The Ultimate SWTOR Gameplay Guide for 2023 - Which Class Should I Play?

The Ultimate SWTOR Gameplay Guide for 2023 - Which Class Should I Play?


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Bubbleonia Rising
Bubbleonia Rising - 22.02.2023 02:24

My first toon was the Knight (Guardian), and I still think that's a great choice. Alternatively, the smuggler is fantastic if you like the Han Solo thing. On the Empire side, Agent is a favorite, and Sith Inquisitor is also quite good. Frankly, if you love Star Wars, all eight stories are really good, and as you said - easily worth the time.

Yamil Esgaib
Yamil Esgaib - 03.11.2023 23:13

Graphic STYLE looks way too cartoonish

TheBatman73 - 02.10.2023 22:18

Ive joined recently and they now added to you can play any sith or jedi character and the only thing that changes is the story

Herobrans - 21.09.2023 13:50

I like the zero to hero aspect of the sith inquisitor.

Ben Duffy
Ben Duffy - 15.09.2023 05:37

I find when it comes to combat they are all simple enough to pick up so for me it is all about what fantasy/role you want to play in the galaxy. I prefer a freedom based gunweilder so smuggler and bounty hunter are my choice.

GMR1990 - 10.09.2023 11:55

It's a Win win if you go for Sith warrior or Sith inquisitor as a light or gray Sith lord I loved every chapter You can still Kill people if you really want to but i only kill as a sith lord if said killing is called for or a Justified murder but Seriously any force user character empire or republic is The way to go So enjoy and may the force be with you

Munkleplays - 03.09.2023 22:35

I have been playing for a week & if I play republican I am choosing evil options & Empire I am choosing light side options. It makes for a fun gaming experience,

Qenai The Custodian Guard
Qenai The Custodian Guard - 18.08.2023 14:55

I wanted to start playing again, but can't retrieve my old account, guess it has someone to do with origin.
So I had to start all over again, which is fine but I lost a tonne of credits and a few max level chars, I did the bounty hunter this time, pretty slick.

Imo sith inquisitor and warrior should be "evil" the agent and bounty hunter does not have to because they are not wielding the force.

BlaXtylE - 13.08.2023 07:19

why did they change that origin/style idea? i havent played back then, but i think the older version was cooler. and when did you choose your specialization? am i right that i started for example as sith warrior and and certain level had option to choose between marauder and juggernaut?

Ninja lp
Ninja lp - 01.08.2023 11:18

Hi i have one question left. If you are playing as a jedi you are able to fall to the dark side and get access to light side abilities in the charackter creator. But does that also apply if you are playing as a sith and fall to the light side?

Phillip Lemmon
Phillip Lemmon - 12.07.2023 06:38

Hey the games looks great!
Can you tell me what are your pc specs?
(if you don't mind me asking)

Netherdazs - 08.07.2023 03:24

why does his character has hair growing on his forehead?

Derrick Bonsell
Derrick Bonsell - 02.07.2023 05:00

Sith Inquisitor with Sorcerer is the first and currently only storyline I've finished. I read a post about using the boost from subbing and doing the story so I used my boost to create a rip-off Darth Maul. I realized later that it doesn't work that way with that one.

00 Bad Company
00 Bad Company - 17.06.2023 07:49

So the legacy gives you a max character and can pvp with that character.. i plaued when came out many years ago on pc dont want to lvl again did it all on Xbox now

Girardn95 - 04.06.2023 14:40

Just started playing this game yesterday man have I been living under a rock never heard of it before lmao, but glad I have. Subscription coming with all expansions is worth every penny, great video!

Deezdaus - 29.05.2023 22:02

sith sorcerer unlimited powerrrrrrr

SHADOWWOLF354 - 29.05.2023 21:47

smuggler is 5/10 compared to the other 7 which are 7/10 - 10/10, story is flat screw farm boy out an airlock and where it sends you is by far the worse pathing of any story. then for me it's Jedi con, bounty hunter, trooper, jedi knight, and then sith warrioir, inquis and agent are tied for me.

short72hp1 - 25.05.2023 12:04

after awhile on each alt I just do the heroics

PhillyZoe - 20.05.2023 08:43

i love being a bounty hunter...takes me back to the days of starwars galaxies

REDnekCrazzy - 19.05.2023 04:04

I don’t get to choose light side subclass from dark side. That’s what I meant from my other comment. So I only get 4 option dark side not 8. Whys mine different?

REDnekCrazzy - 19.05.2023 03:11

On the sixth side I only have 4 things to choose from instead of 8. Why is that?
