*GO BATTLE LEAGUE ALGORITHM CAUGHT IN HD PROOF* This is why you can't rank up || Pokemon GO

*GO BATTLE LEAGUE ALGORITHM CAUGHT IN HD PROOF* This is why you can't rank up || Pokemon GO

Poké AK

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Rex Overwatch
Rex Overwatch - 25.09.2023 08:00


Pog Champion
Pog Champion - 17.09.2023 20:35

Thank you for this. All the gaslighting online from people shilling Pokemon and their PVP drives me nuts. "You're just looking for patterns." Yeah and we found one.

cgcreamy - 12.09.2023 19:07

I'll add that I've also seen proof of bots. And I've tried this over several seasons to be sure. If you tank your ELO low enough, it will literally set you up against a bot team that you will always win against. Because the algo has to get you back up tp ~50%. You can do this to. Start tanking matches with a CP 10 team. We all know as soon as you start a match, both you and your opponent start tapping. So it's odd if you don't see fast moves coming right away. So maybe you think the other guy is tanking too. But you'll find when you do this, the match will start and if you do nothing, your opponent will also do nothing. The clock will just tick away. Then, if YOU tap a fast move. YOU die. You saw with your own eyes they NEVER threw a move, and yet your mon goes down. So your next mon comes up. Nothing is happening. YOU tap. YOU go down. So how is that possible? If you are playing against ANY person EVER it NEVER happens that way. But if you're playing a "random" "opponent" this "bug" just happens? And ONLY when you're falling below 50%. Sorry folks, there is VERY MUCH an algo to keep you in check. And it's only applied to MAJORITY of accounts. There is too much data PROVING otherwise. Proof of bots. Sudden shifts in teams based EXACTLY on when you change teams up. And the fact that like 90% of players are ALL 50% good. Take a stats class at college, you'll find that statistically impossible. The data that should show a bell curve shows a damn box. It's all a lie so you that you don't lose so much you quit altogether. And you don't win so much that you keep trying. You're an addicted rat built to keep pushing that button. All so that you keep spending money and they can charge big bucks and get advertisers for tournaments. Open your eyes. It's all right there. You think starbucks stops and dunkin donuts flying item boxes and t-shirt sales are all coming to you free of charge?

Inlitener - 06.09.2023 18:46

You should FaceTime more often with that handsome face! ❤️🎉

Rene Pilapil
Rene Pilapil - 18.08.2023 05:39

The easiest and best fix is to just remove the point reduction. Make the climb slow if they have to, but no more point reduction for bad sets. The other player isnt getting any of the points reduced, nobody gets anything from it and players are just being tormented despite all the time, money, and effort they throw in. But then again, why care about how players feel right? ☺️

Daniel Perez
Daniel Perez - 16.08.2023 22:08

I'm a new subscriber. I love that you call it how it is. No matter what I wall at ACE. I always say it's an algorithm. Literally won 5 of 25 today. Absolutely ridiculous.

Epico - 14.08.2023 01:29

How come you still play PvP if it's rigged due to the algorithm? Feels contradictive. One hand you play the game but on the other hand you know how unfair it is... Why do all of us here even play it? 😂

SirBunta - 12.08.2023 12:59

I've lost about 50 60 in a row, just hard counter team after team, I change bomb counter......its so rigged

Epico - 10.08.2023 01:45

Thank you, truly. I have mixed feelings though. I like to battle even though there's the algorithm.... Gattam it

kenny thys
kenny thys - 07.08.2023 18:07

lost al 11 matches today of 15 bye bye pvp garabage

Rhonda Hogarth
Rhonda Hogarth - 07.08.2023 08:35

I really dislike the pvp system in POGO, it is poorly implemented, annoying, and the cheating still is an occasional issue--which Niantic admits. As to algorithm, I don't know, but from the teams I see, I can certainly agree it is possible. And seeing the cheats, I think even more so. I only pvp when I really need to--for a quest I wish to complete or whatever.

Mark Van Doren
Mark Van Doren - 27.07.2023 15:47

Niatic is a POS company, just getting people to grind away and pay for their crap. Done with this half-assed company.

AnimeAxton - 26.07.2023 05:51

Bro I've hatched TWO female Salandit and both have horrible PvP ivs but they're both at least decent and you best believed i double moved one for UL and one for GL lol

KennyMaximumGaming - 14.07.2023 22:33

Bruh, In the Great League Remix, I brought a:

- Galarian Weezing
- Slurpuff
- shadow Quagsire
in that order.

My opponent pulls out a:

- Perrserker
- Magneton
- Roserade

My opponent still got destroyed though, didn't even get to see my Slurpuff. Point is though, there is a fishy algorithm for sure.

Kev MC
Kev MC - 13.07.2023 08:40

Algorithm exist so that it keeps a healthy amount of players within the middle to low tier. The larger group of players are between 1800 to 2500 as you climb higher the player pool gets significantly smaller, if we all were to climb there wouldn’t be much incentive to play anymore. The whole point is to create an artificial risk/reward system. Keeping win rates within 50% gives the feeling of balanced gaming every game does this with their system to an extent. You’ll noticed trends that are designed to either make matches favorable or unfavorable.

Haywood Cunningham
Haywood Cunningham - 03.07.2023 02:23

I went from 1,800 to 1,500 through the day and it was so annoying

Ooga Booga
Ooga Booga - 29.06.2023 15:44

I thought it was just because I sucked. But come to find out that the 5 win streak being broken with 5 loss streak is an algorithm issue.

Wolf Wyman2005 2
Wolf Wyman2005 2 - 22.06.2023 08:27

Bro gbl is pissing me off im rank 20 and im so close to ace rank I will be at 1990 and guess what the five battles I need to win all hard counters then I’ll drop ranks and oh wow I win all of them then the next battles I lose!!

Forest Johnson
Forest Johnson - 19.06.2023 22:32

Niantic will never let someone win, unless you break their algorithm. Then you'll never lose.

Jade Skye
Jade Skye - 06.06.2023 11:10

The game is literally rock paper scissors and coin flips, it’s not deep at all lol. Yes there is a small bit of knowledge involved of typing and movesets but this stuff is nothing. my point is there is not a SINGLE Pokémon in the game that doesn’t have a hard counter that it can’t win against. Try winning against a bastiodon as an alteria. You can’t, literally impossible because THERE IS NO SKILL it’s literally rock paper scissors. This is what allows a VERY simple algorithm to dictate PvP.

Forest Johnson
Forest Johnson - 01.06.2023 03:22

Yep. I've learned their alagrthums and use certain Pokémon and selectively switch. Man once you learn, it's easy to manipulate. Ya, it's crap.

Jose Espinoza
Jose Espinoza - 31.05.2023 16:42

Is there anything we can do to trick the AI algorithm or work around it somehow? 👀

Uhh Cool story
Uhh Cool story - 31.05.2023 07:56

Hahah here from the interview reaction. I casually do pvp and even I know damn well theirs a algorithm 😂
You just can’t deny it period

Bobby Danger
Bobby Danger - 31.05.2023 07:55

At least you get to Veteran... I barely made it to Ace twice before the "algorithm" shuts me down. I've put together every team imaginable... I get hard countered as soon as hit any kind of win streak... I am forever stuck in the 20 rank 😂😭

Moko - 30.05.2023 11:05

i stop switching a lot of middleman and stay switching the first one untill i found a stable team.. thx dude.. dont care for losing anyway, but looking for fun.. those algorithm is really making things hard.

Affi - 29.05.2023 12:06

You should make again pidgeot switch after stunfisk and show did it bring back owls

david holzschuh
david holzschuh - 26.05.2023 20:30

I agree I been saying this

boonears - 26.05.2023 18:07

Its 100% rigged no doubt about it. I ran pidgeot lead and saw noctowl lead in something like 21/25 matches. Then next day 13/15 leads were noctowl. I swapped to a TF steelix lead and you can bet i never saw a single noctowl for the remainder of that day. Also i noticed if you run seriously spice teams you will see other spice teams. Like yeah sure right niantic the time i happened to run lick kecleon the opponent had an aipom???????? Yeah sure right ok.

Shugo Tenshi
Shugo Tenshi - 26.05.2023 01:05

The players will never be happy with any decisions made by the Owners and CEO of Niantic.
Since we shouldn't assassinate them, we need to get them to sell the company.
It's time to surmount a class action lawsuit against Niantic. We can do that or we can try to convince millions of Poké addicts to stop playing the game until Niantic fixes their "broken on purpose" game.

Pokédawn100 - 25.05.2023 04:40

I've noticed this.

Arnaud Zhi Xiang
Arnaud Zhi Xiang - 24.05.2023 23:28

I just changed my name in Pogo for « RiggedGBL » and i invite the peoples to do the same. If we are numerous to do it, Niantic will notice it !

Erik Kubon Halvorsen
Erik Kubon Halvorsen - 24.05.2023 13:08

The algorithm is just like you lay it out. It is basically 1) Hard counter type 2) Hard counter moves 3) Getting everyone towards 50% 4) The more wins in a row - the harder they will revert you back towards 50% with awful matchups - and in some instances with impossible to win matches. But the opposite is also true. If you loose many in a row the opposite will happen. Therefore they should have a no-algorithm alternative for free and fun battles without ranking.

YTStyla - 22.05.2023 23:12

Absolutely noticed this. I was fighting Trevenant basically in every battle in the Ultra League. Once I added a dark type Pokémon into my team magically nobody used Trevenant anymore. It‘s so annoying.

Monica Matos
Monica Matos - 21.05.2023 20:47

Enjoy these style of video. The Noctowl leads were ridiculous. I have also noticed this. I avoid the special cups but this happens in UL as well. The mirror matchups happen to me with Cobalion and Cresselia.

Peter Denham
Peter Denham - 21.05.2023 06:16


Javier Valenzuela
Javier Valenzuela - 21.05.2023 05:53

This makes a lot of sense. During the elementap cup I've been running all psychic slowpoke lead and the team is winning like crazy. Probably because there isn't a good hardcounter in the meta.

FlickyF KosStitcher
FlickyF KosStitcher - 20.05.2023 21:39

From the looks of your match-ups, a lot of the opponents seem to be favouring competitive Pokemon; I've followed the Pokemon Go Championships since they started last year (specifically the EU streams), and even as we approach the end of season 2 Noctowl is still on almost every team.

Speaking of the PGC, Junior World Champion, MEWeedle defeated his senior counterpert, DancingRob, during their show match at this year's EUIC; it was a delight to see.

Bryan Hughes
Bryan Hughes - 20.05.2023 02:55

Bro, what about the refund policy now??? They did an update yesterday, incense and star dust didn't work in my game, which was what I used my 2,500 coins on. Since the game won't have Pokemon appear unless you turn the game on and off constantly, I asked for a refund since their game and items is what the problem was. THEY LEFT ME WITH THE BROKEN ITEMS AND TOOK ME DOWN TO NEGATIVE 1600 COINS!!!! SO BASICALLY I HAVE TO PAY FOR THE SAME BROKEN STUFF AGAIN TO GET MY COINS BACK TO 0!!!! Please do a video on this

Hump de Bump
Hump de Bump - 19.05.2023 06:21

GBL is for Dummies. Just tap tap randomly. In the end you will get the same win x battle rate as Hardcore Players.

Dongald Williams
Dongald Williams - 19.05.2023 04:38

Had an awesome team for sunshine cup that got me to 2486. On the set that I was hoping to rank up I faced the same team 4x in a row that essentially hard countered me. I had not faced the team prior.

Yocool800 - 19.05.2023 04:27

recently I got a hundo salazle

Der - 19.05.2023 00:25

I’m not gonna say is true but I was having the same issue. Every team I used it was getting hard countered for a good hour in a row

Hendrik Siering
Hendrik Siering - 18.05.2023 16:23

Glad you showed this up...
Recognized this whole thing also!!!

Michael R
Michael R - 18.05.2023 15:01

This is why ABB is so popular, you get a hard counter to your lead, then you have two counter hopefully

ToniAtomic - 18.05.2023 14:10

Yea you can litteraly play a whole season with one team and see 15 pokemon and there teams. When you switch your team boom. New pokemons in the oponent teams

Andrew Beard
Andrew Beard - 18.05.2023 14:07

I like these videos on showing the algorithm. Please do more

ToniAtomic - 18.05.2023 14:01

Niantic could proof it for us do it one season like find a trainer and then can switch the teams for 15 seconds. Then its really random matches

Surf Jurples
Surf Jurples - 18.05.2023 08:20

Same algorithm behavior on my account and some of my friends' accounts. Not everyone encounters this for some reason. Don't know why it's inconsistent across the player base.

Will M
Will M - 18.05.2023 06:39

Game says “oh you like to win?”

BananaBread - 18.05.2023 05:22

skill issue ngl
