Family Advice from HG Bishop Youssef on Al Horreya TV: Loneliness

Family Advice from HG Bishop Youssef on Al Horreya TV: Loneliness

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Family Advice from HG Bishop Youssef on Al Horreya TV: Loneliness
مشكلة كبيرة بيمر بيها الشباب ...ابني حاسس بالوحدة اوي مشورة أسرية مع نيافة الأنبا يوسف
My child feels that no one likes him and does not have many friends in church or school.
Family Counseling Series (Arabic)
Interview host: Betty Youssef
Published ~ 2022


#al_horreya #family_counseling #hg_bishop_youssef #suscopts
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