent an apartment for the first year or so until I know the area better, and I want to be in the "happening" area. Coming from Ohio, kind of sick of the crowd here, everyone knows everyone and has known everyone for their whole lives, and I don't fit in.

@TheAdultContemporaryMusicCh - 19.01.2024 06:27

In a time when the economy across the board in the whole US was at it's best early 90's. When most infrastructure was brand new and clean. Especially Fl, Orlando always sucked. I was living in South Fla at time near Stuart. And we got some some great radio stations from Orlando that I liked.
WOMX Mix 105, 98.9 WMMO, WWLV Love 94.5 Daytona, Magic 107.7, Sunny 101.1 WSTF
from Cocoa Bch/ Space Coast, All 5 because of the Cent Fla radio towers all being 100kw at at least 1600 ft
boomed into Stu.
And because its flat as a pancake except NW going toward Ocala. In Orl proper you got 4 more stations.
You get Tampa at time W-101 WUSA, Mix 95.7 , NW you get 98.5KTK, and used to be Ocala's 93.7 WMMZ Z-93. Before they blew it up and changed to country in 1994. How do I know? I was supposed to be their evening jock. Until they fired everyone incl my future boss. All 9 of these stations were Adult Contemp and Hot Ac stations.
Which was rare to have so many in any radio US market. Only SF, Pitt because they are both on hills,
and Chicago had so many.

So spent a week up there about 100 miles nw of me by Stuart.
Check out the area see if I wanted to try it out. It was a huge disappointment. Outside the Orange Blossom Trail,
which kind of reminded me of Dade- NW 2nd Av between Palmetto and Broward line back then. 167th St and 215.
Poverty, and blight in Orlando never were camouflaged. It was the 1st Fl city that scared the hell out of me.
Even Overtown Miami's worst hood was not as scary looking. Liberty City was only area that reminded me of Orlando.
I don't know if Disney and industry that moved in since 90's
has helped. Or made it worse. But you couldn't pay $1 mil to ever live in O.
I could always say same about St Pete, Ft Myers, Sarasota, Ocala, Gainesville, Daytona, Titusville, Tally, and most of Jax as well. Though when in radio I survived 6 mos living off Dunn @95, not far from Jax Intl.

Back then Tampa was not good, I heard its improved. West Palm was mostly hood, so was/is Ft L, Miami anything
outside downtown was crap. Especially whole NW anything. But even NE was very seedy esp by Biscay, US 1 all the way up to NMB.

@ChooChooTravelsSolo - 08.12.2023 07:24

Thanks for posting this video. I am considering relocating to Orlando from Canada. I heard on the news sometime this year that the cost of property insurance is sky high in FL and a lot of Floridians can’t afford to buy a house because of that. Is that true?

@yezmirsheppard-halika6892 - 05.11.2023 21:25

Nothing about tennis?

@robertnewman4072 - 03.10.2023 23:17


@champ1-q6y - 28.09.2023 22:55


@tomfletcher114 - 04.09.2023 18:02

Those "skinny jeans" make you look gay!

@BOV-Florida - 27.07.2023 14:13

Great video, you present well... BUT Your video title says TEN things, but you only list EIGHT!

@LovelyLaureness - 17.06.2023 16:09

Your videos are so informative!! Thank you! You just answered a like 5 questions I had just from watching this video! I’m still deciding if I want to move. I live in Miami now.

@herrerah5169 - 23.02.2023 15:42

The lakes? With all of those alligators? No thanks 💀

@cbhoney87 - 30.01.2023 18:39

I’m preparing to moving from dmv to Orlando thank you for this video

@mamudepaula - 14.01.2023 22:17

Really nice tips and great way to portrait ( Central Florida) the only thing I'd rush you to mention is , You will have the option of choose what is better for your children/Family thanks to our great Governor, ( Desantis) ,another important tip is, if you're thinking this is a woke state, sorry, don't even start packing your shit, stay in your rat hole and stay where you are, other than that you will have the best time of your life here.

@jaredhammon344 - 07.01.2023 07:08

Orlando is too hot for you northerners.

@Boris-xx7dw - 31.12.2022 23:25

Number 11 , budget for a main battle tank for transport , the roads are full of selfish ignorant discourteous idiots , and don't buy into the oh its the tourists , anyone from Europe or a country that has a real driving test will drive rings round a Floridian or anything from south of the border, also expect car insurance that will scare the life out of you .

@freedommiller9900 - 31.12.2022 04:33

I accidentally moved to Lincoln Nebraska can someone please come get me I'm originally from Minnesota ❄️❄️ halfway there Florida 🌴😉

@hokkaidorider4296 - 06.11.2022 18:09

How’s the rental market for renters?

@l.a.6522 - 31.10.2022 00:06

The schools are a good subject and im looking to move in the area... i have 2 agents sending me homes to view and to chose from... about the schools, will they teach children that they r not boys or girls and that they can choose their sex when they are older...? If they do, they are setting the children up to have their souls destroyed in hell... and thats not a good thing... im looking 4 a school that wont teach that...

@exploringwithbrian5943 - 15.10.2022 13:19

Do you read all your comments and how does somebody get a hold of you be nice to leave a phone number

@torpedoLaw - 30.09.2022 05:30

All of Florida sucks!
1) overpopulated, get ready for long lines
2) most deadly highways in America per square mile
3) $140 / month in tolls using the sun pass
4) CDD fees (community development district fees) on average is $160/month
5) Highest HOA fees in America. $250/month
6) $$$ everything is a “resort” with a gate
7) highest house and car insurance in United States
8) nothing is relaxing here, all hectic with cars going 100 mph while some doing 40, you want your kids driving here? They will die.
9) no one speaks English….. it’s like a different country
10) schools suck
11) everything is flat down hill, roads are small and infrastructure crowded 24/7
12) everyone in America wants to move here and housing in non existent including renting
13) after being here for a year, I’m moving to s farm to buy 200 acres in the peaceful calm Midwest ….. my $750,000 home here cost $250k in Midwest and I get s basement.
14) backyards are non existent … 5 feet maybe
15) sun is ok, but waaaay over-rated. Rather have some nice winters… after being here bring on the cold…
