Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin

Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin


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knowthetruth1492 - 25.09.2023 08:33

People definitely deserve to get help but after living with junkies my whole life, if they die, they die. Like Drago said.

The Derek Brown
The Derek Brown - 25.09.2023 07:15

The cops seem to really be stretching their power in this video trying to enter a house on b.s yank evrybody out the car search with no consent they didn’t even have a reason to pull them over most likely

Ben Putnam
Ben Putnam - 24.09.2023 05:49


Linda Roberts
Linda Roberts - 23.09.2023 15:55

The ones who make ,sale,and kill innocent prey by addiction are ALL LOSERS

Issy - 23.09.2023 08:13

So far in Alberta of 2023, 803 deaths by toxic drug poisoning. 93% of deaths in 2023 are fentanyl related.

Issy - 23.09.2023 08:07

I realize this was 7 yrs ago but wait times for free treatment with suboxone or methadone are even longer...

Issy - 23.09.2023 07:17

China keeps happily selling these drugs all over the world for billions of dollars, all while wiping out our next generations. They don’t need to pay or fight for war, when we keep paying them to slowly and surely wipe us out.

SLEEPER - 21.09.2023 07:15

22 yr addition suboxone saved me

Lilly Gutierrez
Lilly Gutierrez - 20.09.2023 10:52

U had that money but did u add any in his books

Lilly Gutierrez
Lilly Gutierrez - 20.09.2023 10:51

You will sell your bxxxxx too and ur girl

Lilly Gutierrez
Lilly Gutierrez - 20.09.2023 10:50

This guy …..tells u withdrawal is the hardest part …… sir…. U have no clue Unhave never used

Lilly Gutierrez
Lilly Gutierrez - 20.09.2023 10:49

🙏 a few moments ago this evening I was at my local gas station . My clean date off opiates is July/2015 where I did real oxys by 2018 I head of fetynal by 2019 and COVID it was wvweywhwre I’d this COVID stuff came from china and it’s true not only did they get COVID to the world but they are #1 import to Mexico’s drug cartel w fetynal powder I’m here at the boarder 2 hours from San Luis from Nogales from the Sonoran Mexico boarder … I watch the clerk hit 2 pills on a foil. I’m schduale to go to methadone clinic tomorrow morning I get 2 weeks take homes I already did my monthly UA . I’m proud my self but honestly IM afraid to die and one hit . My dad is asleep down the road as im watching this clerk smoke blues

Lilly Gutierrez
Lilly Gutierrez - 20.09.2023 10:42

Iv sniffed a real oxy m20 a 15 green 10 pink I wonder how it taste or hit sniffing that but PPL here in Arizona they smok it Y smoke there’s more paraphernalia when I heard of someone smoking a pill I thought was strange rare but strange now fetynal out they smoke it

BiPride - 20.09.2023 10:04

i've been like this,addicted to cocaine, heroin, xtc, speed, weed, alcohol, i almost died of yet another overdose and got into hospital, got a choice to keep living on the streets or get into rehab and my choice was rehab, one of the hardest fights i ever fought in my life but im clean of harddrugs now. i lost more people then i can even talk about....like a shitton of people. more then 15. i dont want to say the exact number.

Manuel Caycedo
Manuel Caycedo - 19.09.2023 20:21

sorry but how does the mexican dude forget about his brother and sisters death for last ? someone literally had to remind him..and they died together..and the first thing this dude does walking into treatment he rubs his damn hands like a fly about so suck some blood and rreally said "suboxone time!" im sorry but i can tell this guy is going to relapse with that mind set...already walking in hyped about the subs like cmon bro

Third Perspective
Third Perspective - 19.09.2023 12:33

I wanna know where was selling blank fetty pills them shits always were blues

Sundance soza
Sundance soza - 19.09.2023 06:08

State emergency! The government allowed it to come out. Government said theres too many people and need to get rid of 3 million people. They planted covid,the deasesed mosquitos and the next form of covid coming out soon.

K W - 18.09.2023 04:56

“You’ll do anything to get unsick”… uhh nah I actually wouldn’t. I would not rob or steal and I would not escort myself. I don’t want to go to jail and I don’t want HIV. So yeah I’ve suffered plenty of times

Shadow Beats
Shadow Beats - 16.09.2023 07:10

American police:GET OUT THE FUCKING CAR!!!!

Canadian police: politely asks then to step out of the vehicle

Shocks Fr
Shocks Fr - 14.09.2023 18:01

why invite a person trying to get clean into your office just to tell him that there’s a waitlist for 2 months?:/

Goaster - 14.09.2023 13:42

And don't tell me there wasn't a back up plan for when it turned into a epidemic. They were all set and ready with the suboxone. They are BANKING off suboxone. This country is the problem. Its so damn worried about just taking every penny it can from it's own citizens. This country is turning into a real p.o.s. half the damn country is stuck on suboxone right now. So ridiculous as hell. This country is something else. And it's destroying itself by destroying its own citizens. Greed for money WILL bring this country to it's knees.

Morpheus_Morpheus - 12.09.2023 09:08

From then till now the fetynal has now became 80x more potent,, 100x cheaper, and synthetically made from China and Mexico . The "tranq" today makes this documentary seem like a Disney movie.

J.D. Contreras
J.D. Contreras - 11.09.2023 10:56

This is so sad. Even though I don't know what this drug is, I hope they are all doing OK. I hear about it all the time on the news, but I still have no idea what it is. I'm glad these people got help and got off of it. Detoxing isn't a joke and can lead to seizures. In many cases, a person needs medical help to avoid withdrawals. Withdrawals can kill anyone in a heartbeat. Medical staff and doctors need to know that this is very serious. I've met several nurses and doctors who helped me get off of alcohol which is the most dangerous of them all. I've had 2 seizures and nearly died from my last one from trying to quit cold turkey. Please seek medical help and get hospitalized as soon as possible. It's best to be in a hospital rather than do it alone. I'm glad this man is doing better.

Havenly - 11.09.2023 01:19

Telling an addict that there is a couple minths wait at their clinic is like nailing the rest of the nails in their coffin! An addict coming to get help shouldnt be turned away because then that makes them feel, just as he said, "cant get help around here these days" amd it also makes them look badly at the "help" system too. Its sad

peter mbugua
peter mbugua - 10.09.2023 19:05

"You don't need money for this; it's healthcare." this is how it should be but unfortunately...

Johannes Bergcrantz
Johannes Bergcrantz - 09.09.2023 21:08

Just hand them the fentanyl for free instead, and maybe they can ween themselves off of it in their own pace :) That would be a reasonable approach, as opposed to an insane one. Fortunately ive never tried any opiates but it could easily have happened with basically just some bad luck... LOL.

camthebidd - 09.09.2023 15:50

crazy how this video was made years ago and now in 2023 there’s more deaths because of this, I pray it stops!

Ayush Pandey
Ayush Pandey - 09.09.2023 14:36

Watched this while being high on weed and now I just have extra anxiety...the damn thing I was trying to escape by doing weed! This is messed up.

God's right Hand
God's right Hand - 06.09.2023 21:35

All these heroin addicts need is DMT

E E - 06.09.2023 02:18

the price is 12 000 for 1 KG? And thats 1 millions doses????? So i can be high for eternity for 12 K ?!?!?!?

E E - 06.09.2023 01:54

making 160 dollars just by being good at begging every morning.... makes me sad.

Stephanie - 05.09.2023 22:12

That police officer has resting happy face. Something about it is so unsettling considering the theme of this documentary....

Jhay Dee Cee
Jhay Dee Cee - 05.09.2023 17:28

Its Better that this guys are dead, so no one will try to use it again

Bossy Spaghetti
Bossy Spaghetti - 03.09.2023 22:52

So glad I got clean off dope before fentanyl completely took over the scene...

Mila Vranic
Mila Vranic - 02.09.2023 08:26

That doctor explained everything so well!

Patriot8x2 - 02.09.2023 07:04

These doctors have no clue how bad withdrawals are even from drugs like hydrocodone if you suddenly stop.
It's extreme tiredness, mixed with agitation , confusion, physical pain, depression, worse hangover you can imagine times 20.
Yet alone heavier drugs aka medications.
Suboxone is total garbage that will give you anxiety attacks, heart rate increase etc.
So what is the way these doctors deal with patients juts take their time talk to them while they are experiencing total meltdowns.
But hey welcome to global order want no borders as well more cartels, keep going and wonder why so many of our youth are miserable to begin with.
Chronic pain patients often denied life saving medicine discriminated based on their age and race.
Been through all of it even as a combat veteran of US military with multiple injuries and chronic pain VA lied how I abused my script post surgery and took half pill at 3 am as pain woke me up after they told me juts keep us posted no problem.
Doctors are as much of the problem as Governments that made everything worse by getting involved in privacy between patient and doctor.

Lawrence Pfost
Lawrence Pfost - 02.09.2023 01:32

In Chicago the place called Haymarket they got beds all day for people that need help

Lawrence Pfost
Lawrence Pfost - 02.09.2023 01:12

I lost two brothers and two of my best friend from heroin I got so sick of living that life been clean now I'm 5 years I OD'd over 20 times the last three times my wife save me if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here right now

Lawrence Pfost
Lawrence Pfost - 02.09.2023 01:11

I lost two brothers and two of my best friend from heroin I got so sick of living that life been clean now I'm 5 years

Lawrence Pfost
Lawrence Pfost - 02.09.2023 01:10

I did do for 15 years in Chicago on the westside me my wife met in rehab you been clean 5 years now on on Suboxone

haruno21 - 01.09.2023 02:32

Why people take this :( I'm just sad of the hell they must been living in

Iffy - 31.08.2023 08:09

It is ONLY DEADLIER IF YOU MISUSE IT! Fentanyl saved my life!

tomtriv - 30.08.2023 20:48

How is Ryanair now? How can i help him?? Get me in touch with him please
