You MATTER! Boss URGES women to take care of themselves, FIRST!

You MATTER! Boss URGES women to take care of themselves, FIRST!

Cassandra Arsenault

3 года назад

153 Просмотров

It’s been a year, hasn’t it? If you’ve had life changes, cancelled trips, cancelled weddings and events, stuck at home for the majority of your weeks then you totally get what I am talking about. It’s been tough. So the fact that I was scheduled to interview Sarah Harmon the owner and founder of Sarah Harmon wellness around this time was complete fate. And a huge eye opener for me personally. She is amazing in every sense of the word, she felt like a friend 3 minutes into the conversation. Not only was I excited to hear about how much of a boss she is: YOGA TEACHER, THERAPIST, CREATOR OF SCHOOL OF M.O.M, but she was just the person I needed to talk to. Sarah’s infectious smile, and calm demeanor makes you want to tell her all your fears, dreams, and worries in the first 5 minutes you meet her. This is probably one of her super powers, and makes her the successful person she has become. Did I mention she also has two children while juggling all this? She admits that her wellness journey was a lot of trial and error. In fact her wellness journey is also ever-evolving. Her journey started with yoga in college as an alternative to hardcore exercise and sports. Hook, line, and sinker, she was obsessed with the practice. She discovered that hearing a weary, tired body is only a small part of practicing wellness. So she pursued a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Lesley University in Boston. Sarah’s passion for holistic therapy beams through our conversation. It becomes apparent very quickly on why she created the School of M.O.M, it stands for Mothering Oneself Mindfullt—it’s deep. And it’s genius. The school of M.O.M is the only mindfulness program that combines an intentional online curriculum, with coaching calls and in-person events geared toward the busy lives of modern mothers. Students in the course benefit from the best of both worlds: a self-paced immersion in the mindfulness teaching combined with opportunities to more deeply learn how to apply the principles in their own lives. In other words this course makes you a better person. If you don’t take care of yourself and make sure your cup is full then you can’t fill anyone else’s cup. During my conversation with Sarah, she gave me a lesson I wasn’t even aware of that is happening in my life. She revealed to me that women so often are running a 24 hour cycle trying to do it all between family life, work life, and taking care of ourselves. I never stopped to think until Sarah enlightened me that women are trying to run on this 24-hour cycle, but really we are meant to run on a 28 day cycle. You know, like, our actual cycles. That’s why sometimes we feel more creative on certain days, super tired on others, energetic and productive on some weeks, and just irritated at certain points. It’s so obvious, but something I have never truly thought of before. This was just one huge epiphany I had during our conversation. One other one that is worth noting is that when we are going through awful, bad times in our lives we tend to think why is this happening to me instead of this could be a huge blessing in disguise. More often than not, that is the case. Some huge disappointments in our lives lead to some magnificent outcomes. I won’t bore you with all of mine but I can think of two instances on the top of my head right now. Not to mention all the other ones I can’t remember because I never took time to smell the roses and think about them. I was just rushing to the next thing, not ready to face the disappointment. Instead I wanted to chase the next accomplishment in hopes that it would end my pain. So this is the power of Sarah she got me to realize and think about all these thing in just a short hour. I think it goes without me actually typing it that if you are struggling in whatever way, her course might just be for you. ....This episode is Sponsored by real estate agent Kim
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