Dorne: will House Martell survive the Game of Thrones books?

Dorne: will House Martell survive the Game of Thrones books?

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sr ryo
sr ryo - 19.11.2023 23:38

The entire plot of Dorne subplots could be summarized by chapters of Varys receiving letters - instead of consuming pages and pages to say that the Prince of Dorne is making a marriage alliance for his daughter while she rebels by fucking men to try to defy the father. George must have spent months of his life writing a Dorne subplot that adds nothing to the 3 major points of the story.

George delved into Brienne looking for Sansa in lands we know she's not in, he also delved into subplots of Dorne and a fantastic crusade of daenarys against slavery in lands no one cares about. all of this could be resolved with a time skip, changing your writing style focused on millions of unnecessary POVs and finally developing the characters of the big plot: euron, griff, bran, tyrion, snow, dany

the story went from starks vs lannisters/targaryen fighting for the throne/others to an anthology of subplots of brienne, reek and minor characters

Gagh HuH
Gagh HuH - 18.11.2023 18:37

Aegon will never marry Arianne tho

Christian Weibrecht
Christian Weibrecht - 18.11.2023 11:35

would of been awesome if the Martells made a secret marriage offer to Rob Stark after his victory at River-run

Brandon - 16.11.2023 21:54

Quentin isn’t officially dead, I’d wager equal money up to a couple thousand that he’s still alive.

William dabbs
William dabbs - 16.11.2023 11:46

I'm halfway through a feast for crows and I'm convinced there is no way in hell martin can completely wrap up the story in 2 books. He's like a coke head a new plot every book. Now we are getting another dance of way he can wrap it up in 2 books

Charlotte Walnut
Charlotte Walnut - 15.11.2023 20:13

Hopefully not let the last of the Martells be burned away

Evan Carlson
Evan Carlson - 05.11.2023 03:43

Quentyn is called The Frog. Crannogmen are frog eaters. Howland Reed warged Dany's dragons confirmed.

Pacemaker64 - 04.11.2023 05:50

I think it’s fitting that Doran suffers from gout. Gout primarily affects the joints in the legs, keeping the patient bound to one place during flare ups. Doran’s emotional pain keeps him from moving, stuck in one spot as opportunities slip by.

Piguel Monce
Piguel Monce - 31.10.2023 19:13

No karma should come for their asses especially the dirty way they killed Dareon the young , Martell cowards

Jhin - 30.10.2023 10:58

Doran is the quiet edgelord who is constantly devising his elaborate plan to surprise everyone with his genius and foresight, but really he's just a quiet edgelord who will probably refrain from speaking till he's 45.

Burro - 29.10.2023 20:51

I crazy thought I’ve had. What if the reason GRRM hasn’t finished tWoW is because of the fan community. aSoIF has so many theories that one or two has to be right. What if GRRM read that and keeps changing the book to it won’t be what fans think, or he changed it to a theory that he really liked?

Degenerate Investing
Degenerate Investing - 28.10.2023 09:30

I sure do hope Jon is a legitimate Targaryen in the books 🤙🏻

Melody Raventress
Melody Raventress - 26.10.2023 03:56

"So, the ending in the books will be different to the tv show" and we all say "thank goodness".

Hi hows it goin
Hi hows it goin - 21.10.2023 05:42


Justin - 27.09.2023 00:25

...its Doran.. Not "Doran"

Esther Davis
Esther Davis - 18.09.2023 00:01

I'm still getting thru the book series, it's hard w two young kids. One w special needs. I can't thank you enough for helping me understand this insanely complicated universe and it's history!! It's only been a yr of my GoT obsession, it came when I was a newlywed and started a new family. Buying and renovating new home. Then second baby, postpartum then COVID-19. I NEVER knew how great it was! Makes sense since I've always been a LOTR geek before it was popular lol. I watch as many of these as I can , they are an awesome guide!! ❤️

Esther Davis
Esther Davis - 17.09.2023 23:45

"she might just yolo it"!? Lol, I'm weak!!!! 😂😂😂

April Mae
April Mae - 16.09.2023 00:19

I cannot get past just how efin DEEPLY stupid it was for Doran Martell to send his son off like this? I mean, no matter how many times I read this shite, I am left feeling like no WAY did Doran actually do something this stupid-but it looks like he did. And I kinda think that Aegon might refuse marriage with anyone but Dany and he is just waiting for her with his gift in hand to her-Westeros.

April Mae
April Mae - 16.09.2023 00:13

Without the viper, the grass is safely crushed underfoot by anyone walking by.

Callum Toland
Callum Toland - 01.09.2023 08:25

House Toland will take over...

Arthur Mont-Morency
Arthur Mont-Morency - 27.08.2023 21:12

Doran's master plan would have worked, if it wasn't for Dany's overwhelming criplying stupidity.

Paul N
Paul N - 23.08.2023 10:45

Revisiting this video another time. I wonder how it never seems to be a thing that Cercei's prophecy does NOT explicitly say that all her children will die, wich is just the most at hand interpretation and in Joffrey's case already happened. Myrcella has been mutilated by Darkstar's assassination attempt, so I personally would think that going forward she might be hiding her face behind a mask or a piece of cloth. Of course she might still die, at this point it seems about as likely for any Dorne side character to die as them surviving the second Dance of Dragons. However, it bugs me that ASX or Glidus never seem to bring up any possible, if unlikely, outcomes for Cercei's children, because as we all know prophecy is always gonna bite your prick off..

Stone Favrot
Stone Favrot - 22.08.2023 07:25

The saddest part is that I don’t think we’re going to ever see this plot play out. 🙁 GRRM might never even give us the next book 😔

Joshua Mariani
Joshua Mariani - 22.08.2023 00:55

So Doran wants fire and blood, and Arianne’s plan ends in blood and Quentyn’s plan ends in fire🤔

Fit Dad Cris
Fit Dad Cris - 18.08.2023 16:14

What some say are "bold actions" many would call "idiotic actions". 😂

Lebor Hal
Lebor Hal - 17.08.2023 21:34

"Dorne was founded by women" - goes on to discuss the most degenerate and hedonistic society Westeros... yeah that tracks.

Siggi - 14.08.2023 17:51

Dorne is a friendly reminder that you should talk to your close ones

Conor S
Conor S - 10.08.2023 23:13

But what about bad pussies?

Argos2297 - 10.08.2023 01:20

Its a shame because Doran unlike almost every other noble in the series has put the wellbeing of all his people first. He couldve went head first and threw himself at Robert's regime but knew the cost would hurt his people too much. He knew he had the power to tell Lord Yronwood to go screw himself and it was his brother's fault for challenging Oberyn and getting killed. But instead of causing a prolonged time of dealing with an immense tension between his house and the second most powerful house in Dorne he had his own son be used a political prisoner all so bloodshed could be avoided. Even during the series when Oberyn was killed or When he knew full well Cersei was planning to kill his own son and could've jsed a pretext to declare war he withholds this openly works with Cersei in a way to buy time and save Dornish Lives from needlessy being thrown away

James Dooling
James Dooling - 06.08.2023 21:48

I enjoyed the show for the first few years, then, as I saw it moving away from the source material, I did watch, but not for the same reasons. I wanted to flesh out plot points. Things GRRM may have mentioned to D&D which they HAD to include.

I know everyone loves to hate the Sand Snakes, but there IS something there. It was simply misconstrued or mostly excised.

Waldina Beltrán
Waldina Beltrán - 02.08.2023 05:49


Green Man
Green Man - 02.08.2023 05:18

It would be quite comic if all these idiots burn different parts of King's Landing, so the city is irrevocably trashed....and then Duskendale becomes the important port city again.

Green Man
Green Man - 02.08.2023 05:08

Doran couldn't tell Arianne his plans because she cannot keep her mouth shut, nor can all the people that she runs around and tells her bestest secrets to.
She's an idiot. She couldn't even figure out why her father only proposed totally unsuitable men as husbands for her, but let it be her choice.
She is an abominable idiot.
Her "crown Myrcella" plot is staggeringly stupid in every respect.
She isn't just an idiot, she is a hugely disloyal, and actually treasonous idiot.
Indeed. Just how different is she from Cersei.

qualivia - 31.07.2023 09:12

Ok, I don't blame Doran for his son's death. Quentyn was just a dumbass.

Eric - 29.07.2023 05:23

So the younger and more beautiful queen might be Arianne. Might happen.
But it seems that the person who is making Cersei's prophecy from Maggie ( magi) come true is Cersei herself.

Antonio Lopez
Antonio Lopez - 26.07.2023 14:04

With this video, the dornish master plans seems kinda stupid. Tbf, the plan is sound but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Alex Coffey
Alex Coffey - 24.07.2023 10:46

I'm pretty sure the skull Dorne has is one of the dead dwarfs'.

defiantflame - 24.07.2023 04:03

Quentin didn't say oh he thought it

Caleb Hicks
Caleb Hicks - 18.07.2023 01:04

Oberyn wanted Clegane to say it out loud who gave him the order to kill Elia

VerDe - 11.07.2023 08:40

They survived Aegon the conqueror. They’ll be fine

Rob Fab
Rob Fab - 09.07.2023 20:01

Honestly, Doran pisses me off. Just like Ned, who should've told at least Cat about the secret, Doran shouldn't have been so secretive.

Elia Giulio
Elia Giulio - 26.06.2023 20:25

Having finally caught up with the books, I can't help but feel a bit sorry for Doran, he doesn't want to hurt the Lannister children and at this point is in it only to cast them out of power (and fuck with Cersei since she had a hand in Oberyn's death), but since he's plagued with gout he can't do anything on his own, so he relies on his family after finally opening up to them about his schemes.

What do they do? The exact same thing they did before, aka act recklessly and without thinking of the consequences, sometimes cruelly even (looking at you sand snakes), sometimes childishly (Arianne, Quentyn).

It's one giant kindergarten of murder and useless ambition and Doran has to play supervisor, because no one seems to think for half a second about the rest of the plan.

I'm not surprised he kept his secrets from Arianne and the sand snakes for years, he was right in doing so

WagRhodes13 - 15.06.2023 18:40

Doran is TRYING to get Quentin and Arianne killed. They are both singularly ill suited for the tasks they were set to. Quentin who has spent nearly his whole life with the ironwoods, who is modest, unattractive, and inexperienced must suddenly travel across the world to woo a rising leader in her own right with nothing but his word about promises made by dead men. Arianne is a charming young lady, who knows little else but how to use her wiles. She is going to be negotiating with Jon Connington, a gay man, and a rather stoic and restrained man. Arianne won't know what to do or say.

Zoluhwa - 08.06.2023 11:49

If they can resist Aegon.i think they will survive...

Daily London
Daily London - 20.05.2023 22:08

Where was Arianne in GOT or Qwentyn?

Bose - 20.05.2023 01:19

Great analysis, but as shitty an ending as it was, at least the show did have its ending unlike the books.
