Equal rights not extend to artistic vision?
ОтветитьWhos O.D.
ОтветитьAs a Freemason and you think we're evil .I will tell you as a past master of a lodge that we are not. People talk about the higher ups ,If you're not one you don't know. I'm not one but I know the people who are are pillars of my community They are christians, educated ,hard working people.
ОтветитьWeird how they kept this out of history books. Makes you wonder what else they left out.
ОтветитьGreat video, however you got one thing wrong. Freemasonry is not a secret society, it doesn't even have secrets any more - they've all been exposed numerous times from almost the birth of the Grand Lodge in England 300 years ago. Ask Google and it will spill the beans - maybe not as accurately as some would hope, but there is enough points to draw a straight line.
ОтветитьThere is alot of clueless individuals in here
ОтветитьForget me not pin remember brothers. .
ОтветитьIs it available in Hindi?
ОтветитьWe are doing Great
ОтветитьI have family who was free masons, RIP, it’s a real thing and they take it very seriously, you can’t even wear there ring without being a member, they did great things, but mostly only helped within there brother hood, there r some other guilds who did a lot of charity work, my dad would tell me stories on the places they took him, free masons had a lot of connections
ОтветитьBro im so tired of people using this old secret society thing and making up conspiracies for content or to manipulate people towards a certain way or brainwash them
ОтветитьLance Reddick?
ОтветитьIsnt this whats his name from the wire hahahaha
ОтветитьHow can I join this brothehood
ОтветитьWe still have a working Masonic lodge where I live, the Masons are not gone...
ОтветитьY'all dumb so can say anything and it's believed mason rise in the us when did they really fall they didn't
ОтветитьFreemasonry is the worship of Satan.
ОтветитьI didn’t expect to hear Lance Reddick here. RIP OG Commander Zavala
ОтветитьAssertive community control (ACT) Ohio House Bill 33. Freemasons Exposed. Gangstalkers. Human traffickers.
ОтветитьAs a mason, we are doing fine as a fraternity (charitable organization) and we are not a ‘secret society’ …we are a brotherhood with secrets
ОтветитьI know ypus are wayching me and have been for a few years
ОтветитьRemember for sure,
Since creation, Not even the biggest and strongest Empire, did not last for forever, Nor even the rich and famous kingdom also, never lasted for forever., So this proves that, there is one and ""only one kingdom"' which has lasted till today, and this kingdom of Creator God Almighty and jesus christ, will last for forever. That's why try to think deeply and understand the real true meaning of """Alpha and Omega""'.
freemasons are still there more powerful and meticulously organized and they are making their own proceed , the whole world is captured by them .. and the entire clear truth is coming out
ОтветитьBoth sides are masons. They won't stop until we do.
ОтветитьFreemasonry gets its origins from ancient Egypt. Thoth laid the foundation for all other secret societies.
ОтветитьSatanic 🔥 Freemasonry
Ответить'Those who do not use their intelligence are like animals who have no intelligence and are therefore beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent' -Freemason
ОтветитьHow can they be for diversity but owned slaves back then...Doesn't make sense...
ОтветитьMany people don't know that the Freemasonic Lodges date back to pre-ww2... I was lucky enough to visit the island of Malta 3 years ago and saw Masonic symbols in all the arcitecture of Valleta. The island of Malta (and Gozo) has a network of underground tunnels created by the British Templars (and which many Maltesians will tell you to be the creations of Giants) that proves the presence of an elite that was Boots on Ground.
ОтветитьI'm here for background
ОтветитьThe founders of America were Christians . That is why America was formally upholding the Bible in all its institutions. Then the secret societies started their agendas. The doom of free mansons aka illuminati will not delay. God is watching their evil ideologies that are against Him.
ОтветитьThey are all Freemasons and running the world 🌎 And all in important jobs lawyers judges 👨⚖️ and everyone that they are nice old men.
when you want to start your own empire but cant think of a religion to brainwash your peasants with so you invent a "non-religious organization" instead 😂
Freemasons be like:
The rise and fall ??? 2024 America is being ruled by Freemasons more than ever before
ОтветитьMasons worship Jesus Christ
ОтветитьThe masons get ignorant men to join the ungodly organization without telling them, what it believes. It is forbiden for Christians to join. You will lose your soul. Read about it in your library.
ОтветитьBenjamin Banneker (black man) was part of the six man team that designed DC. Was also the first black presidential appointee in the US. Get the facts right…
ОтветитьThe Freemasons currently run most of the "Governments" in Western Countries 🤮
ОтветитьFreemasonry is just another Silly Cult full of Top Level Government and Law Enforcement Personnel which would explain why Western Government have been getting so Corrupt over the last few Decades 🤮
ОтветитьOpen things are better than Hidden agenda .
ОтветитьConspiracies are not good things cause of secrets 😊
ОтветитьEquality justice acceptance is the best rule in history. there is no need for secret societies
ОтветитьWonder who paid for this documentary? Oh right, the Freemasons! Propaganda! They run the world! They lose in the end though!
ОтветитьI prefer Freemasons running the world than Christians. I prefer Enlightment and Freedom than Supersticion and Inquisicion
ОтветитьTrump FTW!