Anderson Cooper tries a schizophrenia simulator

Anderson Cooper tries a schizophrenia simulator


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Daniel Salagean
Daniel Salagean - 20.09.2023 06:58

I hear voices that respond to my thoughts and interrupt them to complete what I was going to say in my head before I even finish. They also keep saying "peek-a-boo" (when I stop thinking about them for a moment), "it's over with", "you're done for" and "you'll be dead soon enough" amongst other things

Gallowglass - 19.09.2023 14:54

Now imagine you're not just hearing stuff, but seeing stuff.

iuaMaui TM
iuaMaui TM - 18.09.2023 11:59

whats's crazy is that you have the headphones listening to a song and still hear those voices in your headphones.

Andrew Opitz
Andrew Opitz - 18.09.2023 07:11

twist, they never turned it on........

Beth Potts
Beth Potts - 17.09.2023 09:15

I deal with this daily non stop in my mind.

Heidi Perez
Heidi Perez - 14.09.2023 18:33

So sad😢

Naomi g
Naomi g - 12.09.2023 01:47

This all seems.. demonic in nature. I bet if there was some sort of deliverance, some individuals would be freed.

Cherry World
Cherry World - 10.09.2023 20:28

Imagine hearing voices through the TV and radio, thinking they are talking to you, including the news

Very scary

OoMASEoO - 10.09.2023 14:05

Idk if it's the same thing but I dwell on stuff a lot. Just a constant loop of every stupid thing I've ever said, any situation where I was wronged, any time I made a mistake or hurt someone. It's very hard for me to think of happy things but any time my mind goes silent, I panic and have to think of something to stress about. It's literally driving me insane.

Constance McCoy
Constance McCoy - 09.09.2023 21:08

O my goodness. The torment of people suffering from schizophrenia.

Amy Self
Amy Self - 09.09.2023 18:31

That is an Amazing Experiment! Great job-Anderson! Just remember there are Psychological Warfare Weapons created by our Government that make people hear things that are currently happening all over the world! They were created to confuse the Soldiers in War. Don’t always think this is just mental illness.

Lisa Gardner
Lisa Gardner - 08.09.2023 07:19

Anderson Cooper is a whackadoodle anyway!

Cara Verderosa
Cara Verderosa - 08.09.2023 03:37

Anderson cooper forgot Donald Trump oh he definitely has schizophrenia😂

DollyTheSheep - 07.09.2023 23:56

This is exactly what its like, just mundane voices saying random stuff. So when the doctor asks me what are the voices saying its hard to pin point exactly what they are saying.

Luis R
Luis R - 06.09.2023 17:11

I see dead people, in my video game after i shot them and take there soul and collect the tome so i can use it after when i get poison by gaint spiders. But before i do that i have to see the wizard to get my a sword to use against the flying demons in the sky with blood dripping diwn his fingers... i muat use a spell book that the wolf gave me while i was swimming in the ocean of space......

Shavonne Muth
Shavonne Muth - 06.09.2023 09:03

What if someone puts this simulator in your phone headphones? Like hackers or something?

BlyatMan - 05.09.2023 18:33

this is what came up when i searched up Terry Davis. Beautiful.

HEAL OUR LAND - 05.09.2023 04:01

I know a girl sexually abused by her father. I asked her very gently when you hear these voices are they telling you to do bad things. She said yes always and then she said I tell those demons were to go! Not saying it's always demonic but if it is Jesus is the great physician he is also the wonderful counselor. Not saying it's all demonic but many will argue with me and say yeah but the medication works. Yes it may work for a while to sedate the person but as far as a permanent cure if it's demonic and that's a big if then Jesus would be the answer. Actually he's the answer for everybody. Satan comes to kill steal and destroy but Jesus is the truth the way and the life.

Hafsah A
Hafsah A - 05.09.2023 02:55

The hearts find peace through the remembrance of Allah. Allah has the cure to every illness. Allah is the most merciful and the most forgiving

Clara McClung
Clara McClung - 04.09.2023 22:25

Yes! It makes you feel completely isolated, even in a crowd. Then add on paranoia, where you think people are watching you or following you. I can block it out for a lot of the day, but it’s exhausting. Most people don’t know I’m experiencing this, because I mask so well, but when I get home, I crash. It’s hard to tell what is real. I rely on my wonderful, patient husband to help me understand what’s real. I’m blessed to have someone who is so empathetic.

BasedLawyer - 04.09.2023 08:15

This is hilariously stupid

Jaden Rhoden
Jaden Rhoden - 01.09.2023 11:08

Id l9ve to do this test, i dont feel like it would be as hard as he made the tests seem. I could be wrong, but listening to music or other things wjile foing most activities has never been a issue. Again i could be wrong, but i feel like it could be easy to ignore.

Jinu Joy
Jinu Joy - 31.08.2023 02:03

Why no cure yet...

gary stevenson
gary stevenson - 30.08.2023 03:13

I love madness

Rebecca Coddington
Rebecca Coddington - 27.08.2023 04:10

I have schizophrenia and this is what I go through everyday even when I'm sleeping at night in my dreams even if I don't dream

Kitchguy - 27.08.2023 03:07

Acid trips were like that lol

Kerri Lowdon
Kerri Lowdon - 25.08.2023 12:39

This made me cry ,I can imagine the extremest pain and suffering those who live with this must feel ,You have all my empathy and God how I wish there was a cure ,it is a debilitating disease and one that deserves way more research and way way more empathy and free help should be a right !!!

Karloak - 25.08.2023 08:02

Back in the land before science, those voices were called demons instead of hallucinations....

also, nowadays, thanks to WIRELESS technology, people could "send" voices to others like say......MK Ultra.

Also, douchebags could also learn NLP & CBT "therapy" techniques, and use it in reverse to make people think their schizo when their not (targeted harassment).

Still, noise is just noise, real or imagined.

drewfromyay - 24.08.2023 09:04

This is kind of a joke. Hearing a voice through a headphone isn't the same as HEARING them and being mentally effected by them and them never going away.

Mark Allen
Mark Allen - 22.08.2023 11:48

Why does the brain do this though everyone has an inner monologue but the only voice in my head is mine.

THUHSTINKITYLADEE - 21.08.2023 17:45

Wow!! Yhats heart goes out

THUHSTINKITYLADEE - 21.08.2023 17:44

And then i proceed to shock them

THUHSTINKITYLADEE - 21.08.2023 17:44

Is that really schizophrenia.... I be hearing full thought relating to the idiot talking to me

mr B
mr B - 20.08.2023 11:42

I shared a psychotic episode with my son who has schizophrenia, I do not. What I experienced was pure evil and I recorded some of its manifestations. Real or unreal ? In my case the jury will always be out and this binary has given way to a huge grey area .

V. Lee Walker
V. Lee Walker - 19.08.2023 21:07

😳 yikes

chad Chadus
chad Chadus - 19.08.2023 00:09

My voices.

Eat some ice cream, then have a wank.. it's time for a nap, then we can play 18 hours of warcraft and take a shit.

JMO8A Veda
JMO8A Veda - 18.08.2023 23:55

It's like the matrix panicking about being sucked in ?

ambrose SVD
ambrose SVD - 18.08.2023 15:14

well Anderson,Now you know what Targeted People gp through who dont have Schizophrenia,We get harassed by Synthetic telepathy or Voice to skull technology 24/7 the only differance is they also use another technoology that is able to assualt your body,at the same time as the voices,It sucks beyond belief,and it is one of the hardest things in the world not to respond to the voices they put into your head.Our own government is doing this to us,and know one will help.We have to live with abuse,harassment,and being assualted psyically everyday and night,and trust me these people doing this to us ,do very immoral and vile things.WE need help someone has to report on this ever growing assualt on the human race,it is stopping normal everyday citizens from being able to function or deal with life its self,we need it to go public and stay public.God bless.sincerely Ms.Van Dyke

Geraldine Santero
Geraldine Santero - 18.08.2023 11:07

omg im feeling like this too

Mike Ches
Mike Ches - 18.08.2023 00:10

Money are spended on war and science has done nothing to cure this shit..

Tamiiym Christine
Tamiiym Christine - 17.08.2023 20:01

Schizophrenia is demon oppression and possession. God wants to teach each of us to hear the sound of His voice. His voice says, I love you, you are a child of God. I will never leave you or forsake you. You have nothing to fear. I will always protect you. When we are disconnected from the voice of God the voice of satan, the deceiver takes over and puppeteers human beings for wicked purposes, and to self destruction. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy with his band of demons. Satan is the cause of the violence, chaos and destruction that we see in the world today.

Right now ask Jesus Christ Yeshua to save you and deliver you from the grip of satan.

Jesus Christ Yeshua is our protector and He forgives us of all the evil godless things we did when we were living under the control of satan, who is the liar, deciver and thief of sanity.

God bless you and Keep you safe.

Marahthon Meeh
Marahthon Meeh - 14.08.2023 21:45


I want to know are “voices” whispers in the ear or thoughts on their head?

Second, I have a different perspective on what schizophrenia is because with money & technology, anything is possible! Why did people come up with the idea of tinfoil hats? Because they knew/know there are indeed mind reading technologies? What if this begin from someplace who worked closely in a field to know that?

We are living in a world where getting to know or knowing someone is an interesting thing. So why wouldn’t someone be interested in someone else’s thoughts?! Why not invade their life & use what you know right?

I don’t believe there is no type of technology out there that cant do this specific thing to someone and maybe it’s to torture or even to gain pleasure. I do know, a “schizophrenic “ will never be able to prove it because it is hidden. Why would someone want one to know they are tampering with their thoughts/brain?

If this is true. They are not schizophrenic, the person doing the damage is indeed the psychotic one. What happens when they are no longer here to torture? Lol.

Just some food for thought.

Shoutout to those diagnosed schizophrenic. They are the real chosen ones.


killer Wolf
killer Wolf - 14.08.2023 05:44

Anderson Cooper is on Jeffrey Epsteins island guest list along with many others. View the list before it is removed!

Le Commenteere DeCommenteere
Le Commenteere DeCommenteere - 14.08.2023 00:47

Why dont these people just self end? I know i would 100%

Wilhelm Blameberg
Wilhelm Blameberg - 14.08.2023 00:00

Someone here with voices? I need to ask some serious questions

Nervous Norvus
Nervous Norvus - 07.08.2023 20:15

Does anyone actually tune in and listen to this rabbit faced NPC? Who looks at this guy and says "I believe anything he says because he's on the news"

SilentEchoes91♈️ - 06.08.2023 19:40

He dont need a schizophrenia simulator when his mind is just as scary, if not worse... yeah its worse.

Anthony Saladino
Anthony Saladino - 03.08.2023 02:54

i love the title, empathy... for disabled people. thats the key. i have a condition similar to this but i cant imagine hearing real voices. god help us

Renny Pauley
Renny Pauley - 02.08.2023 11:24

I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and PTSD when I was 8 years old now I'm thirty-seven years old and I've kind of got used to it but I found out when you have this disorder if you isolate yourself and argue with the voices you tend to solve things like puzzles, strategizes and choices...... I may not solve a problem in 5 minutes when it's giving to me, but give us 15 minutes and we will solve it in 5 different ways then narrow it down to the best choice, as for socializing the "paranoid" part don't let us trust no one and we examine every word and action based up what we hear and see, we are never really listing or trusting anything you say, but still observing everything and everyone...... Just know this about us we like to have light conversations with people and make people smile 😁 anything to keep us from listing to "them" that's why we like music 🎶

JanineDumagopEstrada - 31.07.2023 17:42

My technique for drowning out the voices is to sleep with my computer and light on and meanwhile on the computer cartoons like adventure time would be played on marathon in full volume
