The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 2 | The Barrow-Wights BTS Clip — Exclusive

The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power Season 2 | The Barrow-Wights BTS Clip — Exclusive

Empire Magazine

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@sauron5666 - 31.07.2024 12:44

Horror rule number 1: black guy dies first 😂

@bchermont2193 - 31.07.2024 12:57

can't wait!!!!!!! im so excited

@marcognudi664 - 31.07.2024 13:59

The verbatim quote from Tolkien's "Letter 348" is:

"Galadriel was then of Amazon disposition and bound up her hair as a crown when taking part in athletic feats"

I am excited!

@FilipCafiDobrilovic - 31.07.2024 15:28

But why?

@noseminoru6975 - 31.07.2024 15:35

The Barrow-Wights did not exist in the time period depicted in this drama. (by the book reader) They are needless.

@ozgurbektass - 31.07.2024 16:35

this looks amazing!

@brenadantas6864 - 31.07.2024 16:37

Perfeito demais ❤

@OguzhanaydnAllNightMareLong - 31.07.2024 16:55

I cant stant this gladriel

@ryancole4893 - 31.07.2024 17:32

Looks great! ❤

@KevinUchihaOG - 31.07.2024 19:31

Are they called "barrow-wights" in the show or just "wights". Because calling them "barrow" wouldnt make sense lorewise in that time period.

@elijasaurusrex9380 - 31.07.2024 21:15

No mention of the fact that it makes no sense for these creatures to be in this story at this time? No? Okay then.

@DarkSide_Gaming21338 - 31.07.2024 23:45

Still shouldn’t be showing up in the show since they only appear during the Angmar wars but that’s this show in a nutshell…

@provisionalhypothesis - 01.08.2024 03:36

morfydd needs to lay off the donuts

@YouTubeShillApologist - 01.08.2024 08:31

The verbatim quote from THR is:
only 37% of viewers in the United States finished the first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on Amazon Prime

@kevnotrite - 02.08.2024 09:53

Prepare yourself...for the power of many. Can't wait for not Sauron to dawn the wig of deception and fool them all.

@hoseinpiran6633 - 04.08.2024 11:34

You're just so f**ed up Amazon.... ☠️ You are destroying any chance of getting better

@Onyxmoon - 05.08.2024 20:21

For some of those commenting, barrows are not uncommon - there are some a few miles away from where I live. The name 'barrow-downs' is named after barrows and not the other way around. If you're so offended by what's on offer, then please, watch something else; it's not for you.

@ManchesterEagle - 31.08.2024 11:04

Suspect the wights are coming in episode 4…..

@Edithae - 05.09.2024 01:52

This looks really cool, but WTF? Its impossible for Barrow Wights to exist in Rings of Power.
They were created by the Witch King, who sent evil spirits to posess the bodies of slain Arnorian Kings in the Barrow Downs in the kingdom of Cardolan.
Heres a few problems with including them in ROP.
1. The Witch King is not a Ringwraith yet, because he hasn't received a Ring of Power... which haven't been made yet. So how could he create the Barrow Wights?
2. The Barrow Downs don't even exist yet, and there are no dead Kings to possess because...
2. Cardolan (one of the 3 Kingfoms of Arnor) doesn't exist... because Elendil and Isildur haven't founded Arnor yet.

The people making this show fundamentally do not understand Tolkien or the history of Middle Earth, and it shows.

@Werrf1 - 06.09.2024 21:07

Would it kill them to find out what "downs" are?
