Is life a video game? | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016

Is life a video game? | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016


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@blueskyalldayeveryday - 04.01.2024 19:42

They can reboot it 😂😂😂😂

@andjusticeforall625 - 23.12.2023 13:22

We'll learn to control this reality

@GreatBritishBeast - 16.12.2023 18:06

Questioner completely missed the point 3 times.

@stevenmcgrory6847 - 02.12.2023 03:19

People like Brad Pitt, David Beckham and Dennis Rodman are definitely base players. 🙄

@GenghisClaus - 24.09.2023 05:30

If this is a simulation I just hope I don't respawn when I die

@dialduane - 19.09.2023 20:20

It's an open world video game. Why do you think it's mostly poverty and the background ( world) looks like every other dump first person shooter game?

@ptahaha - 01.09.2023 13:53

curious who gets to resolve the sorites paradox when and where it emerges, isn't it, socrates?

@Mveira-hp4pk - 23.08.2023 15:30

Yes, and he is playing pong.

@user-nf2lx1wu1j - 05.07.2023 01:29

Elon looking 🔥

@jackiedaniel2502 - 31.05.2023 12:56

Recode reboot?simulation

@jackiedaniel2502 - 31.05.2023 12:54

Space x reboots all the time anyway!

@jackiedaniel2502 - 31.05.2023 12:54

Someone thinks there god from jupiter? Nit me someone you know though!

@jackiedaniel2502 - 31.05.2023 12:50

Your mom won't let someone out or in the basement!❤

@jackiedaniel2502 - 31.05.2023 12:35

Tomorrow is legit day 😂

@mr.j.l.8030 - 13.05.2023 02:36

me elonnee idk perhaps I'm not unnerstannin base reality vs simulations. base reality in my mind means goin with God, faith. simulations while intriguin and can be either good or evil is perhaps games or good times but still not total real. am I mistaken? perhaps me elonnee u can help me unnerstan if I'm missin somethin when u hav a min ty

@jackiedaniel2502 - 07.04.2023 08:19

You don't seem to fall too far from the tree of Bill Richardson take the compliment it is.❤

@fuzzypanda1684 - 04.03.2023 08:03

Life is definitely a video game. It's clearly obvious some peoples difficulty setting is set on "Easy" mode while others are set on "Nightmare" mode. As someone who's playing on "Nightmare" mode, I'd really like to know how to quit the game and uninstall it from my hard drive.

@mactire5386 - 22.01.2023 11:18

The only argument I might bring up is consciousness. Other than that I am convinced this is a simulation.

@gilsonmtb - 20.12.2022 16:00

So you see mr police officer, I didn't bury those children alive, the person controlling me made me do it to get to level 54

@markcopeland3011 - 14.11.2022 00:53

Would be nice if Elon Musk gave Nick Bostrom credit for this instead of passing it off as his own logic. I also think the statement 'if you assume any rate of improvement at all, then eventually we can create simulation that is indistinguishable from reality" is a pretty big assumption as it relates to the hard problem of consciousness. How can we say with such high confidence that it is simply inevitable humans will converge on both the technological capability and understanding required to simulate a complex conscious human experience? We don't even know enough to confirm that consciousness is substrate independent, and could be replicated on computers, it may be that that it a fundamental component of biological living systems and even our most advanced simulations would only appear conscious to us, but not have a truly similar subjective experience to us. Anil Seth talks a lot about this and is worth checking out. Now it may be that all of this is possible and will happen in the future, but I dont think we can say its inevitable just because (non self aware) video games have gotten infinitely better in 40 years.

@chicuco84 - 10.11.2022 01:57

I dont get him .if we are fake not real why does he care about humanity.

@hartmannvondunaburg6768 - 05.10.2022 21:28

Yeah, so true after all he is the Avatar of one of the creators...

@vicentedepdel - 01.10.2022 03:12

just j-tops and elon talking about hot tubs

@HxghAce - 27.09.2022 22:40

Mandela effect makes me believe there's a simulation

@Amine-jv7dk - 24.09.2022 22:23

Life is test from god
We have to worship allah to go to paradise
Allah ❤
Prophet muhammad ❤
Prophet jesus ❤

@imheretohelptheworld40rchb2 - 28.08.2022 04:11

So when you have money people will listen to you

@collinparker2674 - 25.07.2022 04:25

A multiverse from nothing and eternal inflation:

A zero sized multiverse with a zero sized radius (where space and time don NOT exist) can quantum tunnel through a high energy quantum barrier to a finite sized multiverse with a finite sized radius filled with high energy false vacuum and suddenly starts to inflate very rapidly, this provides the beginning for the story of eternal inflation. There is nothing inside the volume of our multiverse and there is nothing on the outside of the multiverse. The multiverse filled with high energy false vacuum only exists on the surface area of the multiverse. That is why it is a closed multiverse. Matter is positive energy and gravity is negative energy and the total energy of the multiverse is exactly zero.

There is nothing to stop a closed multiverse to spontaneously create itself from nothing. There is no cause for a multiverse to pop out of nothing just some probability. Once inflation starts, it never fully ends producing an infinite number of bubble universes and each bubble universe would have it's local big bang event. This inflating material (high energy false vacuum) does NOT decay all at once and it decays in patches and it expands faster then it decays. If it expands faster then it decays, then it never fully stops and it goes on forever. Wherever a decay takes place it converts all of it's energy into matter and radiation and is a local big bang of a bubble universe.

Cosmic inflation is where our universe expanded so rapidly for a very brief moment of time at the big bang. Inflation only ended in our part of space (our bubble universe) while other regions of space are still inflating. Once bubble universes form they expand, but the false vacuum background expands even faster creating room for more and more bubble universes to form and this process will go on forever. The rate that new bubble universes form increases by a factor of 2 (doubling) every 0.0,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds son insanely fast.

Each bubble universe is infinite in size at any given moment of time when viewed from inside. Outside the bubble universe the bubble grows with time and will continue to grow forever, but from the inside the bubble universe the bubble gets created all at once and is spatially infinite from the very beginning.

I will explain this here, the edge of a bubble universe is the bubble universe's inhabitants local big bang and they calculate how old is their universe by calculating how far away the edge of their bubble universes is in light years. So evolution in time outside the bubble becomes infinite in space from inside the bubble. You are trading infinity in time with infinity in space. In an infinite bubble universe, anything that is possible will happen in fact it will happen an infinite number of times and also in an eternally inflating multiverse, anything that can happen will happen, it fact it will happen an infinite number of times.

This is base reality and there is nothing outside of it. There was no cause for the beginning of the multiverse, it spontaneously created itself from absolutely nothing where matter, space and time do NOT exist. The multiverse just had some earliest possible moment in time. Outside our eternally inflating multiverse matter, space and time do NOT exist in any form there is nothing outside of it. There was no before the creation of our eternally inflating multiverse.

@funkeeper8673 - 15.07.2022 15:01

If life is a simulation, it is very poorly done... we age,we suffer from diseases, we go bald without being our own choice and we die, not to mention that everything is very difficult unless you are rich.
Video games were created precisely to escape from reality, but they are still pixels without feelings or conscience. Even Bostrom claimed that he doesn't really believe in his own theory, it's just rambling.

@KaiCross - 03.07.2022 16:55

He’s literally talking about the movie The Matrix and we need to all come back to love and understanding like Neo did in the end with the machine god

@joejester61105 - 28.06.2022 20:11

It was meant to be a Utopia where everyone lives in pure bliss...then advertisers monetized it, and its been down hill ever since. "They've" sent in "The One" to recruit other super humans to help fix far...mixed results....maybe in time....we shall see. LMAO

@sittingturtleduck - 26.06.2022 23:44

Can someone pls explain to us ignorant people what a "base reality" is?

@spacedaddy5517 - 06.06.2022 07:04

Elon seems too smart for this. Simulated reality is in direct non-compliance with God, it's like you're not compatible.
Who made the simulation, the devil ?.

@regenschirm37 - 20.05.2022 18:24

He is looking at this from a limited perspective, and I completely disagree with him. Life is self-organizing, that's how we've gotten to where we are now via evolution. We are also creating AI that is clearly self-organizing and will ultimately develop its own free will. There is no need for a consciousness to be directing our steps if our own systems are self-organizing! He is creating AI, how does he not see this? Sure, we may create the AI, and a God may have even created us, but at some point it breaks free.

Elon is not right about everything. NO ONE is right about everything. This man is not your god.

@somethingtosay1119 - 18.05.2022 04:26

I always thought we were stuck in a globe on someone’s attic when I was younger. Now I think I have been rebooted so many times that I actually remember the levels and what to look out for and I can remember some of the earlier levels 2 very cool.

@somethingtosay1119 - 15.05.2022 06:04

So does that mean the 5D everyone speaks of is in fact our counterpart and we’re just the avatar? I personally am more on par with multidimensional universes where some are more advanced and others less so like ours….

@desertsoldier41 - 30.04.2022 01:26

Even quantum uncertainty suggest maybe there is a procedural algorithm involved in existence. Just like such an algorithm, a particle's waveform does not manifest until observation. A procedural universe would work under a given set of rules allowing mutual existence under multiple observers. Such a universe does not allow rendering of existant objects until they are physically observed or interacted with. In a way the universe acts just like games such as No Man's sky or Elite Dangerous.

@choochoochoofkncoolasfthew3076 - 29.04.2022 16:49


@choochoochoofkncoolasfthew3076 - 29.04.2022 16:46

1/1,000,000,000 chance we exist

@calebbrown7872 - 12.04.2022 10:09

If this a game can my player put in cheat codes for me cause this is not a game for me I’m struggling and it feels real

@frics760 - 11.04.2022 23:20

и ведь нету ни одного коммента кто бы искал из русских объяснение эффекту манделы..

@liligloo - 29.03.2022 15:51

This is just a video game feels like I'm the only one without amnesia

@yamesotericist4188 - 27.03.2022 11:02

What the MATRIX is!!!
Our world is a civilization of Cains - evil primitive semi-entities that do not have their own intellect.
These creatures are controlled by something like the "Matrix", the most graphic description of which is the "Plato's Cave".
The Matrix does not know English or any other language, its algorithms react reflexively to human emotions and evoked feelings. These algorithms are imposed by a special cosmic radiation known as the "Maya Illusion".
A special reflex bio-mechanism of "slammer*" plunges each consciousness, first into a kind of hypnotic sleep, then into identification with the role assigned to it.
Consciousness in a "normal" state is not able to influence social processes in the Matrix, because it observes them in the post factum mode.
The concept of the matrix is the only thing that can somehow explain and help to realize the nightmare that is now happening in the world.
What to do? Take the red pill, which is the knowledge of "slammer"! /Yam Esotericist/
*In the meaning “to slam the book”–it slams the true reality.

@StratKat1998 - 07.03.2022 02:14

His reasoning is super refutable.
Talking like this in front of the cameras, where he should be augmenting the traits of his persona, signifies the mediocre objective scientific worth of his. Agreed, this differs to his net capital worth.

@thsizzle8272 - 05.03.2022 10:21

What is reality? What is the earth to an ant? Its all about your perspective and openness. I think its far more likely that we are a mistake of the cosmos, a consequence of matter.

@Tophe - 04.03.2022 18:36


@crisithink9509 - 27.02.2022 17:22

I would have joked with him too I'm sure he would of answered anyway being the nice type of person he is

@saesae8806 - 28.01.2022 07:06

Came here after watching Mandela Effect 🙂

@bye-- - 09.01.2022 22:32

theoretically no because there would have to be planets bigger than earth with the smallest consept hard drives

Edit: it is a probable cause that life is a simulation but we are people who have participated in the simulation with all forgoten memory and we are acting out how ot would be if we had lived in the past so people make simulations

@johnsmith-rd3zx - 08.01.2022 23:06

if life is a video game why does it hurt when i bleed.
