How to 1-Shot Grym in the Adamantine Forge - BG3 Grym Boss Guide

How to 1-Shot Grym in the Adamantine Forge - BG3 Grym Boss Guide

Chupacabra Tutorials

1 год назад

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@Joe-rs9hc - 03.02.2024 15:57

Just did it today still works. One thing, I struggled to do it when the lava had disappeared (boss still had debuff) it worked next time the lava was active. Mightve just been a coincidence though.

@jamesleepatton4589 - 03.02.2024 23:25

I followed everything you said to the letter and Im still only getting 30% chance. I've been jumping on him for half an hour now and he saved every single time :'(

@snailgames223 - 05.02.2024 02:35

They patched this

@cheukyi6 - 08.02.2024 14:59

8 Feb 2024 and still worked perfectly, thanks for the guide :D

@dressionep - 11.02.2024 10:41

It works just crouch and go higher

@brentpeterson9312 - 11.02.2024 22:32

I tried this with just a cave bear and feather fall, worked perfectly so you can do it at lower level than 6. 882 damage lol

@MrRlacey - 18.02.2024 02:59

Still works as of recent Valentines day patch

@jasond2334 - 26.02.2024 15:10

Any contingency plans for attempting this in Honour Mode, considering how many people say it took a try or three to make it work?

@prodbyANT - 27.02.2024 09:43

Gotta be level 6 to do this. Tried at level 5 and imagine my surprise when the Owlbear option wasn't there.

@ilbeeeps2457 - 29.02.2024 09:41

29 feb 2024.... still works: "it's a bird? it's a dragon? no itz'ameee MARIOOOO"

@jnw85 - 29.02.2024 17:10

does little to no damage for me
crouching dint help as well
not sure if the game is different on PS5 or not

@Luca_Borgini - 10.03.2024 01:58

you are the BEST I fucking hate Grym thanks!

@rebeccab.8189 - 10.03.2024 02:59

Thank you so much for this tip. Worked like a charm. This boss fight was so annoying to get through, but it’s done now!

@kokomarbar5465 - 10.03.2024 20:57

this no longer works in honor mode as of march

@rwboughner - 11.03.2024 02:43

I wonder if this has been patched. It only did about 112 damage for me.

@z0mbiebanana9891 - 15.03.2024 00:19

So this still works, but it took me many attempts to try. Not sure if I just didn't get it like others but I wouldn't advice this on honor mode. It's incredibly risky as if you miss your shot you'll only reduce by about half health. If you do try, then I'd say get as high as you possibly can, when you land you shouldn't see a percentage chance. I might be wrong here but also try and jump over them, not next to them.

@elysiaplushie - 17.03.2024 00:33

Just tried it in honor mode and it still works, you just need to go back a bit and get more height, probably somewhere around where there's a crevice between the stairs. Cast jump, featherfall, enlarge, sneak, then aim for the edge of the platform beside Grym. I did around 1,1k damage.

Not sure why it's so inconsistent on the edge of the stairs, tried it a couple of times and I only did around 200 at most.

@JV-ms7ff - 17.03.2024 19:07

Does my main character have to be druid? Can it be another character that is druid in my camp, i currently dont have any, how can i find a druid companion

@droppin4075 - 20.03.2024 01:46

Just tried this and you have to position yourself a little higher close towards where the gap in the stairs is and yup it worked just as intended

@bryanfisherkeller9101 - 25.03.2024 03:55

Took a few tries but still works in honor mode, crouching did the trick for me 3/24/24

@titomg81 - 25.03.2024 15:52

5 tons from 22.4m = 1164 damage

@kodan24 - 01.04.2024 05:06

just did it as well it works i added an elixir of the colossus for even bigger owlbear lol

@kellbell1604 - 15.04.2024 06:53

Thank you so much for this. I wasn’t able to one shot him but I did finally beat him pretty easily.

@sircarlos3707 - 22.04.2024 02:20

Thanks, just spent 2+ hours on this battle to fail it, thanks to you and the fixated comment i was able to not have an aneurysm 👍

@cinnymoongirl - 06.05.2024 07:02

Thank you! i was so nervous to do this on my honour mode run, and yup, worked like a charm!!! Yay

@Alexandra_Mauve - 12.05.2024 00:35

Thanks, worked like a charm!

@cupofmilkedpluvio - 19.05.2024 22:54

im trying it now n it doesnt work :(

@charlesborromeo1 - 27.05.2024 03:05

did only 200. smaller circler has to be barely touching him. you have to wait couple turns for him to get out of his spawn. cant get the smaller circler touching him, only the larger one. the percentage also cant show. also sneak.

@notwise9455 - 25.06.2024 23:01

Still works, took like a half hour to line everything up but it works!

@malachimaenle4856 - 02.07.2024 20:52

If you enlarge and then elixer of colossus you can deal 10k damage instead of just 900, I know its overkill but CHONKY!!!!

@Nwordscissorhands1738 - 04.07.2024 06:37

Idk what I’m doing wrong :( playing on steam deck in 6/2024. Crouched, enlarged, moved back so it’s not right on the edge, and jumped to the AOE instead of directly at grym. Sheesh!

Edit- 2 minutes later it worked. Sad this took me 10+ minutes of loading back to land right😂😂😂

@Ghost-ul8eu - 04.07.2024 20:59

I thought this was patched and I was frowning but apparently I was doing two things wrong he wasnt vulnerable and I wasnt hitting him right.Once I hide and leaped at him from behind I instantly killed him.

Its so damn satisfying to crush a giant robot with a big owl boi.

@Ramiobomb - 05.07.2024 01:58

man the tactics people playing this game find out is amazing.

@masterofinfinity479 - 08.07.2024 19:17

how'd you get up there?

@danielorozco4449 - 09.07.2024 22:40

For anyone wondering this strategy still works! Make sure you land near Grym but not on him as the goal is to kill him with aoe damage

@frostiecrocs5371 - 16.07.2024 19:27

This also works with just the bear wild shape if your not lvl 6

@jakubszymanek2340 - 24.07.2024 18:18

Wait what? You can learn spells from scrolls???

@lordofsandvich3630 - 05.08.2024 01:44

NOPE NVM still works, you just NEED to be sneaking and CAN'T have him in the primary AoE.

@victorsteffensen445 - 14.08.2024 15:49

Still works even in honor mode, follow the pinned comment

@euruskreacatoa2370 - 19.08.2024 19:30

I don't think this works anymore, trying over and over and he keeps getting saved

@ZannacrossG1 - 21.08.2024 07:22

Does this still work? I just tried this and it only did 10 or 20 HP damage.

@Hellsing7747 - 24.08.2024 07:05

It's still work. Hide and then jump next to the Grym to kill him.

@Aratiri. - 14.10.2024 23:53

Still works (14.10.24), had to try a couple of times to get it right, follow what the others say and tips, it will work.

@brawlgasm56 - 15.10.2024 15:11

i only do half his hp with this setup

@Shlongthorpe - 20.10.2024 01:15

Still works as of October 2024

@ulvetid.01 - 29.12.2024 19:02

Thank you for this. As of December 2024 this still works even on Honor Mode.

@pentasigil - 12.01.2025 16:13

had to use the elxixr of colossus to make this work though

@zunaedanwar5620 - 18.01.2025 02:32

This is the funniest shit ever. You know what hits harder than a giant mechanical metal forging hammer that drops down from 50 feet high? A Big Ass Owlbear that basejumps onto your head without a parachute.

@maiahadley1933 - 15.03.2025 01:49

Still works in 2025! Make sure you crouch before and aim to the upper right side of him

@zoomforlife - 16.08.2024 22:35

btw if you dont have wizzard u can hire drueger hirlings and they have enlarge as cantrip . it takes less time and u can make him a druid ,
also make sure to use enlarge before transform
