3 advanced driving tips for everyday driving

3 advanced driving tips for everyday driving

Mick Drives Cars

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Zé Pedro Teixeira
Zé Pedro Teixeira - 18.10.2023 01:55

For the second example, i really dont understand were you did wrong on your last example, i dont know if roundabouts have diffrent rules there on the UK but here on Portugal, if u do a roundabout like that its the right way,its what its teached on driving lessons, and what you did on the other examples its wrong.
What i mean by all of this is, here, if you are not gonna exit the roundabout on the 1st exit u are suposed to go to the inside of the roundabout and then outside to exit, if you just keep to the outside and pass the 1st exit and exit on the 2nd you are in danger of someone who's joining the roundabout on from your 1st exit might think you are leaving there and enter, and u crash into them.
Blink acordingly, if you going out on the 1st exit (mind we drive on the right side of the road, literealy and metaforicly btw xD ) you always blink right, and exit, but if you are going out on the 2nd ore later you blink left till you pass the exit b4 the one you are going out, and then blink right and move right and out

Peter - 17.10.2023 15:23

The no brake game also works for electric and hybrids when shifting to control regen

4PX - 17.10.2023 03:22

New subscriber fella, great video, more like these please, cheers from Spain💃

Michael Gerner
Michael Gerner - 15.10.2023 19:42

Enjoyed the video bro. The no-brakes is especially challenging on a city road. It's a lot to do with observation, planning, accelerator sense and positioning. I use no brakes all the time on country roads. It is fun.

I drive an automatic and I use Sport mode (like you say) for better accelerator response. Because the gearbox is holding on to lower gears, lifting off the accelerator (and getting that wonderful zero fuel consumption condition) will give better deceleration.

I would ask you, however, to keep your hands on the wheel! For the sake of my sanity 😅

smortg - 15.10.2023 18:36

cant wait to drive the visibility line in Europe ^_^

Mr. LoWang
Mr. LoWang - 15.10.2023 10:25

Love the no brake game with diesel cars

Gooner - 15.10.2023 10:03

Love this channel mate. The way you explain things is perfect. Excellent teacher

Edi Coroian
Edi Coroian - 14.10.2023 15:37


Charles Weaver
Charles Weaver - 14.10.2023 14:26

I always think you should keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times

James Long
James Long - 14.10.2023 14:07

An illegal tips

James Long
James Long - 14.10.2023 14:07

What is with the 10 minute intro?

Eden Hospitazard
Eden Hospitazard - 13.10.2023 15:16

Is the car you're driving a Megane RS?

Astro Mec
Astro Mec - 13.10.2023 10:21

There’s a way to trick the automatic cars to be able to play this game. If u tap the brake for a moment (not too hard) then the gearbox will usually shift down and then u usually don’t have to use manual mode as much. But it doesn’t always work well. Like for example when u’re on a steep incline u will have to use manual mode to reap those benefits.

go rd on
go rd on - 13.10.2023 06:11

but when using engine braking, the brake lights won't lit up; which can therefore cause harm?

70percentxtradark - 13.10.2023 00:10

You can only use the right hand lane to go ahead at a roundabout when there are two lanes exiting ahead i.e. you stay in your lane throughout the manoeuvre

Astro Mec
Astro Mec - 12.10.2023 22:00

The “visibility line” seems quite dangerous to me. I guess in wide roads with bends that aren’t that tight like in the video it might be fine but if the visibility is completely blocked like in proper mountain roads and/or if the road is less than 2 lanes wide like is common in mountainous countries, u’re better off lifting ur foot off the gas and staying as far off the white line (normally u should stay in the center) as possible as it’s very common for ppl (especially motorbikes) to cut accross the white line(s) at high speeds and in hairpin bends u won’t see it until it’s too late.
Can’t tell u how many near misses I’ve had even when staying well in my side of the road!

ricky - 12.10.2023 19:28

what if i hit a truck going around the corner on the outer side

Mikine0 - 12.10.2023 16:42

Great video as always! Just wanted to drop a small note on Don't Brake Game from mechanical point of view; while it's a fun game that may help you with fuel economy and grow your perception of distance it's not the best idea to use it as actual breaking technique in case of automatic gearbox cars. In manuals this game is simply called engine breaking and it works great due to how the transmission works but automatic gearboxes have torque converters which nullify engine breaking and in turn leave the passive breaking power to environment and physics. So unless you're driving a manual, be very cautious when playing this game. Cheers!

Peter Mooney
Peter Mooney - 12.10.2023 15:34

I can't comment on UK rules of the road, but the roundabout straightline is not legal in Ireland, I have had relatives pulled for doing it.

Visal Serei
Visal Serei - 12.10.2023 12:22

Only work in Europe

EndstyleGG - 12.10.2023 02:25

Some more "dynamic" driver friends are floored at my fuel efficiency from doing the no brake strategy, planning ahead is imo the most important thing you can do for everything from efficiency to safety to just general comfort. It's not like i drive slow, when there is a safe space to do it, full throttle pulls in a 5cyl are one of lifes greatest joys, but to also enjoy the fuel efficiency, don't waste the pull, aka plan ahead so that you slow down enough without the brakes.
For example I do a pull at a particular road almost every time up to "about" 100kmh and then let off at a specific point so that I arrive at the 50 limit perfectly with no brakes at all. It's quite interesting to see that full throttle (at least in a diesel) really isn't that much less efficient, it's the poor planning and wasted braking afterwards that ends up eating the mpg, something that really boggles my mind on the highway, just how many times some peoples brake lights come on for simply lack of planning

topzozzle - 11.10.2023 19:03

been doing the no brake game without realising it, it's so satisfying to glide up to a red light just as it turns green and sail straight through

Stefan Alexandru Geogloman
Stefan Alexandru Geogloman - 11.10.2023 18:22

1st and 2nd I do when I can, but 3rd... No way in my city. I play the "try to move game", because the traffic is standing still that you could actually paint a whole picture on your way home.

J LOW - 11.10.2023 11:26

ive gotta give the no breaking game a go. i'll start of pretty cautious so i dont go into the back of someone 😂

SurgeX798 - 11.10.2023 02:28

I do the 'no brake game' for traffic lights and upahead queues but haven't thought about trying it in other scenarios

Scott Anthony
Scott Anthony - 10.10.2023 20:45

Nice work, Mick. Had to double up my coffee to mentally swap your diagrams for driving on the right :). What kind of car are you driving? (The logo is not familiar in the USA). Roundabouts are relatively new in my region, and some are not working well. People seem to be skid pad testing their cars on them, when there is traffic trying to enter the circle. Kind of defeats the purpose of slowing the traffic so side traffic can splice themselves in. One bad example is a highway off-ramp, and instead of lights or stop signs at the end, they put a roundabout. People coming from the sides are coming pretty fast through the roundabout, and the waiting drivers are hesitant to "nose in" with the high approach speeds. So, traffic backs up many cars deep on the off-ramp as you wait for someone to push their way in. It's a two lane roundabout (or as we sometimes call them, "traffic circles".)

P. K. CHAN - 10.10.2023 20:25

Game 4: put an almost full glass of water in car, and try not to spill it out

Game 5: turn by redistribution of weight instead of by steering

Game 6: turn off ABS and traction control when it rains

Arrahant - 10.10.2023 19:51

Fun to hear about the no braking game. This is something my driving instructor used to emphasize a lot back in the day. Definitely something to work on, so a good tip to make the flow of traffic more smooth! So many people just touch the brakes for a moment when there's no real reason to do so, for example when going over a slight bump on the motorway. Could be related to cruise control and being scared by the momentary increase in momentum? Very odd behaviour nonetheless. Same goes for people who keep their brakes engaged over a long distance throughout a slow and slight corner. I guess they prefer to replace their brakes earlier rather than later. Good tips as always!

Jaume Parra
Jaume Parra - 10.10.2023 02:18

I play that "game". There is always a kind of funny moment when you see traffic light going green in the distance, with a queue of cars... I approach so slow, but some people just leave too much gap with the precedent car before they move... damn it! :D

ƒate - 09.10.2023 22:09

Hey Mick, whats ur opinion on using Sims to improve driving? would love to see a video (even better if its a series) on sims and driving

Simonas Drungilas
Simonas Drungilas - 09.10.2023 22:02

@Mick what are your credentials in driving?

Aslan Kurdi
Aslan Kurdi - 09.10.2023 17:02

Where did u learn all of the things that u are teaching us?

Sadeghian Arash
Sadeghian Arash - 09.10.2023 13:23

u live in telford ? bam bam❤

Roberto Saldí
Roberto Saldí - 09.10.2023 09:52

The visibility lane was a new tip for me, thank you for sharing, Mick. Also, looking at the roads, seems like you live in the same place as Clearview Driving, pleaseeee, make a video together, it would be a joy to watch you in the same vid 😄

Fahad mohsin
Fahad mohsin - 09.10.2023 07:53

Thank you for the video . Can u make one on how to handle the car in tight spaces . Say getting it out of a tight parking space or getting into one.

carlo vincetti
carlo vincetti - 09.10.2023 07:08

Seeing this in Europe on the other side of the street is weird.

Omarock - 09.10.2023 05:51

I've always been driving with "brake as least as possible" since I got my first car (manual transmission). When I commute on the highway, I leave proper distance from the car ahead and lift off the gas (or downshift) when I see them brake while keeping my foot hovering over the brake pedal in case they brake hard. It takes a lot of getting used to, knowing your car's gear ratio and knowing how to read traffic, etc... but if timed correctly: your car will slow down enough that by the time you catch up to the car ahead they'll get off the brakes. I found this incredibly helpful in planning situations where you have to change lanes to escape a gridlock. You just have more control.

Nicola Nicolov
Nicola Nicolov - 09.10.2023 04:19

I love playing the no brake game in manual cars. My dad is like "you're gonna overheat the engine" but how do I explain to him occasional 2500-3000 RPM does no harm to an engine designed to spin at over 5500 RPM, sure, if it's hot outside you might hear the radiator fan spin for a while after coming to a complete stop but it's fine.

MMACheerpuppy - 09.10.2023 00:22

I hate people who hug the visibility line. When you're driving fast and at the speed limit there's nothing worse than people sticking themselves out in the middle of the road. There isn't enough time to react if someone is coming. Instead, I always focus on staying on the left. So on the left that it's literally impossible to have a collision or to be at fault for one. What are your thoughts on this?

philipo_ - 08.10.2023 23:39

No brake game is definetly the goat. Quite hard to do when there is a lot of traffic lights and people to annoy behind you, but ive been doing it on the motorway for years. Always challenging myself to not touch the brakes. And its very satisfying when it works. And like he says in the video, if you plan far enough ahead, its easy possible to do for hundreds of miles. Can only recommend this technique

unknown - 08.10.2023 23:31

I can't wait till I pass my driving test, that no brake thingy seems very interesting, and probably can apply a lot of it for my test and lessons as well

cbyL - 08.10.2023 23:17

Appreciate Telford appearing a fair few times throughout this video (even if you did confuse the learner driver there!) as it's a decently long way from London.
Big fan of playing the no brake game in my Leaf by changing the strength of the regenerative braking to get maximum range efficiency

Kami's Take
Kami's Take - 08.10.2023 23:11

the no break game is so fun in my camaro... unfortunately cant play it right now cause my clutch is shot 😭😅

Tsunika - 08.10.2023 22:22

Yesterday my nanny asked me to take her to the shops. I was coming to a corner, cruising at like 60 in 5th. Down change heel toe rev matched twice and gunned in through a corner and she wanted to kill me hehehehehe.

Victoria Grayson
Victoria Grayson - 08.10.2023 22:05


Tom Waddington
Tom Waddington - 08.10.2023 20:58

I didn’t even know there was a no brake game!! But I’ve been slowing down with just my gears on my commute to work and it’s great to integrate into your driving to help plan ahead as you mentioned.

dqyt tmp
dqyt tmp - 08.10.2023 20:38

Man, the Red stripe on the "top" of your steering wheel is not actually on the top. My OCD is killing me, and you've been driving with this for so long?

Amirobob :/
Amirobob :/ - 08.10.2023 19:17

hey mick, what car do you drive?
